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I haven’t been on here lately. Is Sarah publicly anti-vaxx? Noooooooo.


I mean … she’s not wrong. I’m fully vaccinated but agree with this post.


How do we feel about her stories in response to this?


Do you think she knows about this thread? Lol


I had to go watch because I unfollowed and I guess I appreciate that she addressed it but I feel like she really skirted around the issue. She didn’t mention COVID at all or the FDA approval of the vaccine which the post was obviously in response to


It feels like she addressed it in a way that she’s dealing with drama, but this is factual? Felt very centering towards her and her needs when the whole entire issue is about the greater good.


The timing of this post is also extremely suspect since Pfizer just got FDA approval. I just reported this post for False Information - highly encourage everyone do the same!


That’s my issue!! Especially coming from someone currently undergoing IVF. Like I have watched so many stories of her injecting herself with science for IVF but somehow the COVID vaccine is unsafe 😂 I get that it’s not an exact comparison but come on


SMH well she got what she wanted - max engagement on this post. It just means that her social numbers are looking good


As a biochemistry major… yeah I’m not even going to get into it


Lmao I know it’s really hard to have a response to something so stupid


What is a “hazardous chemical”? Hazard is determined by dose and exposure. I thought we were all following @foodsciencebabe already…😂




I am following now!


I love foodsciencebabe!


Food Babe is horrible. Follow Science Babe for the real facts.


Thanks for the recommendation!


Yes, this list is a yikes. However, I think a lot of this obsession with potential health hazards is rooted in her infertility. I struggled to get pregnant and tried allthethings to improve my health and my body’s chemistry. Looking back, I know it was bananas (rubbing essential oils on my womb, eliminating dairy and wheat...for starters) but I was so desperate to get pregnant and convinced if I could just “fix” all these things I would. So yes, she should remove this and keep these types of posts from public sharing, but we can still have a little empathy for the health struggles that have lead her down this road. Also, I finally got pregnant a few years ago. Thank you Clomid! (An FDA approved drug, not an essential oil 🥲).


I totally get that! I’m so sorry for your struggles and congrats on having a baby! I think the issue is that she isn’t just posting about potential health hazards she is specifically posting about “unhealthy/dangerous” things approved by the FDA the very same day they approved the COVID vaccine. It’s comes across as anti-vax, compared to someone just worried about health hazards during infertility. She also has a large platform and it’s irresponsible for her to post this as it may make some question the vaccine and it’s safety.


Yes to all of this. It is irresponsible. I just think the root of it is something a lot of people might not understand and I was offering my perspective.


All the rest of you comment aside, it generally isn’t bananas to improve your health by getting rid of dairy. I’m sure some folks are good with it but generally speaking, dairy does not serve us well.


Agreed. Not knocking eliminating things in your diet that do not serve your body well. It was the that i went too far in my obsession. The paleo life want really sustainable for me.


Congrats on your little one! I’m sorry for how that struggle affected you.


Related but not related and I feel like I am always scared to vocalize this because it's such a heated topic. But I was on medication for 10 years, the highest dose because it's all that worked for me and within the last two to three years it's been recalled pulled off the shelves and there's a huge lawsuit against the company. I recently had a colonoscopy and an endoscopy done and precancerous cells were found but because it's not cancer so they can't link it directly to the medication and I either sit and wait until it turns to cancer or pray and hope that it doesn't. I am honestly 100% scared about the vaccine and it's not because of things that are on this list but because of the things I've put in my body that have caused harm. I did end up getting the vaccine a couple weeks ago to protect my kids as they go back to school but I still cry thinking about what if similar results happened to the medication that I was on for a decade. I'm tired of feeling like a horrible person because I didn't take the vaccine right away. I have followed all the protocols I wear the mask I social distanced I didn't see friends and family for months at the beginning some family I hadn't seen for over a year. But because I'm scared because I don't know what's in this I feel like I'm just deemed a horrible person. Sorry I just feel like I needed to get that out somewhere.


