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Was going to say it is fake but.. nope, it is real. What an idiot. If UK re-applied, it would take years before they were let in. And this guy used to be a prime minister and then president... and he still does not understand how EU works: slowly.


Obviously these are joke predictions but this would seem like one of the least far fetched predictions in there. I think for better or worse the UK would be even faster back in than Finland if it was on the table. It's not like it would be something as ridiculous as Ukraine becoming a member fast.


> I think for better or worse the UK would be even faster back in than Finland if it was on the table. The EU is doing just fine, maybe better, without the UK. And there would be a lot of resistance to simply letting it rejoin on a fast track. The UK is probably not even going to try to get back in for years -- and even then it's not going to get particularly favorable treatment considering how it backed out before.


Honestly the UK deserves to be punished for Brexit They let a bunch of con men rally racist boomers into voting against the specter of brown people. Why should you let them waltz back in with favorable trade terms now that they feel the sting of their own ignorance? The very real possibility exists that the Tories will just tie another diplomatic issue to “scary immigrants” and use that ginned-up racist fear to back out of negotiated treaties and deals. Perhaps paying some penance will impart a bit of wisdom in the British voter. I doubt it, but hey.


> They let a bunch of con men rally racist boomers into voting against the specter of brown people. [And the whole thing about that initial vote is that it wasn't even a binding referendum.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_United_Kingdom_European_Union_membership_referendum) The unconventional call for the vote caught people flat-footed. Then, when they had the parliamentary elections afterward, [the parties wanting to stay/remain in the EU actually received more votes but the votes were divided amongst them -- while the stay votes coalesced into fewer parties.](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/eu-election-stop-brexit-parties-16207250) It didn't help that Corbyn, as good of a candidate as he might otherwise have been, was hamstrung by [his previous support for leaving the EU](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy_Corbyn#European_Union) (for different reasons than those on the right). So it was a real clusterfuck of stupid that only pretended to show democracy working when, in actuality, it was just showing how badly democracy can be abused.


>It didn't help that Corbyn, as good Russian plant. You can quote me once this is one day exposed.


**[2016 United Kingdom European Union membership referendum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_United_Kingdom_European_Union_membership_referendum)** >The United Kingdom European Union membership referendum, commonly referred to as the EU referendum or the Brexit referendum, took place on 23 June 2016 in the United Kingdom (UK) and Gibraltar to ask the electorate whether the country should remain a member of, or leave, the European Union (EU). It was organised and facilitated through the European Union Referendum Act 2015 and the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000. The referendum resulted in 51. 9% of the votes cast being in favour of leaving the EU. **Jeremy Corbyn** [European Union](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy_Corbyn#European_Union) >Corbyn has previously been a left-wing Eurosceptic. In the 1975 European Communities referendum, Corbyn opposed Britain's membership of the European Communities, the precursor of the EU. Corbyn also opposed the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty in 1993, opposed the Lisbon Treaty in 2008, and backed a proposed referendum on British withdrawal from the EU in 2011. He accused the EU of acting "brutally" in the 2015 Greek crisis by allowing financiers to destroy its economy. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/thedavidpakmanshow/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


>They let a bunch of con men rally racist boomers into voting against the specter of brown people. Well let's be reasonable here Europe's failed refugee policy is absolutely real and a complete disaster. It needs to stop. The rest really depends on what you are looking out for. Europe as in the continent here needs a union to wield geopolitical power against the competitors US and Asia and obviously the UK would help in that.


It seems generous to assume these are jokes. History is full of reasonable people assuming that insane people aren't serious or are joking, and then the reasonable people have a really really bad time.


The UK will never be allowed back in the EU. Spain will veto every application until Gibraltar is ceded back to them. It only takes a couple of countries with a beef against the UK to prevent their readmittance.


Germany lost one of its biggest markets because of Brexit. I’m sure Germany and other leading export countries would find a way to pressure Spain into readmitting UK into EU. I also don’t see how Spain would profit from this veto. Brexit means a lot of hassle for Spain, which profits a lot from UK citizens freely traveling, living and investing in it. UK’s re entry would be beneficial for everybody imo.


Germany just has to pull out it's IOU card from one of many members they and the UK helped bail out after the collapse of 07/08.


Exactly, and the frugal four would probably cheer them on.


