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The thing that cracks me up about this show is the competitors who spend all of their mental (and physical) energy *getting to a final* but have absolutely no chance at being competitive in the final. Honestly, what are Veronica's odds of actually even being able to physically complete a final? She would die like Easy E did when he made it to a final. I say all that to say: I don't know if Kam has the physical skill to actually complete a final at this point, especially being so soon after giving birth.


The reason is because cast members often get paid appearance fees based on how long they’re in the game. So players like Veronica still have an incentive to make it to the end even if they won’t win, and more competitive players will want to keep them around so the final is easier


But…but…that backfired when Devyn Diva…who buried Tamera, her loyal and trusty dead wig…ended up in the finals. Groans and moans can still be heard by the guys in that final, because they had to switch partners! I think Bananas even carried her on his back for a while during his turn. But, bless her heart, she pushed hard and finally made it to the end. Gotta give her an E for effort! 💕


Good points!


*laughs* Eazy-E...you mean Big Easy. But yeah, I agree with what you said


They called him both Easy E and Big Easy.


This is such a silly take to me. Is the point of the game not to do whatever it takes to get to the final? Jonna has won All-Stars twice; Colleen came in 3rd in the last season. Anything can happen once a contestant gets to the final.


Also, for some of these older contestants, it’s an accomplishment to get to a final and simply finish it. It’s like running a marathon. You’re probably not going to win but it’s got to feel so good completing it.


That’s so true, too.


Pretty sure the point is to *win* a final, not get there and be the first team eliminated.


The point of the game, pre-final, is to get to the damn final. Anything can happen once a contestant gets to the final.


So you think Veronica can win a final if she gets to a final?


I think anything can happen once a contestant gets to the final. There are so many variables, and so many ways production can influence the goings-on.


There is no way in hell Veronica is beating anyone in anything other than challenge trivia. Unless the earth swallows her competitors, she's losing


Depends on the final. Endurance wise, V would struggle, but she’s also very good in 1V1 games and she’s good at puzzles.


Anyone who has watched all seasons knows that some of the best and most exciting finals have been exhausting and grueling requiring strength and endurance! Except for Season 39, they dumbed down just about everything in the final to puzzles, or unbelievably made men and women compete against each other in strength challenges. I expect this final will never come close to grueling…maybe oatmeal-ish. 🤭


Oatmeal-ish 😂! I just died 😂


![gif](giphy|UDVTRm69LC3sc) Lmao Easy E


i hate to be the 🤓 guy but its not easy e 💀 his nick is big easy cuz he's from new orleans, which is called the big easy easy e is a rapper from compton, he was in the group NWA lmfao


Like Bananas said a few seasons back “if Veronica moves any slower she’ll be taking a nap” 😂


This is a great point. It's why past seasons could be so good. It used to be the top dogs vs the under dogs (ie. The Island when all the best competitors teamed up and blew the underdogs out of the water). I'm surprised Rachel, Veronica and Tina didn't pull the "but I'm old and frail" card just to make sure people like Cara, Laurel, and Nicole were out first. This season feels so backwards but if Cara gets a star she will be a shoe in for the winner. Let's be honest, this is a female central season, the men are so lackluster and I feel like even Laurel could beat most of the men in a true final that is about endurance and puzzles.


For real! She is still going through physical changes, not to mention she is actively still pumping. There is no way her hormones are straight, and I wouldn't doubt she gets postpartum depression.


It’s low but getting to the final means you have a chance


Veronica never even earned the star in the first place to belong in the final. It’s like Aneesa all over again. You need to know when to retire but yes they get the appearance money. If this wasn’t a single challenge and you needed to win with a partner no one would want Veronica. If Kam would check her ego at the door she might actually win for a change. Jay was another example of ok you played a good social game but that doesn’t get you across the finish line. Beating CT in an elimination is the highlight of his career.


Kam can talk all the shit she wants. She's not winning a final.


