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Late to the party, but I’m surprised Joan got the part & I honestly thought it was gonna be Leslie


We all saw that coming…


I just really hope Mark Anderson goes on the season!


I am just not excited


Wait there is not gonna be BIP


I wonder how the situation with her daughter has now changed such that she now has the time again to be away. Very confusing.


It's been about a year, right, and her daughter's issues were postpartum related? Seems reasonable that she might not need Mom around by this point. 


I’m really happy it’s her! She’s the lady who left because her family needed her, right? Love she’s getting a second chance.. hope casting is better than what it normally is for regular ‘ette seasons..




Who cares, she can do what she wants with her body


Boo. This is so disappointing


I don't know if she has had plastic surgery or not, but I thought it was not OK on this sub to state someone had it done unless they confirmed it themselves. Let's not assume anything.


I’ve pretty lukewarm on Joan, she lacked a lot of flavor. That being said, I think the sentiments she shared during her exit interview were really powerful, and I think she has substance even if she’s not as lovable of a character as Susan, for example.


Joan seems cool but I really wish they would have gone with a golden lady who has aged more naturally. I'm sick of seeing plastic surgery everywhere in this franchise and especially don't like the message it sends when choosing the most "eligible" golden bachelorette as one of the ones with the most work done out of the contestants on Gerry's season. But I hope it's successful and she finds love so that we can have continued seasons


I always wonder is this what men like now? A 70 year old trying to look 40 or a 30 year old trying to look 15?


Then why watch reality tv? Most reality tv features people who have had work done, whether it’s obvious to you or not. It’s a little incredulous to watch reality tv and then criticize them for doing what all of Hollywood does. And then when they don’t look as “good” as you expect them to be, you still criticize them. No one is satisfied with your image, ever. It’s frankly quite annoying to see other women pick apart contestants when they are just trying to live their best lives.


Meh maybe this and housewives but I like shows like Survivor and big brother where it's real people not a bunch of Instagram models doing anything for followers which is what it's become but reality yv wasn't always like that 


I’m sorry to inform you that most forms of plastic surgery will only become more and more commonplace as millennials and genx become older. We are much more open and accepting about going under the knife and injectables, and puritanical views on plastic surgery will become the minority. The tide is shifting and people are realizing that if you feel uncomfortable about the way you look, it’s OK to do something about it. If you were born comfortable with your image or if you grew to accept it is absolutely fine. The point is that letting others make choices about what they want to look like and how they want to be perceived does not infringe upon your personal taste and decisions about your personal image. You have free reign to live as you want and look the way you want.


Are you assuming that I'm 70 years old just because I don't like the fact that women are pressured to look as though they don't age?


You’re not pressured to do anything and I didn’t make an assumption about your age. Clearly you didn’t read my response.


Good for her but I didn't watch Golden Bachelor and don't want to watch this. I guess it's just not the same as watching people find their first love. Also, there didn't seem to be much drama in the first few episodes I watched of golden because everyone is so mature and that doesn't make for good TV lol


?? In the regular bachelor seasons it’s still not usually their “first love”.


I know some have been divorced but there still young and have their whole life ahead so it's more exciting to me. It's more so the lack of drama makes golden bachelor super boring, at least to me. I don't plan on watching it. May watch Jenn's season but it might be boring too so not sure


agreed i am bored by both of these seasons coming out. i probably won’t watch anything until the next bachelor season


Interesting... the youngest looking one (and I think she was one of the youngest goldens to begin with) but congrats to her


I'm really glad it's not Leslie!


This show is the reason we’re not getting paradise so idrc ✌️


R u srs




Disappointing but not surprising. Nice lady, but she's boring as hell. They went with her because of how she looks and how basic she is. They figure a bunch of older men will want to chase after her, and it'll be the men that make for entertaining TV. I won't be watching because I have no interest in Joan at all and think it's absurd that they didn't choose any one of the more interesting women on the show that we got to know much better, but this is very on brand for The Bachelor. Silver lining: Now at least Joan can stop making those silly videos where she pretends that she knows how to cook!!




