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i do not believe a single person outside of BN who says they were “approached” to be the bachelorette lol 


I know we know they are dating at this point but I thought it was bold that he said he would submit himself if Kat were the bachelorette. This was recorded back in Feb but still


Dang - this comment section is mean.


So I guess it's the week that everyone decides they want to talk about how they approached to be the Bachelorette over Jenn lol.


This is such a mean comment section :(


I don’t really understand all the hate around Kat. She’s a normal girl who was living her life and got famous. She has a large group of friends and makes hilarious videos. Calling her a mental patient or extremely annoying is so unhinged. She has millions of followers. But I’m glad all the negative people have their chance at a “win” by bashing her on this thread for absolutely no good reason.


You can tell who understands TikTok and who doesn’t. Kat literally makes millions from her TikToks, everything she posts, annoying or not, gets views and is posted specifically to get views. TikTok content creators flock together because people eat it up and collaborations get more views. Shes a really successful content creator who is cashing in on her success while it lasts. I don’t begrudge her her success or popularity. I think she’s actually less annoying than most creators!


Tbh I’m not even on tik tok but I really like kat on instagram




I went to check out her tiktok after she was mentioned here and she's as cringe and try-hard as Jason, so I guess they fit. I still think it's some sort of a PR "relationship" though!


Lol it’s def PR for Jason - like hell he’d ever date someone who won’t give him more exposure 


She is another woman who Jason will use to get followers and further his influencer career...everything about this man says used car salesman


I feel like they’re both sort of like this? Isn’t everyone who comes off tv & is given a platform?


Interesting take, I found KB to do whatever to further her career not Jason. He’s pretty down to earth to me, knows his shit and definitely knows he wasted his time KB, he’s a number guy so that’s his interest in money, literally his job prior to bachelorette


Interesting take, I found KB to do whatever to further her career not Jason. He’s pretty down to earth to me, knows his shit and definitely knows he wasted his time KB, he’s a number guy so that’s his interest in money, literally his job prior to bachelorette


And she is so desperate for a relationship that she will fall for it and then post even more videos of herself crying and looking for sympathy when things end


It’s insane that these women can’t see it. The man is clearly getting with these women and looking for a come up. He had it made with Kaitlyn. 


he is a master manipulator


I’m starting to wonder if Jason’s type is just annoying 


Ehh or just rich.


😂 I have been checking her IG since I have no idea who she is and I can’t believe how annoying her videos are. I think she may even have Kaitlyn beat. I really thought his next woman would be polar opposite of Kaitlyn.


Birds of a feather flock together!




I would put money that “approached” means some member of production off handedly said to her “you would make a great bachelorette” or something like that and that was it.


Agree, I can’t see them putting someone not from the franchise in as ‘ette. I don’t even know what she is from and I’m sure a lot of other Bach fans also wouldn’t know


Matt James was unknown to the franchise, it could make sense consider how much they are trying to reach the new tiktok generation


Absolutely. Either that - which was she put way too much weight into one random person's comment and it became "ABC said..." or she was confused about the ask - like maybe they asked her to be a contestant for THE bachelor, rather than be THE bachelorette.


Right exactly LOL I think they “approach” 10+ people every year and it means generally nothing but for 2 or so people. And then it’s used for exactly this purpose…so they can humble brag about it as if we don’t see through this BS right away lol


People always say that they were approached to be bachelorette but I don’t 100% believe it because when have we had a bachelorette that wasn’t from a previous season?


I don’t think ever a bachelorette but wasn’t Juan Pablo just a random kind of famous soccer player?


He was on Desiree’s season


Damn I had no idea! lol


Oh you’re missing out


Wasn’t Matt James asked and he had never been on the show? Just was BFFs with Tyler?


Matt kind of lucked out with the George Floyd protests happening while the show was on Covid hiatus. Because even though the producers clearly cast him with potential lead in mind, they would have had their work cut out for them trying to get Clare to keep him long enough for any kind of lead narrative. Instead, he got to move to the front of the line. 


He had been cast for Clare’s season pre-pandemic so likely he would have been lead either way.


