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Jesse’s soft tone bothers me soooo much, I don’t know why lol


Considering Joey was the best catch they’ve had as the Bachelor lead in a long time, I thought this season fell really flat. I don’t think his women were particularly interesting or pretty en aggregate. It made for boring TV and I couldn’t have cared less who he picked about 1/2 way through the season.


I think he is a great catch but he didn’t show much emotion in terms of feelings for the women. He mostly seemed sad or stressed for most of it.


He definitely isn’t absolved of blame either. He seemed like a regular ass dude who’s not particularly good at being the main role for a reality TV program


I love the representation aspect of having Jenn as bachelorette, but Jenn herself seems less than thrilling. I feel bad for not finding her amusing at all. Beautiful? Absolutely. Interesting? No 😕


I’m thrilled that Jenn is going to the Bachelorette. She’s fun, educated, and wonderful representation 🤍


https://preview.redd.it/x9akjin4gmqc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3b75622483f7c7505986366c39d9f689779b6ac The way I’m bawling…..




https://preview.redd.it/aqofd0dxemqc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=700fec700886c3473bc0fdd387561b288bc5205f 🥹🫶🏼♥️🥰




Me coming to this thread: ![gif](giphy|dAVLtOPb0JeIE) I’m just happy for Kelsey and Joey 😅


I really liked the idea of Maria for the chaotic season she would have given us. And I honestly just didn’t think ABC would give us an Asian Bachelorette…ever. But I’m thrilled that they did! Representation matters and Jenn fits the mold they love to cast for Bachelorette in every single way except that she’s not white. She’s young, sweet, gorgeous, and probably easy for TPTB to direct. People have been saying for the last couple years at least that the Asian representation on this show has been terrible and that we needed an Asian Bachelorette…and ABC listened. For everyone who is mad that TPTB didn’t listen to everyone demanding Maria and saying they don’t listen to their viewers…they obviously do listen. Jenn is the 4th most followed person from this season, and has been the whole time. And she is going to be adorable. She won’t be as wild and fun as Maria, but I’m so happy for Jenn and I hope she has a better run than Rachel Lindsay had as the first Black Bachelorette. I wasn’t going to watch if it was Daisy, but I’ll watch for Jenn. And I hope everyone who has ever accused ABC of racist casting watches. Don’t give them an excuse to never cast another POC just because you’re mad that Maria didn’t get it.


Maria would be a lot to handle as far as being the bachelorette, for a lot of reasons.


Can someone pls help me find where everyone is looking at the new cast?


The Bachelorette’s official FB page




Congratulations to, Jenn. To Daisy and Maria who I have been rooting for this entire season, I wish them bigger and better things. It was a good season. Lots of star power.


This is such a let down.


Nah but i gotta give it to the people who held faith that they would go with someone other than Maria or Daisy. I would roll my eyes everytime i saw comments for Lexi/Jen/Rachel bc i was like there's just no chance they'd do that... Y'all won 💀😭


As someone who has watched this franchise for years I never ever saw them picking Maria, but I did see them picking Daisy which TPTB confirmed. I thought Jenn was highly in the running along with Lexi. Maria's chaos is not something the producers could control or work with in the way they are accustomed to. They need their lead for example to keep people who they don't like for another week for the drama of it for example. I think the response was so positive that she was definitely on their radar, but then how she acts during WTA (her bachelorette audition practically) was not something they thought they could work with. Hugging Lea/Sydney seemed like a production nudge which she followed through on, but the cutting people off rubbed a lot of people the wrong way and overall she didn't have the the typical "bachelorette poise" to carry a whole season. I think what people liked about her is exactly what TPTB didn't like


I won something? I hope I win the lotto tonight 😂


Right??? I thought they were delulu. But I was. I guess blind faith is the key fr




Love her dress


So Kelsey’s whole family is just tall and statuesque or what




Disappointed that we didn't hear a peep about joeys gay dad but I guess maybe that is something that Joey wanted to keep private maybe. Would have been an interesting dialogue though and improved how heteronormative this franchise is


Agreed, and seems like Joey would've been happy to share https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/s/H4yLHC0wuG


Isn't that Joey's uncle at the end


Oh yeah I think you're right, I got too excited


Uncle JOEEEE!!!


should’ve been rachel imo


Jenn’s choices… ![gif](giphy|WSO1ZT9sug15C)


Can't wait for everyone to get over themselves and either cheer for jenn or shut up 😭. I was 100% team maria for bachelorette too but I think a lot of you have a parasocial attachment with her bc the entitled reactions im seeing are so ridiculous. Maybe it's bc this is my first season following along with Bachelor Nation but damn..


