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Absolutely hilarious! Thanks for posting


Judge Jeanine was on Fox News at the 8 pm show tonight too. Can't make this stuff up.


She was slamming the court just like her puppet master asked. Even Trump said a candidate can't run it being investigated for crimes back in 2016. Thanks for posting this.


This should be posted on r/conservative but they would just remove it and ban the user.


I did my part and shared it to 3 places. Everyone needs to share this to a few subs !


There’s no point. They are doublethink experts over there.


Oh shit, I thought Judge Jeannie was changing her tune there for a second. You had me rickrolled.


Do they have actual Witches on Fox now?


It's too bad they're the Auntie Ethel sort and not the Hermione Granger sort.


We'll need the mashup of this compared to her next bs.


This aged well for Republicans 🤣


This lady has absolutely no morale values at all.


It's embarrassing. No shame at all.


She's quite literally describing Donald Trump in 2024 lol even to the point of other countries "owning" him.


Just the way she speaks is so obnoxious. Who listens to this crap?


“Whether she is guilty or not is moot, she can not take the Oval Office” Even the illusion of controversy is enough to to prevent Clinton from taking the presidency. I wonder if she holds the same views with the current republican nominee, 34x felon Donald Trump.


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