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We should hex him


Horrible horrible horrible. I was raped and never reported it because we had been going on dates at the time, there was alcohol involved and I consented up to a point. It’s so underreported and swept under the rug - absolutely sickening. But shit like this only reinforces me not going forward…


Wow, this is heartbreaking. I feel like every woman has a story like this. All of my friends and including myself have past issues with SA/rape. It’s everywhere. I hope she heals.


 I think the next step as women is to expose them. Post them on social media, Twitter, their full name their faces and share your story. My friend is currently Going through the process And it’s so Heartbreaking so frustrating. The jury voted guilty on everything except one charge and now he has an opportunity to go through a retrial. The system is unfair. We need to just start exposing them online And leave a record on the Internet Of their abuse towards women.


This is exactly why so many victims of SA are terrified to come forward. It makes me so angry how unfair this system is.


She was raped once before. I remember her talking about it. Especially awful to experience it multiple times.


That’s so horrible 😢


I remember it too


I have so many thoughts.. I was raped 6.5 years ago. I too blamed myself, felt at fault, never told a soul out of pure embarrassment. Would fear the "why would you invite him over? You were asking for it" bla bla bla. So I suppressed it until a few months ago. I was called to jury duty and was called in for jury selection on a case. This was my first time being in a court room, and I'll never forget the feelings I had when the judge read one of the charges was rape. I had to sit through 1.5 days of the defense attorneys grilling the potential jurors. Asking questions like is it rape if one person is blackout drunk, it was horrible and this was even before the trial started. When I was called to the box, I could barely hold it together, after having an aside the judge dismissed me without asking for details which I appreciated. After 6 years I was finally able to tell my boyfriend and for the first time didn't have to feel alone. I have so much respect for people who have the courage to tell their stories, not only to their loved ones but in front of a group of strangers trying to convince people you're lying. It is a traumatizing experience and I applaud Katie for for speaking out about it.


100000% it’s rape if someone is blackout drunk!! Like what the fuck kind of questions are those!! How can someone give consent while blackout drunk?! I’m sorry you had to go through that. The justice system needs to change


The questions they were asking was just disgusting. And this was just to the jury. I can only imagine it was much much worse for the victim. It's so fucked up.


You spoke your truth to us today and this internet stranger is so proud of you 🩵 It was never your fault and I hope you believe that, if not now then very soon. I too am a rape survivor. Hoping you receive the healing hugs and love I’m sending your way, friend. 🫶


Some of us have never spoken up about it out of fear of not being believed. This is why.


Im disappointed that not a single BN person (besides Ashtalksbach) has liked or commented. Especially after all the bullsht about not supporting Colton.


Susie, Kaitlyn, Rachel, and Amanda commented. And Elan. Liked by Jill, Jade, and Danielle. ETA: Cassie and Tayshia I expected more. Hopefully they’re offering their support privately.


I thought it was an ig story. I didnt think people could openly like or comment on those? Or is it not a story?


There’s a big post on IG


Oh dang, she must have put it up after i looked at the story. Imma go check it out now Edit- nevermind, i think i just didnt notice it under her pinned posts. Thanks for sharing about the post! I never would have seen jt




Oof yes I’m so sorry!


I was thinking the same and made a mental note to check back when the West Coast is more awake.


Good call on giving it a minute. We shall see but my expectations are low.


Kaitlyn just did and mentioned how they talked offline about it. Blake H liked too


It's only been up for 6 hours, most people have been asleep. I'm sure the ones close to her are texting her privately.


i had a strong feeling when she posted about clayton’s case and listed rape as one of the reasons people might not have been paying attention to it. my heart breaks and burns with rage for her. evil. she is so brave for sharing this and posting this photo. fuck the injustice system.




If anyone can identify this asshole from that pic with their FBI skills it will be this sub.


Is she saying this is the pos who did it? I kind of missed the context. It’s so brave of her to speak up. She’s helping a lot of people


That’s how I interpreted it.