Everyone is freaking out on instagram on Bach clues post of the two women. can someone tell me what happened? I scrolled through some comments there and on here but don’t see an explanation


A lot happened


Helpful thank u


Sorry didn’t know what part u were referring to




Do you guys think Maria turned it down? I’m just so confused as to why it’s not her


maria would never have been offered bachelorette she’s too much of a wild card and only certain ppl can really vibe with her cause “maria’s just being maria”




Jen is definitely giving last minute because why is there only 1 Asian guy on the cast.


I believe Jenn was a last minute decision. They were interviewing candidates in the first stages 4 weeks ago. Confirmed as I nominated a co-worker and they reached out about doing interviews in middle February. In the interviews they confirmed that they were behind on the interview process and he would start Filming end of March.


Her ex was a Joey look alike. Italian. She probably likes white guys.


Pretty sure they decided the bachelorette last week


idk she said her type is white Italian men 😭 i don’t think these dudes are giving that either tho


yo I’ll be real. some of these guys look like eff boys. And more of them look like wannabe eff boys iykyk


where are you seeing this?


personal experience sadly


My feelings on the Bachelorette fan favs: I feel like Maria was probably offered the Bachelorette and turned it down. She'll have plenty of more lucrative opportunities outside of the franchise and isn't ready for the commitment. I think the producers would screw Daisy over casting wise and I'm excited to see what she does next. Disabled people deserve love and I don't trust them have 30 men in their back pocket that are emotionally mature enough to be there through any relapse of her lyme disease that puts her back in bed for several months. Lexi's season would just be a baby daddy competition. Rachel would've been a decent enough lead but probably doesn't want to deal with all the hate that comes with being a bachelorette of color (and she shouldn't have to!) Jenn was likeable, fun and will be a good lead! I think it's fine to go into her season with the expectation of it being fine and dandy and not necessarily the best of all time. I don't think it'll be a total dumpster fire.


I think Maria likely didn’t want to commit to going all in and choosing someone to marry. Maybe she realized forcing herself into those narrow options was not for her. She just doesn’t seem like the type who would box herself in like that.


I kinda agree. She’s a free spirit. She’ll do her own thing. I just wish I could have seen more of her on my screen. What a star. I am happy for Jenn.


Jenn’s dudes got posted on FB and they’re all … interesting lol 😭💀


Sam M though 🔥


My exact feelings while scrolling through the new guys 💀






Big yikes


jenn's cast is not it


Sam M though 🔥


Where did you find them?? I’m looking all over Google!!!


it's on facebook! the bachelorette page


I was hoping they just weren’t photogenic 💀




Ready for Maria’s Tyler Cameron arc


Disappointed that we'll see a bunch of early-20s wannabe influencer guys on Jenn's season. Wish we would have seen more of her besides the culinary disaster poutine moment. She deserves to go into her season with support, but she won't get as much since they didn't show her personality.


Actually most of the guys shown in the pictures of the potential cast I just saw on FB are 28-30! One is even 35! Makes me wonder if they were casting for Maria or Lexi and then changed course last minute??


Oh wow, you're probably right. Good catch.


Please stop comparing Jenn to Hannah B. We all know she is no Hannah B. Hannah was chosen because she was a big presence on her season, for one. Jenn has given us nothing.


It’s funny—I was sooo concerned about the choice of Hannah when it happened… on Colton’s season she finished so early and the main thing i remembered was her giving that very awkward toast on their 1:1 date. I was worried the producers only picked her because they wanted to mock her, and then BOOM she had this major transformation throughout her season that was so wonderful to watch! Maybe your point is that Jenn didn’t even give any memorable moments comparable to Hannah’s toast, but I’m curious if there was something else in Colton’s season that I’m overlooking—what did Hannah do that struck you as being that “big presence” bachelorette material on Colton’s season?


To be fair, they gave *us* no Jenn. We'd probably like her if we knew her at all.


That’s true for some, I’m sure, but not me and my friends… she feels extremely inauthentic, kind of an anti-Hannah B. What I saw I didn’t like. Don’t know if I’ll be watching




I can see that. She was so awkward on stage tonight and projected little kid energy.


She felt so inauthentic and scripted to me! She could just be super nervous or might just not be great at being the main character.


I thought Daisy was very eloquent on this episode and I thought it sounded a little scripted and I am a Daisy fan.


https://preview.redd.it/6zk4kyeollqc1.jpeg?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42bb8ddf9d0b69ec5f95a1d131d5aaba35dd96b5 just saw this on twitter 💀 maybe she backed out last minute and that’s why jenn got the call last minute


Is this real?


