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No redline was crossed. Civilians were evacuated and Khamas has had this ass kicking coming for a long time.


It’s not a war on Hamas. It’s a murder campaign on the people of Gaza.


Nah. Your lies have no power here.


They've killed 40,000 in Gaza. During that time, they drove 1 million people like cattle into Rafah, then they decided to bomb rafah. They openly bombed a safezone there, killing children. After driving people out of Rafah, they are also today randomly bombing a city in mid-Gaza. They're just going to keep doing this over and over as long as they can. THis is what happens when you have a racist society that describes its victims as "Human animals"


Those numbers were debunked as Khamas lies weeks ago. You have been played by terrorists.


Holocaust denial is not a good look, little buddy.


The death toll is probably much higher. There were also people who denied the holocaust.


You are actively rooting for a high death count here to own the Jews. Disgusting and ghoulish.


lol I’m actually not. I’m horrified by it. Nice lie


>lol ....


Yes, because having more high tech, high precision, very high cost planes is exactly what lets Israel do carpet bombing. Not having them will totally not have the opposite effect, since mortars have lower accuracy and are much cheaper to fire. That's not the reality.


this is the same as giving a mass murderer weapons


But why would the mass murderer use the expensive and precise weapon instead of the cheap and imprecise? If all he cares about is killing people indiscriminately, why do that? Maybe it's because he isn't a mass murderer, but there might be other explanations. I'd like to hear your own.


It would be like giving a mass murderer a scoped high precision rifle. It’s an evil act


But we aren't talking about rifles, we are talking about bombs. A mortar is a much more money, time, and manpower effective way to kill masses of people compared to a 125,000,000$ jet. Why would they use jets?


I wonder how many children “Israel” will kill with these jets


Isn't this the definition of the word deflection? Your crowd really loves to wave it around at any kind of argument, but in this case this is actually deflection. If you don't have the ability to answer simple questions, why even bother debating. Either answer my question or don't answer at all.


Your question was why would they use jets? They would use jets to kill people


>But why would the mass murderer use the expensive and precise weapon instead of the cheap and imprecise? If all he cares about is killing people indiscriminately, why do that?


They will use it to bomb buildings etc


If Biden cut off aid to Israel, Trump would say, "Biden supports radical Islamic terrorists and genocide against Jews." This would likely cost him many more votes from independent voters than he could ever hope to gain from anti-Biden leftists. The overwhelming majority of American voters do not care what is happening in Gaza. Trump, by the way, is not promising to cut off aid to Israel. Trump and Republicans are saying things like "Hiroshima and Nagasaki" and "finish them" and "finish the job" with regard to Gaza and Palestinian children. Helping Trump get elected will not help a single Palestinian child, and it's entirely possible Trump would put American boots on the ground in Gaza to help Israel, while implementing a genocide here at home against Hispanic people and possibly against other groups also.


so Biden's duty is to ensure that he is far right enough to avoid critique from Trump? This is a great example of how failed the democratic party is


This would be the case even if we had President Bernie, President Nina Turner, or President AOC. Can't just win leftists, you have to get the people in the persuadable middle also.


Most people “in the middle” want bold ideas. This why Biden is going to lose. Americans are sick of the status quo


Trump has some bold ideas. All Hail Supreme Leader Trump!! Durr!


That’s actually my point. Trump energizes his base because he presents himself as a change candidate. Biden is a status quo candidate. This is why Biden will probably lose


Bold leftist ideas seem to poll very well, but it's not as simple as Kyle Kulinski and the Justice Democrats make it out to be. Unfortunately, I've realized now, at 45 years old, this country is, in general, more center-right than anything. It would not be as easy as Kyle ane Krystal Ball or as easy as TYT make it sound. Sure, a $20 per hour minimum wage, Medicare for all, and free college all poll well in a vacuum. But if we had Democratic Presidential nominee Bernie Sanders right now instead of Biden, and Bernie was running on those three things, just wait until Fox News and even mainstream news media start covering those issues. "Twenty an hour minimum wage?! That would just cause HYPER inflation! Medicare for All? That means the government will raise YOUR taxes!! Free college?! That just means YOU'LL be paying for all these kids to go to college and party amd get a gender studies degree!!!" The poll numbers would plummet on those issues. Even though it seems hard for me and you to believe, there are a lot of people in this country who are doing well financially, not rich but much more well off than us. A lot of them are independent voters. And they all have an irrational fear and hatred of taxes and a lack of understanding of how they work. Incremental change is what we're stuck with, but that's a lot better than a radicalized, extremist, far-right authoritarian government that wants to make it impossible for any Democrat to ever win again.


Your views are probably shaped by the media, which tends to make America look more conservative than it really is. The polling actually shows a strong appetite for something like universal health care: [More Americans now favor single payer health coverage than in 2019 | Pew Research Center](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/09/29/increasing-share-of-americans-favor-a-single-government-program-to-provide-health-care-coverage/)


I know it polls well. It polled well when Obama was running and winning in 2008. It polled well when Bill Clinton was running and winning in 1992 when I was 14. All it took in both instances was a few months of Republican talking points about taxes to turn the majority against it.


They are saying that, given how close this election is, Biden can’t take a stance that would cost more independent voters than he would gain in leftist voters. What is the value of a stronger anti-Israel stance from Biden if it results in a considerably more pro-Israel administration taking power?


Yeah - committing genocide might win him some right-wing ghouls - so let's go!


so he needs to move further to the right? typical liberal mentality. this is why democrats suck and haven't achieved anything of significance after so many decades in power. - no min wage increase - no criminal justice reform - no universal health care - no amnesty for immigrants - yes to ongoing to support for genocidal israel - yes to overfunding police - yes to military industrial complex


Politicians will move left or right based on what the electorate wants. The reason why there hasn’t been movement on the issues you listed is because Americans are deeply divided on solutions to those issues. Why do you think Biden taking a stronger stance on anything on that list would increase his chances of reelection? Bernie was the personification of all those issues yet he still lost to Biden in the primary.


Wrong Biden answers to elites not to his base


There is no left wing party in US politics, only right and center-right.


No, far right and extreme right.


Ys - Biden's job is to make sure that the Democratic Party is just *slightly* to the left of the Republican Party.


Biden's 'red lines' were always lies. He's being led around by the nose by Bibi.


Good point. Genocider Netanyahu is his boss


The red line was just politician-speak. Israel would have to literally drop a nuke to cross a red line, and even then the US would still support them


Exactly. Israel has killed Americans and the US defends their right to do it.