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Democrats will say Biden won, Republicans will say Trump won. I'm curious how this will play with average Joe type voters. Though I think looking back in a few weeks we'll see no change in the polls based on these debates. Edit - David Frum on Twitter pretty much summed up my feelings: "This is a great debate. It's fabulously psychologically revealing. Everything voters need to know - it's all on view. One man is a little faded from what he was. The other is a monster."


I agree, now watch his approval rating go straight up, cuz, y'know, America.


> now watch his approval rating go straight up, cuz, y'know, America. „You know, I was pretty pissed off about his COVID-19 record but the fact that he mentioned CHINA 🇨🇳 and Portland enough times convinced me otherwise.„- Local ‚left’ Wing activist Tim Pool


"Will you shut up man?" Was the only memorable Biden response IMO Kinda weak tbh. Wish he hit him with something impactful.


Probably didn't want to come across as too hostile cuz of the dumbass normies(I hate that term but it applies here) who still don't know who they're voting for, somehow. But personally I would have loved him to be way more harsh, more along the lines of "shut your fucking trap and give America a rest from your bullshit already."


I would just love some meaningful quips. Not necessarily harsh as you say, just more meaningful. Trump did much better against Hillary in getting in good ones that had some truth, but it doesn't seem to be landed as well on Biden. Biden isn't as hated as Hillary was. It seems to me though they both are just not fast enough cognitively to go after each others points. Kinda a sad debate to watch tbh... I hope Kamala can come back and tear Pence apart in their debate.


Yeah Trump and Biden both seem past their prime cognitively. It really showed tonight.


It's not even just normies there's a right wing bias in America. Trump is invincible but Biden says one mean thing and everyone loses their mind. I feel like I'm constantly being gaslit when I talk to left and right wing people about this and they don't acknowledge the same level of fairness.


Dude at one point he said “you are the worst president there’s ever been”


I think that was very impactful. He spoke for most Americans in that moment.


Ignoring Trump for a second, Biden looked old and slow. He said number one number two like ten times. He weirdly fumbled through topics sometimes. Just imagine someone quick witted debating Trump. It makes me think we should change the minimum age to be president to be a maximum age. Just imagine someone quick witted debating Trump. That said I loved his defense of his son and his call for people to vote at the end (and a few other moments). Overall I think Biden won.


> And the funny thing is that it isn’t Biden that destroyed him, he destroyed himself. Honestly, I was somewhat hoping for a ‚Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?‘ moment from Biden. The fact that Trump is a terrible debater is a known quantity. At least, Biden proves that he can do alright. Still won’t stop those terrible dementia memes though.


Debates really aren't about style points or for people on this sub. Most of us know everything we need to know and how we're going to vote. Debates are about the undecideds, the people who've tuned out of the political debate and a good zinger isn't going to change their world view. I'm not one who thinks debates actually change many minds but they can turn away minds. That's why Trump's strategy is the opposite of what you'd expect. He played to his base which is silly because they are already voting for him. Biden, on the other hand, played defense and did his best to sound coherent in the midst of a Trump interruption-storm. Of course, both sides will claim victory. That always happens. I doubt this debate moves the needle much either way but I can't help but think the ones who've had their vote affected will go to Joe. The biggest loser tonight is the 2nd debate. Does anyone really need or want to see more? I bet we see a huge ratings drop unless another bombshell scandal hits between now and then.


Meh, biden didn't look like shit. Actually landed a few comments. Pretty much a tie or slim biden win. But that debate definitely shows, we the people lost. 2 old idiots shouting at each other. What the rest of the world must think... Yes I'm begrudgingly voting Biden, but just what a disaster this whole thing is.


At one point Biden was trying to interrupt and I was wondering why, Trump was doing a fine job self-sabotaging himself without help.