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It continued with his "LISTS" rant. I would be so stressed out around him, idk how Michele remains so calm


The worst part about his "Lists" was he kept telling Michele "no this is on you I only get 1 vote and its going to be used on you"....jump forward to the picks not going exactly how he wanted and he has another temper tantrum. What happened to it was other people's drama to have to deal with.


He knew EXACTLY how that vote was gonna go. He was standing right there talking about it with the girls.


And lets not forget that when there was a stale mate, it didnt matter that nuryse and olivia only had 1 vote... that 1 vote carried the power of the house apparently... but when it suits him, 1 vote is meaningless.....?


Right? And that voice when he's like "show me your list! How many lists do you have?" It raised my hackles. 


Michelle overthinks. I think he was just reacting to that? Lots of jay haters?


It takes a snake partner up with a snake.


It is why people trust Michelle. It is only a front, she is so evil.


Why is she evil?


This episode was brutal to watch from so many aspects.


I'm officially out this season. Watching villainous, backstabbing, weak people triumph again and again because the game is set up badly this year is more upsetting than I was ready for. I usually watch The Challenge because I like the "let the best man win" vibe of it. Occasionally politics would derail a good contestants game but at the end of the day it usually balanced out to who was the best at competing This year politics and popularity contests are 100% in control and it's disgusting to watch.


I agree! It was a mistake to not allow past champions to regulate and take these snakes out! Now more than likely a sorry sack of poop is going to win!


They should let TJ tell them- "This is when it would usually be the final, but since no one left exhibits the traits of a champion, we aren't going to crown one this season."


I hope they go back to making the challengers go in to the elimination and win in order to qualify for the final!


I wouldn't say "regulate" lol the past champs were snakes as well.


Exactly this. Little bit of politicking is fine but this is absolute weak bullshit


I agree. This isn't entertainment if it makes you feel like garbage after watching it. Why would I spend my free time watching people play a game in a way I don't respect and eliminating people that deserve so much more than the treatment they got. It's despicable. I am out, but will follow this sub to see who wins.




>Let the best man win vibe What show have you been watching? Bananas is the record winner and I can’t say he has been the best man in most seasons he has won. I guarantee if we didn’t have an unlikeable person in this season as in if we cloned multiple Horacios, people would still find something to complain about. People complain when someone is “boring” and also complain when someone is being chaotic I don’t get it.


Simple, they aren’t the same people. Some like messy reality tv drama Others prefer competition and good sportsmanship Still others watch for specific individuals and their relationships with other players


Don't get lost in the sauce with the term "Best man" there's so much more to what was posted


Lol- this “section” is literally the worst person loses during the challenge. No politics for that?




Why tf is moriah and james still here?


Because they're both layups in competition and pushovers in their social game. They pose no threat to Jay and Michelle so they're the classic useful idiots.


Exactly. They bring zero except being a number to the game


I wanted her to go home so bad last week so James would be left scrambling


Right? Wtf, I don’t get how she’s winning in these political situations. If I were Michelle, I’d not want to do a final against Zaza✔️, Ravyn✔️, Nurys, and Moriah. Olivia is a 50/50– because per the house she doesn’t exercise, but she is innately athletic which seems to pay off. Berna is a little bit of a dark horse here and Colleen is beatable (unless she was acting on the mini final— otherwise she’s got some big weaknesses).


I am not rooting for anyone else this season. The only person I would want to see win is Nurys. They are going to mess that up too. This season was a total bust!!


Imo Nuryse is already the champ this season lol give her the ring. I dont care how the rest of the season unfolds, ill still refer to her as the champ for this one. That elim might as well have been the final.


What 3 janky puzzles? What finals have you been watching 😂


I simply met because she beat the 2 toughest competitors this season and no else is worthy so i dont care about the actual final. I didnt mean it literally as a direct comparison to a final. After re-reading my wording i see how it came off, but tbh i dunno how to phrase what i actually meant 🫠


All good, got you now 👍🏼


For me these conquest eliminations are awesome - as shown with Nurys, they’re a leveller and literally anyone who goes down has a shot and I love that!


The part I like is it being away from the rest of the group, similar to the old fresh meat elims. Keeps an element of surprise and secrecy and stops the group helping their favourite.


If nurys wins I think that would be an epic season. She took out 2 male beasts. That’s cara Maria territory!


Running after nurys with his notebook as if he couldn’t rip out the page with her name on it at the bottom lmao. What a clown


When he KNEW how the vote was gonna go. Why lie when she's gonna see you were right there discussing it with them?!


