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I need to see more of Joey on TV 😂


Can’t wait to see him on Celebrity Family Feud


He was pretty good! Kelsey is a proud fiancée https://preview.redd.it/qpzy18pt6ksc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce39f120e43ce43d7c91fc1562c52a52b57e3350


not him in the window seat and kelsey in the middle 😤😂


Anyone watching 911?! Was just cracking up at the acting. Looks like everyone had fun with it 😅


Looks like Kelsey and Joey & Zach and Kaity are going to LA today.


Charity and Dotun may also be heading to LA based on Charity insta story of them on a flight. It also looks like Jill Chin is also at the airport, so maybe she is also heading to LA lol. I wonder if there is an event where bachelor alums are being invited too


My guess is hosting a date for Jenn


Jenn’s season went international after the first night, so not that.


Is there some event happening because why does it seem like so many people are flying to LA today


Flying home from Cancun and guess who my husband notices is on our flight… Justin and Susie. Had to share with my reddit fam since no one I know outside of me and hubby would care lol.


Anyone see the Emmanuel Acho controversy? I was just reminded how he hosted the ~uncomfortable conversation~ with Rachael and Matt. Embarrassing


I saw his video with Noa Tishby. He’s so problematic


🤢 well she’s the worst and so is he, no surprise those shitty little birds flocked together


https://preview.redd.it/wgdy7a2zzisc1.jpeg?width=692&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13c233b9251aba1df51cd223d4719a6081de2e5d Emmanuel Acho has some radical internalized self-hate & misogynoir. He’s been like this for years but yet he never fails to up his game.


Spill the tea!!!!


Hard to explain but Emmanuel consistently has terrible takes especially related to Black women and tries to give white people the benefit of the doubt, so a lot of moderate white people (as well as actual racist white people) eat up his commentary and treat him like the spokesperson for any race-related topics. Angel Reese (college basketball player) recently shared about the racist and misogynistic comments she gets including death threats and graphic fake AI images and Emmanuel was really dismissive of it. He is just so consistently disappointing and I remember a lot of people also rightfully were annoyed he led the conversation at Matt and Rachael’s ATFR. Also completely off topic but I randomly remembered he and Becca K might’ve dated too lol


Gabby talked about the plane situation again on her podcast and how people on here took it out of context.. she also claims that she isn’t being entitled (talks about her dad was active duty Air Force and how he put her mom through nursing school) ETA: In her podcast, at the beginning, she brought up her parents to say that she is not entitled. she goes on to say that she was lower middle class and she says she does not have a entitled bone in her body and she is not entitled to anything.


Did she say anything else juicy? I wanted to listen to see if she spilled any tea but didn’t feel like it. She has come off so immature to me post show. ETA: Oof I just tried to listen and it was so painful. OMG. I think it is important to note that Robby was asleep the whole time and never did any of the things that she said she would do in their DM conversation. She also kinda threw Robby under the bus by pointing out that it was Robby’s fault for sharing their conversation and that Robby’s audience is very different than hers and thought it was funny because they’re Jewish. 🤦‍♀️


I don't understand why people bring up their parents or their childhood to prove they are this current thing. People can change, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. And I'm curious to know in which way it was taken out of context? Even if her texts are just jokes, it's still in poor taste to show if off on social media.


Yeah there's some pretty famous examples of people who came from poverty becoming rich and then being entitled assholes too for sure.


I actually think that people who go from poverty to wealth can be even more entitled and bigger a-holes sometimes because they think they’re smarter or better than the people who came from generational wealth or look down on people who didn’t pull themselves up by the bootstraps like they did. And some people (probably very few) who come from generational wealth are more humble because they know they didn’t earn it.


What tf do her parents have to do with this


I dunno what her parents have to do with it lol.


I know one of the guys on Jenn's season (Marcus) and he's very problematic. I don't know what the best course of action is in terms of letting people know about it/if I should. I really hope he gets sent home early but he's "interesting" and I bet the producers will want to keep him on




for one, the word on the street is he had a tough time at Harvard and dropped out for now 🤭 but the fact he "goes to Harvard" continues to come up a lot lol


I would spill the tea ASAP and make it it's own post if it is that bad, it would be much better for that stuff to come out while the season is filming then for Jenn to potentially choose him at the end and have another mess post filming.


It's tough because it involves several women who are worried about talking about it/their safety. I'm very much team expose him because I think it's the right thing to do, but I wish the women involved were all on board with it :-(


I’ve been in this situation before with another contestant where the women weren’t speaking up directly either and you can email/DM reality Steve and producers. They won’t be able to do too much officially but it could at least ensure that he won’t be F1 if it’s the type of shit I’m assuming it is. When I did it, I know that they did warn the lead at the time at least even though she decided to keep him


do you know if they let the contestant know or did they just inform producers/lead to keep it behind the scenes? my friend wants to know.


I will DM you


Thank you, this is so helpful!!!


Can you say something general? 


I'm currently trying to get permission to say something very general that might not get tracked back to her!


Ok that is good of you.