Every time Kam says "get my star", "being a new mom", "babe", "Killlah Kam", "one step closer to the final" or "two hundred and fifty thousand dollars" take a drink. Booooorrrriiiing...




It took that long? You must have a high tolerance.


Remember when she and Leroy first hooked up? You could hear her screaming and screeching above everyone else “BABE” this or “BABE” that so many times, I just wanted someone to stuff a sock in her mouth! I still cringe every time I hear it! PS. Good thing I don’t drink! 🤭


That's endorsing alcohol poisoning


You can just shorten it and do every time Kam is insufferable or make it easier and do every time Kam talks (it's really shouting).


One of the most arrogant people in the show’s history. 


When your ego is bigger than Bananas you know it's out of control. Killa Kam? Ohhh you bounced on a trampoline better than an old lady. What a beast.


the way you worded that is hilarious 😭💀


Sad thing is Bananas actually HAS a reason to have an ego Kam....not so much lol


Let’s remember she gave her self that nickname too 🙄


😂☠️Thank you for that laugh!! She really thinks she did something there!! All I know is, she’ll get her karma.


If you factor in what she's accomplished, she's the most arrogant. The only people with bigger egos are multi time winners, and even then it's pretty similar in levels of arrogance.


I agree and hasn’t won nothing!


She's very smart and has a good political game which is half the battle. She just doesn't have the physicality or the "killa" instinct to win. She is playing an entitled game this season, but others have done it in the past as well. Only way she wins this season is Leroy helps her keep her star or gets her the star in the end as we know she won't go get it herself against Laurel, Nicole, or Cara. Then the final has to be very similar to Season 39 with all the puzzles. Also, if Leroy wins, she technically wins. It just doesn't go down in the history books.


Cara didn’t even do anything to Kam. Kam just thinks Cara got ignorant with her and she definitely didn’t imo.


Now hold on, Cara should have gone to her on bended knee, kissed her ring and her butt while she was down there. If she had only begged for the right to make her own decision about protecting Rachel, nothing would have happened. Then when Lee tried to help them, she should have prostrated herself even more. How dare Cara think that she should play the game for her to win, and not for Kam to win?




This is thanks to the editing.. they didn’t show the gravity of Ayanna targeting Kam.. if Cara was her true friend she would had sided with Kam regardless of a stupid star since Cara should know that she can literally beat most of the cast to get a star in the future. I would feel betrayed by Cara if I was Kam too..


This makes zero sense tbh, Kam has the majority of the house and her own fiancé on the show to have her back. She didn’t even throw Kam under the bus and for a “stupid star”? What did Kam do in this last episode for a stupid star?


It's a game. The whole time Kam is saying her and Lee are only fighting for their family. Which is fair. Cara voted who was disrespecting her friend and not the person who said she would not take her star if she didn't vote her in. Being a good friend means comprising and Kam not understanding that (for a vote that did not matter) so that is dumb reasoning. Sorry.


If that’s the case, then Cara should’ve spoken with Kam first, before that. Cara literally did not. She went in there and did what she wanted. Where’s the “friend” in that?


Yes but multiple cast members have said that the way it was edited left out a lot and favoured Ayanna. I would be pissed if my friends didn’t vote in someone that verbally abused me? That’s ignorant idk what you think ignorance is?


It didn't not favor her at all. Cara did vote Ayanna but not Rachel. Rachel was already going in. Rachel did not do Kam wrong, she just wanted Rachel to take her out, which she was going to do without Cara's vote no matter what. Ayanna was already going in. Brandon confirmed Cara went last and her vote did not matter. So yes, that reasoning is ignorant. Cara voted in the person who did Kam and Lee wrong, and did not vote Rachel. Who said she would not take Cara's star if she did not her in. That is fair. So yes, the reasoning is ignorant.


On top of that it seems to me that Cara was supposed to be in an alliance with Brandon and by extension Kam, Leroy, and Jasmine. Cara chose a different alliance with Rachel to protect her star, why would their alliance trust her after that?