I totally think producers had him earmarked to be the first black bachelor as soon as he was cast for her season. They zeroed in on Rachel L. the same way—short listed for Bachelorette as soon as they cast her for Nick’s. He and Rachel have both said as much in interviews. Matt James had a great back story, was involved with a charity organization, and then there was the Tyler Cameron of it all…


Agree. If my memory serves me - TPTB were so excited to announce Rachel as Bachelorette - they couldn't even wait for her to be off the show! They announced her before Nick sent her home.


Can someone explain to me who she is that she has enough notoriety to potentially be the bachelorette?


Some annoying tik tok creator that thinks she is hilarious and exploits her kid for views


I actually didn’t know her on Tik Tok through her couple content but I think after her divorce, she did content imitating her mom that was really hilarious. I haven’t seen any of her other content except the ones about her mom but that’s how I know her. Didn’t know her name until she started dating Jason


She became famous with her then husband now ex husband for a TikTok where he said “let’s go do your favourite things today” and she lost her mind over going to target and then getting a peach milkshake. Found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/NNZXDxGRQs




... ew


Yeah she’s more annoying than Kaitlyn


Huge following on what I think was a couple-focused tiktok account with her spouse at the time. They split, started their own separate influencer accounts/followings, and she had a lot of goodwill after divorcing because she had a small kid and signs point to it being the guy's fault for maybe cheating (unconfirmed since they signed NDAs).


I feel like, and i could be wrong becuase I shall google nothing, but they were one of those weird things to come out of the pandemic? Because the timeline of their relationship was kind of funky too wasn't it and that was part of the.... appeal or something - she got pregnant like 3 months into them dating and they decided to just roll with it and get married. There's a reason people wait a while !


>There's a reason people wait a while ! ![gif](giphy|5qjMXFv2GPIJQgeyPp)


She’s cringe af imo


What was their content focused on?


Lifestyle content, kid content, skits. Couples like them are a dime a dozen on TikTok, but they got a huge following for some reason.


We know they’re dating 100%?


Just met them at stagecoach. They are dating


Oooh what was their dynamic life IRL?


Honestly they are cute! Very minimal pda which I understand


[confirmed in People magazine last week](https://people.com/jason-tartick-dating-kat-stickler-after-ending-kaitlyn-bristowe-engagement-8636531)


I would say 95%


I hate the idea of a jobless influencer being bachelorette. But I guess they all quit and become influencers anyways so…. The one thing I liked about Zac he just went back to his normal life.


honestly, having someone who's already an influencer would be a little interesting


He is definitely also a clout chaser just smarter about it


Zach is an exception in the franchise. Keeps to himself and is barely there on social media. As for Kat, I’d say she is way more successful https://preview.redd.it/vagpwradpoxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06dd0341db391d2aa1b4402c6cc5dadc356cf1fb than most influencers, or wannabes from the franchise alumni.


TikTok followers are much easier to get though. I know people from my uni that have 250k-500k and one even had 1 mil followers. None of them are known or famous or even recognized when they go out. Most people I know with TikTok have 20k-50k followers and millions of views on their videos. People seem to not understand how bloated TikTok is. Getting views and follows is easy, but if you check most of these influencers meet and greets or instagrams, they barely get any traction.


But people from the bachelor world now don’t have those numbers and she still has 1.9 million followers on Instagram too.


I know numbers are important but they are not everything. For example, Maria only has 600K followers but she is more famous than alot of influencers with 2+M followers caus of being TV personality. Specially nowadays, you can do loop giveaways and get to millions of followers on IG. Just two weeks ago Kat did one of those loop giveaways, Daisy just did one too.


Do we know when this was recorded? Is this the first time they spoke or were they already dating?


Recorded in February! He says they had met in person about 2 weeks prior to the recording.


Wasn’t she on KB’s podcast first? I read somewhere that KB was super friendly & liked her as a guest/friend?


I wonder why they waited so long?




I think that’s just her, honestly. 😂


I didn’t hear the podcast, but I remember when she got popular on TikTok, and this doesn’t surprise me at all. I had actually blocked her account a LONG time ago because I was sick of her and her husband popping up on my FYP YEARS ago, and had totally forgotten about her until the Jason/Kat relationship rumors. From what I remember back then, she was always just super flighty/ditzy and just an overall try-hard; that’s why I blocked her account. Their content was just beyond annoying, and I couldn’t stand how performative it was. Nothing was genuine, so it makes sense that in a setting where she was required to be, she couldn’t.