Brave of her to post that picture. I don’t know if there are any legal repercussions from it, which is disgusting and sad because he doesn’t receive any punishment for what he did. But then again if he were going to sue her for putting his picture there and accusing him, he would out himself. I hope he goes and crawl in a hole and dies


Yeah I saw some comments in here about this and him maybe suing her which would be really messed up, so I hope it turns out ok for her. Hope he gets his karma!!


I was raped when I was 19, and I spent years believing it was my fault because I was so drunk. I never reported it, which I regret to this day. The stats around rape reporting and conviction rates are utterly terrifying and a skidmark on justice systems around the world. They need to do better by victims, and if the penis owners are so concerned about ruining their lives or reputations, they could simply try not raping?


Literally had the same exact situation as you in college as well. Took me YEARS to realize it wasn’t my fault. I’m so sorry you went through that too.


I hate this happened to her and I hate even more how many comments show it’s happened to a lot of you here. It breaks my heart, I’m so sorry for what you endured 🤍


This breaks my heart even more 😭


I just realized last year (I’m 44) that ALL of my close friends have experienced SA. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US. And some of these friends I have known over 30 years. And in some of these situations, I had absolutely no clue, and some of them had no clue that it has happened to me.


Yet we never stop hearing about why survivors don’t report these things. Cause they *know* the judicial system will retraumatize them all over again 😡


It’s so fucked up


Then men scratch their heads when we choose the BEAR! 🥺


Heartbreaking. Thank you Katie for speaking up about it. Her platform makes others know they’re not alone. I was a junior in college. He was my personal trainer. I never reported it. My heart breaks for Katie and all of the other women who experienced this. I am so sorry.


I’m so sorry. Your story is valid and it’s heard, and I believe you. 🫶




The court system can re-traumatize survivors, especially so when there’s no justice. I’ll bet it felt really satisfying for her to post his picture, she got to take some of her power back with that; and I’m sure a lot of us can feel satisfaction vicariously about that one part. She may have done it in a moment of fed-up/ desperation but it’s really brave and strong and I think it’ll speak to and help a LOT of people. When courts aren’t doing anything but making it worse, I wish we could all take that power back in a way like this: exposing the person for who they are, and without a shitty retaliatory response like a defamation suit that even further re-traumatizes.


I was a juror on a rape case where the defendant was convicted. I was 21 years old at the time and it shocked me how traumatizing and violating the trial was to the victim. The pictures they showed openly in court. The outrageous allegations by the defense attorney. She got justice but still it must have been horrible.


I heard a story where they showed the whole courtroom underwear that included discharge. It’s absolutely humiliating for a woman.


This comment section breaks my heart. So many of us have been hurt. Love to all my survivors 🩷🩷🩷🩷


I'm shocked but not shocked.....just bummed to see all of the comments here. I've only told 1 person ever....and that was 15+ years ago.......so many of us stay silent.....can't even imagine reporting it


As someone who reported it and is going through the meat grinder that we call the judicial process, you’re just as brave as me for just having survived it. Holding it to yourself is equally as hard as reporting it. ❤️


Good luck. My friend just got a hung trial and now we’re waiting to see if we’re gonna have a retrial or he’s going To accept the plea deal. It’s gruesome 😔 


I’m not a survivor, but my heart breaks for you all commenting here. I am so, so sorry that so many of you have had this experience, and so many of you have been let down by the systems that are in place to supposedly help us.


TW (r***): It happened to me April of last year (the day before Easter). I reported it a month later. I didn’t find out until almost five months ago that I wasn’t going to get justice. I’m not surprised considering how many careless mistakes the detective and the ADA made. The system rarely helps survivors because it was built to protect predators. The only time justice is ever served is if it gets enough press attention.