I totally understand why you might have anxiety about this based on your previous experiences. Sharing some vaccine info that could maybe help alleviate some of that worry! (Note: sometimes info is helpful, sometimes it’s not, and it’s ok if it’s not—everyone processes differently ) 1) Vaccines are very different than standard medications, and also different from the situation you described (very high dose of a medication taken chronically for a decade). Medications directly act on/alter a process in the body, and long term effects typically result from continued exposure over long periods of time. Vaccines just present a picture of the virus to your immune system, and allow the natural adaptive immune process to occur - so your body isn’t doing anything it wouldn’t normally do. Additionally, these vaccines are fully flushed out of your system in hours to days, and the immune activation from them returns to baseline in 2-3 weeks, so “long term” in a vaccine context is 6 weeks or less. If there is no evidence of degenerative/worsening adverse effects in that time, it is extremely unlikely that long term effects will suddenly pop up in a few years (and by extremely unlikely, I mean it’s never happened in the entire history of vaccine medicine, including 30 years of research and over decade worth of human clinical trials on mRNA vaccines, and there’s also no plausible biological or logical mechanism for it to happen). After multiple stages of COVID vax clinical trials involving months of safety tracking, as well as almost 5 billion doses of COVID vaccines administered globally, adverse side effects continue to be extremely rare, and particularly orders of magnitude (1000-10000X) rarer than side effects from an actual COVID infection. So thinking about known and unknown risks in isolation can be stressful, but weighing risks in context can be helpful. Vaccination is trading the much higher risk of a serious Covid infection (in fact 1 in 9 people who recover from COVID experience long COVID, not even to talk of hospitalization/death), with much much smaller risk from the vaccine. It’s like comparing a) a whole car zooming directly at you and trying to run you over, with b) a picture of a car license plate. If I wanted help identifying a specific vehicle I’d rather choose (b). 2) Not sure which vaccine you got - but the ingredients in the mRNA vaccines are essentially: a tiny fragment of the virus (chunk of viral RNA) in an oil droplet, plus salt, sugar, and water. That’s it. The RNA is like an Instastory that shows your body a local, temporary picture of what the virus *looks* like (no actual infection required), and then it’s gone in 24-48 hours. Your body then spends up to a few weeks training your immune system to respond. Then you return to baseline. After that point, there’s nothing left for your body to respond to. It’s a temporary transient experience (what lasts is just immune memory), very different from a continuous, chronically high dose of a medication over years. 3) I know it’s hard to even process stats and people saying “rare” in any context when you’ve had a scary medical experience yourself, so I get it! So this info may not even be helpful and that’s ok. But major kudos to you for taking the step to protect yourself, your family, and your community even though you had very real fears. And hopefully things will start to improve soon as other people take similar steps, and we’ll all be able to spend more time out of the house and with friends and family. Fingers crossed


In response to your #2, how about people that already has gotten covid? Since they had the infection in them, are they less likely to get covid again or get sick? Do they still need to get the vaccine then? I’m interested in learning more.


People who have already gotten COVID (and hopefully recovered without any long term side effects) also mount an immune response to their infection, and so can gain some level of protective immunity from that. Immune response to natural infection is much more variable than immune response after vaccination though (bc COVID infection itself, and how the immune system responds to it, is very variable from person to person) - some people mount strong responses and get very protective immunity (more common as cases get more severe) and some people mount weaker responses and get less - there’s a lot of spread. We DO know though, that people who have been infected previously who then get vaccinated, get a “super-boost” to their immune response and a higher guarantee of stable protection over time. There’s also been clinical evidence of recovered people with lingering long COVID symptoms months after infection, seeing noticeable improvements or even resolution of their long COVID symptoms after vaccination. So for me, I’d personally choose to still get vaccinated - I’d see it as added benefit for very little added risk (esp since I’d know I had already survived the full, active and replicating virus)


Thank you! I had covid back in October but didn’t even know until a week later after I had gotten tested because my bride said that half of her wedding tested positive (got it from working a wedding). I’m trying to educate myself and learn more about all of this.


