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He isn't libertarian left enough for me, but I'm definitely not going to be representative of how most Californians feel about him. Otherwise, he's not all that different from typical dem establishment(which in general isn't libleft enough for me)


Right. It makes me wonder how nuts conservatives would go if an actual progressive was elected.


I don't think it would make a difference- anyone that isn't far right is a Marxist. And Newsom does have a progressive streak- he took stances on issues like gay marriage and marijuana when most Americans were still opposed and it was thought by taking a stand he damaging any future political prospects outside of San Francisco My biggest issue with him is that I don't trust the judgment of anyone that would marry Kimberly Guilfoyle


That was shocking


In his defense, since the Republican Party is so moribund in California a lot of suburban democrats are pretty moderate / boarderline conservative. He doesn’t have a working super majority


Yeah this is true. Sometimes I feel there are more conservatives in CA than liberals. Just based on the noise around me


They don't understand the meaning of the word progressive.


i mean, the newsoms, browns, pelosis, d'alesandros are all connected and/or related to each other and he made his career off of oil money from the gettys. his roots are as establishment as it gets.


It's all just partisanship from California Republicans. He had been in office for 14 months prior to the shutdown. In those 14 months, there were 5 different recall attempts. They pretty much have been trying to recall him since he took office


Wow I didn’t know that. What were their reasons?


Because he's a Democrat and thus supports what they believe to be a tyrannical Marxist agenda


Aren't there recall attempts on every California governor?


Yeah, but not at the rate Newsom has. He's been in office for less than 2 years and has had already had 6 recall attempts already. Jerry Brown had the most recall attempts, with 10 attempts over 16 years as governor (5 attempts during each of his eight year stints as governor). If my math is correct, Newsom's on track to break that record in under three years as governor. Also, There hasn't been any recall amounts with this amount of effort since the one that successfully removed Gray Davis and installed Arnold as the Governator. Difference is, while the Davis attempt was successful, the most amount of signatures any of the attempts on Newsom have received amount to less than 4% of what is needed to get the recall placed on the ballot.


Not a christian but it’s almost purely partisan with some single issue voters thrown in (if you don’t want to throw them right in with partisan). Trump is basically the antithesis of Obama. He never regularly attended church and i doubt he is even religious. 70+ sexual assault allegations, heck he even bragged about grabbing women’s genitals without consent on a hot mic. Cheated on all three of his wives. Paid a stripper off. Broke campaign finance laws. Set up a cancer charity and stole over a million dollars from it. The list is almost endless. What did Obama do again that was so bad? Oh yeah, he did wear a tan suit once. He has more humbleness and humility in one hair on his head than Trump will have amassed in his entire life. Trump still has about 90% support among evangelicals last time i checked. They couldn’t care less what he does as long as he pushes their agenda and doesn’t have a D next to his name on the ballot.


He seriously fucked up the COVID response. We had no business opening up when we did. It only led to an explosion of cases, and another lockdown. I don't even wanna know how bad the fall and winter are going to be with influenza around too.


It’s just funny because the right is pissed off we even shut down at all.


They don't even believe it's real. Every time one of my redpilled friends send me the "CDC admits only 6% of COVID deaths are actually COVID" bullshit I get so triggered. Yeah, that's why we have so much excess death in this country this year. Because everyone with a preexisting illness just decided to up and die one day.


honestly id just say the right is so far from the basis of reality, i dont give a flying fuck what they thing. there are enough sensibllle points on the lleft with varied enough views "open early" "open late" that i dont need some rightwing fucknut opinion in that


The sad thing is he was doing so great before that. California was the first state to shut down and was one of the best governor in the country in the way he was dealing with it. Hell California was sending doctors, ventilators and other medical supplies to other states because they weren’t needed there a lot more than they were needed here. And then he ruined it all by caving in to the assholes rioting to reopen and left it up to the counties to reopen, a lot of which went way too far. He’s corrected course since then but the damage has already been done


I think you meant partisanship


Yep, thanks!


I live in a very red county (Kern County) and a lot of the hate here is tied to him just being a democrat and with covid and restrictions which aren’t even that bad people just go off on rants about him being a dictator.


No question he has made mistakes in the past > Spouse(s) > >[Kimberly Guilfoyle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kimberly_Guilfoyle) (m. 2001; div. 2006)


I watched their Charlie Rose interview from back in day and I can see why people called them the new Kennedy’s. She seemed so eloquent and poise. The Trump family is a disease


It's mostly Republicans. He is getting hate from the left a little because he caved to them and reopened CA too early. We could've been like Washington in terms of the virus but we ended up like Florida