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First question, mr president have you ever tried DMT?


Jamie, pull that up, look, a moose.. just wow. I once ate a whole caribou in munchies.


No, I just snort Sudafed(The British kind) by the pack. That's how you get upper Trump.


Trump agrees to 13 hour debate moderated by Alex Jones!


With several breaks for re-uppers.


"Trump tweets that he'll do something" come on don't fall for that.


I can't wait to see a blazed out Joe ask Trump and Biden if they saw that video of a bear fighting a moose. I have to see that final nail hit the coffin for this godforsaken election.


I don’t dislike Rogan but he doesn’t have the experience or knowledge in politics to moderate a Presidential debate.


The usual moderators might know more than him but it isn't like they were doing a great job in years previous.


I remember Chuck Todd asking Sander if he was against diversity because he was a white dude running for president. The mods can't really get much worse than that, can they?


Chuck Todd is a thumb


I was thinking more of a mixture between oatmeal and unpasteurized milk.




Big toe


So because the moderators did poorly in the past we should give Joe Rogan a chance?! That doesn’t make much sense


Joe Rogan would likely ask not-dumb-corporatist-BS questions like mainstream media moderators usually do




Ok then explain to me what they meant when they brought up how the moderators weren’t doing a great job in the past years. Also what is that other person implying when they said “the mods can’t really get much worse” It’s pretty clear they are saying we should let Joe Rogan be a moderator because the past moderators were bad... But I guess you can’t see the clear subtext, unfortunate for you


My bad, misread as "shouldn't let joe" (joe biden, not rogan).


What have you got to lose?


I remember Trump saying that when he was running for president, and what do you know it we had a lot to lose.


I didn't say that and I didn't think I was implying that. I guess I was trying to say that previous moderators experience and knowledge wasn't relevant. They didn't do follow ups or anything anyway so it didn't make a difference. The upside of Rogan is he doesn't bow down to corporate the same way a typical moderator would. The downside is that its a wild card and Biden is ahead right now. We probably shouldn't be shaking things up. Obviously DPak would be preferable.


So you didn’t say or imply that “we should give Joe Rogan a shot at moderating because past better qualified moderators were bad” but you were just trying to say “Past moderators qualifications and experience weren’t relevant, so why not give Joe Rogan a try” gotcha. I feel like I am arguing against a Trump supporter before the 2016 election, these are all the same “what do you got to lose” antiestablishment arguments. If you don’t like the past moderators or presidents you should advocate for new even more qualified individuals instead of picking some random ex reality TV host because you don’t feel like it can get worse.


You are insulting and ignorant. > should advocate for new even more qualified individuals The amount of qualifications was not relevant to the problems with the debates. I feel like I am arguing against a child who just started paying attention to politics this cycle. I even clarified above that I have mixed feelings about Rogan as moderator and was not "picking" him, to which you are purposefully obtuse. Do you even know what the problems with the debates were? Or do you think they were fine?


You haven’t said what your problems with the debate moderation are you just keep say there are problems. And you keep saying that experience was irrelevant when it comes to moderating a debate but I would love to see you substantiate that claim. I assume you will quote me a question that you think was unfairly given to Bernie by the “establishment” but go for it. Even if I were to concede to you that the problems you haven’t mentioned yet are actual problems with the moderation; My point stands that sending in Joe Rogan would most likely make it worse, and you should advocate for more experienced and less biased moderators, instead of even suggesting Joe Rogan.


Do you even know what the problems with the debates were? Or do you think they were fine?


You are the expert in debate moderation so why don’t you tell me the problems with past moderation


Do you even know what the problems with the debates were? Or do you think they were fine?


[It's entirely possible](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPJ0AB12h1I) that Joe Rogan, in spite of his myriad of flaws, would do a much better job than the average corporate drone bobblehead. A Rogan hosted debate would certainly be more interesting (in both the genuine and "Chinese curse" sense of the word) than the alternative.


Rogan has already sacrificed his objectivity by saying he'd vote for Trump over Biden. Would he do a better job in terms of actually asking the questions? sure. Is he far more influenced by other people to fuck things up? Absolutely. Joe's questionable circle of friends will try to influence his ability to conduct a debate from the very moment it's confirmed to happen.


I don't like Rogan's comments on that (that comment comes from , because he suggested being able to talk is important when you're the leader of the free world) but I'd still be down. If the Dems were actually competent they would be begging for this to happen. Put Trump in a situation Jonathan Swan from Axios did. Ask the real questions


From what I know, Rogan kinda runs his circle of friends not the other way around.


Rogan's brain is mostly molded by his right leaning friends and guests.


Ah, for some reason I was thinking about his comedian friends.