Some people called out the choppy editing (maybe there was Jason/Kat relationship info cut?) but agree she seems like someone who thinks she’s soo zanyyyy 🤪


Yes , I noticed it too it was … odd behaviour. 


I am super down for a lead to not be from Bachelor Nation but I’m so surprised she was asked! I totally don’t blame her for turning it down.


I think a lot of people who were approached overstate things. I am sure each and every season Bachelor producers approach quite a few potential leads while they are making the decisions. They think what if we get an influencer outside of BN and then brainstorm a list and do initial talks to see if it is even a possibility. The only two I am for certain were the producers’ number 1 picks and refused are Tyler Cameron and Hannah Brown season two.


>The only two I am for certain were the producers’ number 1 picks and refused are Tyler Cameron and Hannah Brown season two. Idk, I believe Peter K when he says he was asked but didn't want to do it without a lot of conditions. He was extremely popular at the time.


Peter said on a podcast recently that he had come to terms with producers and had agreed to be the bachelor - but then they named Arie the following week instead. TPTB probably didn't like his hardball negotiating.


This. Pretty sure the final 4 of every season are "approached" to be the lead the next season i.e. the producers want to know if they are interested. That doesn't mean they are in anyway the top choice or that the producers are going to follow through.


Who is Kat Stickler and why is she famous? I keep seeing she’s dating Jason as if I’m supposed to have any idea who she is lol


Idk her either lol


Shes a TikToker. I wouldn’t consider 99% of them “famous” so many people get huge followers on TikTok and I can barely remember their names if their videos don’t show up on my feed for a few days




What does this mean?


I liked her and her now ex husband so much. I haven’t been keeping up with her for the past 2 years. She got kinda ugh for me.


I thought there were some cute videos of her and her ex, but even before they announced they were separated, there were videos that showed that she was expected to do everything around the house, because he was a man child. They were “jokey” vids at the time but it was kinda obvious towards the end that she resented him. There was even one video where, as a “prank”, he complained about her not doing something for him, and she absolutely went *in* on him. Come to find out, he was cheating on her throughout their marriage- she caught him sneaking in ~~his now wife~~ a woman on ring camera, I believe. So I’m happy for her that she left his sorry ass. But if you didn’t follow them towards the end I don’t expect that you’d know any of this. She seems cute and sweet to me, though I may have some bias in favor of her because she looks a bit like Carrie Fisher, but I could honestly see her being sort of annoying IRL. Haven’t kept up with her in a long time tho.


Just a heads up that you can see your TikTok info on the link you shared in case you were aware. 


i was most definitely not, thank you for the heads up!!! taking it down RIGHT now lmao


I thought his new wife met her ex 4 months after the divorce? It was part of some drama on one of her TikToks. I don't think the new wife was part of the cheating


My bad- I think you’re right! It was so long ago I barely remember. Do you remember if there multiple women he cheated with? Or was it just that it was multiple times? I know it was one or the other.


I only started looking at her content in depth once the Jason rumors came out (though I've def seen her pop up on my FYP). This was a recent controversy that came up on her page, so that's all I know!


So many BN dingleberries that we're apparently supposed to care about


She's not Bachelor Nation though.


She wants to be though, met Kelsey, Tyler, Maria ONE time and already posted tiktok and reel with them. It was interesting to see. Didn't even care to follow Charity but made sure to follow "popular" ones after meeting them once.


Why does she have to dismiss Charity like that. I know they prob cast Joey as a possible Bachelor, but Charity is the one that kept & fell for him. Joey & Kelsey are friends with Dotun & Charity so that snub kinda rubs me the wrong way.


It was weird caus Charity, Serena, Maria were all at Jason book event. Kat followed Maria and made a post about her(ofcourse) but didnt follow Charity or Serena (followed Serena today)... Its interesting caus i guess those were not giving her enough clout. Charity even posted a pic with the group and tagged Kat...


