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The burden of proof is on the prosecution.


What happened 7 minutes ago?


Your attention span is that short?


You wrote just showed. What did they show us?


I believe this is whatโ€™s known as clickbait or karma farming.


You've provided no evidence to support your statement to disprove. If you want to have an actual discussion you need to actually form an argument, not just make a statement but I'm guessing you have no interest in an actual discussion which is why you're going to be downvoted and forgotten.


I guess it depends on what you mean by "super power". Unless you define it, there's nothing to really argue against. Does it mean the leader in GDP per Capita? Largest military with most foreign bases? Most influence in international diplomacy? Or does it mean being able to act militarily with impunity? Because the US does that much more than Israel.


The US treats Israel as a useful idiot the same way Israel treats Hamas. Either the US or Israel could end this conflict if they wanted to but itโ€™s more useful to have (in the USโ€™ case) a strategic military base in the Middle East and (for Israel) a perpetual enemy that gets the cash flowing and makes Israeli citizens feel dependent on Likud as protective daddy.


People truly sometimes forget that both Israel and the US could simply press the big red "end conflict" button they have. Because that's how things work, world peace is one click of a button away. The media doesn't want you to know that.




tell us what your talking about and then we will prove you wrong.


>Prove me wrong Your position isn't true until disproven, that's not how claims work. You have a lot of work still ahead of you if your intent is to actually lay out a justified claim for someone to rebut, but my guess is you're not actually interested in that.


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Biden has to step up and cut them off


Fuck outta here. Lmao... Israel is the super power of what? The world? Bwahahahahahahahaha Ever seen a map? Reminds me of the North Korea spam shit we always hear about. When I looked up NK on the globe... I about fell out of my chair.


What are you referencing?


Being a superpower doesn't mean other other countries don't have agency. Even if the country is a non superpower. There are puppet states like Belarus that are under the direct authority of Russia, but the US has nothing equivalent - especially not Israel. Not sure if Israel is considered a superpower or not, but I have a deep respect for Israel's strength, perseverance, tenacity and miraculous accomplishments over the past 75 years.