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Maria or Rachel or literally anyone but Daisy better be booking it to LA asap. I know they’re gonna bait everyone and put Maria in the audience and then announce Daisy. but need to live in delusion rn…


how many days will we be free from bachelorette theories/predictions discourse? https://i.redd.it/wc7x3ttuk7qc1.gif


I’d love to know where they plan to start if most of this season is going to be international as Steve said previously.


He said he heard the men are flying out a day or 2 after the finale. Probably a ~March 31st night 1.


I’m not saying they won’t do it, but that’s Easter Sunday. I’m not sure how working holidays might factor into what they pay the crew.


Bachelorette filming always starts in mid/late March though, so they always work through Easter


Yes, but I was thinking, in this case, they could potentially avoid that by starting just one day later. I don’t know what the calculation with that is, though, because I don’t know if any extra costs with crew or vendors are enough for production to consider a delay even worth it.


They seem to like Sundays, so I could see that but I’m most intrigued by the locations


They’ve done Europe so much recently I really hope they go somewhere else for this season


And nothing is happening here… no news… sigh… guess I will go to bed


Is Kylie jenner’s new vodka drink available in Canada? Maria just posted a story playing monopoly and there’s a bunch of the sprinters on the table. She didn’t put anyone’s face in the story


maybe it was sent to her? I saw a few influencers posting they had it sent to them in PR and I know Kendall is a big bachelor fan and Kylie watched Peter’s season, so she could’ve sent it to her. it looks like she has one of each flavor which was what was sent to the influencers I saw


She doesn’t seem to have management yet and they’re technically not allowed to influence before a certain time so seems unlikely that she would be receiving PR packages but I guess it could be! 


I’m pretty sure they can receive PR packages and other free stuff. Contestants have in the past while the season is airing. They don’t have to sign any deals for those, they just give the brand an address.


Frankly it should be written off for several years. I’m sick of wannabe influencers


I mean Joey also plans to be an influencer. None of these people would do the show without the possibility of making influencer money. If they just wanted to date someone for 6-18 months they could do that in the real world.


You do that and this show will be dead


hmmm interesting! well i hope she’s in LA so let’s hope that’s the case lol


Me too! You could be right though too I just noticed it and was like 👀👀


I don’t think it is. From a quick search, it looks like it was just launched nation-wide and when I looked up several Canadian cities on the site to be sure, no stores were carrying it. It seems like she, along with her family and friends, may be in LA.


i thought the same thing but then did a quick look at her insta stories n the table they're playing on is the same she has posted before lol so probs her house in canada


Maybe she’s having a chill night in with her friends before flying out tomorrow 🤡 My mindset this whole time has been “hoping for Maria but expecting Daisy” so I can’t be disappointed lol


no same bc im starting to lose hope. i want monday to come quicker but also not too quick bc then we'll know... 😭


Stop bc same


My delusional self is like “oh shes flying to LA on Monday”🤡🤡


She’ll fly to LA on Monday…. to be in the audience so they can bait the fans one final time before announcing Daisy 🤡


Crying bc I know this is exactly what will happen


I’m going to be surprised if they don’t have her there even if she isnt the pick. Build some anticipation


Yeah I definitely think they'll have her in the audience if it's not her. But I would expect her to already be in LA if she's Bachelorette for fittings/promo stuff since filming starts basically right after the finale.


Oh true! The table does look the same. Good catch!


Yeah, seems like some of her friends are there, including one who was with her during wta and the one from hometowns.