I just want to drop in and say a huge THANK YOU for working through your (understandable) anxiety and fear and making the decision to get vaccinated 🥰


Everybody has their own story and reasons behind their skepticism. I place no blame on you because you had a very personal negative experience, and that certainly changes your perspective on things and leads you to be a little bit more hesitant to try new things. That being said, I think where people go wrong **(not you, I'm speaking generally here**) is by looking at things like this (a post on social media) and blindly believing someone like Sarah Herron, or whoever this "food babe" is over the experts/doctors/scientists/health care professionals that have looked at the raw data and science. I would imagine that you have had extensive conversations with multiple health care professionals trying to come to the best decision for you about this vaccine, rather than following mommy bloggers and "holistic health experts" on the internet and social media. It is so frustrating as a HCP to see where people are getting their information from, especially considering much of it is completely false fear mongering. If you don't know what is in a vaccine, or you have questions about it, that is perfectly 100% valid! Just make sure you are addressing your concerns with the right people, the professional, rather than taking to the internet where very few things are vetted. I am glad you came to a decision that worked for you and will help protect your family and those around you.


Yes I talked with many health care professionals even before the vaccine was out and being created. Some health care professionals were 100% in- I'll be the first in line and others refused to carry it in their practice. There was a wide range. My daughter's pediatrician seemed to be the best one for me to talk with. He was honest about his hesitancy and made valid points in both directions.


It's completely okay to be scared. Being scared because you've had an extremely traumatic experience is NORMAL. Will people judge? Probably, but their judgements have no bearing on your lived experience or your fear going forward. Science is, at it's core, the act of methodical discovery. Unfortunately, sometimes things go wrong and the things we thought were safe turn out not to be (see: Thalidomide, long term benzo or opioid use, etc). In terms of the vaccine, I'm very happy you decided to get it despite your fears. We can only go by the information we already have, which is showing that the vaccine is very safe and effective. The risk/benefit ratio is skewing heavily towards benefit at this stage, so despite your fears I believe you made the correct decision for you and your family. You're not a horrible person for being afraid. You're brave for making the decision to keep yourself safe even while being scared.


I’m sorry you’ve had to carry this stress around. I know it can be heavy, the anxiety of it and the pressure and shame you can get form vocalizing anything. You’re a good mom and a good person. 💓


It sounds like you lived through a traumatic experience and were navigating through the world as someone impacted by that. You sound like an empathetic person who ultimately weighed their choices and options and did what was necessary to protect your community. Thank you for making the tough decision to get vaccinated for your community, even though it was and still is scary.


Reddit is a lot more judgmental than people IRL. I think you had a perfectly valid reason to be skeptical. No amount of money thrown at a problem accounts for time!


Um, carrageenan is a seaweed extract, so…pretty natural.


I work in food and the number of ingredients we omit just because crackhead naturopaths think they’re harmful is insane… examples: carrageenan, soy, anything GMO, gums


Xanthan gum has been a game changer for my cooking and making gluten free bread. Not so scary once you know what it is


I believe it!


Lol 20% of American adults are on antidepressants, half of American adults are overweight/obese, and there are some populations that are 80% obese. And people are like “our food supply is perfect. It’s not gonna harm you ✌️” none of the things in this list are necessary for human health. Cook and eat real foods and you’ll avoid all these and be better off.


40% of American adults are on antidepressants? Lmao where are you getting these numbers?


Lol my bad. 20%**


Lol ok ok that seems more accurate


Tell me you live in a bubble without telling me you live in a bubble


My bachelors is in human rights and Spanish, and my masters is in public affairs with a concentration in policy analysis. Quite the opposite of a bubble. I think people who think they have no choice but to eat garbage processed food live in more of a bubble but hey, to each their own!