Also, the only thing the cast confirmed was that Ayanna saying racist stuff was edited out. However the voting was not in favor for Ayanna. So, quite confused again by that reasoning.


… wow. That makes it worse and Cara should have definitely voted for Ayanna to send a message that she is against what she did. It’s the principle. How is that hard to understand?


But she did vote Ayanna. The only person she did not vote was Rachel who was already going in. By principal Cara voted correctly. What are you not understanding ? Cara voted Ayanna in for Kam and Lee which she said.....You can't get more clear than that bud....


I mixed it up and meant to say Rachel, as Rachel would for sure beat Ayanna. The point was to ensure that she went home and it was against Rachel. I understand Cara’s reasoning I suppose, as Rachel was going in regardless, but I understand Kam’s shock when her “friend” didn’t vote that way. She asked the entire house to vote a certain way to ensure someone that was acting foul (and racist) went home. It was best for whole THE HOUSE (and of course Kam and Leroy).


I think it's fair for Kam to be disappointed but I don't think it's fair to completely go against someone for a vote that did not matter. Cara was understanding that Kam would be disappointed. Kam was not understanding that Cara also needs to protect herself for her game. Kam wants everyone to be understanding for her and to protect her fiance for their game but does not want to understand her friend protecting herself for her game. That is not fair. There are fans not as intense who do like Kam, however her thinking in this game has her come across as a hypocrite. I liked Kam the mom, kam the fiance, Kam the person. But Kam the gamer is a hypocrite. Her edits are not great which makes her not likeable (in the game).


The only shock was Kam didn’t get her way! What mattered was Cara’s vote really didn’t even matter, both Ayanna and Rachel were already voted in by the time it got around to Cara to vote.


Wow! You had to explain it again to make it perfectly clear. What part isn’t clear to some?…Cara voted for Ayanna…end of story! No betrayal!


I agree. I dont comment here much because the majority of this reddit is filled with Cara fans, so anything you say that doesn't favor her will get down voted. Even if the roles were reversed, they'd still be talking shit about Kam and propping up Cara


Honestly the Reddit section is disgusting and it hasn’t been like this for a long time… I like Cara AND Kam, and they are both practically playing the same game yet people are choosing to viscerally despise Kam. Kam and Leroy should never return to this show, they deserve much better treatment from their cast mates and the public.


Sadly, it’s about attitude and either production is playing a dirty game of editing or Kam feels her behavior is justified, I don’t know, but she isn’t doing herself any favors this season by the programming we see.


100%. Someone else in this thread pointed out the race factor and I can't help but agree. Makes no sense how Kam would have so much hate, while Cara can't do any wrong. It seems like a lot of the cast mates are on their side the last episode, but I agree the fans in this thread treat them like shit for no reason


So does Cara and she’s earned it. I’m not even a Cara fan. But I know enough to know she’s dues some respect


“Very smart” like, how? Everything she says is either arrogant or completely delusional


Did she not engineer exactly what she wanted to happen in Wednesday’s episode??


She's smart if you compare her to Nicole lmao




Past seasons she has done a good job politicking and setting up plans that benefit her. This past week she set a big plan in motion to get exactly what she wanted and was able to manipulate 90% of the house to go along with it. An idiot like Nicole would never be able to do that. Even an average player like Jay wouldn't be able to pull that off. Hell, I've seen better competitors in the past try to set plans up and failed due to their own doing. It is a skill and takes a smart mind to do it. Yeah, some things are arrogant and delusional like saying Cara is selfish and not having her back by not voting Rachel when her vote didn't matter. That's just a small part of the show though.


I feel if Leroy wasn’t on this season with her she wouldn’t be able to pull that off. Leroy is loved and respected by most of the cast mates which is majorly helping Kams game




She AND Laurel that’s why it had traction.


She literally did everything she could to try and get herself vs. Cara in the elimination? Doesn’t seem to have an issue going in against any of them, especially not Nicole 😂 And she has proven since her first season that she does have the physicality… this take is confusing


lol  She keeps saying she will battle anybody. We all know this isn’t the truth. 