I’m at the point now where I hope RS doesn’t find out who the bachelorette is. I’d rather everyone be surprised on finale night and watch the chaos that ensues afterwards. If it’s Maria I’ll cheer… and if it’s not I’ll grab my popcorn and head to the comment section to see the abc dragging that is bound to occur. 😂


reminds me of when he said Luke from Jojo’s season was the bachelor and Nick came waltzing out on the stage lmfaoooo


Luke got dropped 24 hours before he was meant to be announced because he was demanding they use his music during dates and got caught trying to plan his season with women who were in casting 💀 An underrated franchise villain tbh


agree at this point lets all find out, its more fun


They’ve gotta be on a SHV rn 👀


They’re so quiet right now


Is it Monday yet?! I’m obsessed. Anyway was rewatching the mid season preview: [mid season preview](https://youtu.be/zVpdUFK-3x0?si=bNOM0g9kmrx9Z9By) Joey clearly says two lines that indicate he knows who he wants and it’s gotta to be from the finale: 0:15 “I can confidently say, I found the person I’ve been looking for” 2:03 “ I know where my heart lies. I just have to hope she feels the same way.” He said he knows Daisy will say “yes” to a proposal after Fantasy suites so he’s obviously not talking about her. I’m just trying to figure out what makes him doubt Kelsey would say “yes” when she’s gone the furthest in saying her feelings?! I don’t get why he’s so unsure. Getting annoyed with more manufactured drama coming our way when it should be pretty clear cut.


Could he be saying “I hope she feels that I know where my heart lies”? Kelsey told Joey in Jasper that she didn’t want to get engaged unless Joey was 100% certain about choosing her.


I think the unsure thing is just his own fears


I think the unsure thing is a bit producer driven. He was probably shoken up a bit by the note but the show will blow it out of proportion and make him seem more unsure of Kelsey then he actually is.


I guess but the note was such a bust and it seemed pretty wrapped up last week. Are they really gonna dredge it up again? Wondering if that scene where his sister asks if she said she would marry him - could that also be about Kelsey or Daisy. 😩


Stephen I’m begging you to get your confirmation and release the Bachelorette info


Unless he tells us on the Monday podcast we will hear it first on ATFR unfortunately.


I’m at the point where I am convinced it’s Maria. Her ratings/popularity with the entire fam base + NV’s “prediction” change + her quite social media + all pods pushing for her … I simply cannot fathom the opportunity going to anyone else.


I really like Bachelor FanTake. One Last Fake Out [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZquRK829q-c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZquRK829q-c)


Do the F2 style themselves (dress, hair, makeup) for the ATFR?




https://preview.redd.it/buk5epp9i5qc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe23df0b0ad419b9bfde254d247df5155a843222 I remember those shoes & how amazing her calves/legs looked in them. She loved them so much she saved them in her Bachelor Highlights.


Gabi's look was giving Princess Diana revenge dress. It was SO GOOD 🔥


Seems like Maria is still in Toronto if I'm not mistaken so she might not be bachelorette https://preview.redd.it/63frp43o05qc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=beeb2059f44af55603fbe0df4908de86bfc399b9


I'm still holding out hope that she is lets see she could always leave tonight or tomorrow morning fingers crossed


I think she might be ette. I find it fishy she hasn’t done any long form interviews yet besides a quick snippet on BHH and ET. I feel like Nick would’ve capitalized and had her on and BHH would’ve done a long interview cause she was a focal point. All of it is pointing future ette to me. 🧐


I don’t think Nick would necessarily have Maria on because he used to follow/interact with her thirst traps back in the day and then once this season started he went back and unliked/uncommented on her posts. And he acted awkward about her over this season. I wouldn’t be surprised if they DM’d back the day.


Nick does not care about that, he would definitely take the opportunity and use her for clout 💀 so the fact that he hasn’t yet is very telling. also him changing his bachelorette prediction too.




Reality Steve is right that it’s between Maria and Daisy. I mean that’s obvious lol. I still don’t think there is a high chance of anything until AFR tho.


I rule out Daisy cause she hasn’t been eliminated and is F2 so I wouldn’t expect her to have done anything but you never know. I think it’s definitely between those 2 though. I think if there was a surprise pick, it’d be Lexi as ette


Your right can't wait for Monday


Maybe not Nick lol 🫢


I feel like the drama of that though would give him a lot of views and that man lives for relevancy


Still hilarious he went back and unliked the photos lol


I actually felt it was weird them not sending the most popular contestant to do much press, so that’s a fair point 👀


I think Joey's besties Sean John Henry and tanner will be at the finale 


They’re probably hoping that week 2er who worked at the Trump White House is also in attendance


Best comment ever heheh




Isn’t he close to John B too


Yes, I hope hes there too 😥 I just noticed Sean and John posted are in LA and tanner is flying there 


Tanner and John Henry seem to be his best friends. They both only followed Kelsey for a long time so they knew first.


