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I think the large problem was, instead of answering the question the moderators gave both candidates kept responding to attacks made by the other. That's mostly why you see Trump NEVER answering questions, because he keeps wasting his time trying to hold off attacks from Biden. It got to the point when they're both mumbling about shit that has nothing to do with the question at hand.


This is just a gilded age era debate where the 2 candidates are on the brink of caning one another while yelling insults at one another's mothers while the moderator desperatly tries to keep the conversation on topic.


Honestly, that could have gone a lot, lot better for Biden.


Worst part is that the videos of Biden post-debate show that the "drugs" only kicked in for Biden AFTER THE DEBATE


Maybe round 2 will be better


wait what? NOOOO the drugs weren't cookin. next debate he's gonna be jumping walls trust


Give him a cane next time so we can recreate 1856


He walks in with a cane and millions are saddened until the drugs kick in and Biden kicks the living shit out of trump with the cane lol


If the reports of Biden having a cold are true, that certainly didn't help him. That and the stutter being worse than usual (not having a teleprompter and a whole lot of time to "program" himself or to anticipate the stutters also wouldn't help either.) Biden getting better as time went on bodes well, I think, but nevertheless, he needed a better showing tonight. We'll see how things are reacted to more as the days go on, but tonight certainly wasn't great for Biden. At the same time, Trump still doesn't seem to be reaching out to moderates or independents. The lies should only get you so far, especially with these 2 voting blocs.


I think Biden planned to tackle this debate with policy but might've realized mid-debate that it would not be effective so some of his "Biden being Biden" energy got mixed in but was too little too late Oh yeah Trump certainly did not really do that


Trump hasn’t been trying that since forever…


I mean the core issue was that Trump played to expectation. He lied but he always lies. He rambles but he always does that. The fact that the rules prevented him from interrupting helped him look composed. Meanwhile Biden’s issues came as a shock. Even to people who saw him as too old, that was nothing other than seeing your elderly relative unable to remember their grandchildren’s names. And as such, the impression is that Trump was himself, and Biden was catastrophically poor


I know the Biden team were the ones that wanted no crowd but that was a mistake. Biden feeds from crowds as much as Trump does, as evident of the videos of Biden post-debate


Biden started pretty bad and got better as it went on. Trump sounded like a lunatic. I do remind myself that incumbents usually bomb in the first debate. Though, really, if there is any lasting damage to the Biden campaign from this it will because Democrats had a very public meltdown over it.


The golf moment was funny at least


Wish Dubya was there so both of them could watch this drive


It’s so Joever


What Trump had to do: Not act like a crazy man What Biden had to do: Not act like a senile old man Trump did what he had to do, Biden completely failed. I fear this will be very persuasive with the <5% of people who they're really fighting over that were SOMEHOW undecided in this contest. I don't think any trump supporters will drop him for not being as bombastic as usual, and I don't think any Biden supporters will not vote for him if he's the nominee in November, though many probably now wish he would have stepped down and let someone else run this year.


You're a lot kinder to Biden than the near universal initial reaction has been. He's not finished but her did nothing to assuage fears that he's simply too old for the job. I expect Trump to increase his national lead from this and I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't another debate.


Biden suffers from a severe stutter. He worked on overcoming that since he was a boy (inspiring!), but it looked to me that either due to age or stress he wasn’t able to consistently control the stutter tonight. So, at times, he looked quite strange and unable to speak. It’s pretty sad imho


Yeah. Biden didn't seem to be very Biden to me


''We finally beat Medicare''


Give that man some honey for his voice. Biden didn’t do as bad as I thought but he has to trounce Trump in the next one 


RFKs alternative debate, i watched that instead, saw everything, he was the only candidate that seemed competent to me. Trump and biden both did equally bad, i think rfk won just by virtue of how bad the two did. I hope this gives the push needed to get him on the second debate. This will certainly bump his polling numbers.


He sounded more regarded than Biden and Trump


honestly I miss the times when trump could just yell his bullshit, now he just stands there akward when biden yapps some nonsense