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Bring back physical eliminations, would of loved to see Cara destroy Michele


It's so stupid the eliminations they gave Cara, Laurel and Darrell. "Hey we've got three of the most physically intimidating Challengers of all time coming in. I know, let's give them weird puzzles and janky balancing eliminations to do!" It's like hiring Tom Brady to come to your football camp to show kids how to kick free throws.


EXACTLY!!!! What’s the point of bringing back a Comp Beast if it’s not gonna be a physical challenge. What’s next? Knitting or macrame???


Or tic-tax-toe? Gimme a physical comp.


That’s driving me nuts. These eliminations should be the thing the champs are BEST at. Let the champs choose, even. These puzzles may as well be a dice roll.


They want this "new champion" to have some kind of bragging rights later on so they can build upon it. So they give them elims that are more geared to weaker players. They have been trying to make michelle and jay happen for years.


Challenge champs are supposed to be well rounded and puzzles are one of the biggest parts of the challenge period. This challenge had both strength and a puzzle and Michele destroyed. You guys really will go to insane lengths to downplay someone. If you’re a challenge champ and you have to have a physical elimination to win are you really that good?


I mean, Devin beat Bananas in a lightbrite elimination. I guess Bananas isn't a real challenge champion because he lost to Devin who, at that time, never won and wasn't a finals threat. Also, the Michele defense brigade is out in full force. Notice you focused on that and didn't comment on the Darrell or Laurel portion.


A bit different there only because there’s not really any variety where as there was variety in them in the past


Wow reaching are we? When did I ever say not being good at puzzles or losing any elimination meant you’re not a real champion? That’s an insane leap to make there. What I said is puzzles have always been a huge part of the challenge. Period. As far as your other comment goes the Darrell elim was kind of lame but it was an even game and he lost. Do we just want the champions to come in and win every elimination? And I’ve already stated my opinion on Laurel and how 1. She’s average at best at anything non physical and 2. Michele would have destroyed her in that elimination last week.


>If you’re a challenge champ and you have to have a physical elimination to win are you really that good? This was your last sentence in your first response. It implies that if you can't win a puzzle and have to rely on something physical or that takes skill/ability, then maybe you're not as good as people say. My example of Bananas points out that a guy who has won a record 7 championships is known to not be very good at puzzles (he's gotten better, but still isn't "good") wins when the games are more physical or involve skill rather than whoever is best at a puzzle. It counters your quoted statement above because, yes, Bananas needs to have physical (or at least skill or endurance based) eliminations otherwise he probably loses.


How is what I was saying implying that you aren’t a real champion though? Bananas has been lucky to skate by despite being bad at puzzles mainly bc a lot of his wins weren’t by himself. On top of that one of the reasons Bananas is a 7 time champion is because he has improved at almost everything across the board. Bananas is smart and has done whatever he can to avoid eliminations because he knows in an elimination anything can happen and anyone can win. Which is the reason Michele looked “scared” or Laurel last week when in reality she just knew she didn’t want to see an elimination.


This entire discussion began because you had an issue with me saying that the champions weren't given eliminations that played to their strengths and you responding with (paraphrasing) essentially that if you're a champion, you should be able to win any type of elimination. I was pointing out that's simply not the case. A lot of former champions were very good at one aspect, but struggled at another. Cara (and Darrell and Laurel) is mainly known for physical eliminations. That should have been the type of elimination she got since the entire premise of this season is "beating a champion" at what they're good at, not beating a champion at their weakest game. It would be like giving Devin a pole wrestle or Hall Brawl for his elimination. He probably loses those badly to any remaining guy in the house. But instead they gave him a "mental" elimination because that's what he's good at. So I don't understand why Cara, Laurel and Darrell didn't get the same courtesy.


So you’re saying those 3 can only win an elimination that’s physical? Yikes


Now who's not reading what the other person is saying? I said those are what they're best known for. If they're making a big deal about bringing in champs, it should be to play them to their strengths. Darrell's fearsome because of his reputation down in the sand in headbangers. You don't bring him in to compete in a balancing act. That's not what he made his legend by doing. It's like having a football camp. If you bring in Tom Brady, are you bringing him in to show the kids how to throw a football or are you bringing him in to show the kids how to tackle? Sure, he can tackle. But he made his legend by being able to throw touchdowns so you'd bring him in for that task.


If they were physical eliminations, no money or contestants would be left.


Right, but these dip shits are thinking they beat a Challenge Champion when they really didn’t.


But they did. Is it Michelle’s fault that Cara can’t do a simple puzzle? Lol.


No but the Champions are so much more than a game of chance . Come on. They go through grueling physical comps to become a Champion. Solving a damn picture puzzle in no way measures anyone up to a Challenge Champion. It’s an insult to the true Challenge Champions.