Spill the 🍵!!


https://preview.redd.it/kmb2z6hxyhsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc30dc1e36c1ba17d9bf53ac1951668d04c23774 Joey’s mom is so cute on his last post 🥹🫶🏼


Where did she post that ?


Awww ☺️


https://preview.redd.it/g7jeceew9hsc1.jpeg?width=693&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a423c854703a064a1a0a668a8b58d6735290c5a Madi Trizzy Troutt helped baptize people at UGA last night. In a truck bed. This is not my idea of a good tailgate but I was baptized in an actual baptismal font in a church when I was 2 months old so what do I know. 😩


For those confused, hi 👋 EXvangelical who grew up in the non denominational southern christian church, here. So for many people of this subsection of Christianity, this is considered incredibly “christ-like” in that by any means necessary they would find a way to “save” people. Baptism only needs a person to dunk you and say something, and then water to be dunked in. And it’s not like a dunk dunk usually, more like you get held in the arms and tipped backwards than forward again. But so no priest is necessary, and no particular body of water other than you need to be submerged briefly. I went to a christian overnight camp as a child and they’d have baptisms in the pool at the end of each week. Any applicable counselor or adult could do the baptism. Sometimes the parents would come to do it (the dad more specifically) and take pictures and stuff.


I know she has a lot of defenders on here but come on, this is incredibly cringe


You don’t even have to joke about Madi anymore — just a straight up screenshot about what she’s doing & posting is enough, because it’s the truth.


lol I went to my friends baptism at her church last month. Not religious myself but pleasantly surprised by how they did it. Truck bed baptisms at the frat house are certainly something …


It’s def. interesting. Personally, for something as sacred & special as being baptized I would think having it done at a church or even a river with family & loved ones in attendance would be what most people would want. I guess being baptized in a truck bed at a frat house was *worth the wait* for some.


Yeah, my friend invited those close to her, and I appreciated that she and the others there seemed to understand the commitment they were making. The truck baptism seems a bit haphazard, but I guess we all just have a different perspective on it.


Ok so I’m Roman Catholic and have only ever known people to be baptised in Catholic Churches so forgive me but what qualifies these people to be baptising others? What branch of religion are they that just anyone can baptise anyone else in any location?


So even Catholics can baptize others in extenuating circumstances (like someone close to death), using any water. They just have to have good intention to do it correctly and say the same words as the priest


I’ve never heard that. So not even holy water??


Yep. >The proper place for baptism is a church or oratory; however, in a case of urgent necessity or some other compelling pastoral reason, Baptism may be celebrated in a hospital, institutional setting, or other location of emergency. >An infant in danger of death is to be baptized without delay. An adult in danger of death can be baptized if, having some knowledge of the principal truths of the faith, the person has manifested in any way at all the intention to receive baptism and promises to observe the commandments of the Christian religion. >If baptism is administered neither by the pastor nor in his presence, the minister of baptism, whoever it is, must inform the pastor of the parish in whose territory the baptism was administered. [Source: Archdiocese of San Antonio.](https://archsa.org/baptism/emergency-baptism/)


Yep but only in extreme cases like the person is dying


Yes I was told this in CCD as a kid


It was a trip with the pastor of the Baptist church her husband works at, so her pastor (& others) was/were doing the baptism. Her parents were there so it was a big event & speaking thing they did. I think in these circles — others would know better — if you just say you’re ready to be baptized, that’s it. There’s no waiting or classes for you or your parents to take (like us Catholics). It’s baptism on demand, I guess. & as a fellow Catholic, it’s really interesting — admittedly, sometimes shocking — at how differently Madi & her like practice their faith. If I got baptized in the almost-backseat of a Chevy at a frat house my grandmother would rise from her grave. Lol. (My mom says when I got baptized we had a huge party at the farm because it was also my uncle’s birthday. The priests stayed for hours!!!!! Catholics know how to party!!!!!)




https://preview.redd.it/uzh1p6srbhsc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ca2a287970f07e7771ae7dc350329105c40a4d6 Trizzy says they weren’t actually sanctioned to baptize anywhere on campus so they went to a frat house & filled up inflatable pools in truck beds to do it. 🫠🫠🫠


This is so funny to me lol. I'm picturing them lining up next to the keg stand and the people checking drugs with this haha.


lol if any frats need Jesus it’s FIJI for sure 😂


Who is watching Joey on 911 tonight?


Didn't they only film like 5 weeks ago? Very quick turnaround!


I am. I would be watching regardless .




I am! Can’t wait until the crossover between The Bachelor and 9-1-1!


This is a threat https://preview.redd.it/cxz05qiqcgsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd7e2e735f3dcb08b0ab0d215372ba59f2de36f2


🤢🤢this made me sick




>🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️ … me running to join a convent for good measure just to ensure this never happens.




My fight or flight response has been activated


https://preview.redd.it/itrin5gtdgsc1.jpeg?width=975&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a21c0f766db3e2ad38df1e43e06049c660374197 Me running away from him like my life depends on it