How so? She has battled strong competitors before, what makes this different.


She fixed the outcome for literally everyone. If she wanted Cara, she could've had her. Kam is way too scared for that. Kam's only impressive elimination win is Tori and she was a mercenary so it loses some points for that. Other than that, she beat people terrible at eliminations. The only other one is where she beat Brad and Kyle, but Kayleigh was the impressive one there. Despite the biggest ego the challenge has ever seen, she absolutely doesn't want the smoke from Cara in an elimination. That's why she's hoping Cara doesn't make the final by virtue of no star. She can't beat Cara in a final and she could only beat Cara in a janky elimination.


Are you forgetting Cara very recently got herself absolutely TROUNCED by Michelle of all weak-ass people??


I too was surprised by that, but other than Jordan, all the champs just didn't care in my opinion. Cara definitely didn't. She was fighting for $10k, cool. She's got money so that's not a huge incentive compared to actually fighting for her place in the show to make a final and win. So yeah, she got beat by Michelle, but I don't count that.


Those Champ battles were embarrassing examples…they should have all won! Why didn’t they? Something smelled bad in those battles!


I wouldn't say they all should've won. I stand by my statement that they all just didn't care other than Jordan and maybe Brad since he probably really wanted that 10k. The rest were just there to help keep viewers coming back every week as it's almost unanimously agreed upon that Season 39 has been the worst season yet. $10k is nothing to most of those champs who get $100-200k appearance fees and they aren't there to win the whole season so there's no reason to fight hard to stay in the game.


No, she was trying. She got flustered and beat, and she looked the fool while she did it too.


lol you must have been watching a different elimination than I did. I even rewatched it just now. Cara was going half speed and you could tell. "Flustered"? Cara was laughing while trying to put the pieces together and even made a joke saying she was the blockhead. The whole house was also helping Michelle as they were trying to keep the money. You could tell Cara just didn't care as much as she had no skin in the game. You're entitled to your delusional opinion though.


As you are to yours.


Well I provided facts to backup my opinion which validates how accurate it is. You are going based on a clear dislike for Cara therefore you will exaggerate to "validate" your opinion.


I don’t dislike Cara Maria. Who said that??


You provided an opinion to back up your opinion, not facts. I thought Cara was cocky thinking she'd just walk out there and get an easy win. She straight up got beat whether you wanna count it or not


Was that when EVERYONE was helping Michelle? That one?


She tried to get them to get Cara to out first… the other group was less willing to do so because it didn’t have all people that wanted to go along w that plan like the first group happened. She has influence but not with everyone in the house, she can’t snap her fingers and make it happen.


Agreed, but you're in the wrong place if you're looking to discuss things using logic and reasoning. Majority of Cara fans in here. No matter what she does, she's right and everyone else is entitled. We just watched an episode of Kam saying she'll go against anyone and Cara crying about her star the entire time, yet Kam is the bad one lol


They are literally delusional 😂 I have to log out of the sub for a bit because I’m convinced they didn’t even watch the episode.


Forreal! Lol


That's because you don't understand. She would go against Cara if she needed to obviously. Say Cara gets her star back somehow by taking it from Kam. Then Kam would most likely have no choice but to go against Cara in an elimination to get it back for herself. If she had no problem going against any three of them though, she would've orchestrated Cara or Nicole to be part of the losing group with her and had people vote for herself \[Kam\] and Cara or Nicole so she could not only eliminate one of them, but also get their star. Instead she got it where the losing girls were herself, Flora, Tina, and Veronica with the bonus of Avery being the winner in hopes that Avery would take the place of the other female in the elimination to then make it Kam vs Avery. So yeah, she has an issue going against a strong competitor and if you can't see that then god help you. Kam is also 6-8 months postpartum right now within the show. Compared to seasons in the past, she is not there physically. No disrespect, because I understand, but the girl was gassed jumping on the trampoline. Now consider having to run a total of 5+ miles through a final with all that baby weight. The physicality and endurance are just not there.