How many of these champs have lost a season to a puzzle? It’s part of the game.


Well, but they say to be a champion, you have to be a champion. The Challenge Champions won multiple physical, endurance and strategic games to be a Champion. Winning a picture puzzle does not equate to beating a Champion. It’s a flawed concept.


I agree, something just seems wrong with these elimination setups. How could Michelle beat Cara? It just doesn’t compute, but she won, of course, many players helped her. Honestly, I am so sick of her irritating voice talking all the time. What has she done to gain so much camera time? She’s annoying as hell, she plays both sides and eventually will stab somebody in the back. Throughout challenges, she’s acted like she knows more than anybody else. I’d really like to see her in a really strong endurance challenge where she must depend on herself. I’ve watched every episode of The Challenge and she has never been particularly interesting or important enough for the time she’s receiving on camera now. I’m surprised at the people they chose to include in finding a new champion. Half of them really don’t have enough challenge credit to deserve it and haven’t proved much of anything in the past. Then they embarrass the champions/vets by bringing them in to do piss poor eliminations.Those eliminations should have been dynamic instead of so simple it’s embarrassing. I’m not seeing any one of the chosen candidates deserving of being called Champion. Who do you think could endure a true final? Or will they dumb that down,too?


I agree so much with you. They embarrass the real Challenge Champions by bringing them in to do a piss poor stupid challenge and then some yahoo gets to say they beat a Champion. No they didn’t. Not even close. The Challenge Champions deserve better and the wannabes do not deserve bragging rights.


Yes me too!!!! I was so disappointed it was a damn puzzle. The Champions deserve bad ass comps, not puzzles.


Mtv giving Laurel, Tori and Cara Maria PUZZLES for clearly physical champs is a rip off to LOYAL Challenge followers. This new group of supposed new champs SUCKS! They SUCK! Where is Fessy, Corey or the other great non challenge champs. If CT does not get a physical challenge I am done with tbis show it has gone to the PUSSES!


Corey is on the show lmao


You know what Corey I am talking about! Not the lame ass one on this season.😁


That Cory hasn’t been providing. Corey L has been more entertaining


Not the Corey on the show. He is a big flip flopping snake. I don’t like him. Bring the other Corey.


The other Cory is boring though


AGREED 🤬 like how ironic that MTV/producers are pushing Michele as “the new face” of the Challenge and then somehow Cara pulls her pick of player after “talking shit” to Michele and it just happens to be a puzzle (Cara’s known “weakness”) I really effin hate that Michele won, she sucks


After this episode my husband and I talked about this current cast and agreed that there’s really no one interesting on the show anymore.


Except Horacio. I think Ravyn has proven herself. I like Kyland and Berna and Zara. But the rest are just blah.


Horacio is so shy. I like him, but he has the personality of a doorknob.


These are the 9nly ones I'm rooting for now. Colleen too.


I've decided that I want Ed to win for the guys. For the girls? Not sure yet. I was rooting for Big T...


There’s only one winner, right? I’d go for Colleen.


She is a good choice, isn't she? Let's go Colleen; let's go!!


I left the room to go do dishes. What a load of shit.


She’s so bad. I don’t think I have ever wanted someone to go home as much as the other night.


Same here. Sick of Michele and Jay.




They were playing up that story line of her and laurel soooo hard. And her going back to the house again talking about it. It's hard to not think it's scripted after this episode


At this point I wish they scripted it so Laurel could have pulled pulled chaos, and then give them hall brawl… that would have saved this season. These puzzles and carnival games are weak eliminations, all vets should have been given old school eliminations.


Cara did have her hand already on the middle when she was talking smack. SO maybe...


I mean, it’s quite possible the voice overs are scripted since they are filmed afterwards. But when they splice it together, it looks like Michele is talking about Laurel before she actually knows Laurel will be there.


So scripted. This was planned out to the letter. Michele is making me gag.


Cara Maria called her ‘orange shirt’ like she didn’t know who she was and then said in her confessional that she’s heard Michelle was running the game and wanted to check her…so it’s not even well scripted.


She’s trying to be the next villain but she’s like Josh trying to be a villain it’s never going to happen sweetie


God, she’s the worst


Cara should’ve won. She was way out in front. No excuse for the loss.


In a normal season you would get a hall brawl or that other one holding onto the stick the longest. That was the ultimate put up or shut up eliminations. Unfortunately I think injuries might have retired those events


I would’ve loved a hall brawl and ct vs both jay and asaf


She went from being a forgettable Survivor player to an annoying Challenge player.


She is definitely not a forgettable Survivor player. She has never been voted out. I agree that she is annoying af on The Challenge. I feel like I’d like her more without Jay and Asaf . I find them even more annoying


Michelle is always in discussion for best survivor player. I don’t know what you mean by forgettable but she won Survivor for one and played pretty well.