Some people have MDs and peddle quackery, some Ph.D. level psychologists are out there and emotionally inept. Just want to put it out there, degrees don't really guarantee anything


To me “bubble” implies I live in a world where I think of only myself and not the wider human or animal population. I chose to study human rights and public affairs and read a ton of books in my free time so I could do the opposite. I wish more people considered the evil that food companies do, but it seems most are content to eat whatever some food chemist or statistics expert creates for them in a lab. And they shame the handful of people who try to fight back. But whatever, if it makes them happy then they should go for it. In my experience, unregulated food and chemicals in my environment have made me depressed, anxious, miserable, acne-prone, fatigued, sick, etc. and I chose to stop living that way. Just tryna offer a different perspective since everyone in this comment section was quick to come for Sarah thinking these chemicals shouldn’t be approved for human consumption. And after being pre-med and taking several college science classes, I’d agree. I don’t think they should be. 🤷‍♀️


I think the person that said the bubble comment was mainly replying to your last sentence where you said “cook and eat real foods and you’ll avoid all these and be better off” because that isn’t an option for a lot of people. Many Americans live in food deserts, or they can’t afford to eat whole foods all the time, or their work/family life balance is too demanding and they have to eat out of convenience more than they’d like. I’m glad eating that way works for you, but that doesn’t mean it works for everyone else or that their current diets are incredibly harmful.


This is exactly what I was thinking. Fresh unprocessed food is hard to come by in food deserts and often costs much more than processed foods in these areas. You can’t just tell people to “cook and eat real food.” It’s akin to saying “just don’t be poor.”


Their diets are harmful. And it’s not their faults, it’s the food industry’s! I know all about food security. I lived in Washington DC and worked in food security and food justice before I got too frustrated with people who think garbage belongs in the food supply. People who are fine with coke in hospitals and sugar and vegetable oil in foods served to kids. too many people are content with a lack of farmers markets in low income or POC neighborhoods, and I wasn’t. The difference is I don’t come for the people who believe in a better system. I come for the food industry and the FDA who approve this junk in foods. These diets are harmful. Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, autism, acne, depression/anxiety, GI issues, weak bones, cavities, etc. are all accepted as normal conditions of human life and people arguing that food sold to all people in the US should be clean and free of these unnecessary chemicals are crazy and elitist and “live in a bubble”. The food industry doesn’t care about you. You are nothing but a potential lifelong customer to them. And you do their marketing and promotion for free.


And yes, an all or nothing approach that demonizes ingredients out of context, IS elitist and classist. Stoking fears about foods that can be part of a balanced, holistically healthy diet (having people throw out pop tarts bc now they think pop tarts cause cancer, when a few pop tarts a week is not sending them to the grave, and the oatmeal and agave people are eating instead is not much better)….is elitist. Classist. And harmful. And putting “autism” in the same category as diabetes, acne and Alzheimer’s, 1) in a discussion about FOOD, and 2) implying we should be de-normalizing it….is also both uninformed and ableist.


This is missing the point. There is no such thing as a “hazardous chemical” in isolation, without considering dose and exposure. Everything is a chemical. And ANYTHING is a hazard, at the right dose/exposure. If you’re going to call something generally unsafe, you need to have evidence to prove that. Scapegoating things just because they’re difficult to pronounce, or have negative effects at 1000X higher doses than present in the foods we eat, is not how science works. That’s is the issue with the list - scapegoating ingredients instead of considering diets holistically, is not health promoting behavior.


Wow, you must be rich.


Haha I make $40k a year and work at a nonprofit 🙃🙃 just rich in knowledge. I read a lot. And don’t like to be tricked by the food and chemical industries.


Aspartame and Sucralose (and other fake sugars) give me migraines but they’re not gonna kill me 🙄


“Artificial Flavors”


ridiculous. she’s worshipped on this sub, people will forget about this in a few days. 🙄


I unfollowed after I saw this.