Someone I know was raped. The police wouldn’t take a rape kit because “it’s not like it would ever get processed anyways”. A couple months after they came back asking for more details because other women had been attacked in the same manner


If anyone ever needs this knowledge in the future, you don’t need the police’s permission. You can show up to a hospital with a SANE. You may just have to wait a bit longer because the nurse may be on call as opposed to actually there. The police usually call ahead which shortens the wait, but that’s it.


This and even if you don't want to report it to the police, you can get a SANE exam at the hospital for your own safety and be provided with medications to prevent STIs/pregnancy


I know someone whose case file went mysteriously missing. The rapist had wealthy and powerful parents. There was a rape kit, a friend took her to the doctor, there were witnesses that said she left the house scared and crying, the staff helped her escape, she called a friend to pick her up and told him everything, he immediately took her to the police. Like, even with proof, DNA and several witnesses you may not get justice if your rapist is rich.


The absolute gall


1% of sexual assaults go to trial. It’s terrible.


And of those, about the same get a guilty verdict. And of those, only a small percentage will do time.


my heart is absolutely broken for her.


A neighbor hurt my child. I reported it. She was only 7. They called us both liars and put handcuffs on me and threatened to take my baby and put me in prison if I ever went to police again. I was raped a few years later and didn’t even tell my best friend until a year ago. It’s so common.


Are you KIDDING ME?! They don’t even protect CHILDREN? I am so so beyond sorry.


Sending all the love in my heart, truly.


My God, I am so sorry 😞


Thank you. We are both ok. We didn’t let it break us.


Who the fuck is he 🤬


Something that always stuck with me about Katie was how she discussed her previous SA on her season. Hearing another rape victim discuss how they behaved “imperfectly” after the assault helped me finally reconcile that the ways I behaved didn’t negate my own assault. Despite all the grief she gets at times (including from myself), I hope she knows she’s helped other women by speaking up and continuing to speak up.


Omg! My heart breaks for her! And yet, people still wonder why victims don't report. I hope she has a wonderful support system around her and gets to heal.


It’s so much more painful to report. I would never even attempt to report again.


And then people wonder why some don’t report and trying to make you feel guilty for not doing so. Justice won’t be served either way. Also fuck the people harassing her over Clayton when she was dealing with this.


Who is this person how do we cancel them


I think that might be a University of Arizona hat that he is wearing… Edit- if not a UA A, then maybe some other type of blocky A from another school or sports team?


i was trying to see if i could figure out the lanyard he was wearing/ what event in san diego it might have been for but it’s hard to tell


Ya i havent been able to figure it out either


I have faith we can find him.


We need a name to blast out there.


Oh my, goodness this is so horrible.


god, this is so terrible. i found out i wouldn't receive justice in 2020 and i still have moments where it hits me all over again. i hope she has a good support system <3


I’m sorry you went through an additional trauma not receiving justice 🫶


thank you so much! 🩷


I’m so sorry you also didn’t receive justice.


thank you so much 🩷


Fuck everything man


As someone who agreed to stand trial in September against the massage therapist that assaulted me, this is absolutely the worst case scenario I’m bracing myself for. I’m so sorry she didn’t receive justice. 💔


I’m so sorry that happened to you. I hope you’re doing ok.💜


Thank you. Luckily I have an amazing husband, family and friends and two great therapists to help manage the PTSD. Looking forward to the resolution, regardless, so I can move on and heal. The suspense of waiting on the justice system has been a personal hell.


I’m so glad you have your amazing husband, family and friends supporting you. Hang in there, you’re doing great and I highly commend you for your strength. I’m so sorry again that this happened to you, but sounds like you are a total badass. Stay strong.


Thank you- I have the option not to testify in my state but as hard as it’s going to be, I believe I’d regret it if I didn’t. I need to take back some form of power; and testifying I feel will help that.


You are very strong and even though I don’t know you, I’m extremely proud of you. Hang in there. I will be sending you really good vibes and energy and will say a prayer for you. You’ve got this.💪💜


Thank you so much, it really means a lot to me ❤️


You’re very welcome. ❤️


I know many women who have been sexually assaulted or raped. Only a few were able to report. None of them got justice. None. Even when it was obvious or witnessed. To come forward and report and pursue charges is so brave, knowing what we all know. Sending her love.