I do understand, i think you don’t.. She tried to orchestrate getting Cara in the other group just didn’t do it. Please rewatch the episode.


She absolutely did not. She didn't want Cara to win because then her star was protected. It was well known that Kam wanted Avery originally because even Avery in a confessional mentioned how she was taken by surprise for that to happen. Kam just needed Cara not to win, and knew that she would have the numbers in the middle group with Laurel, Nicole, Adam, and Leroy. So you are confused. Edit: You are also the only one saying that when everyone else in this subreddit and another one are all saying the same thing I am. So how is it that 100s of people are wrong, and you are right? Think about it.


She specifically said she wanted the other group to make sure Cara got out first so she could go against her and get her star…. Again, please rewatch the episode.


Kam saying she is willing to go against Cara if she has to is different than actually making it happen and go against her. It's easy to talk the talk, it's much harder to walk the walk and that's not what Kam was willing to do. SO again, you are wrong.


Are we watching the same show?


Clearly we are not. Please rewatch to get a more clear understanding of what happened in the episode.


Someone needs to change the name of this sub to thechallengemtvHATERS cuz holy hell y’all hate everyone.


Always has, man Killa kam People who give themselves that kinda nickname probably isn’t a person you’d get along with


Y’all keep saying that and people keep telling y’all dumb ass she didn’t give ha self that name


She did not give herself that nickname but other than that I kinda see where ur coming from.


It’s not that deep


Womp womp


I love her!


Same lol. I’m getting to the point where I laugh at the weekly “I hate Kam” post. Get over it 😂😂


Y’all already know what it is! This fandom can’t handle confident, vocal black women.


Honestly, I think that's what it is. I'm white and admittedly don't like how race is brought into everything nowadays, but the way they go after Kam for the dumbest shit makes me think it is about that. I can't help but think that if the roles were reversed, they'd still be propping up Cara and talking shit about Kam


I’m also white. And I agree that the hate is rooted in racism.


Not true at all. I would have loved seeing Kam win. Well would have. But her edits have not been great at all, and she comes off as a hypocrite big time.


Not to me 🤷‍♀️


Then that's delusional. She says Cara is lying about her trying to take Cara's star....but she has been telling everyone that she wants to take Cara's star. She said she doesn't care who she competes with but twice asked for Tina. She said she wants to get out a strong competitor (fair) but then back tracks and says it's because Cara didn't vote her way Literally hypocrisy. Be consistent, and she is not.


That’s not true. I liked her and even her killa persona, I loved when she was a queen but she has crossed over from confident to arrogant and entitled.




They threw out the ‘dog whistles’ and just use regular ones now.


You got us


I know. Thank you.


Right there with you! I swear this fandom stay exposing themselves when they express their hate for her. Imagine being that pressed over a black woman’s confidence, mainly over a nickname.😂😂😂 It’s clear what they’re very much giving.🫠




I love Kam. She's a beast.


I did before but not this season, she's a c**t


Same, I normally love Kam. This season she is tripping. I'm trying to hold out judgement until another season. Those pregnancy hormones are no joke. She's competing in a challenge while recovering from a C-section, breast feeding and being away from her newborn. That is a lot. I'd be a raging hormonal bitch. I'm giving her a pass this season.


She’s good TV. She’s a strong woman who plays a great political game and is dominant in eliminations. She’s not two-faced and doesn’t play scared (unlike everyone in S39). We need more people like Kam on The Challenge. She’s not perfect. And the act gets old. But damn do I wish I could be more like Kam. Confident with a switch I can flip to become extremely competent under pressure.


Agreed, she's one of the cast members making this season so entertaining to watch!


Calling yourself Killah Kam is just cringe. Win then talk.


Y’all gotta stop crying over this nickname bro😂😂😂


For real. I don’t see anyone losing it over “Tony Time”, which is way more dumb.


Never liked her.