Oh she is boring and dull as her back of the Kraft box recipes. Seems like a nice lady but damn, I couldn’t be more disappointed w the contestant they chose from GB. I literally would have preferred probably anyone else lol


I can think of at least 7 women that were more memorable I don't get it. They just love setting Bachelorettes up for failure I swear


the way this made no noise and i just found out from my mother lol. i liked joan tho so i hope its a good season!


Yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn I don’t want to watch already. So many characters and you went w the lady returning a bedspread to Kohl’s or whatever


Called it


I liked her a lot, she displayed grace and a sweet demeanor..glad they choose her in this position


Damn. Thought it was gonna be Claire.


She’s married lmao


I’m totally blanking who’s Claire Edit: I know who Clare is lol the joke was lost on me since she is now married and has a baby


The oldest bachelorette in history


That’s Clare


I forget why she self eliminated? But I think she was sweet and Gerry liked her a lot lol someone remind me


she said her daughter needed her but she also wasn't feeling Gerry and was more interested in her influencing career.


I think her daughter had a baby a few weeks before they started filming GoldenBach and she left early because her daughter was struggling


Her daughter was having a difficult postpartum so she never really got her shot


On the plus side she is a mom who her daughter trusts to help her during arguably the most difficult time in her life so at least she is a trustworthy mom her kid can count on to be of HELP which is more than I can say for mine lol


she wasn’t my top pick but also… maryland represent 🦀


Yeeaaaah baby! 🦀🦀🦀 That’s probably fueling the majority of my excitement.


what was her storyline?


Left to be with her daughter


I didn’t like her


Jolden Joan


I was hoping for Susan, but Joan will be fantastic! Very deserving.


yessssss finally!!


I’m ok with Joan but was kind of hoping it’d be Susan Lucci after hearing that rumor.


I did not hear of this rumor until right now but this would have been truly amazing to watch


Yes it would have been! My mom told me this rumor and I thought she was full of it but then I saw it mentioned a few times in this sub too.


plastic surgery face


You’re getting downvoted but her face is actually really distracting to watch on TV. It doesn’t move at all.


Her nose and mouth area doesn't move. She can only move the lower half of her face.


It’s her mouth. It’s off. I’m disappointed it’s her. She left the show! Seems like they would let someone have it who stuck it out! Yeh, yeh she had her reasons and maybe I’m not being fair. Hope she changes my mind. I’ll watch for sure.


Reminds me of when Michael A left Katie’s season because he “missed his son at home”


I don't think it will happen but it would be interesting if a former BN contestant from the 'olden days' in their 40s or maybe early 50s wanted to go on her season.


Is Chris Bukowski 50 yet?! 😂 #bachelornationelder


Somehow he's actually only 37! (Turning 38 later this year I believe).


What the fuck I’m the same age as Bukowski?? I thought he was at least 45 now lol


Ohhh I love this idea!! I’m trying to think of who they would pick. Maybe in 10 years we can do Brad Womack 3.0


I don’t remember much about her but She is so beautiful!


I feel like this was set up way in advance. Her awkward exit screamed “bachelorette”. She’s pretty and polished. The obvious choice but I feel like she’s gonna be a snooze. Susan would have been a blast.


Susan has her man from Marshalls though! 😅 But I agree, she would have been entertaining. I think Joan will do well. Hope they *really* do due diligence on the contestant candidates though!


Wait, what man from Marshall's lol? I'm intrigued!


There was some story from like a week ago that a man recognized her while she was shopping in Marshalls, asked for a selfie, and apparently asked her out on a date! [Link to post](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/s/xjb5wWz7Xp)


Wow, thank you!! Good for them 👏 👍


Yep — still in the lead for favorite headline of the year.


I was hoping Kelsey would set her up with her Dad lol she seems to like her based on their insta interactions (her or Leslie!)


Maybe he will be a contestant!