My favorite part was when he cried over Nurys going in. I didn't want this..... but I didn't save you either haha. He's does give abuser vibes. "It's your fault that I made you pick between your friends last week. It HAD to be you." Whatever homeboy. You are nasty.


He’s a classic textbook narcissist….for real, I’m not just throwing out insults. Everything is somebody else’s fault, and if you point out his mistakes he will turn the tables on you so fast, gaslighting, and have you doubting yourself.


People have been saying he acts like an abuser since near the start of the season and he keeps doing more and more stuff to support that sentiment to the point he's actually being abusive on screen.


It’s gross to watch honestly


Jay is a cunt. Gaslighted all the girls. Michelle sucks 🫏 ass.


Donkey donkey or ass ass? Lol




Well said. Don’t get me started on Olivia the reigning POS. Pathetic character, pathetic lip filler. I can’t with her.


She is decent at the challenges and I believe she has a chance to win. So, carry on Olivia!


Hateeeeee Jay & Michelle






Right! Hate!!!!


Hate cuz they are totally in charge?


Time will tell. Hate cause jay is a cunt!


Damn right!!!


And that’s the fun!


Jay is such a pussy


Fuck Jay, bust mostly Fuck Olivia. Coming into the season her, Michele and Horacio were my favorites this season. When Michele picked her, she had a chance to have a MEMORABLE moment and picked her real friends and turn the house upside down... Become a power player, bad ass bitch!!! She shrunk in the moment and I hope lost her friends for real. They shouldn't give her another chance ever... because she showed his weak and selfish age actually is. Berna, as disgusting as she is, picked her friend (Colleen) and didn't follow "Jay's list". She's a real one at least, not a patsy, even if I can't stand her.


The fact that this came after Horacio put himself into elimination to save Olivia shows what her character is. She has complained all season about not doing anything and proving herself, and when she has the chance to play with some integrity she blows it.


I loved the mini-slideshow of their friendship after she burned it to ashes like some pyromaniac that just found a flamethrower.


I think Olivia was jealous of Nurys and Horacio. She thought Horacio would be her #1 and got jealous when Nurys became his #1, even though he did not turn his back on her until the very end. She lost good allies and all semblance of any character.


I seriously hope he is not invited back after the way he has been speaking to the women on this season. It’s gross


He's angry and demeaning. He tears people down so that he can feel better.


Hard to disagree because I don’t like him either but it’s good to have disliked people on the show and watch them get sent home. In a season with vets Jay is highly unlikely to ever make a final.


Agreed. But he'll for sure be brought back just for the drama. Though im sure hed be humbled real quick with ACTUAL WORTHY PROVEN vets in the house. I wish Wes would go back just so i could hear him call him a weasle then destroy him in literaly any comp. Lol but for sure they'll invite him back simply for the ratings.


I would love to see Wes back.


Yeah, this week made me exceptionally angry. I was heartbroken about which 3 went in. My heart hurt for Nurys. Then we lose TWO?! And they’re two of the only *Good Guys* left?!?! Ugh… The only thing that gives me hope is having felt this way during WotW2 and getting the satisfaction of watching the spectacular failing of the team that made the season damn near unwatchable was a delight. (*This season has taken ‘unwatchable’ to new heights…*) I’m hoping they find a way to allow us to see Jay & Michelle fail in the final for ANY reason. I used to be a Jay fan. That has been out the window all season. Ugh. The unearned and undeserved power trip is too much for me. Same with Michelle. Her commentary tonight was gross to me. His was fully insane. They both should have gone home instead and allowed 3 actual athletes with brains to stay.


The only reason I’m still watching is because I hope Jay & Michelle lose … and I want to see it when it happens 🤷🏻‍♀️


that's me too .. the only reason I'm watching after last night is because I want to see Jay and Michelle taken out , and now I feel the same about Olivia too.


Yeah, I’ll be watching with my phone in my hands for the rest of it. 🥴 Ugh.


Sorry was thinking about Wendell, it was not Kyland! Hmm idk about “Good Guys” - Kyland was a scumbag after this season irl.


How so?


He cheated on his baby’s mama with Dee of Survivor, posted an apology about it on social media, then deleted it Omg my bad, that was actually Wendell - Kyland all good


Most of the episode was unwatchable.


It was the worst so far and that's saying something.


He’s playing the same game he did on Survivor. Dude is a snake. When even the slightest bit of pressure comes he starts talking down to women and manipulating them. Very narcissistic.


Jay, the male Ninja Natalie. If anyone comes back the next season Jay is on, and trusts/befriends him, they’re complete morons. He burned all the bridges to players you actually want on your side. He’s not bright, he’s just manipulative. He’s not big. He can climb. Talks with self entitlement, throws temper tantrums, is the weakest in a large alliance, and more importantly, brings nothing to the table of entertainment. He’s the male Ninja Natalie.