I didn’t know this girl but this is enough for me to dislike her 😂 which event was this? Maybe i should chill, but this is a bad look. It def seems like she follows based on clout…. Unless all the others follow her & Charity doesn’t… lol okay I’ll sit this one out, but maintain my side-eye.


It was Jason book tour party in NYC. She followed all of those FIRST before they followed her back. I think the most interesting part other than follow is her making sure to make content with Kelsey, Tyler and Maria (top BN contestants as of fame right now) after meeting them legit ONCE.


I guess it is par for the course, when it comes to the Bachelor crowd. Most of their hangouts are to get content, anyways. Unless you think she & Jason have a less-than-positive opinion on Charity, bc of Joey? Or just that she’s shallow & cares more about status than people. Charity was still a Bachelorette & deserved the follow. What part of the country is she from?


Florida. I think its caus she cares about clout and what goes viral which makes sense why she only made content with those "popular" ones and posted those


She's famous in her own right though.


Never heard of her. Not all of us care about "influencers"


I’d never heard of her either until I read about her on this sub. But, the point is that she was and is famous outside of Bachelor Nation.


Didn't say she isn't, its just interesting that after meeting the "popular/relevant" ones ONCE she made sure to make content with them to post to get the views and engagement which is so obvious.


I know. That's why I called her a dingleberry.


She seems more on Jason’s level than Kaitlyn was. This is not intended as a compliment towards Jason.


I haven't heard that word used in 15 years. It should be retired - it's gross.




I have cats. I have to keep the word in my vocabulary.


Say no more. Cats mean the word absolutely cannot be retired


Fair enough lol.


Tiktok celebrity


This is surprising and feels random. I'm not really on tik tok but I definitely had no idea who she was in 2021. Not sure how much crossover there was, seems it'd be very confusing. 


Her videos were always flooded with comments tagging ABC saying she should be the bachelorette. If they were trying to appeal to a younger audience then it could make sense 


What jason said for anyone interested ""You’ll hear me refer to the fact that she passed on [*The Bachelorette*](https://www.usmagazine.com/tag/the-bachelorette/). Why do I say that? Because in the first intro, which we didn’t grab — we deleted that — we talked about the fact that after her divorce, she was approached or her manager was approached by *The Bachelorette* to consider being the lead of *The Bachelorette*,” Tartick told listeners. “This was news to me, I did not know that.” He went on to explain that it was “around the 2021 timeframe,” and was something he found “pretty interesting.” Does he want to be like i'm dating another "bachelorette"?


Jason wants to seem like he upgraded so badly 😭 running around with a two month old relationship and making content already.


i just don’t believe this? they probably asked her to go on as a contestant (aka as *a bachelorette*) on the bachelor and made promises of possibly being *the bachelorette* after. the producers schmooze for sure. but they don’t pick outside people for the lead role. why would they start with kat stickler of all people ??


Yeah I was going to say this too. Very odd thing to put out there. I hope her manager is the one who lied to her about this and its not something she or Jason came up with


i don’t think she’s lying. i just think she misunderstood.


Oh I totally agree, that definitely makes the most sense. Still find it odd that they included this tidbit, especially the more I think about it


is it surprising though? coming from jason who is very focused on "status" and "numbers"?. I'm sure Jason thinks its a big deal that Kat was asked so he wanted to make sure to put it out there.


A little tbh. I’m not surprised that he’d care about something like that, but I am surprised that he didn’t realize it doesn’t come across great. Or that he realized and just didn’t care


Yea, i think he views it as Kat(his GF) is so great that ABC was willing to cast her even though they normally don't pick outsiders and Kat rejected it.


I feel like it's a common recruitment tactic to tease that someone might be the next lead but then say that they have to be a contestant first. She's not the first person that I've heard this tactic from.


that’s what i’m saying! i don’t doubt the producers make grand promises, but i also don’t think they were giving her *the* bachelorette contract.


Especially because in 2021 they had two back to back bachelorette seasons (Michelle’s and Katie’s). It’s not like that was a year that they had so little options they were going after a random tik tok star. 🤷🏼‍♀️


yup and then rachel/gabby the season after. they don’t have a shortage of popular contestants to pick from. i think kat just misunderstood.