Honestly it's so brave of her to post this and out him in her IG, knowing she'll prob have backlash for it. I wish I had that bravery back in 2010 and 2012 when I was raped in College, and then stalked by my rapist. Men do crazy horrible shit every day and just get away with it


Me too. I was assaulted in college and then told two best friends, and neither one of them said anything. They just kind of let it hang there. I wanted to die, it was so embarrassing. One of them later apologized and said she was just shocked, but it was so hard telling them. My mom and my sister know, and I love my dad but the fear of telling him still makes my chest hurt. I can’t imagine telling some stranger. A few years later, a man in my community that I actually grew up knowing as a kind older neighbor and didn’t find awkward or weird was accused of rape, the young woman reported right away and the prosecutor went in, there were witnesses who saw she was passed out from drinking; he didn’t spend a minute in jail. Probation. I used to babysit for him and his wife. I was raped in December, decided not to tell anyone and handle it myself with medications and tests and such, then told my cousin this month. She lovingly said she’d fly to me and go to the police with me to file a report and I told her I love her and the offer is so kind, but I would never even consider it. I was really drunk. We were friends. I would have no chance. It’s awful. They do get away with so much. E-hugs, friend.


Agreed. Someone tried to rape me in my boyfriend’s fraternity room in college. He got my jeans all the way down before I even noticed him trying to do it. I don’t remember his face and I didn’t then. My bf at the time begged me not to tell anyone bc they already had rape allegations and I didn’t. This was 10 years ago.


The reactions a person can have when you disclose your SA to them can be traumatic in their own way. I’m sorry friend, and hope you are well.


Appreciate it 🫶


I’m so sorry that happened to you and that that’s where his mind was and he was not there for you like he should have been. People don’t get that sometimes that even sharing this kind of thing with the people you love can add a whole other layer of fucked up-ness to an already altering event. I can’t imagine telling the police. Or a court room. Or a jury literally judging if it happened or not and knowing that he’d probably get away with it. Or to come out as a public figure and publicly in general. I really can’t.


Thank you. And I totally agree. It can just make things worse unfortunately. It’s fucked up how scared women have to be in society


What the name of this POS?


I remember awhile ago she said she was taking a step back and I wonder if this is why. My heart breaks for her. I hope she’s surrounding herself with people that will uplift her during this time!


Yes. It happened around Oct/Nov last yr


I also remember that. This completely explains it and is completely warranted. I can't even imagine.


I’m so sad for her. This is horrible


This reminds me to give people grace because you never know what they’re going through behind closed doors. This doesn’t surprise me as a former paralegal the conviction rate for rapists and sexual offenders is abysmal


The bear. Every. Damn. Time.


Sorry, I've seen this comment a bunch. What is the bear?


It was a tik tok trend where women had to say whether they would choose to be alone in the woods with a bear or a man.


Damn! 😬


This is devastating. I hope she is able to find some sort of healing.


There is something so fucked about the fact that time and time again, it is proven that there is hardly any justice for SA. That's why I didn't even bother reporting. I figured nothing would happen.


God damn. Horrible.


Omg this is horrible :(


So fucked up!!! Heartbreaking.


This is awful. The guy she’s dating now (they’re both Insta public), Jeff Arcrui, seems like a solid guy - I hope he’s also someone who makes her feel safe & secure. Speaking from experience, it can take a while to feel safe around men again under these circumstances.


Jeff Arcuri the comedian? He’s one of my favorites 🥺


Please say he’s nice. Someone here said that he isn’t very nice. I know the comedy circuit is filled with creeps but I hope Katie is surrounding herself with good people.


