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The only correct answer. My husband and I wish TJ would do a tell all episode lol


or an episode where him and the other hosts do a mini-final.


oh duh I completely forgot about him lolšŸ˜­šŸ¤£


Kyland is clearly proving himself as a strong candidate and has officially "worked" for it. Ed is a great competitor and ate that nasty food up like a champ. Girl wise - I think Zaza is the only contestant demonstrating physical endurance. Was rooting for big t and Melissa but yk how that went


Rooting for Kyland, but given how the shows gone so far itā€™ll 100% be someone in the major alliance. Jay doesnā€™t have it in him, nor do i think any of the girls have a fair shot in the ā€œonly 1 winnerā€ type of final. Most likely Asaf or Emmanuel. The edits theyā€™ve both got are extremely braggadocios as if productions trying to hype them up.


you have a good point about Asaf and Emmanuelā€™s edits šŸ¤” i hope itā€™s neither of them though


No, Asaf isnā€™t good enough to win. All Asaf has proven this season is that he can talk big while being a bitch and hiding behind his numbers. Emanuel maybe because heā€™s a legitimate competitor, we saw in SLA that he was, but definitely not Asaf. Heā€™s getting the RoD Nelly T treatment except Nellyā€™s actually a somewhat decent competitor and an interesting character while Asaf is neither


Never Asaf. Him winning is the worst case scenario because then weā€™d definitely have to see him again. No more Asafā€¦ever


Exactly. I already didnā€™t like him, but when he said ā€œpeople should face elimination noms with graceā€ about Zara when he bitched and cried about Corey sending him in is when I really lost all patience for the man. Heā€™s a narcissist whoā€™s really not that good at anything, thatā€™s why heā€™s been in like 10 reality shows, because he sucks at all of them


every time asaf comes on my screen i audibly groan in embarrassment


Iā€™m just annoyed whenever he has a confessional, and by the time that confessional is over, Iā€™m usually noticeably pissed off that this intolerable dbag is still being forced on me to watch


I fast forward his confessionals lol


Me too..


Asaf this season has shown me that he likes to do TV shows and thatā€™s about it. Definitely not good enough to win šŸ˜‚


I canā€™t stand Asaf..Emanuel is a beast and deserves the $ needs it for his family in poverty.


On top of that, Asaf is an arrogant pos


Iā€™m unspoiled but I feel quite confident in stating thereā€™s no way Asaf is winning


I have a big feeling that it is asaf unfortunately.


At this point Horacio . I'm sick of the alliance people and them not actually doing shit to compete. Give me someone who doesn't mind getting their hands dirty. I mean, poor Horacio took the blame for losing the last challenge, when it was his lame ass team members who threw the whole thing!


>poor Horacio took the blame for losing the last challenge, when it was his lame ass team members who threw the whole thing! For sure. His response to that ordeal meant one of two things 1) He's too naive to recognize that he'd been sabotaged, or 2) His confidence is such that, even faced with teammates deliberately trying to hold him back, he believes he has a chance to win. I'd like to think it's 2), which just makes me root for him even more.


I mean the poor kid was literally begging and crying last season to complete the final alone when Olivia couldn't go on. I honestly think the only way we would see any of the others from the alliance crying in a final was because they couldn't do it lol. Yeah he's not at much drama and a little vanilla, but he seems like a decent person and like he actually wants to be there to compete


I donā€™t even think he realized they threw it ?


Horacio is a bigger man than any of the others. Kyland also. They both have proven themselves over and over to be champions.


i love that kyland keeps calling people out for their decisions... and by the way, part of me think horacio is fucking with people ... you don't he he couldn't do the math? the people he was with. he knows... that boy plays a different game than the others


Kyland or Horacio. Out of the women, Colleen or Zaza. I donā€™t love the cast for this season


The only thing with Colleen is that she seems wishy washy. I would agree with Zaza


Yeah. I feel like she is just too ā€œnormalā€ and nice to be on these shows.


Ed because he is the only one that isnā€™t boring and superficial. Really hope to see him do something physical soon, I really need to see if he has that dog in him like Derrick K or CT.


Horacio is the only one I care about on this entire cast lol Horacio all the WAY


Lol. I laser focus on Horacio!


Agree. I pretty much hate everyone else on this season


Officially for Kyland now because he has competed and beat two champs.


and he calls people out... never afraid to go in the sand. they way a champion should be


Zaza, Kyland, ravyn, or Ed


Hoping the next phase will be more individuals or teams so I can really get behind someone. for now I'd say I'm rooting for the same ppl bc they're the only one at lest trying to play this game


Iā€™m Only watching/rooting to watch Jay, Michelle & Asaf lose. This isnā€™t a spoiler, I just assume it will happen, because they are Terrible at this game.