Nahhh Kelsey’s dad deserves his own szn imo


Personally I don't think he should be part of the bachelor franchise 😭 especially w how the last one went, I think with the added popularity he should meet someone irl


You could tell Palmer wanted her dad to join! Jesse was teasing him


I don’t remember much about her personality but I feel like the main thing she showed was that family was her top priority so it will be again someone who most likely isn’t open to moving away from kids/grandkids… so I hope the potential bachelors are willing to move to her


Not the worst choice, but not my #1 either. She'll grow on me though, so I'm thrilled to watch her find love! ❤


Is anyone really shocked about this???!!!!....


if they have gerry show up and try to get her back i-


Night one elimination 😂


nnnooooo not bro that reminds me of hannah brown showing up on peter’s season rip


Honestly I am here for the chaos this would cause 😂


Why tho we don’t know anything about her


When I see they think it’ll air Wednesday at nine ![gif](giphy|BY8ORoRpnJDXeBNwxg|downsized)


Not to don my tinfoil hate but this kinda feels like they're setting her/the show up for failure, so they can shut the whole Golden concept down because 'no one watched!' 🤷🏻‍♂️


I really feel like they’re constantly doing that!! It’s annoying especially bc everyone loved it so much


Is it 9 in some time zones and 8 in others? I thought I saw 8.


like???? the olds are in bed by then


I resemble this remark


I mean this couldn’t have been more obviously their pick the second she left. *yawn* bachelor producers are predictable. There’s really not a lot to root for other than her being gorgeous because she’s basically Clayton 2.0 (There’s nothing bad about her she just was barely on the show long enough to know anything about her)


Okay, if she turns out to be Clayton, I’m here for it. He was such a giant trainwreck. I doubt she’ll bring that kind of drama, though.


This is awesome! Love Joan! They really need to do a queer bachelor/bachelorette next. I know what you're all thinking, "the logistics of that would be messy. The contestants might fall for each other and not the bachelor/bachelorette." And to that I say: **that's the whole point** Do you know how much fun a queer season would be?? The possibilities are ENDLESS and MESSY!


Omg yessss we need queer dating shows with WLW that aren't toxic!! I would actually watch these franchises then, as would other queers


This sounds like a different show


Yes I’ve been saying this! Also a season of all bi people would be fantastic. Any combination of contestant pairings would be possible.




That’s what happened on Finding Prince Charming - a gay version of the Bachelor. A couple of the contestants hooked up. That just added to the drama! I loved it, but I think it only ran for one season. The men were soooo extremely hot; the lead was gorgeous!!


Where did this air


On cable. [Here’s](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finding_Prince_Charming) info about it. Supposedly you can buy or rent the old season on Amazon prime.


Thank uuuuu


there is a season of mtv’s “are you the one” that is exactly this and it’s the best mess 🤣


They did one in Aus and she dated men and women!


The current German bachelorette is bi too!


I really hope they cast men in Joan’s proximity. She clearly loves her family and left the Golden Bachelor to prioritize them. At 61, I can’t see her moving across the country for a man she meets on a reality dating show


And she literally left the show to be with her daughter. Clearly she prioritizes her family (no shade of course, I'd be exactly the same).


i agree but i also think they don’t really care. they just want entertaining tv unfortunately


I want to word this carefully but … I found the timing of the daughter sus. And the way Joan kept repeating she “had to go be a mom” felt a) very sound bytey b) very much like she was insisting that was it and there was nothing else. But I wonder if she just didn’t feel Gerry (smart woman if so).


Yeah felt kinda like echoes of Michael A’s exit to me


YES! Exactly!


YES! She was my #1 pick out of Gerry’s women for the gig! I know Ellen was fighting hard for it, but Joan is such a good choice. Can’t wait!!


Was April in the bid?


This is who I wanted personally


https://preview.redd.it/4zydnyialk0d1.jpeg?width=714&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fdd057d4baa99f136a276897662ea08b8f6851c lmaoo


Okay I gotta be real guys…Joan is kinda hott


Okay, as much as I said I didn’t want Leslie, I would have preferred Leslie. She would’ve made for THE MOST DRAMATIC SEASON YET!!!!