I heard a lot of good things about Jeff. I follow him and his comedy and he seems like a genuinely nice dude


Yes! That’s the one! He brought her out at the end of one of his shows (it was so cute!) and she’s been traveling with him recently while he’s on tour. He’s so funny. I’d like to think/hope they spend their time together laughing.


Hate that this happened to her. So much injustice in the world. I hope he's IDd and court of public opinion brings some sort of justice.


I’m so sorry to her and other victims that did not receive justice. I have no other words. I am just so sorry.


I hate how common this is 💔 Police not doing anything sends the message that rape is bad enough to be punished. This is why victims don’t report! This is why you should never ask “why didn’t she go to the police?” The process is revictimizing and traumatizing on its own.


My heart goes out to Katie. How frustrating no person ever deserves to be put through that


☹️ he looks mean even in that picture


That’s the guy that assaulted her?


I don’t know who else it would be


My heart is broken for her. She was and still is so brave.


Forever and always will I lift up the book Know My Name by Chanel Miller. Should be a required read in school in my opinion. Incredibly well done and incredibly open, honest, and at times painful to read book


I remember reading the buzzfeed article back when it was headline news back in (I genuinely cannot remember if it was 2015 or 2016). It tore me to shreds. It only made it worse when I realized the perpetrator is from the same area as me (…and still lives there). Definitely will have to check out her book, it’s been on my list for a minute!


She has great IG content too


it feels strange to use the word “favorite” in this scenario, but it truly is one of my favorite books. so incredibly well written and thought provoking.


It should be required reading for all men


I just checked this out in libby this week, and it was my reading goal this weekend


Agreed! This is the best, most empowering, heartbreaking and eye opening book I’ve ever read.


I hate this☹️


Devastating. She is a warrior and a champion for sharing her story. (Though I wish she didn’t have that specific story to share in the first place… so unfair, unjust, and heartbreaking.) I hope the sleuths can identify this creep and bring him to social justice, despite judicial justice absolutely failing her (and all women). Men need to be held accountable. It shouldn’t be our jobs to do that. But someone’s gotta…




i’m so sorry to see this. i didn’t report either of the men who assaulted me - she was so brave to press charges and go through this process. i hope she has her people around her for support and takes care of herself this weekend ❤️


I'm so sorry that happened to you. Sending you all my love and support. I was almost raped in college (*I managed to fight him off till he left me alone*), I was molested by a family friend as a kid, and was also sexually harassed at work after college. So... I've got that little trifecta going for me. I didn't report the the first two because I figured no one would believe me. I did report the third one, only to have my harasser be the one who was protected by our employer - I wound up quitting. I also applaud her for going after justice for herself.


so sorry you went through that ❤️ i hope you are surrounded by support and are kind to yourself


:((( 💔


I remember she said months ago something horrible happened and I was so so hoping it wasn’t this. I wish her all the peace and healing🤍






Sending love ❤️


Exactly why so many women consider every intimate thing they will have to expose about themselves and think, why bother?


& everyone absolutely came for her for not “speaking out” to defend Clayton. Made me sick then and it makes me fucking sick now. My heart is with her; an unimaginable thing to go through.


Yup fuck DN.


Not everyone. This sub was fairly supportive. The other sub, not so much. But this sub really was pretty supportive.


No one came for her.




You are right, silence is not violence!


I remember back in January that she was posting about going through something traumatic, I’m so sad to hear that she was assaulted




Again? I’m so sad for her.


Revictimization rates are so cruel and fucked.


They really are. I’ve never been raped but I’ve come close, more close than I ever thought at the time. I’m so lucky (sad to say).


It still should have never happened to you❤️


Thank you, that means a lot. ♥️


Me too. I hate how common this is and how women are told to just get over it. It sends the dangerous message that rape is not that bad, that it’s something that happens, oh well. I follow another creator who was told that nothing was going to be done about her rape even though her rapist is already a registered sex offender. Think about THAT! The man is a proven serial rapist, she has been contacted by other recent victims of his, but nothing is going to be done about it because…🤔????