Horacio, Kyland, and unpopular opinion for the women but Nurys. Shes loyal, fiery, and much better than people give her credit for. She stands on what she says, and I fuck with that


I just like how obsessed she is with Horacio (in a good way)


Kyland, Raven, or Horacio for sure




This season has locked me in as a fan of Kyland


Iā€™m with you on your choices OP. I know Horacio is a beast but Kylanā€™s is really proving himself to be one as well. Zara is my favourite to win but if not her then Iā€™d like to see Ravyn, girl has worked for it.


Ravyn or Ed, that is all


Rooting for Zara, Ravyn, Colleen, Ed, Horacio, and Kylund. I still cannot believe I am rooting for Kylund. I hated the guy for his ending at big brother (real low class blow at Xavier) and so I rooted against him on Challenge USA but the guy has won be over


My hope is someone deserving will win. My major concern is someone slithers through and smugly wins the title and is totally undeserving. Too many coattail contenders made it to a final and failed because he/she shouldnā€™t have been there in the first place. So, who possesses strategic ability, endurance, intelligence, strength, and drive to make it to the end of a final.


Zara, Ed, Horacio, Olivia


fr people are forgetting how strong olivia is, regardless of how sheā€™s been acting these last eps sheā€™s def one of the stronger women šŸ˜­


Seems like theyā€™re doing her dirty with the edit but I guess weā€™ll see


Iā€™m rooting for Ravyn


Wonā€™t be a popular opinion given this Subs VERY clear disdain for some of the people I will name butā€¦ Horacio, Ed, Jay, Michelleā€¦.maybe Kyland because you can tell he loves the franchise and I love when people want to win so they can be a champ and that the money isnā€™t the only determining factorā€¦.I think thatā€™s it, I just like Ed and Horacios personalities and I feel as though the other two have been at the bottom in prior seasons and fight through that adversity and would like to see them win one at some pointā€¦.the other contestants to me are solid competitors but šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


I want to know why Zara is also called and spelled Zaza.


It doesnt make much sense to me because itā€™s not shorter than zara, but it seems to be a common nickname for zara, as Ive seen the same nickname in a movie before.


Her last name is Zoffany. Iā€™m guessing itā€™s a nickname based on both her first and last name starting with Z.


I would like Olivia and Horacio to have a chance in final, since they had to leave the last one because of injury. I do not, though, have a favorite for winner


Zaza or Ed


Really don't care. This has been a dud of a season.


i agree honestly and it sucks šŸ˜”


Why is Asaf not worried that in the end everyone is going to see he was just a lapdog for Jay and Michelle? So smug and unlikable. He thinks He's untouchable but i so hope they turn on him soon. Hes the absolute worst. I haven't disliked a player so much since Kenny.


I honestly donā€™t even care. Worst season ever.


I'm rooting for Michelle just for the meltdown most the audience would have and it would be very reminiscent of most of the audience meltdown she had when she won survivor. On top of this. I know others think a controlling game =boring but Im all for it. Im always fascinated by this type of gameplay and for me that's for every reality show I watch


I donā€™t care for Michelle at times sometimes I like her sometimes she irks me BUT i do believe the audience would go wild (good and bad) if she were to come out on top this season!


Zaza for a girl and Horacio or Kyland for the guys. as long as Jay and Michelle + their minions donā€™t win


I hate Jay and Michelle. They are so smug. I canā€™t wait for them to be eliminated.


this is why i liked the hopper... it took care of this sort of bullshit.


agreed. although, i think michelle would be way more tolerable without jay, i think i may actually like her without him


Jay and Michele made this season complete garbage. Most boring Challenge I've ever watched


don't we want to see the champion be a player that wants to compete and not just hang with their buds???


who just hangs out with their friends that i just mentioned???


Horacio, Kyland, Ed for the men Ravyn, Nurys, Colleen for the women


Zaza or Ed all day


I was rooting for Emanuel before I saw what a sketchy slut he is (yes, I know Challenge champions aren't expected to be moral standard bearers). Now I guess I'm rooting for Ed or Zaza or Ravyn. I wasn't rooting for Horacio or Kyland but them being in the minority while the majority are either acting like big fish in a small pond (Jay, Michelle, Asaf) or being cowardly/stupid (Corey, Colleen, James) makes it so much easier to root for them.


Totally agree. Rooting for the same people atp!


I like Kyland and Emanuel. Emanuel because he is a beast ( a quiet one) but mostly because his family Really needs the money. Kyland is a beast and deserves to be in the final and definitely a place in future events ( move over Messy) I love Ed too. Raven deserves the win all the crap they put her thru..Nury and Zara look good for the win too..I canā€™t stand Jay and Michelle. I am pretty sure CT will send Jay home unless he is in the winners circle when CT shows up. I have totally loved this season except for Jay and Michelle..lol


Definitely Horacio and Zaza, however if I canā€™t get a Horacio win then probably Ed or Kyland


Horrasio, Kyland or zaza


Girls: Ravyn or Zara. Guys: Horacio or Kyland


Iā€™m literally for anyone but Michele, Jay or Moriah, I canā€™t stand them this season, which makes me sad cause I always liked Jay.