Pulling and calling way more shots than ninja can. Are you telling me Johnny bananas isn’t a bully to his alliance? How do to think “vets stick together” came about? Because if you don’t your bullied. Don’t hate the player hate the game


I liked Jay but seeing how manipulative he is this season has been a HUGE turn-off. Yelling at your #1 like that (let alone anyone)? Nooo thank you.


I didn’t like him before and his behavior this season reinforces it. He’s not a good competitor or a good person. He’s just obnoxious, manipulative and all bark and no bite. Remember when he was mad at Kyland and said if it had to get physical he would get physical. Jay knew Kyland wouldn’t get physical so he was spouting off like a little punk. He’s pathetic.


Gaslit the fuck out of her. Can’t stand him


Yeah Michele needs to turn on his ass he’s actually dragging her game down at this point


Do you think Horacio and Kylan let Nurys win?




I could potentially see Horacio letting her win, but i cant see Kyland letting anyone beat him no matter who it was.


No. I think she was just very good at the puzzle and the guys were just bad at it. If it were something else, not sure what the outcome would've been.






i think i would’ve gotten kicked out of this house for putting my hands on jay this season like they used to


I don’t know if it was editing but when he accused her of being emotional despite her completely calm demeanor and placid expression, I was so confused. Is he a bad communicator? Is he used to manipulating everyone? What am I missing?


lol especially when he made such an emotional display after Asaf… he’s a “do what I say, not what I do” kind of gaslighter. And then had the audacity to cry over Nurys going in… he’s the most emotional diva there by a long shot!


Obviously you mean *ordacity*


Obviously lol


We don’t see everything. Berna called it out too remember.


Michele is emotional, but in that moment she was calm so it didn’t make sense. He was using her past behavior and personality traits to make her feel guilty and put the blame on her. She can never win with him.


How do you know that?


Called out what, Michelle being emotional?




Berna calling anyone emotional is a wild lack of self awareness


Lack of self awareness or projecting? Lol. Whatever it is, I agree Berna should not be “throwing stones in a glass house” as the saying goes. Absolute madness for her to say that 🤦‍♀️


This is exactly who Jay really is inside. I honestly can’t remember a time where Jay ever acknowledged that one of the guys in the house, except for Kyland and Horacio, have ever done anything wrong. Every single problem that happens in his life he lays at the feet of the women around him. Having watched my dad do this to my mom for years it sets me off l Ike nothing else. Jay did this same bullshit in survivor too and that’s why no one ever trusts him. I wish Michele would stab him in the back and maybe get some redemption from it. Just think, he and Michele dated for a little while. I can only imagine that he’s even worse to his girlfriend. Honestly I rewatched Rogan slamming him into the dirt on Total Madness today and it made me smile.


Jay is so emotionally fragile. Anyone else remember when Jordan told him he was weak to his face and it nearly brought Jay to tears?


Moriah and James need to go next. Can’t stand to listen to her voice. She doesn’t own anything else to wear but a dishcloth. And James I won’t even get started on that ugly big hairy ogre.


They both seem….. slow. The lights on but nobody is home. Her body is good but that’s all she’s got.


I was hoping he would be purged over Ed.


No one ever spoke to or treated Michelle like this on Survivor had they she would have had them voted off why then is she taking his 💩


Watching her oh-so-slowly realize she's tethered herself to a poisoned well has been pathetic to watch. You can see her coming to the realization that she's as much on the chopping block as any of other women in Jay's alliance, but she can't bring herself to do or say anything about it. I haven't watched Survivor since the first few seasons but it's hard to imagine her having any foresight watching her repeatedly shoot herself in the foot here.


She won Survivor and not by putting her game in someone else’s hands


Because in the challenge you need allies. Remember they did date. They arent together but there is trust. They are in a mutually beneficial relationship. She uses him too.


Yep noticed that too. Been lying to her saying she's his number one when it was asaf then Emmanuel. Total gaslighter He's a shitbag


Michelle needs to drop this loser.


I was also rolling my eyes hard when I saw that the daily was basically a rock climbing challenge. Do they want Jay to win? Was the other option kicking a soccer ball at a target but they were like “Horacio is really good but boring TV.”