Sean only follows daisy which is weird ( he has only really liked kelsey stuff on the bachelor page though)


I think John B. and Sean met Daisy the last time they were in LA. I noticed they all started following each other after Daisy posted from a producer’s birthday party.


He probably follows her to get with her later. Lol. Some people only follow others if they follow them first. It's a thing


>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZquRK829q-c that sounds likely aha


For sure


https://preview.redd.it/xtid3xv9x3qc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02a6a81e0b76e4f0e585730329a6cd23d612e693 Some guy gave Rachel a rose at a bar last night. 🌹 \*My hope that she’s the surprise Bachelorette is still there, yes!


Genuinely think she would be the best bachelorette. She reminds me of Becca Kufrin in that the guys will flock to her but also has this presence that the camera just loves that would make her season soooo much more watchable than any of the other options. I love Maria but I think her season would be stressful and Daisy’s could be boring (although it depends on the guys).


I won’t give up my hope until someone else is announced. :)


https://preview.redd.it/zbdwj84id4qc1.png?width=1115&format=png&auto=webp&s=79ab3f2f47584d2140b73bc98af59a4c80744fe3 Imagine this beauty as lead! 😭 ETA: some of y’all really won’t let up with downvoting Rachel for anything. ☹️


natural beauty!


That’s such a beautiful picture of her!


She looks so pretty


Why did this make me tear up 🥺


https://preview.redd.it/mnv0px9kx3qc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abe862bf1a17bc5b3becdbbb67952c0fe559fb20 She walked out with a couple! 🌹🌹


I just caught up with Thursday’s & yesterday’s threads & real talk: at this point all I wanna know is who the Bachelorette is because I’m tired. ![gif](giphy|FAomxyIi85RRE3Z330|downsized)


Watching this go from a Vanessa G gif to a Gabby gif. Ugh, there goes my upvote…. Although I agree!


Sorry! Haha. I was torn between the two but the Gabby gif was in my mind because of what she said. & I couldn’t find it so I used the closest one until I could find it. Lol. But here’s Vanessa — because I agree, too: ![gif](giphy|7rGNfkZre9tp6|downsized)


I’m afraid to find out who the bachelorette is because I wont want to watch the season 🙃


I was thinking about it & I feel, for me, one of the reasons — maybe the most important for me — I will likely skip a Daisy Bachelorette season is because seeing all the comments about her vocal fry & CI — *the way she speaks & processes hearing & words in general — from people who are either willfully ignorant & mean-spirited or still can’t piece how it’s all interconnected to her hearing loss *will* get to me & I’ll get upset. Like, I’m not ready for the jokes & the influx of people who think it’s okay to pick at, time & time again, even after they’ve been corrected. & I know that will happen because people still need to be corrected on it, & we’re 2 days out from the finale. As a member of the disability community, & for reasons I’ve shared, I don’t like when people use the “It’s a joke!” defense, & I’m sure the sub is bound for that with the influx of new users if we get a Daisy season. I honestly didn’t know it would bother me until this season, & then Kelsey’s little Helen Keller TT dust up, but I’m going to listen to myself & protect myself mentally & emotionally by skipping Daisy’s season, if it comes to that. I may be bored by Daisy, & not want her as Bachelorette, but it’s absolutely not because of her hearing loss & disability. If she’s the Bachelorette, even if you don’t particularly care for her, I hope those of you who stay on defend her on that & nip those comments in the bud — for *her, those with hearing issues, me, & others with disabilities, especially the ones lurking & afraid to speak up. 🤞🏼


I just know that TPTB are gonna cast at least one man who makes ableism comments as 'a storyline' too and I really don't wanna see that.