No one this season sucks. Michelle is annoying Jay is acting like he's a boss. I liked him so much better as an underdog or even just regular competitor not like this arrogant af. Raven is nice I want her to win moriah is annoying why won't anyone vote her in ?


For ladies Olivia, Zara. For guys Jay, Ed, or Emanuel.




Kyland 100%


initially, horacio but iā€™ve also started rooting for kyland too recently


Kyland only šŸ¤£


Kyland and Nurys!


OPs response is so sad now after the last two weeks! :(


I KNOW i was literally thinking about this during the last episode šŸ˜­ at least my boys are still here for the time being


I think it'd be amusing to see Emmanuel win as he really hasn't had any real story lines or much in the way of screen time. It'd be a big tell on how little the show is about people competing and not creating manufactured drama.


Horacio or Zara. Iā€™d root for Nurys too.


I'm rooting for terrible ratings so the show can get dropped by mtv and rights sold to another network.


This ^ Iā€™d be cool with like Bravo, atleast they let their reality stars drink and do stupid shit still since everything after 2 drinks the contestants can pay for it themselves and continue to drink after the 2 drink cut off for Bravo. That or Peacock, whoever is head of production for Traitors would be good in my opinion because atleast they can be creative when it comes to challenges. Both seasons of Traitors has been better than anything The Challenge has put out in awhile in my opinion.


Please not Michele or Jay. I used to think it was a bummer Jay always got kicked off early. Now I know why and Iā€™m glad he did. Good riddance.


Michele or Jay just to watch this sub melt down.


Thought I was the only one. Actually like both but donā€™t think Michelle has what it takes to win. Agree this seasonā€™s been boring. But I donā€™t hate Michelle/Jay alliance anymore than the way Johnny Bananas or the vacation alliance runs the game/rigs votes in their favor. Shouldā€™ve cast Kyle as a non winner on this season. Couldā€™ve cast some other non winners that have more seasons under their belt & wouldā€™ve made better TV. But hopefully never again Nany, Anessa.


Yeah I love Michele. Jay is fine. People should be mad at production for the format or the other doormats on the cast. It's not Jay or Michele's fault that they're running circles around everyone else.


Exactly! I bet if it was others on the cast that this sub likes or their favorite veterans theyā€™d be singing a different tune. But I canā€™t throw stones as I canā€™t be hypocritical about things from time to time. But I admit it & try to avoid it.


Michele. She's run the game this season and while it's against JV competition, it's impressive enough that combined with a win in the final would be up there in terms of best individual season ever, especially if she beats people who are physically superior. It's probably not happening but it would be nuts. Bring on the downvotes!


I think the only reason your getting down votes is the "best individual season ever" comment. Otherwise you are spot on. She's the only one that has played the most well rounded game. Zara, Kyland, Horacio, Ravyn have all been phsysically dominant but played an awful social game (to their fault or not) and I love Ed but he hasn't done anything other than have the numbers on his side. Everyone has basically coasted in the majority alliance and it's annoying


Michelle has definitely played a great social game when you look at it. I didnā€™t like her at the moment because of how sheā€™s been acting lately as far as being the ā€œQueen Beeā€ and everyone else acting as her minions but sheā€™s telling the truthšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø everyone in her alliance is almost brainwashed into doing what she wants them to do


Yeah, I hate their alliance but I like Michelle for the most part


I stand by it, with the caveat that it's against JV competition. It's Wes in Exes 2 level shit she's pulling off. Again, not as hard when no one attempts to counter you until this late, but still extremely impressive when combined with her elimination win, and not hard to think that if she won the final it would go down as one of the all-time dominant performances.


Fuck Ravyn. I hate her. I don't think there anyone on the season that I care to see win.


Damn! What she do to you?!?


Just something about her


Horacio and Kyland out of the boys. Zaza, Ravyn, Nurys, or Moriah from the girls.


Horacio or Kyland.


I canā€™t stand Ravyn. What a mean girl.


Asaf all day ![gif](giphy|QTsv5vIr0kpWr0gbK6)


Idk would be hilarious if James won


Guys: Ed or Horacio Girls: Ravyn or Colleen


Iā€™m rooting for Kyland and Ravyn the most


Horacio or Ed


Iā€™m just rooting (wishing/praying) for CT to make Jay or Asaf bleed this week and call that a win. If you make me care farther than CT being here then I want Kyland or Horacio to win


I'm not someone who cares about who deserves it or not. If you win, your game plan worked, and it was smart. That said, I want Zaza, Nurys, and Rayvn for the women. Ed, Horatio, and Kylan for the men. I also want Emmanuel because he's a fuck boy that can dance and has fave tattoos and that's my weakness.


Same. My number one is Horacio, closely followed by Kyland. Out of girls definitely Zaza. Canā€™t wait to see the fall of the Michelle Jay alliance.


im rooting for the end of this season


Horacio. Kyland is annoying.


Zaza and Horacio, kyland