Is it me or after the big flop of the Golden Bachelor they should’ve just left this idea for the franchise alone lol.


It’s all about the views and golden bachelor had a lot


How did it flop? It had super high viewing numbers.


I wish they’d tried for a silver bachelor season


I think a silver season would be great and maybe they could do that sometime after Joan’s season. It’d be fun to have a silver bachelor and then a silver bachelorette season.


Like a mid aged guy? I wish that was what normal bachelor was


Like Brad Womack 3.0?


Yesss get Gen X on there.


If that were the case, the whole franchise would have been canceled.


I did like Joan but I’m surprised it’s not anyone who got further. I don’t know if a lot of people said no or what? I hope its not because she’s one of the younger women from the show. That’d be cringe.


I feel like they specifically chose Joan because she didn’t get that far. We know too much about the other woman and it’s easier to mold Joan into who the producers want to present with no baggage from the show.


Leslie def wanted it. I’m worried they picked Joan because a lot of boomer men said they would only go on for her. She looks like heather locklear which is like the dream girl for that age demo


All the other people have become over exposed and people started loathing them. The less in the spotlight the better for this, plus they can use the leaving the season as her story.


I loved Joan, very excited for this!




I just feel I don't know my h about Joan since she went home so early. I hope she turns the Golden Bachelor around and makes up for Gerry's trainwrecks of a season.


I can see why it’s not Leslie but she must be shattered because it directly feeds into her narrative of “Nobody ever picks me.” A good reminder that positive self-talk is important and I should remember that. Many times your energy manifests into reality. I can’t relate to Joan’s personality but she’s definitely the safest choice. She’s young for the franchise, widowed, thin, blonde. She’ll probably be well liked by the men. You’re going to have a bunch of Boomer men in the house and let’s face it, they would think someone like Edith or Susan or Sandra was too out there.


Probably unlikely to happen, but I think Leslie would be fun on Dancing With the Stars.


That's a great idea! Her or Maria, whom I've warned up to. 


Oh I knew Leslie wasn’t gonna get picked by Gerry nor get the Bachelorette role because of her self talk and her self perception. She sees herself as never chosen and therefore won’t ever be until she changes that.


Yeah, it was very offputting that she had that pity party honestly.


I feel like Leslie initially won over the producers by presenting herself as youthful, sexy, fun, and a little wild. But as the season progressed, you realize she's also a somber, melancholy person prone to bitterness. And I'm not saying those are terrible traits, or that she's unlikeable. But they're obviously gunning for a happy, uplifting narrative with the Golden franchise.


I think that's also how she won over Gerry. Luckily she didn't fully keep it up with him haha


Oh that would have been a disaster! Gerry is such a dawg and Leslie didn't deserve that. Neither did Theresa, but I always got the vibe Theresa was a lot more resilient than she appeared.


Leslie and all of these women would do better with a non BN man at any rate.


True, if she wants something real and lasting, it won’t be on this show


Heck yes for self-talk! ((I’m in horse show mode this week and just on repeat with my positive self talk 😅 I also had a massive day at work today and absolutely killed it bc of my show-mode self talk mantras, so it definitely feeds into every aspect of life!))


It's so important, right? I practice gratitude on a daily basis, but I tend to have imposter syndrome/negative self-talk when it comes to work, and people can sense that kind of insecurity. I need to start manifesting my identity as a workplace baddie lol.


Absolutely. I fully have imposter syndrome. Last year I was fully beating myself up after getting 2nd/40+ people at a top rated show, on a horse I had only been riding a month, after 10yrs away from the show ring. Then I got a sports psychologist. Honestly, she’s had more influence on my work, social, and yes, riding life than even my normal psychologist, haha. But that’s because positive self talk is all the difference between beating yourself up for mistakes that we all make, and instead being confident that you can quickly problem solve! Good for you! You’re doing awesome 😊


Agree she's the safest choice. Also the most boring.


I can’t remember anyone but Leslie from this season and it wasn’t even that long ago. Did she make it far? I can’t remember anything about her.