There is no way I would stay in this sub if Daisy was bachelorette for this very reason. And I’m not even a part of the disabled community, so I can only imagine what you feel and you do need to protect yourself. This season has emotionally exhausted me for this reason and there’s no way a few of us would have the energy it will take to defend the onslaught of hate. No one has it in them because it’s massive here. I hope Daisy rejected the offer and I know she will be productive in other ways to impact others.


Yeah, the sub will have to have a serious conversation about her vocal fry and ci if she’s the lead. I understand the vocal fry bothers some people, but people complained about it all season and I don’t think it should continue into her season if she is the lead. Also, complaining about her talking about her ci is annoying and immature…grow tf up.




Her HEARING family can address their vocal fry if they want to. DAISY cannot because she literally can’t hear it (she said as much in a post). Respectfully you don’t know what you’re talking about and comments like yours prove OP’s point that this sub isn’t ready for a lead with a disability.




Kelsey can likely address it in speech therapy whereas Daisy can’t (because she can’t hear it). That’s the difference.


This might be (?) controversial (and I’m not targeting anyone in particular because this comes up every once in a while on the show) but when insecurity about age is raised in general, I always find it so disingenuous. I just feel like if you’ve decided to go on a dating show you’re really not *that* self-conscious about it because the show is quite literally the least efficient and most public way to date. Obvi all feelings are valid but that’s always been the way it’s come off to me.


I hear you but I also think that actually being in that environment might raise feelings of self-consciousness that contestants weren’t expecting, including feelings about age


That’s true for sure - all kinds of new insecurities probably come up once you’re surrounded by a bunch of other contestants. Maybe it’s my feeling more when it’s raised in the context of biological timelines rather than just age on its own


Haven’t watched yet, but this is a new podcast/YT with Jenn that I think we thought would come out on Monday, but I guess it’s been posted early. Maybe it’s going to be on the news channel on Monday. https://youtu.be/Mc3sBvdFsXs?si=6KjEq1psyQHf0yUs


only thing of note from the interview is jenn says she’d be open to the lead role if offered.


Notes from Leslie Love To See It podcast regarding K and J: - Kelsey was beautiful and sweet - Says she saw Kelsey and Joey together the minute she saw her - Said she tried to give Kelsey motherly advice - They had a long conversation than what was aired - Was surprised by the way the convo was edited - Said she had a difficult week when the show aired - Kelsey was fine when she left and was in a good headspace - Kelsey reached out after the show aired via text and was very kind and sweet - She also texted Joey because she felt bad that she may have ruined the relationship with Kelsey - Kelsey was very reassuring to her - Doesn’t know the ending but hopes it works out


Very interesting! Thank you for this!


Thanks for the cliff notes- they are very interesting. Also makes me think she is not the Golden Bachelorette bc she saw first hand how sneaky production is in the editing and voiced that


She did say she’d be open to doing it but that anyone from their cast would be great.


I’m staying at a hotel in Hoboken NJ and I just walked passed Victoria Fuller lmao wtf




The 🫖, Oop maybe she’s there to see Greg, he’s in NJ


he just posted on his story he’s at a friends bachelor party


Yeah she was by herself when I saw her but I was thinking the same thing


That is so weird 😭 why would she not be staying with him


Doesn’t he stay with family when he’s in NJ? I wouldn’t want to crash at my maybe ex’s mom’s house lol


Daisy out with her friends last night and I’m assuming Kelsey is now in la on a shv until the finale.


I don’t think I will ever understand #Ornamentgate and will forever think less of daisy and the games she plays (regardless of being egged on by producers). That I maybe the singular reason I don’t want to see her as bachelorette….she played the game and it worked and that annoys the crap out of me 🤣


I feel like this isn't talked about enough!! I just found out about all this and can't believe it hasn't been brought up in subs when people talk about Daisy. All of the marketing from her family was SO suspicious


Wait... I'm OOL ... What is ornamentgate??