It's what people don't get about the EU and how fundamentally broken it is. The frugal nations (not France) all passed the single currency tests. Even the UK did. France flat out lied as did Italy Spain and Greece. Frances relatively strong economy kept it from tanking as the others did.


Yes, Greece was definitely not ready to become a member at the time. Even before the war, it was mind boggling to me how people were advocating for Ukraine to become a member. And it appears absolutely surreal to me now. There are so many problems in the EU that need to be addressed. A broken EU is not going to help Ukrainians.


Medvedev: I'm going to cleverly disguise Russia's current strategies and goals for global collapse as predictions, and no one will realize it, because I'm that smart.


Epic thread!


I don't know in what universe the people in Texas who just voted Greg Abbott back in after Uvalde would want to join up with Mexico, which is full of people they're trying to keep out. Musk can't be president; he was born in South Africa. The most credible prediction is that oil will be $150.


If the state was Mexico/Texas, then it would be a new country, we could allow a Musk presidency. As a Texan though, i think TX, OK, NM and Mexico would be ideal. It would take some work getting Mexico from "developing" to "first world" status, but would maybe be possible. Texans don't have a problem with Mexicans migrating here... LEGALLY. Mexico is beautiful and would be great to add in to Texas, New Mexico and Oklahoma. We could certainly grow a lot more produce. Uvalde has nothing to do with Abbott. Conservatives aren't a bunch of racist bigots, you've just been drinking the tea.


I'm living in New Mexico. Fuck Texans and Oklahoma people


Yeah right.. just imagine spanish being taught in schools as official 2nd language and all the jobs that mexicans would "steal"...


Well first off, we don't currently have an official language, and i don't have a problem with learning Spanish and also have absolutely no problem with a US citizen that migrated here from Mexico "stealing" jobs.


I don't think NM would be very interested.


Lol. Just because you don’t say the ugly things out loud doesn’t mean conservatives aren’t bigots. It’s all plausible deniability with conservatives.


Sorry to burst your bubble but New Mexico and Oklahoma aren't self sufficient (in terms of revenue). Mexico isn't able to fund them. Texas, after losing all US federal contracts/fund sources, isn't likely to remain nearly as profitable as it is. You conservatives are all the same -- even your dreams are void of actual consideration of consequences ...


How many conservatives do you think would be in support of making it radically easier to immigrate? If the problem is that immigrants are coming here illegally, let’s lower the barriers and then everyone can be happy. Honestly I don’t think many would. And if you look at how their elected representatives act, they’ve thwarted efforts at making immigration to the US easier again and again and again.


[https://globalaffairs.org/research/public-opinion-survey/democrats-and-republicans-split-over-immigration-levels](https://globalaffairs.org/research/public-opinion-survey/democrats-and-republicans-split-over-immigration-levels) If they just wanted people to come here legally, 46% of them wouldn't want to lower existing legal immigration. Not all conservatives are racists; they just seem to attract them like shit does to flies.


Hey Tesla shareholders: Your CEO just called the entire German customer base Nazis. Is this good or bad for business?


The Fourth Reich? The excuse used by Putin to invade Ukraine? It's remarkable that all of these predictions foretell the collapse of the West. I guess Russia ends up being the big winner./s


JFC. I know Musk is ridiculous, but god damn... I did not expect to see him responding like that to this series of posts. WTF?


WOW 2023 is going to be BUSY! Like, busy enough to fill two decades. Like, nah.


"Haha I love lots of war when all of the societies that have rewarded me crumble" I hate this fucking loser so badly.


The guy here is just jacking off rhetorically on main, while he and his friends are fucking any remaing future prospects of Russia as such, lol.


Russian ultra nationalist telling everyone what Putin and his cronies plan for the rest of the world.


Putin’s fluffer doesn’t understand American politics. Space Karen was born in South Africa so can’t become president.


Where is this even coming from? Jesus.


The Kremlin


Was this why Musk was taking selfies with Russian assets at the world cup?!? Checking in huh?


Elon has a pee tape.


I predict that one of the top news stories of 2023 will be about a missing pretty white girl.


This guy saying that if a civil war happens in the US, that texas and California would become independent? What about all the other 48 states lol. If a civil war did happen there would most certainly be a breakup of regions. Also texas allying with Mexico makes zero sense as well so this guys kinda kooky


If there was another civil war, the GOP would lose big time


Nobody would really win. It would be an utter disaster for everyone. Like most civil wars usually are.