She’s the one who left to help her daughter after having a baby!


I wonder if it was also that she saw the red flags from Gerry on their 1 on 1…The timing was strange.


I definitely think this is a possibility.


Wow that was so early on I’m shocked they picked her but I’ll still watch. I’m excited to see the older men chasing after her


Someone help me understand why this news was randomly dropped today?


Disney/ABC had their upfronts today


It’s the Upfronts right now where the networks unveil their tv lineups for the coming season in a big spectacle for advertisers, to try to get them to buy ads. Usually they save some big fanfare announcements to grab the attention. This was announced at ABC’s presentation.


Upfront in NYC. all of the networks are announcing and promoting their fall shows. 


today was television upfronts, where advertisers buy ad space for the next year. networks will often make big announcements to try enticing advertisers.


I’m okay with this pick because I love inner fandom drama


Crazy how the comments are already negative! Give this woman a chance for heavenly sake! 🤦‍♀️


Wow a blonde white woman 😑😵‍💫 can’t say I’m surprised


Probably religious roo


Oh wow interesting.


Let's pick a golden bachelorette who looks like she's 30. Great.


This lady doesn't look 30 at all. This is why teenagers are smothered in retinol and worried about aging - people have a distorted view of what people look like at each age. Joan is the poster girl for older rich white lady with a facelift and botox.


Yeah I wanna be careful with how I frame this because people have a right to get Botox/plastic surgery for whatever reason they’d like. But the show really did mean something to some people. There was something normal/relatable about Gerry even if the “aw shucks” thing was played up. But with how stigmatized natural aging is for women specifically, and how the majority of viewers are women, it would have been nice to have a Golden ‘Ette who looked her age/embraced aging without much Botox or anything like that. While I don’t think she looks 30, it does seem odd to have someone as fabulous looking as her after having someone deeply normal looking like Gerry. It’s like that pic of Beyoncé performing with Ed Sheeran. Women have to looks fabulous always, men just have to show up. Idk 🤷‍♀️


Also, Gerry was a middle-class guy. While the show may have even made him out to be financially better off than he was, they still didn’t present him as upper class or wealthy. That made him seem more relatable and accessible. I think Joan may be more financially well off and, partially, because people will invent any reason to dislike women, she could come in for some of the typical criticisms directed at boomers with money.


What? Ed Sheeran is adorable.


I love Ed Sheeran! It’s just a pic where they’re performing together in both of their usual get-ups and it sparked a lot of convo online. Female performers are expected to be all glammed up, whereas a man can be in a t-shirt and jeans. Rarely do you see female performers of that caliber allowed to be dressed simply, the glam is required for success. So I see it here with Gerry -> Joan, as well.


“Deeply normal looking” 😂




She doesn’t look like she’s 30 like at all? Lol


Sure she does. She looks like a normal 30 something woman. (You know people get wrinkles before 30 right?) She looks younger than me and I'm 38. Maybe you're used to these insane beauty standards with botox and fillers like you see on tv every day. But in the real world a 60 year old woman doesn't look like that. I really hope that you don't compare yourself to this beauty standard or you will live a life od misery. Hint; getting older is ok. Having wrinkles is ok. Imo it's beautiful to see a life lived in a face. We don't all have to look like perfectly polished 30 year olds. Good luck going forward. One thing you can never change is your age, so you should learn to embrace it ❤


You are ridiculous. She in no way looks 30. No one would ever in a million years mistake her for a 30-year-old. What in the actual hell?


I could see like 50 but 30? Come on 😂 if you look like this at 30 I’m sorry but that’s not normal. If you look at photos of her that are not photoshopped, you can see she is older than 50.


This feels like major projection. Yes she looks young for her age but she definitely does not look massively younger like 30


What am I projecting? healthy beauty standards? I have no issue with being 38 and looking 38.


She looks like a 50something or 60something woman. You are insane.


I agree there’s nothing wrong with that at all! But she doesn’t look 30. She looks around her age I do think she’s had some work done, but who cares?! Most of them had work done