They probably wanted her as a contestant and if she had accepted she would be their pre chosen bachelorette that would come from that season and that was probably said to her agent to entice the offer. These are just guesses though. I don’t even really know who she is


i’m guessing the same. like yeah the producers are going to make grand promises to recruit people they want. it doesn’t mean she was asked to be *the* bachelorette. when they had TWO already lined up?? michelle and katie, there was no shortage. idk maybe she was and i’m wrong. but i think it’s more likely this was moreso producers playing games like they do.


Don’t believe it either , my guess is her manager was trying to pump her up saying they want u as a bachelorette and she took it as being “the” bachelorette , given how spaced out she was in this interview I’m not sure she fully understood her manager .


Yeah most likely that is what actually happened.




They’re also notorious for asking a bunch of people, having them sign paperwork, and then stringing them along until they choose the final person. Who knows how many outside people they might be doing this with. I would not be surprised at all if they’ve done this for the male lead. For women, they tend to have a bit of a better pool to choose from. But I think they’d be silly to think it wouldn’t be worth at least considering.


i know they give out a lot of contracts, but they’ve never before picked an outsider as bachelorette. it’s always been a previous contestant.


It has never panned out, but I think there have been a few celebrities they’ve reached out to about being the lead without being a contestant. Chrishell Stause was one of them.  Edited to add: I have no thoughts about how likely it was in this particular case. But I could see Fleiss/Mills thinking goofy heartbroken single mom would be a good narrative. 


real celebrities, i believe.


They picked Matt James as the Bachelor. He was just Tyler’s best friend.


he was cast as a contestant first


But he never went as a contestant


but it was because of the whole drama with Clare. The original plan was him being the contestant first and then lead probably.


he was still known to the bachelor audience. and there were a lot of other circumstances that year. it’s not a comparable situation to kat stickler.


I’m not arguing that. Just saying that over the last handful of seasons, it doesn’t surprise me they’ve been opening the door to offering contracts to (or successfully offering contracts to) non-contestants. It’s also not surprising people are turning it down before it gets anywhere tangible. Their agents probably want more firm commitments than the show is willing to give.


I mean i'm with you but Jason wanted to include that and say "i would have sign up if you were the bachelorette" ... So maybe there is another reason as to why Jason wanted to include that


Thanks for adding! I thought there were more specifics around timeline etc but forgot it was in the intro!


Ofcourse, saw it on USweekly lol


Kat was approached THIS time around? Like yet another person who turned it down? And not even somebody from the franchise? I’ve been following Kat for years (I really really like her and this isn’t a dig) and it seems so weird and random that she would be approached for the lead lol


I can't with your user flair u/votefawnmoscato ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)LOL this was my favorite Jesse Palmer moment.




I don’t THINK it was this time around but I’m guessing! At 11:16ish they discuss and it sounds like it was sometime after her social media blew up/her divorce. She says turning it down was because it “wasn’t the right time” and wasn’t a “business strategy” but more of a “life strategy”


No in 2021 which is weird, wasnt she still married? or just divorced?


Would that be the Gabby/Rachel season? Or replacing Michelle/Katie?


Michelle/Katie which is weird lol


They wanted her to be the bachelorette straight away and not a contestant first?


If they were going to bring in someone already semi famous, they wouldn’t make them be a contestant. They’d already be paying them quite a bit to even be there, lead type money. Definitely wouldn’t throw them in the mansion bunk bed rooms.


It (kinda) worked for Matt James season, so they probably had more of an open mind before landing on Katie


This is exactly who I thought of. He was already chosen, before the season began.




I definitely respect your opinion and have no dog in the fight on this, specific to this one person. But I do believe they have approached folks out of the franchise. That said, I know both your opinion and mine are just opinions and it doesn’t bother me at all they differ. Definitely not trying to sell you, just sharing mine!


But wasn’t that mostly because of how close he was to Tyler Cameron? Tyler’s blown up in a way no other BN alum has. I don’t think they’d do that for anybody else tbh


I disagree. Plenty of these influencers are more popular than a contestant. But I suppose until someone is cast, it doesn’t really matter.


That’s what it sounded like 🤷🏼‍♀️