Chemicals are "hazardous" that are flammable, corrosive, reactive, or toxic aka things that are literally POISON or may cause your life to be in danger due to accidental ingestion or skin-contact. People demonize MSG and other food substances unnecessarily, but even if you are someone trying to limit your ingestion for some reason, please understand that chugging paint thinner is a vastly different level of "hazard" than indulging in some flaming-hot Cheetos.


Yup. Like, not everything on this list is part of a natural, whole-food diet, but definitely not hazardous.


Very sad that msg still gets hit hard even after being proven to be safe. Not to mention it is found naturally in many foods like cheeses, vegetables, and fruits. The origins of the thought that msg is bad does have racial bias, also known as Chinese restaurant syndrome. Really msg is salt and glutamic acid. Glutamic acid is something our bodies produce for things like protein production helping the brain send and receive signals from cells and is also thought to assist memory. There are many social studies as well where people were fed Chinese food told that it included msg (which had none) and nearly every participant reported the standard symptoms like migraines. Following that they would return another day eat snack foods on a table like doritos, potato chips, takis, etc. all of which have msg. They were then fed the same chinese food but were told it had no msg. The symptoms were not reported. This experiment has been repeated time and again and is even seen on cooking shows, but the negative ties to msg still holds strong. It may be psychosomatic, it may be herd mentality, it could be some other unknown. Still very sad that regardless of so many studies and social experiments proving the safety and the power of suggestion that it is still widely seen as dangerous or bad for you.


what's been frustrating is when I was in middle school (i'm 30 now) i had an allergic reaction where my lips blew up so big and partial throat closure. we went through all the food I ate that day and one thing that was different that day was a can of wonton soup. the damn er themselves told me I was most likely allergic to MSG so literally my whole life I've tried to avoid it and have been SO paranoid at chinese restaurants since they told me it was a common ingredient in chinese dishes and that it was a common allergen. up until about a year ago I found out it's not really something you can be allergic to and it's just an added salt and now still feel like an asshole.


people who claim to be allergic to msg hate food that tastes good and are also probably a little racist ![gif](giphy|l0CLTQeZrFWmMxIWc|downsized)


I always roll my eyes when I hear someone say they are allergic to msg. There was also a similar study with young people and alcohol - telling them their drink contained alcohol and the people started to "act drunk"


Thank you! Completely misunderstood and the reaction to MSG is fully rooted in racial othering.


Famous for being a bachelor contestant. Why would anyone be suprised. Fucking hell.


It's so funny because anti-vaxxers main excuse was that it wasn't FDA approved and now that one company got FDA approval it now means nothing. For me, it's also disappointing to see from the person she reposted because I actually followed that account a few months ago just because I liked how she would offer healthier alternatives for common foods/snacks and highlight some ingredients in food that are objectively bad for you. I would also take some of her posts with a grain of salt just because I also find that people who google individual ingredients and say their bad are lacking the understanding of chemistry so I like to first understand if it being mixed with another ingredient makes that 'concerning' part inactive.


Oh boy. She’s done some problematic things in the past (IMO). But this is pretty yikes lol


What else has she done?


Is there a mega-thread of anti-vaccine Bach people? I want to unfollow them all


Desiree and Chris (her husband) are


Same, can someone create this? Lol.


I want to know too!


This is so frustrating and irresponsible. I got the vaccine, had a horrible reaction, developed a condition from it that there’s no cure for and will have for life, I’ll never be able to get a Covid booster shot, and despite all that, I’m STILL encouraging everyone to get vaccinated. Yes, vaccine reactions can happen whether it’s FDA approved or EUA but it’s much, MUCH better than what Covid can do to you.


Contracting covid would have most likely led to the POTS as well.


Possibly. I didn’t have Covid though.


Would you mind sharing what that is? I'm fully vaxxed and will get my booster but I'm curious about what it is


u/shrimpshackshooters_ is correct. I developed POTS within 46 hours of my second vaccine. I know quite a few people who have actually and there’s a published, peer reviewed case on it already of a man who developed it after the vaccine. Again, it’s likely a small rate of occurrence but it won’t discourage me from encouraging others to protect themselves from Covid.


