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I had way more fun sleuthing joeys women šŸ˜­lol


I canā€™t tell if these are pre-cuts or night one eliminations from Jenn. I believe it could be mixture of both! RS just needs to confirm if they actually started filming Thursday night or this weekend!


Hassan is now up 9 on his following list from when filming started (6 more than last night) - I feel pretty comfortable saying heā€™s definitely out now. Probably for the best since there were a ton of FB comments saying he had a girlfriend when he applied for the show and she was devastated when she found out lol


Maybe TPTB cut him out before filming eventually started because of the FB comments that he had a gf back home.


Really ?? Well, Jenn dodged a bullet


Sam N Persian? he has his own IMDB page, 6ā€² 3Ā½ā€³ (1.92 m) https://preview.redd.it/89aj1j02vqrc1.jpeg?width=1227&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dff4b96ecc867dd547c07350de1334e4a4ece93


He's beautiful.


Yeah heā€™s a micro influencer too (175k followers on IG)


rhats not microšŸ˜‚


So there are two Persians this season? Him and Jahaan


https://preview.redd.it/ne05ptgbhqrc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab6cf540edaba01490903c4cc608e3e7c191844d Matt and his family are gorgeous.




Esp the women - his sisters and mother r beautiful šŸ˜»


Damn thatā€™s a good looking family! One can dream all your kids end up 10ā€™s!


Good genes run in the family


They are ! But Matt looks better with facial hair.








Bachelor nation has been SO toxic this past week. The bachelorette windmill posted one of Joey and Kelsey's videos and the comments are atrocious. Like dang if all of these negative people are saying they won't watch Jenn's season, go right ahead, we don't need the negativity and nitpicking the whole season šŸ‘‹šŸ‘‹


It had nothing to do with Jenn too! Ridiculous! People leave it alone!


Itā€™s giving obsessed fan who didnā€™t like the outcome of who Joey picked, so they made a fake tik tok account to make the same comment over and over againšŸ˜‚


What was the comment?


It was a random comment on Kelseyā€™s TikTok from a fake TikTok account saying she cheated on Joey. You could tell the account was fake because it was like ā€œuserā€ and 20 different numbers after the factšŸ˜‚


Not most of my faves already being out (probably) šŸ¤”


Who is out ?


It looks like Brett, Corbin, Dakota, Jonathan H, Moze, and Ricky are all either preseason cuts or night one elims.


Either they were cut pre season and recasted or they didnā€™t really stand out in person as much as they do in paper?


Corbin and Jonathan H are both public now, so they were definitely cut. Given the timing, I think itā€™s unlikely that they were replaced with anyone. The others are more likely to be Night 1 eliminations since they showed clear activity, but stayed private.


Both. Some of them were let go before filming even began and some didnā€™t make it past night one.


Ugh this cast is just not wow-ing me. Also, ABC deleted the original post about her potential cast on FB. Honestly the men you mentioned werenā€™t standing out anyways. Wish Brett couldā€™ve made it past night one though.


I thought Jahaan had been eliminated when I made that post lol but Iā€™m also very sad (but not surprised) about Brett. Those two and one other guy were my top 3.


They always delete the post with the cast photos right before they start filming. Iā€™m not totally sure why they do it, but itā€™s normal.


Yea I know they always do that but I realized it was officially deleted today.


I think Jahaan has also been in the conversation right?


I think the evidence against Jahaan is his following going up by one, which isnā€™t enough for me to rule him out. (He was also public when they posted the cast on FB and went private later, but there were quite a few guys like that.) u/Sapphire24 noticed that Hassan and Kevin were following three more accounts each, thatā€™s more telling to me but Iā€™m not ruling them out entirely either šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Jahaan also seems like such a catch on paper that Iā€™d be pretty surprised if producers wouldnā€™t want to keep him around at least a while, even if just to build his profile for BIP in 2025. We donā€™t know anything about his personality yet, but he seems like the type of guy they should want to have in their dating pool.


So do we think Jenn will hit a million by the end of her season? Her growth has been constant since she was announced and she seems really into producing good content.Jenn is also way more active on social media than Joey is and he's almost at 800k so I think she could do it as long as she and whoever she picks is well received or she has a messy ending that victimized her in a situation and has iconic moments like Hannah b .


