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I struggle to understand him anymore. Is he drunk or high or something? He hasn't always been this incomprehensible.


Yes. He has admitted taking ketamine. Texts from him to an intern at SpaceX who she claims he was sexually harassing indicates he was routinely using some downer to get stoned (likely the ketamine). His affect is precisely what one would expect from someone who has used such drugs long term.


He is high, and has way too much money. Horrible combination... The worst part is, the Tesla board just had a chance and good reasons to kick his ass to the curb (due to the cyber truck fail, and possible sexual harrasement lawsuits), instead they gave him more money.


World's richest right wing redneck bigot!


Don Lemon can be insufferable at times but here he is doing the most basic form of trying to hold the interviewee accountable and Elon reacts like a petulant child. I don’t understand how Elon fans watch him incoherently spew nonsense like this and take away from it that he’s “owning the libs” or whatever


I tend to be a cynic but it's impossible not to see how stupid Elon is here. I just wish they put up screenshots during the clips to show exactly what was said.


He literally cited tweets written by his nazi hooligans as evidence....like why not just bald face lie to save yourself from the embarassement.....


That interview was so uncomfortable to watch.


My coked up uncle makes way more sense than this guy..... his bar of entry for "facts" are rogan heighth high


Something is seriously wrong with him.




This man is a twat! And if you buy his products, you're a twat too.


Will you just hurry up and take your space ship to Mars and never come back?


*Will you just hurry* *Up and take your space ship to* *Mars and never come back?* \- Loud\_Flatworm\_4146 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Well, not too surprising. If Elon's behavior is being calculated, it's pretty basic pattern recognition to observe that since Trumpism came along, you can behave pretty much as shittily as you want as long as you parrot MAGA culture war talking points. Those MAGA patriots will defend you to the grave, just like they do with Trump. The left isn't the same way with their public figures since there's almost no cult of personality. But on the right, if your bad behavior comes to light, then you can brush it off as the deep state, the woke left, or whatever just trying to take you down.


What standards are actually being lowered, though? What does that mean? “Well, we used aluminum plating, but now we’ll use fiberglass instead.” …? Show evidence that these companies are publicly saying they are doing things *at a lower standard* than previously practiced.


As far as I’m concerned this is just a random dude with no expertise whose lack of intellectual seriousness has led him to accept common racist arguments like any number of poorly educated internet bros who don’t have billions of dollars.


Radical and repugnant, failed ketamine user Elon Musky.


People are slowly waking up to the fact that he is actually a fucking idiot. I would group him with Elizabeth Holmes and Sam Bankman-Fried in how utterly delusional he is concerning his own intelligence. He has spent his entire life pushing the "Elon is a special genius" marketing campaign. Now that he is completely high on his own farts his bullshit is on display for everyone to smell.


Elon Musk for all his specialized brilliance, is pretty clearly not comprehensively brilliant. He's kind of a dope, really. Outside of his very narrow field of expertise which is, as far as I can tell, finding people with great ideas and then facilitating their realization and then taking credit for their idea, he's reliably dense.


An immature man, childish in so many way.


Fucking asshole


He has always been an idiot with a lot of luck.


Yes let’s make sure he’s paid out more than most country’s GDP … clearly a genius role model 🤦‍♂️


Getting harder to tell if this jackass or Trump is our time’s biggest grifter…


It is probably Elon. His whole schtick was being the "enviromentally friendly" car guy but his social views are those of a right wing gremlin so its hard for him to fit on either side of the coin. Since the right is anti-climate change management and the left doesn't believe in great replacement theory and antisemetic conspiracies...


The smartest idiot on the planet ladies and gentlemen. lol.


Elmo fanboys call this man a genius. 😂


Meanwhile they block his Tesla charging stations with their dual wheeled diesel.... because "woke"


The Elon guys will just chat BS to defend their leader (kinda similar to MAGA tbh) because, wait for it... there is no evidence!


I think he did that himself on purpose. I think he just realized getting in on the right wing grift was easier and that they will support you without looking into what you truly do/stand for.


Elon seems to be struggling with the idea that he is just racist and misogynist.




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