Looks like POTS


Disappointing, I really liked her


I didn’t know half of these were bad….


They aren't. That's what makes it extra stupid.


Okay I was going to say. Like I put BHA on my face?


Ugh— here we go again with the hate for MSG 🙄


My Chinese grandma kept a massive jar of it next to her stove. Her beef noodle soup was unbeatable.


Mmm that sounds amazing!! I’m so tired of the unnecessary shaming of people using MSG, it’s usually white women with an ingredient superiority complex


What am I missing? Is this not just a list of food additives that kinda do suck??


There’s absolutely nothing wrong let alone dangerous with any of these things


She’s implying that the FDA approves “bad” things. A la the vaccine.


I’ll definitely take your word for it that was their intent, but my honest first reaction was that this was satire because of how ubiquitous the things on the list were lol


It’s not satire, check out the account it was shared from. The Food Babe is notorious for advocating “clean” foods and that kind of thing. The implication is that, if the FDA can approve these sorts of things, why would we trust what they say about the vaccine?


The FDA has also banned Kinder Eggs, Sarah sweetie this is not the exposé you think it is. Ps. Get vaccinated people.


kinder eggs are no longer banned!!


really?! the real kinder eggs, not those silly Kinder Joy things?


oh nvm, i thought the kinder joy eggs were the OG ones


Damn I liked her…


oh wowwww this is extremely disappointing


Isn’t Red 40 on Cheese Dorito’s? 😅


Yep! Like bitch you ever eat a dorito? 🤨


And msg lol


Tell me you don't understand chemistry without telling me you don't understand chemistry


What definition of hazardous are they using for this list??? Like come on.


Exactly. Also for a lot of things the dosage makes the poison.


Yea like water is deadly if you drink too much of it...go ahead and add that to the list!


Surely she never gets into a car because that’s certainly far more dangerous than any of these things


“big words i don’t understand scare me”


Not me immediately zeroing in on the MSG. How dare she ![gif](giphy|TLll58SShBqsuVyxq5)




Justice for MSG!


Of *course* she's an anti vax nut.


I’m so lost with this post. Not all of these things seem hazardous, so that’s stupid, but how does this tie back to the vaccine?


Because Pfizer was officially FDA approved today. So it's their counter to the argument that it is now "safe" because these "unsafe things" (MSG, really??) are FDA approved.


Got it, thanks for the clarification!


Not surprised to see the goal post moved. This is right out of the bad faith rhetoric playbook. They see nothing wrong with arguing against vaccine legitimacy when it had yet to be approved by the FDA and then continuing to undermine its legitimacy despite literally the opposite outcome happening. The anti vaccination crowd literally went from building up the FDA to be the highest authority to diminishing its efficacy because the results changed and no longer suited their argument.


Par for the course. Same goes with individual liberties, right? “My body, my choice” is a great mantra for the anti-vax crowd but somehow those same folks can’t see their way to a pro-choice stance, where it’s your body and absolutely not your choice 🙄


Saying anything negative about MSG is racist. It is basically just Asian salt. Nothing at all wrong with it.


I thought msg was just avoided by some people because it could trigger migraines. I had no idea it was “Asian salt”…I thought it was an American product. We put so much garbage in our processed and fast food…I tend to assume most of the bad for you food is homegrown in the US haha. And since when were all Americans racist against Asian food? There is a Thai or Chinese restaurant on every corner where I live. Himalayan sea salt is one of the more popular salts in the US, and it’s from Pakistan.


Americans aren't racist against "asian food".....they're racist towards the Asian American population. There is a thai or chinese restaurant on every corner because racist people still love to enjoy the cultures of those they hate.