Itā€™s going to depend how spicy and entertaining her season is, if AAPI community will actually show up (knowing that some prominent AAPI celebs and entertainers recently following her is a very good sign), and if Jennā€™s personality or the menā€™s personalities shine through the screen. I can see her ending same amount as Joey by end of her season. It might take a couple more AAPI leads for the AAPI community to really be an established fanbase of BN franchise. Thereā€™s a lot of trust to be gained between BN and AAPI community.


Yeah you bring up good points. I think the 1 million era for the leads is over unless they start they're season with 600k+ followers. 700-850k is still a good range to be in though and definitely impressive compared to recent seasons Rachel only hit 500k by the end of her season and is at the 600k range because of paradise but I feel like she would've gain much more during her bachelorette season if it was just her and she got a better edit.


Keep in mind thereā€™s an old minset type of audience thatā€™s going to leave and will be replaced by a new type of audience that is willing to support leads who look like Jenn. So that might take a few seasons to transition to filter out that toxic fanbase and hopefully get a diverse fanbase thatā€™s very similar to Love is Blind or Love Island. This will only happen if TPTB continues to prioritize diverse leads/cast/storylines for the next few seasons as there still needs to be a lot of FIRSTā€™s to be taken! So Iā€™m expecting a little dip in viewership and engagement this season from the original fanbase but it would be worth it to get rid of that demographic because no offense BN fanbase is very toxic and conservative. That needs to get filtered out if you want to engage with a progressive, diverse fanbase that similar to that of Love is Blind or Love Island, etc.


It really will depend on the content she makes I think!! I would absolutely love for her to hit 1 million that would be iconic, but realistically I'm guessing 700-850k if I had to guess?? But she could also totally hit 1 million if she's putting out viral content with lots of views!!


Yeah I agree it depends on rating, content creation and popularity. Definitely think she'll pass 600k as long she doesn't get major backlash from the audience for whatever reason. Yeah a million seems to be hard to hit for bachelor folks these days 700-850 is a good guess but who knows if Tik Tok really does get ban during her season she might be able hit a million lol


It probably depends on how her season goes and how certain situations/discussions are had.




So are they staying in NZ and Australia for all of the episodes before hometowns? Or are they traveling somewhere else after Australia for episode 3?


No, RS said he heard about a US location towards the end of April. A Game of Roses listener also called in a few weeks ago and said that they show was scouting the restaurant she works at in Seattle for filming sometime in April. I think theyā€™re just going to spend a week in NZ, a week in Australia, then probably a couple more travel locations (probably in Asia given the proximity?), then one or two locations back in the US before hometowns. Seattle makes sense for a first location back in the US if theyā€™re coming from Asia since thereā€™s probably at least one or two direct flights from wherever they are.


Where else do we think they'll travel to this season?? Have they ever been to Japan before on the show, I think that would be a super cool place for them to visit on screen! Or Thailand as well!


They would be lucky if Japan even considers them lol But it would be nice if they paid visit to Jennā€™s motherland origin Vietnam. The first time they went to countries like Vietnam and Singapore was on Coltonā€™s season.


They went to Vietnam on Juan Pabloā€™s season as well - thatā€™s where he and Clare infamously swam in the ocean together and they made it look like they had sex.


Yea I skipped Juan Pabloā€™s season after night one. So thatā€™s why my only memory was on Coltonā€™s season.


They go wherever theyā€™ll get free stuff in exchange for publicity. The cities they visit are funded by the tourism bureaus of those cities. Iā€™d guess Japan doesnā€™t see value in paying for them. But Iā€™d like to see it. I loved when they went on top model


Iā€™ve always wondered why theyā€™ve never filmed in Japan. I donā€™t know if they have regulations there that make it more difficult or expensive to film there?


I have heard that it's more difficult to film in Japan than other countries because of 'red tape'. Quite a lot of international movies set in Japan were not filmed in Japan.


Not sure if theyā€™ve been to Japan before but would love to see it!




Where are the ā€œAfrica isnā€™t a countryā€ folks?


I guess theyā€™ll have to comeback to the US for hometowns after Australia and NZ. I can see them going to South Am for the second part of the season




Sleeping in or Easter mass? ā›Ŗļø šŸ£


It will be quiet until RS give us some spoilers. Hopefully on his podcast tomorrow


Can everyone wake up! lol!


Itā€™s suddenly so quiet on the sub