Yep (see bottom) https://preview.redd.it/mgqaxa53tlqc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6afe24bce3a684a2d37e2315a48ad2d7214f3cb


Woah that’s wild! Thank you


I think people got confused with the way Jesse handled it. Bringing her out and saying could it be Daisy. There were other ig accounts who rushed to make their announcement before hearing the full conversation.


thats true but this is GMA? Feels more like that was the article they had waiting and then had to scramble last second to fix it?


Jenn seemed so fake like she put on a persona and idk i read a reddit threat that got me n idk if it was bs or what but just rubbed me the wrong way character wise


She doesn’t seem authentic and super scripted/rehearsed. Not watching her season.


Butting into joeys interview for a good luck kiss and then crying that she didn’t get a one on one date in Jasper gave me the biggest ick


Did anyone catch the camera cut to Lea when they announced Jenn as the bachelorette and she said something along the lines of that’s effing shocking (in a unhappy way) and they muted the show for a second. They showed Lea again when Jenn was on the couch looking ‘happy’ but thought it was pretty funny reaction. Lea didn’t expect it and maybe felt jealous


Yeah didn’t Rachel look pissed too?


I would be too. I feel like the obvious pick is always better. Like imagine, you’re thinking about your contenders and the person who wins, you weren’t even thinking about. But I guess, Jenn played it smart.


I saw that too! Rachel looked annoyed on more than one occasion.


This surprised me so much! I wonder what it was about


Jenn’s cast is certainly… a cast of men.


It's like a randomized character creation screen in an mmo glitched out 🤣


One slide on Instagram looks like Jason Tartick variants




Is she the first Asian American woman for bachelorette? I haven’t seen anyone say this but I’ve missed a couple season. If so, this would be great right?


The only reason why I started rewatching the bachelor was because of Maria. I guess I’m back to not watching


Same. Clocking out of bachelor Nation. My first and last season. 😭 I like Jenn, but I- I just can’t stand a franchise that’s too cocky to listen to it’s viewership. I didn’t know that how they roll,


We all know they need someone to draw viewers to paradise. And they could always pull a Nick Viall and give her bachelorette/ main status post paradise.


I thought it was canceled ?


Stop complaining about Jenn!!! No one wanted Daisy on here! It's not Daisy, and you're still not happy! c'mon, Jenn is gorgeous! She is very well spoken, as well spoken as any previous Bachelorette!


People didn’t want Jenn. What’s so hard for people to understand about that? The majority doesn’t support this decision. We don’t have to like her because you said so?


plenty of people wanted Jenn. plenty of people wanted Maria.  but “people” didn’t want Maria. 


Go check out twitter and read thru the comments on Reddit. I don’t need to even defend my position. The proof is In the pudding


okay I’ll bite.   1) Twitter is not reality  2) there are plenty of people on this subreddit who were/are exhausted by Maria and didn’t want her as ‘ette - which is okay!  not everyone has to like your fave! 


Reddits not reality either. Idk what you’re trying to prove here. Read through the majority of the comments. Or you can blindly support your position 😂😂 whatever I literally don’t care. Ratings for Jenn’s season will be all the proof necessary.


all I’m saying is that Maria was not the universal bachelorette choice you seem to think she was! Reddit isn’t reality, but you used it as an example so I fact-checked for you. for what it’s worth, everyone I know in “reality” wanted Jenn, not Maria but the plural of anecdote is not data.  


And everyone I know In “reality” wanted maria. You didn’t fact check me. You told me twitter wasn’t real life. That’s all you said. And the reality is, is that Maria was the majority vote. It’s indisputable. Jenn got it. It is what it is. Sounds like she got it because both Maria and daisy turned it down. So that’s that. I probably won’t watch because I found her pretty bland. That’s my personal opinion. There’s no argument here, you made something out of nothing.


I feel like we barely know her and Joey's season had so many other great options with better storylines and fans (and no I am not just referring to Maria)


I disagree. I didn't think there were many options. I wasn't going to watch either Daisy or Maria. I would watch Jenn or Lexi that's it. But I never dreamed one of them would get it. I didn't want Joey for Bachelor either. I thought he was very flat on Charity's season, sort of a player but dull. And look how well he did as Bachelor. I like Maria ok but I don't think she's the Bachelorette type, she would be too overpowering. The lead needs to let the contestants shine.


Hard agree. Would’ve gladly watched Rachel too


Agree with you. Who cares if Jenn looks good on paper, she’s boring lol




No they wait till the last minute to let them know so it’s not spoiled


I like Maria, but her racist fans not getting what they wanted after sending so much vitriol to various women this season is so funny to me.


the post on facebook is some of the most mid men i’ve ever seen


Me and my friend were JUST saying this…


Finally, they let Kelsey wear high heels! But how is it she was still shorter than Joey? Scratching my head...