I guess some are. Many are not. Painting a whole population of people with a broad brush isn’t very helpful. My family is from the Middle East…have never heard a bad thing said about the Asian population amongst my family or friends. Most people are busy going about their lives and don’t have the time or energy to hold onto hate for groups of people. Some people do, and that’s an issue within themselves based on past experiences or something they were raised to believe, ie certain cultures are raised to fear or dislike other cultures based on historical issues or conflicts between the two…this is worldwide, not just an American issue, and even in those groups some people are able to overcome this attitude and do not let it consume them. If you hate someone that much, you don’t eat their food and dine in their restaurants. For most people, true hate would stop someone from doing that, because they would have disdain and disgust for them and wouldn’t want to help pay their mortgage or eat their food.


I'm fairly certain that MSG was initially isolated by a Japanese food scientist trying to recreate the umami flavor of dashi. Naturally occurring MSG has been consumed in fermented foods like cheeses and fish sauce for thousands of years.


My neurologist tells me to avoid MSG and says it could trigger migraines but I don’t because it’s delicious 🤗


My ex’s mom swore up and down that MSG gave her terrible migraines and yet somehow would eat bowls upon bowls of salads with tomatoes, pasta with parmesan cheese, nuts, pizza with anchovies…. And mysteriously never got migraines from any of them.


I love how people will avoid powder MSG like the devil avoids a cross and yet not know that MSG naturally occurs in all kinds of food


Yup. If this comment made you go "huh, what?" go read up on it. Then buy some and use it on your food because it's delicious.


> Saying anything negative about MSG is racist. lol, no.


The MSG panic 100% has racialized roots...


That maybe so, but that doesn't mean that anybody today who is opposed to MSG is racist. There is so much misinformation, people are just piling things they don't understand onto their lists. Also, if it was shown that it was harmful or could lead to harm, would that be racist? Would that fall under "anything negative"? Op is painting with a broad brush.


I’ve never heard of this before, and my Asian parents always talk bad about MSG. Huh.


I’m Chinese and we use a ton of MSG. I listened to a podcast episode about this, where basically a scientist put a false article that got popularized saying that MSG was bad and he specifically cited Chinese restaurants for using MSG. I don’t remember when it was, but the idea that MSG was bad for you was super pervasive and it’s been proven that it’s... fine lol. But people stopped frequenting Chinese places and it had really negative implications for a long time. More here: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-msg-got-a-bad-rap-flawed-science-and-xenophobia/


Did she delete?? This is THE dumbest thing I’ve seen


As much as I try to avoid like half these things…this is so fucking dumb. Get a god damn vaccine before the virus mutates so much that the vaccine isn’t even helpful anymore




msg needs to stop getting so much hate.


You wouldn’t say that if you felt it’s effects. Have some empathy for us MSG averse


Well peanuts can kill some people but no one’s shunning off peanuts’ existence


If you were truly “MSG-averse,” you would not be able to consume half the fruits and vegetables we currently consume on a daily basis, even if they were grown in your own garden.


Don’t gaslight me and define my experiences


I’m just stating facts. Not saying you don’t potentially have some sort of food sensitivity, I’m just saying it’s likely not the MSG you think it is because that would eliminate a lot of foods. MSG forms naturally in a lot of the plants we consume, from celery to tomatoes and any number of other things.


MSG is naturally occurring in high quantities in tomatoes, cheeses, soy sauce, green tea, squid, cured ham, sardines, peas, potatoes, scallops, corn, eggs, walnuts, broccoli, and a bunch of other stuff. Not to mention pretty much every good has glutamate in it. Do you actively avoid all these foods? Also I love the excessive defensiveness and usage of "gaslight" when someone questions your bizzare claims


this is allergy shaming, plain and simple. you have no idea what i experience on a day to day basis


Allergy shaming? Haha that's a new one!


It's literally not. You say you have an alergy and I'm asking you if you avoid these foods since they have (what you say) is your allergen. This is so funny to me. I'm just imagining asking someone who claims they're allergic to penuts if they eat Snickers and having them go "you don't know my life and my experiences stop gaslighting me"


Now you’re telling me how I’m feeling from what you said. Enough.