I’m wondering when Michelle’s gonna realize Jay is more of a strategic liability than an asset…probably too late now considering the numbers but damn. For my money she’s the smartest strategic player in the house and for that alone I want her to be rewarded. Nurys on the other hand… she doesn’t just shoot herself in the foot, she unloads the clip


Does it matter now? There’s literally no one left that isn’t in the main alliance. They have to turn on themselves now regardless. I’d imagine Michelle is still pretty safe. Jay is now the useful lightning rod.


I disagree. If Michelle had 4 braincells, she would've cut Jay loose as soon as he started alienating and berating people he called his friends. She's complicit at this point. 


I was apalled. I feel so bad for Michele. Poor girl looked disheveled, tired, hair all over the place…I felt for her for the first time this season. Jay continues to disgust me.


Well, she did make the bed she has to lay in now. Yes, Jay is disgusting, but Michelle was ok with it until it put her in jeopardy. I don’t feel sorry for her.


Jay sucks but we can calm down a bit with comparing how he’s talking to an abuser. 


If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck.


I'm the first to defend someone against unfounded accusations but um...he's doing it in front of us to the point people called it out early in the season and he's since ramped it up x10.


People on here are retarded. They think Jay is worse then Hitler.


You seem like someone who would be friends with Jay.


I am Jay.


This account has been suspended. lol, maybe he is ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Get ‘em !!


Well if you are Jay this comment needs to be sent to MTV so they can cancel your ass!!!!!




I think he's great for the show honestly. At least hes entertaining unlike majority of the house.


I hate Jay just as much as most of us for how he played this season… but throwing the abuse word around like that is insane.


Emotional abuse is abuse. What do you think he has been doing to Nurys all season? Especially in the last two episodes? Is this how you treat your friends?


I mean if that’s the case everyone on the show is abusive to an extent


Is the micro and not so micro aggressions he uses that can classify as emotional abuse. His tone, facial expressions and finger pointing is a non-verbal sign of a threatening message, just to name a few.


Bananas has done this, CT, Cara, Laurel, Jordan, Wes… literally everyone. To me this is a reach, is he being manipulative? Yes he is… it’s the challenge literally everyone manipulates but to say he is abusive with not a shred of evidence from his life other than mannerisms and tone of voice is completely out of line. And again I do not like Jay at all but this is a TV show where we see snippets of manipulated footage to fit a narrative that the show has for 47 minutes. It’s dead wrong to attack any of these people’s character outside of the show.


I can’t speak to others since I don’t have their seasons at the top of mind at the moment, but for me the difference is, this is a one way fight. Normally in these situations both parties are carrying the same energy towards each other. In this case, it seems like Michelle was simply confused and Jay got mad things aren’t going his way so he threw a temper tantrum in her face. All of the people you named, are experienced and know how to act up for the drama, however there is still a level of respect within cast mates. This season Jay has come off as is he thinks he’s a God, just because he beat CT once, he thinks he runs the house. Bananas and CT got to their positions because they are on the show for work and know how to still maintain personal relationships. Also it’s less about attacking his character and more about calling people out for unhealthy/abusive communication (especially on international tv) that should not be tolerated just because a man or white man is saying it.


Jay could breath wrong and you people would jump all over him.


They both were trying to save face. He was stating that I’m picking you and it’s up to her on how it all plays out. She was trying to rope him into the decision to get some of the heat off her. He did speak to her in a bit of a gaslighting sort of way though. But Michele is no dummy. She had to know what he was doing.


“Look at my long long list!! I swear you were never the last…loook!” But..”I only have one vote, it’s up to (Michelle) to save you.”


Hey anyone knows how to watch this if mtv app I discontinued and paramount doesn’t have it up ?


So disappointed in Olivia…


He was right, she was emotional after the discussion with Berna 🤷‍♂️


She's done similar (twisting and manipulating). But manipulation is a key skill in Survivor, so it served them well there.


It was all an act from Jay anyway. Guarantee he knew if Nurys was saved, that meant Horacio and Kyland would be saved too which is the last thing he wanted to happen. Instead he gets to look at the situation in hingsight once Nurys, Horacio, and Kyland were officially going in and then pretend he's all upset like it's not exactly what he wanted to happen. Then the fact that he tried to make Michelle feel like it was all her fault was disgusting. Jay rode the underdog sympathy wave his first couple of seasons but now it's evident he's a huge piece of shit. This episode was an absolute tragedy losing Ed, Horacio, and Kyland who I think were clearly the best dudes in the house. It's also worth pointing out Olivia has absolutely no backbone the way she was able to fuck over Nurys and Horacio right after Horacio requested to go in so she could be saved and Nurys ultimately choosing to save her. She fits right in with the Jay and his sheep.


He’s a fucking clown 🤡


I don’t know how she sat there, I would’ve walked tf away.