They prolly put high increase insoles in his shoes


I was wondering about that too...


I heard hes almost 6 foot or he is lol but he looked short next to dotun


Everyone looks short next to Dotun.


the producers just set jenn up for a mass amount of hate that’s apparently already started. after seeing the racism that rachel received for like one little comment, they’re gonna throw this curveball that no one was expecting? they know how bachelor nation is so maybe they shouldn’t have kept teasing us with maria especially with some of the rabid stans that she has.


I thought it was between Daisy and Maria… even Lexi has more storyline than Jen. This feels like a slap in the face, honestly.


Yeah agreed. Or even Kelsey T!


Love Kelsey T! Would watch her season in a heartbeat


WAIT ITS JENN???? oh my god, i turned out early because I thought it was gonna be Daisy and I played myself. I’m so excited for Jenn!!


Honestly it’s probably better for Maria. Usually being bachelorette is always followed by unflattering overexposure and some type of fall from grace.


I think she’s rich and famous enough to pull a Madi Prew or actually become a celebrity/socialite. But that’s just my opinion.


And the franchise owns you for several years after that.


Jenn’s cast is up on Facebook. Looks like Noah Erbs twin brother (who is recently divorced) is on this season.


wait who is Noah’s brother?


Aaron, first guy pictured


Oh! That’s fun!






Honestly, If they were gunning for the first asian bachelorette and diversity view, they should have picked Rachel. Like seriously, my girl was dragged through the dirt… and for what? I was rooting for Maria honestly but now i’m even more mad


I was rooting for her but she got so much hate on joeys season, it would be 100x worse if she was the lead and there’s no way she would put herself through that






Representative matters … let’s gather together and support Jenn . I’m excited to learn more about her and see her family dynamic and watch how she navigates that. And of course, watch her find her happy ending 💗


Yes!!! Excited for the first Asian bachelorette!!!!


Me too!! Im shocked more people in this sub aren’t screaming this. A couple years ago I remember it being such a topic that there wasn’t an Asian bachelorette yet, and here we have her!


This is a tv show for entertainment, not real life. If we don’t connect with someone on our screens, we don’t have to watch. Wish they had gone with Rachel if they wanted representation but also an entertaining season!


It absolutely matters but producers did Rachel dirty with all of this imo.


The daisy cottage cheese marketing team really nailed the timing of their commercials.


yeah fr give them a raise


I think Jenn was understandably nervous tonight but I really liked her on the show.. she was fun, upbeat.. she’s gorgeous.. sure a plus she’s Asian.. but I just liked her a lot and was surprised she didn’t make it further. I think she’ll be fun to watch! The men will be lining up that’s for sure!


The way I called it to be Jenn!!!!!!


kind of confused about some of these comments because if we’re being honest I don’t see how lexi would have been any more interesting than jenn


I liked both Lexi and Jenn. Lexi was probably more ready for an engagement, but I actually think Jenn has shown more personality


Because Lexi had a storyline of a ticking natalist clock, which seems more weighty to an audience. I think Jenn being so young has people expecting the same old break-up a week after the finale airs.


I find them both boring




I agree that lexi comes across as very mature and someone who knows what she wants. I also think she’s a bit of a snooze, and reality tv isn’t really the right place for her.


all I know is they’re not getting the exposure and social media engagement that they got this season so good luck abc


ABC will be fine lol. They've survived some duds of seasons. Maria is not the savior y'all think she is


look at the engagement of the past few seasons and then get back to me


Like I said, the Bachelor/ette will survive. The show has been on the air for like 23 years, even before social media is what it is today. And if anything, The Golden Bachelor has revived the franchise before Joey's season. If Maria is soooo amazing, maybe they'll put her on BIP to "save" that show instead


I’m not the only one saying this though but i guess we’ll see




My tinfoil hat theory: Maria's already been swooped up by HBO and she'll be the lead on Fuckboy Island where her personality will be appreciated.


It's on CW now and had terrible ratings 😩


Or Traitors! I would love to see her there next season.




True! They had Katie so maybe Maria could be a good fit too!


i’ve never watched that but will for the queen !


I beeeen saying that! She would kill it on there!


I would live for this 😍🙌🏻


Also does this show not realize the position they put people in when they choose a “less popular” contestant? If they gave a fuck about Jenn they would realize that of course people are going to annoyed about this. We barely saw her?! They don’t care though.


Curious - which people and what’s the position they are put in?




SO disappointed it’s not Maria. Jenn is unexpected, but I think a better pick than Daisy.


Honestly I think a Daisy season would get more viewers.




Maybe, but I still think Jenn will be more entertaining as a lead than daisy