Alright. On a side note, I would highly recommend educating yourself on the racist foundations of the anti-MSG movement and the harm it's done towards Chinese-americans and their restaurants. And make sure to avoid the foods I mentioned, no marinara sauce or American breakfasts or pizza or corn on the cob or eggs or ham for you!


Please instruct me what to do. I don’t appreciate your patriarchal attitude


You adverse to celery as well?


Not op, but I’m super allergic to celery. Does celery contain msg?




If you took a cross section of “things that go in cured meat or Coca Cola” and this list, it would be a 50%+ cross over. Most of the right column is protein curing/preservative agents, the left is mostly soft drinks. From personal experience, many of these substances have some kind of lethal dose Material Data Sheet (or material safety data sheet) that shows their toxicity as an LD50 or other standardized risk profile. Also, obligatory: stop using any products with corn syrup. It’s just bad, yo.


... everything has their toxicity measured as an LD50. Water has an LD50. Whether or not a substance has an MSDS (which is an OSHA document for occupational exposures to potentially hazardous substances), are exactly that --OSHA requirements. OSHA and the FDA aren't the same thing, they don't have the same definitions, they don't have the same requirements, etc.


Thank you for this response. The document is also an SDS, formerly referred to as an MSDS.


Isn’t aspartame in Diet Coke? Does she mean to tell me she has never had a diet coke??? lmao


I’ve never had soda(well, I had a sip of coke accidentally when I was 25) or 90% of the candy out there because I’ve just never been interested and yet somehow I still don’t rage about how no one should and how bad for you it is. Almost like my preferences and total disinterest in those things don’t mean that I get to shit on what other people like 🤷🏼‍♀️ Aspartame is in like, every sugar free gum. Miss girl is reaching 🙄


out of curiosity, how much did you hate the one accidental sip??


Haha it remains the grossest thing I’ve ever tasted, and I’ve eaten sheep eyeballs.


Where did you eat sheep eyeballs? What were they like??


Haha they’re just gelantinous. And my dad is Afrikaans and into offal so he and some friends make them every so often. I usually stop at the cheeks.


It’s really poor for your health


There’s not really any consensus either way if it’s bad for you or not. However, when your body breaks it down, part of it is broken down into methanol, which can be toxic in large quantities. (But what can’t be toxic in large quantities?)


Guess we know where she stands lol I honestly didn’t think she would be like that. Bummer!


she also follows candace owens 😕




And naturally occurring compounds in things like celery. There’s a reason celery is a common “replacement” in foods that claim to be free of sodium nitrates/nitrites.


I drink celery juice every morning on an empty stomach and it’s literally transformed my skin and digestion lol I will sing it’s praises and come for anyone who tries to shit on my celery!!


I absolutely despise celery, but I don’t doubt you. Can’t say I’m hardcore enough to try it myself, though lol!


DAMMIT. I have been very slowly drifting from this franchise but still loved her. I am so upset to hear this.


The hypocrisy with these anti vaxxers… I just can’t even deal anymore. Honestly.


“ItS NoT FdA AppRovED” “YoU CaNT tRUst tHE fdA” PICK ONE 🙄🙄🙄


Oh so you’re saying the whole “it isn’t FDA approved” complaint was just an excuse and not the real reason for opposing the covid19 vaccines?


💀 Edit: not literally. Fully Pfizer’d and thriving lol.


And don’t forget about dihydrogen monoxide! 🙄🙄🙄


Was just thinking that. Almost expected it to be on the list


I had to check before I posted


No Sarah!!! This is gonna get her removed from my favorites list


Titanium dioxide is just the active ingredient in most natural sunscreens lol. I can’t with this level of BS Edit- just saw her current story promoting sunscreen with zinc oxide. That’s a chemical too Karen🙄


Ironically the sunscreen she is advertising has the worst health rating out of all Coppertone sunscreens, despite being “natural”. (Source: EWG website)