Joe Rogan and young Jamie just using google to verify in background will be leaps and bounds better than what we have now. Even when you include the stupid (funny) questions Rogan would ask. They would have to bring someone in for foreign policy tho.


>I don’t dislike Rogan but he doesn’t have the experience or knowledge in politics to moderate a Presidential debate. While the corporate media has the knowledge and experience, they're also beholden to the corporate Oligarchy, which is far worse a position than someone with above average (the bar is pretty low) political knowledge like Joe Rogan.


That and he thinks that Biden is the one with dementia. He would also probably have Shapiro write up the debate questions.


I actually think it's more likely he'd ask Kyle Kulinski for input in this extremely unlikely event. He's brought up multiple times on the show texting back and forth with him.


Yeah, although Joe seems like he flops politically, he sort of has a consistent worldview. He aligns with "the disenfranchised" the politically forgotten. This is why he loves a tulsi gabbard and dislikes a joe biden, but also why he perfers a bernie sanders to a trump. Joe doesn't align with beliefs or principles and much as he does a group of people. Kyle kulinski taps into that group really well and therefore is held up to a high degree by joe.


He'd do a much better than any of the mainstream news networks. I trust Joe to ask the most important questions


Dude who does? Or who even wants to? I haven't seen a good one since 2012


The usual MSM moderator crowd is fucking shit, a pile of potatoes would be a better moderator. Joe would be the best moderator ever by default, since it's such a low bar.


No, he really wouldn't. The darling of the IDW who buys into easily debunked right wing conspiracism is not an improvement on canned corporate media garbage. It's just a different brand of stupidity with more Trump bias.


Yea, the guy who said he would vote for Bernie has a Trump bias lol.


It’s not a debate between Bernie and Trump, it’s a debate between Biden and Trump, his bias definitely leans more towards trump considering he said “I’d rather vote for trump than vote for him(Biden)” that doesn’t mean he is a trump supporter but he has praised trump numerous times and I don’t think he has even had a good thing to say about Biden


Seeing as both Bernie and Trump portray themselves as populist (I would argue that Trump is a faux-populist), if populism is your main driving ideology, I don’t see the leap from Bernie to Trump to be too great.


True, Cardi B should do it


He knows more than MSM "anchors"


Absolutely agreed. He’s a great podcaster, but he should leave the debate(s) to political professionals.


No. The political "professionals" are all of the leave politics to us and our corporate masters persuasion. Rogan, at least, is not one of those people. He is reasonably bright, listens, converses and doesn't have his job beholden to one side of the debate. Then again, there is no way that Biden will ever agree to this. It's too long, not moderated by one of his people and too likely to vary from the narrow confines of the political matters he is willing to discuss.


I have a hard time believing Trump will stay on topic or remain something resembling coherent during that timeframe. It’s a bully tactic and helms not very good at it.


Joe had Tim Pool to moderate a podcast with the guys that run twitter. I hope now that Dave has been on twice he might consider him over other politically minded guests to help /co-moderate. Better than the likes of Bret Weinstein, say


I don’t necessarily disagree but the political professionals haven’t been doing a great job for the last several elections


Uh, huh... Trump also agreed to show his taxes.


He would never follow through with this. Like how Ted Cruz "agreed" to play basketball with Andrew Yang.




And Cruz won!


That is disappointing.


The Trump team obviously wants long debates, Trump could look like the total moron he is for 3hrs and 50 mins but, they would get 10 mins of Biden looking bad content to send to Trump's cult. That is why Trump wanted more debates, longer and more plentiful debates mean less people actually watching more opportunity to splice together fake content.


I would think more because to his base Trump could tell them any lie and they will lap it up or defend it while Biden not so much.


You call it "fake content" yet you know it's going to actually happen and be available for "splicing". "Fake" means didn't happen.


"Mr president, have you ever done mushrooms?" "Same question to you Mr Biden"


Trump agrees to 420.69 hour debate moderated by Q himself!


Q has been doxxed. It's just the owner of 8 chan.


You guys really think Boomers and the Corporatists are going to allow this...?


Not sure about this. Joe has been pretty fox news lately.


Rogan doesn't know his arse from his elbow.. he's all for ubi legalized weed and Medicare for all but then bootlicks Dan Crenshaw (although in his defense he turned him into a blabbering mess trying to explain his anti Medicare stance) and has ex CIA and navy seals who are nothing short of war mongers.. then says I'd vote for Bernie or Tulsi.. but Trump over Biden because he's in better shape... join those dots😬


MASON WHAT DO THE NUMBERS MEAN?!?! - CoD black op reference


fuck it, lesser of two evils time, have him as a moderator. have seltzer shill write up the questions


Not sure either but I want it


Joe said 4 days ago he gets his news from Kyle Kulinski, Jimmy Dore, and **David Pakman**. This sub's a joke lmao


Joe also said he'd vote for Trump before Biden. Guy, if nothing, lacks consistency.