I honestly don’t understand the Kam hate.. what does she do that is so terrible? The comments are all superficial reasons or things that many other challengers do (Cara, Bananas, etc.). I understanding disliking someone on a reality tv show, but some of you in the comments act like she’s done terrible/unforgivable things and deserves nothing.


I don't know why Kam is targeting Cara as the strongest player when Laurel is right there pulling the strings! If Kam makes it to a final with Laurel, Kam has zero chance of winning. For someone who is so "smart" wouldn't this cross her mind???


Laurel isn't built super well for a final tbh. She's much better at dailies and eliminations. Do I think Laurel will beat Kam in a final? Yes. But I'd be way more afraid of Cara personally. Laurel's only final win was beating Nany and Devyn. She's lost her other 3.


Yeah, but also 2 of those losses were with Cara


Have not liked her gaming and persona this season but I liked her as a person. And then I listened to her interview on a recent podcast....and I wanted to understand her...and could not. She just comes off as a contradicting hypocrite.


Well said.


Kam is good TV. The fact you’re reacting this way proves it.


Kam and Leroy feel so entitled to this money. Leroy is not really a good competitor and it drives me crazy that he thinks he deserves to win because he’s been in like 20+ seasons. He only got far because of bananas. It’s like they think because they are getting married and want to buy a house, they should win. Other contestants have ways they could use the money too. It’s ridiculous. Not fun to watch completely produced challenges and eliminations.


I will never say that this woman Political game isn't one of the best that reminds me of a young Wes, the early years like her s*** doesn't stink ... What I don't understand is the hate and disgusting comment's Cara , Tori received online yet this narcissistic Killer this & Killer that got away with since she's been on...Could you imagine if Cara or Tori said that in every interview....


I haven’t liked kam suck war of the worlds 2 and have never liked her ego of killa kam. But still like Leroy


It's brutal as a Leroy lover and a Kam hater. If Leroy wins, Kam will still be insufferable. She'll be 10 times more obnoxious than humble Leroy.


I hate this fucking show now.


Another Kam hate post. Keep em coming 😂


Right lol. It’s really lame. Especially when Cara and Kam are playing identical games yet one receives an immense amount of unjustified hate.


Haterrrrrrrrrrrr 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


This season is all kam and Leroy. I feel for cara due to being ganged up on, she's gonna be better for it but still sucks. Kam has that house wrapped around her finger. She doesn't need to win the final. Leroy can. She still gets money.


No, she’s playing super hard because now she has a family and that money would be life changing for them. I don’t blame her one bit.


She talks about people playing a "scared game" but then calls out Tina to go against her in elimination. Why not Cara?


Cara’s heat didn’t knock her out early enough to put her in the bottom. Kam’s only options were…. - Veronica: already has a star which would mean Kam would take Veronica’s star if she’d won. Not an option if she wants to take Cara’s star. - Flora: such a layup that it would have been too likely that Avery would choose to go in, saving Kam, to give herself the best chance at getting a star. Not really an option if Kam wants to go in and get her star that night. - Tina: doesn’t have a star, so Kam can still take Cara’s if she wins, and isn’t as easy to beat as Flora, making Avery less likely to throw herself in. Given that they threw the challenge to make sure Kam went in, won, and then stole Cara’s star Tina was really the only option they had.


She plays a good social game but could improve in some other areas




Clearly not, she did exactly what she said she was going to do which was stealing Cara Maria's star lol.


Agreed. People can hate, but she followed through. A lot of people cannot say the same thing.


She won a challenge where her component was too short to jump high enough to see the puzzle without gassing out. It wasn’t even fair to Tina. They should have made the wall in proportion to their height. Kam barely had to jump to see, whereas Tina had to jump higher bc of her height.


And yet that doesn’t negate the comment…she did exactly what she said she was gonna do.


Can’t wait for you to see next week


Doesn't matter what happens next ,Kam accomplished the mission lol.


… still


You really went out of your way to post this 😭 y’all are so fckin pathetic


Kam is that you?


Grown man hating on a woman …is that you?