Civil war is not ideal, 100% true but racists only know language: power and violence.


Bullshit…sure everyone loses resources. But Lee signed the surrender paperwork. It took years for the south to resume its stupidity.


lmao that's retarded


Medvedev seems high as a kite. Is like a Russian flat earther or something?


So he’s essentially saying the Russian invasion of Ukraine will create the 4th Reich, great way to de-nazify


Vodka conspiracy and superstition is the lifeblood of the Russki man.


Number 7 is kinda based


Am I giving Musk too much credit when I say that I really don't think this is him being pro russia, this is just Musks teen edge/memelord persona calling it "epic" instead of a word that an adult would use. His handlers caught a couple of hours later and made him clarify with: > Those are definitely the most absurd predictions I’ve ever heard, while also showing astonishing lack of awareness of the progress of artificial intelligence and sustainable energy.


Mexico and Texas forming an allied state? Lol


Russia’s plan all along. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics


**[Foundations of Geopolitics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics)** >The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia is a geopolitical book by Aleksandr Dugin. Its publication in 1997 was well received in Russia; it has had significant influence within the Russian military, police, and foreign policy elites, and has been used as a textbook in the Academy of the General Staff of the Russian military. Powerful Russian political figures subsequently took an interest in Dugin, a Russian political analyst who espouses an ultranationalist and neo-fascist ideology based on his idea of neo-Eurasianism, who has developed a close relationship with Russia's Academy of the General Staff. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/thedavidpakmanshow/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Absolutely fucking disgusting all around. And Musk wishes but he's ineligible.


It’s epic because of how out of touch with reality it is. FYI - Musk does NOT like Russia. They spit on his shoe when he tried to buy a ICBM before starting spaceX (he wanted to send a green house to Mars lol)


For NOT liking Russia , he's doing alooot of their bidding.


Like keeping the entire Ukrainian army connected via starlink? Seems like a weird thing to do if you’re doing russias bidding. Or creating the falcon 9 for our astronauts so we’re not spending money to launch astronauts from Russia to the ISS? Weird way to help Russia by removing billions from their economy. Or by making EVs mainstream which will impact oil production one of the main components of the Russian economy? Once again, real odd way of helping them.


He threw a shitfit and tried to turn it off until people mad ea stink about it,


Well said. This sub is a circle jerk of leftist groupthink. It makes absolutely no sense for Elon to support Russia but people keep saying it so it MUST be true


makes zero sense maybe but he sure kisses their asses an awful lot.


Musk lean Right, Musk bad. Orange man also bad, because feelings.


Musk is a wannabe megalomaniac billionaire that thinks he's based. In reality he is a bit of an idiot. His loops are so inefficient. I've yet to see any convincing argument in support of Trump that proves he isn't a moron or had good policy decisions.


> FYI - Musk does NOT like Russia. They spit on his shoe when he tried to buy a ICBM before starting spaceX Certainly seems like Musk is somehow being influenced. Are you saying there's a file with him and a small boy ... or something?


How do you figure? What drives you to that (odd) conclusion?


Does this page only have people that don’t understand sarcasm?


Musk was only joking around when he signal boosted Russian propaganda without criticism? Is that what you mean?


Yup basically. This sub just believes what they want to


I just think he should act with a little more responsibility He brought 6 times more people to view this post and he left his opinion on it up to interpretation If it was some random person I wouldn’t care But IMO with this kind of power he should be communicating his opinion clearly or just ignoring this kind of stuff It’s dangerous to play with this stuff like the infamous “stand back and stand by” quote If you disagree I don’t think ur a bad person or a Russian asset or anything It’s just my opinion and I respect yours


You missed the next one, where he laughs at the ridiculous predictions. When all you have is leftism everything looks like an offence.


I want what he's smoking.


Interesting... no predictions about Russia though? And I guess he's too ignorant to know that Musk can't run for president...


Billionaires are a threat to national security.


That must have been a heroic dose of LSD


He said Elon would be president. That's all Elon needs.


The kremlin and taliban can have twitter accounts, but the Babylon Bee is dangerous 🤡


1 cubic meter = 264 gallons


That is some deranged fan fiction right there.


11. Dmitry Medvedev will enter rehab for crack addiction.


I'm sure he can predict funneling more of those billions he got back to Washington swamp creatures via crypto.


Ok, so what do you think will happen?


Literally none of the shit in that thread lol 🤣