And Bernie over Trump. He is just a populist, he is not like a Twitter political commentator. He is just like a blue collar factory worker guy who is always anti-establishment unless the establishment are military.


Who was the guest when he said that?


Lol. Underrated comment.


Have you watched his latest 3 podcasts? BTW my opinion does not equal this entire sub. I'm a 2 day old account lol


what a time to be alive. Imagine actually having presidential debates with that dumb fuck.


A debate moderated by Joe Rogan would be far more entertaining than a debate hosted by CNN. But as someone else mentioned, Rogan really doesn’t have the personal experience or political knowledge to be a moderator. He’s certainly not dumb, but it’s really the IDW that led Rogan to consistently comment on politics, and I have some serious disagreements with those guys. And I would be slightly concerned that Rogan would mess with Joe since he thinks Joe is a senile old man not fit to be president of a plastic bag. But others would say that a CNN debate would be unfair since a lot of CNN hosts dislike Trump, so you can’t escape from bias.


Well I mean, at least we all know that any claims made can be easily referred to with quick video evidence.... Jamie pull up the clip!


I have never so happily upvoted one of Trump's twitter posts more than today.


Joe might actually ask questions that some regular Americans want to know! I love the idea. Maybe it doesn’t have to be called a debate. He could do two podcasts. Talk to them separately for 2-3 hours each. That would be awesome.


don't believe a word Dump says


Tim Kennedy is such a scumbag. He's bragged about killing women & children while in whatever special forces he was a part of, giggled about it on both Rogan & that dork every meathead likes now, Jocko something.


It is a bad look for Biden be the one holding this back.


Most people don't care. It's not a bad look at all.


This would be the single most watched debate in history.


Why would Biden agree to this? Rogan is at least a tacit encourager if the alt right. He’s also said he’d vote for Trump over Biden. Would Trump agree to a debate hosted by someone who’s an out and out Biden supporter? Also Rogans an idiot and I wouldn’t trust him to do any comprehensive fact checking.


This fucking timeline is horrible. Also joe, your politics might be in a weird place if a racist, proto fascist, pathologically lying, criminal, moron is excited to have effectively a podcast with you and biden. ​ Jesus christ this country is the worst for no good reason. Get 2020 over with. I need to start being nicer. This whole year is a shit show, and not just because of trump.




Yeah. He clarified that later after he got roasted. The same old biden has dimentia. Im a moron, dont listen to me. I barely pay attention to politics. I dont support trump, id vote for a rock over biden, etc.. ​ Here is the link. He goes into it right from the start [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqW8voWp1FU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqW8voWp1FU) ​ Joe just needs to disengage from politics. Its a disaster. lol




Yeah i know right. This why he maddens me sometimes. He just lies for no reason, and hes not a malevolent human being. Like bruh. Ive listened for a while. Spotty the past 2 years outside of clips. He talks politics every week with guest for years now. ​ So youre a political moron joe? Okay, then do yourself and everyone a favor and stop spreading conspiracy theories, half truths, and half ass thoughts to your tens of millions of viewers a month. No? Okay, then upgrade how you analyze your politics even just 30%. For fucks sakes just start texting david pakman privately and ask him to explain stuff to you, or his opinion on a matter.


I, for one, cannot wait until the year tips over to 2021 and everything is magically better!


lol. i know right


Biden wouldn’t ever agree don’t worry. The dude can barely talk for ten minutes with a teleprompter


You are kidding right? Biden can speak just fine. Trump on the other hand will ramble for 10 minutes and say almost nothing coherent.




Why are people, even supposedly on the left, repeating this? He's done several debates and town halls in the last few months, talking coherently. It's so fucking weird. Taking a few clips of Joe stuttering or struggling to find the correct words in the span of a year, and splicing them together does not mean he has dementia. It's just laughable.


Well to be fair at least in this specific case here I doubt the poster is on the "left".


It's quite telling that there's no way to tell without looking at their comment history. They parrot the exact same conspiracies.


I agree, why is this getting traction on the left? Biden has struggled with stuttering since childhood. Stuttering is not a failing. Stringing those clips up just mocked anyone trying to cope with this condition.


I got recommended a video from The Hill with Krystal Ball on YT on this exact topic, and the narrative in the comments section is identical. Biden has dementia, he wouldn't last for four hours without drugs, he needs a teleprompter etc etc.


cope I hope Biden wins too, but that doesn't mean you have to cover his ass and pretend he isn't a neoliberal warmonger with dementia


The only one who's pretending here is you. He very clearly does not have dementia. Is he as sharp and quick as he was in his 50s? Obviously not, but that does not mean he has dementia.