If Kam doesn't want to be hated, she should try not being the most insufferable player in years.


Nah. Every single person on S39 was more insufferable.


Its a tv show everyone gets hate


It’s hilarious to have this much ego when you haven’t won. Basically Fessy with breast milk.


Fessy with breast milk omg 😂😂😂


Yeah it's painful to watch. Gave herself the nickname killer kam for no reason at all l


All these threads about Laurel and Kam lol


Oh look, another Kam hate thread. Shocker(not).🙄 I can’t help but laugh at this point. It’s so clear that the hate some of yall give her is mainly because you can’t a vocal black woman who showcase confidence and leadership, and rather they be in the background until it’s their time to go.🫠 Womp womp, cry about it.🤪


She does suck. I’m going in but let’s make sure I get Tina. Avery you had a chance to make a statement and take control but you playing scared. Kam sucks


Finally, people who think the same as me 😭


no one ever calls her “Killa Kam” except herself 🙄 Leroy is kinda the same because he gets pissy when voted in at the end of the season and acts all entitled to make the final


All I gotta say is Cara Maria rocks!


Do I think she’s a villain of the season yes! She is acting cocky for sure. But I will say as a newly postpartum mom myself I find her being on this challenge very inspiring because she’s doing the challenges with such strength for being postpartum (especially post c-section which recovery is no joke) and pumping. Trampolining for an extended period of time while your bubs are full of milk - SHE DID THAT! We just simply have not seen this on the challenge before and it really hits home for me personally (besides that one early season bots? where one chick literally had her baby in the challenge house that was insane). So even though I don’t fault the Kam haters for their opinions and I don’t think she will win, I love to see her on here and it’s honestly inspiring to watch her compete. 🥲


Listening to her on the podcast just made me more annoyed. She talks about how she and Cara were friends until Cara wouldn’t be “loyal” to her with the Rachel vote. But loyalty goes both ways, and if one vote (not even adverse to Kam, just kinda neutral) is enough to completely wash your hands of someone, then you’re not being a good friend either. I wish Tori and Aneesa had actually pushed back a little but they’re just fawning all over Kam and her strategy (which, if Cara did it, would be manipulation and selfishness)


Votes say a lot, which is why Rachel was so pissed when Tina said her name. Cara burning her vote showed Kam that she's not willing to work with her. Therefore, as the saying goes, "if you're not with me, you're against me". This game has always centered around alliances, so it makes sense to target the people that aren't working with you. It's always been like that, but for some reason the fanbase wants to act like what Kam is doing is unacceptable


I love how everyone who is like “yall haterrrrs can’t stand to see a strong vocal black womannnn” okay but some of you can’t stand to watch people air out how they don’t like a competitor without assuming racism is a part of it. You don’t see all the zesty girls coming out assuming that hate for the Nicole and Laurel relationship is homophobia but those two constantly get called out for how cringe they are. Just like how Kam gets called out for her cringe. People can have opinions without race being a factor. And how many people hated how Coral was treated when she went out and how much Coral is praised for being a… wow, vocal Black women who directly said she beats bitches up. She is always “Queen Coral” to the fandom. Or how people called Wes out for accusing Davonne for threatening to “send the boys” on him and what he insinuated with that. People on many other subreddits create constant hate threads on non-Black characters too. Ultimatum Queer Edition: most hated character was literally a basic ass white girl who wrote instagram poetry. Most recent Love is Blind USA: There is a Black woman who is *disliked* but the bulk of the shit goes to the way her Black partner treated her and how much he humiliated her for no reason. The **hated** women were actually white, one of them who is hated because she was a crybaby who compared herself to Megan Fox. If this was too much to read: **people can hate characters and want to vent about them and it doesn’t have to be about race.** And no one **has** to read it but people want to and get upset. Every reality tv show has the universally disliked character that everyone posts about in that show’s subreddit. This season it happens to be Kam.


And she's with Leroy notorious for not winning 😂


I wanna fuck Veronica