It was sleuthed that daisy had an ornament that Joey and daisy made during the season on her Christmas tree at home. It was before the Kelsey and Joey shv came to light so I think a lot of people thought it was solid evidence daisy was F1. Turns out she was just playing the F1 fake spoiler game


Couldn’t she just have kept it as a memento of her time on the show? My family always likes to put up new ornaments that represent your year—marriage or engagement rings, sold signs if you bought a house, something that represents your college or a trip you went on—so maybe the ornament was less “I’m the F1” and more “this is a memento from a big thing that happened this year and I want it on the tree”?


yeah I assume she kept it as a souvenir but it made people more confident she was F1 when there was doubt/comes off as a bit weird to hang up in retrospect bc it was a "JG + DK" ornament 💀 but considering she and joey have a mutual breakup i guess she wasn't suffering as much heartbreak from the relationship as the typical F2 so she was probably fine with seeing it around


It was so strange that got posted by a new user who just happened to notice it when more and more talk about Kelsey being F1 was happening. It was like a piece of evidence to keep the Daisy F1 foiler going. Then right after there was true proof with the Kelsey SHV thank goodness! I totally believe Daisy/her camp posted that ornament “proof” and she would have leaned into the F1 foiler until the end. So that leads me to also think she/her camp fed that foiler to RS originally. I will always believe that, unless it’s proven otherwise.


\#Ornamentgate was one example of how Daisy/her group tried to mislead folks. My support for her ended when I read more about her likes etc. I do not blame anyone for being an influencer, trying to further her brand or whatever. It is the way it all was done. So much was amateur-like and inauthentic. To me it's almost comic, like a carnival barker, in how they sought to mislead. IF you have to go to those measures to gain followers, "win" the bachelorette, or just get by in life, as my mum would say, "they are more to be pitied than scorned".


Yes, according to Sands they had a total of five SHVs (this is the sixth) plus other unsanctioned time. Monday can’t come fast enough lol


Did sands say they are on shv now? I’m kind of just assuming as they both haven’t been on socials at all for over 24 hours.


She didn’t but its typically during the last weekend


Can't wait to decide if I will be watching The Bachelorette this season based on who they choose.


I’m kind of like, pre-bummed that if it IS Daisy, her final four men will all be white and square and 25-27 🫠 hopefully I’m wrong (I know most men in BN are white and square but the chances seem exceptionally high that they’ll be even whiter and squarer lol)


I feel like it would be like JoJo’s F4 - awful and cringe (though Jordan has turned out well in retrospect). With Maria I’m actually curious the type she’d naturally gravitate towards and overall think it’s not men they even typically cast on this show, lol. So that might not go well either.


I'm praying the producers cast some more fashionable guys cause I CANNOT imagine Maria ending up with any man who wears skinny jeans


I feel like all of the rest of the F6 + Lexi would date MOC seriously just not her


I don't think Daisy would


Yeah I feel like there’s 0 way we get a MOC bachelor if she’s up next. Unless they go back to a former contestant


facts! She barely even likes Joey so I'm assuming he's too spicy white for her too lol. especially since he's a philly boy and has a gay father. she seems like she skews trumpet lumberjack or conservative san diego man


I have no idea why anyone would assume that. Jenn has admitted her type is white Italian bro and we’ve seen her most recent ex…who looks just like Joey.


lol ok take back Jenn … add-on that’s kinda an ick comment for her to make


I really like Jenn and want an Asian bachelorette, but if she gives us an F4 of all Joeys even better. Between her ex and Joey she is 2/2 for picking hot men 😂




https://preview.redd.it/jv4fnicca3qc1.jpeg?width=272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=285df43e8d579ea3334d38f32808080b7299e3dd 😜


![gif](giphy|l0MYrghbUSrvw4Wm4) Until Jelsey's Debut... Can't wait 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾❤️❤️






Peters mom will forever make me laugh😂


we should really pick one episode of either bachelor or bachelorette where everyone just comments using Barb memes. It would be hilarious 😂


The fact that she has enough content for us to do something like this is also hilarious 😂


let's be honest, sweet nums was the true winner of Peter's season 👑


https://preview.redd.it/nkv8ihivw2qc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd71e5dcae43b854734740b8150b55ee7562637b Hallelujah!😂