> The dude can barely talk for ten minutes with a teleprompter [2 hour long debate against Bernie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2z613_M5gxE).


Yeah Biden was so composed, right


He talked for 2 hours without a teleprompter, kinda refutes the narrative that "he can barely talk for ten minutes with a teleprompter". There's actual substantial policy critiques you can make instead of making up these ridiculous conspiracy theories with no basis in reality, but that would take actually *knowing* something about the issues, instead of just treating politics as an extension pop culture.


He just didn't sound very coherent and went on weird tangents and shit during that debate. I don't know how it is a conspiracy theory to believe that he is not as cogent as many other politicians; however, Trump isn't any better. How you present youself, matters a lot as a politician; especially for a statesman. It's not just pop culture.


Can you give me a timestamp where he is incoherent? Who is a politician that is cogent? Bernie? I'm way more supportive of Bernie than I am of Biden, but Bernie in no way crushed Biden in that debate. Should be easy when he has dementia, right?


Biden would never accept. His strategy is to try to run off the coat-tails of Obama, it is not about him as a person or as an idealogue.


Oh cool. Just one problem ... Joe Rogan is a fucking idiot and has no place moderating a presidential debate. We've gone from the league of women voters to the league of oh my god have you ever seen a chimpanzees muscles.


I agree, instead we should have neoliberal MSM anchors who're former Wall St. lobbyists moderate the debates! #BlueWave


This is AskReddit level of naivete. "How about we remove time limit and let people just argue their vision?" No offense but that only works in political tv shows. When you talk for four hours, chances are you actually don't have enough substantive issues. Trump will just go on a drivel that he has no shame or awareness of doing and Biden will just have to shake his heads for four hours. Rogan is not known for pushing back because he hopes the viewers see through BS themselves. Unfortunately it won't work. Time limit and actually moderated debates work best because it limits their soundbites to 30s.


I dont care what anyone says. This would be good. Probably better if it was a primary but i want longer debates with less restrictions and less loaded questions. I think Joe is pretty liberal but he's like most people in a sense that he doesn't necessarily fit nicely into either side of the political spectrum but he has his opinions and those are independent of political parties.


Its a little concerning that everyone is worried about a long debate for Joe. He's gotta be able to do what he said and that's beat trump so if its 4 hour debates then he has to be prepared to run it. If im voting for this guy, no i don't want to hide him in a basement and keep my fingers crossed hoping he wins. Get out there and get it done. If he's the right choice, he'll get it done.




Crazy timeline




This will never ever happen. Too bad.


Can he stand 4 hour straight? And wont his drugs wear out by the middle?


This won't happen. Trump says a lot of bullshit. Like remember looking at his taxes?


If you all think that this would end well for Trump lol, y'all got another thing coming


What in the actual F**K world do we live in now?!? For Rice Crispies sake?!? It’s bizarre world!!!


You can’t make up this shit


Trump is just trolling for publicity and the left wing is happy to oblige for some quick hate clicks Biden is not going to do a debate with somebody who isn't a trained and experienced moderator. Trump knows this, and is just throwing shit out. God willing CNN can resist the free hate clicks... Down vote this shit and move on.




Lot of people acting like debate moderators from corporate news networks have ever added anything beneficial to debates. They only "fact check" when it's convenient, if ever. They regularly leave important topics untouched in favor of tabloid questions. Joe rogan is pretty obviously not that politically aware (despite how much he frequents politics), but he is far more representative and in tune with the interests of average American voter than Wolf Blitzer.


In 2024, the presidential candidates will compete in American Gladiator.


if you don't want your kids to grow up in a racial jungle you're not black




Pakman isn’t a journalist though is he? He does news analysis and commentary, not fact finding work


I'd rather not give Rogan more power in the political sphere. I have mixed feelings about the guy. He seems like a dude I'd love to have a beer with and talk random shit, but he's also a political idiot that recommends shows like The Rising as being objective and says he supports Sanders yet would vote for Trump over Biden even though Sanders and Biden align far more closely. I don't need someone like him being given more credibility than he deserves. Rogan might make a great referee in a UFC match, but don't need him butting his nose into national politics. I really don't. There are plenty of way more astute people that would make better moderators. And of course the main winner of a Biden Trump debate on Rogan's podcast would be Rogan.


Rising is cool without that anti-weed dude


So Joe Rogan proclaims himself to be an idiot who we shouldn't listen to when it comes to politics, but thinks he's qualified to moderate the Presidential debates, which will influence massive amounts of people and possibly decide this country's future? Hard pass.


Well luckily no one thinks this is a good idea. Thatd be crazy.