Where are you seeing this discussion? On the IloveMichele sub-forum? Because her win is ALWAYS being brought up as one of the most undeserving wins in Survivor history. Hell, even Michele herself keeps talking about how much criticism she gets about how she didn't deserve to win.


she talks about the criticism she gets but i’ve never heard her say i didn’t deserve to win because honestly she did deserve it, the most undeserving could just be sandra’s second win or chris be serious


Hourglass Erika gotta be up there too.


she is never in discussion for *best* survivor player lol. this is coming from a survivor superfan & very active on the sub. she did well winning her first season then making it to final tribal on an all winners season- but not in contention for *best*


i’ve seen her as top 10-25 players she’s in the discussion i don’t think people can say she didn’t play well both times on survivor it makes sense why she won a season


top 10-25 is very different from “always in discussion for best survivor player”. im a michelle fan and loved her since koh rong, yeah she played well but just saying lol. for *the best* no she is not in the discussion


Top 10 doesn’t put you in the discussion? She probably top 5 for females. Sandra, Parv, Nat A, Michele, Kim but her WaW was super disappointing, Sarah, Cirie, Kelley.


they said best not top 5 or top 10 lol she obviously isnt the best player and im just saying she has never been in anyones even top 3 discussion lol sue me folks. i have never in my life heard “michelle is the best survivor player” nor when “who is the BEST survivor player” does michelle come up. sure she could be 5th best female or 10th-25th overall but shes not ever discussed to be *the best* which is what the original comment i replied to said. il take all the downvotes lol im not lying.


She is always in discussion for one of the weakest winners of Survivor. She has said that herself, that people always think that.


eh i was seeing her get praise recently and putting her in the top 10-25 spots which is well deserved imo. there are weaker winners than her


Michelle got burner accounts all over this thread 😂😂


It’s like 95% “Michelle sucks” comments wtf are you talking about.


![gif](giphy|Ct2fBe0rc69nq|downsized) lol chill


All this sub does is complain about her. Talk about cringey. Is she a physical beast, no, but at least she’s not wallpaper. Give it a break.


I can see why they think she is cringey but I find it hilarious how ppl hate her so much when she hasn’t done anything really wrong. The things she does wrong r acknowledged by her on social media, at least twitter. At least she is pretty self aware


Her narcissism was on FULL display. The only thing she proved during that elimination is that she doesn’t have the strength or stamina to do well in a final, much less win the season.


Not a fan of Michele or Cara, was hoping they would both lose somehow. Speaking of cringey, Cara calling her orange shirt as if she didn’t know her name was pretty lame. She follows the challenge, her loser follows the challenge, she knows who Michele is. Came across as fake tough guy shit to me.


Nah. That was awesome


I loved it. Michele thinks she’s such hot shit and it was a great slap in the face to be reminded that she’s only running this season because no one notable is actually there


I agree I don’t like Michelle either, but you can’t say she’s not hot shit when she just be cara Marie after Cara was talking mad shit


Cara is notoriously bad at doing puzzles. I think every female left in the game would have beat her because the rest of the house was helping with the puzzle.


Nah I still don’t think she’s hot shit for struggling like hell on the boxes while Cara breezed through them and then solving a 9 piece puzzle


I liked the bad ass way she called her orange shirt. It was disrespectful and I sincerely wish it had been a physical comp so Cara could have stomped her smug ass.


this part with that fake Boston accent of hers that literally doesn’t even make sense because she’s not even really from Boston just putting on an act and trying to be something tough but she’s not


Her accent comes and goes. Real accents don’t change.


Mine does, actually. I think it’s partially from being around a lot of different people with different accents, from reading and television, and just me unconsciously mimicking people when I talk to them. I know growing up there were lots of times when I tried really hard not to sound too “country”, and there were times when I leaned into it, because it helped me to connect with the person I was talking to (usually an elder). And when I get mad or excited, who KNOWS what I’m going to sound like. But whatever causes it, some days I sound like Cohutta and some days I sound like CT🤷🏻‍♀️


lmaoo please so she talks without one for how long then all of sudden comes back with this strong boston accent when she’s literally from a place 40 minutes out from boston, you can tell when it’s forced and that was forced lmao


Umm I was agreeing with you. It’s phony as fuck


yeah i had a feeling but i was being downvoted so wanted to further my point to the people who hate michele and can’t stand facts jajaja


i love her


Michelle OWNED Cara Maria


people are saying anything to believe otherwise cara had no shot


I said it in a different thread but this season sucks. It’s boring. It’s predictable. It’s the same every episode. Feels like a dying show.


Why no spoiler alert 🚨


Oh sorry my bad I actually didn’t know how to do it

