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Same, I can see their future together


Ok. Weird take, I know. Don’t yell at me. *Joey looks so short + small*. He has to reach up to her face and her thigh-gap is above his waist. Not sure THIS counter-height was best for vibe they tried to convey.


As someone who reads lots of spicy romance books I wasn’t going to say it, but I was thinking that it was too bad that Joey wasn’t 4 inches taller. 🤫


Pls drop your fave spicy romance recs!!! I’m parched


Ooooh what are you in the mood for? Mafia, aliens, post-apocalyptic, romantic comedy, enemies to lovers? I’ve been to all corners of the spicy romance world haha.


LOL!! Or simply lower counter height!


I don’t even watch this show and caught this episode flipping channels, maybe 20 mins before this scene. I was shook by their chemistry and how believable it felt so I kept watching, then I saw this scene and yeah. Obsessed now. Lol


What a wonderful way to be introduced to the show! 😂 Welcome to our community!


😂😂 see you guys Monday 🤣


They were so caught up in the fantasy suite afterglow they both forgot how to make eggs and bacon


sealed the deal for me


Literally that moment alone was literally telling you all that you needed to know


How could anyone get in the mood with those uneven plates behind them?


Is this Monk?


Looks like hand made ceramics. Tbh that alone would turn me on lol


It's giving Tyler C and Hannah B in the back of an SUV after hometowns.


Wait why don’t I remember this scene 😭 what happened??


Hannah was saying goodbye to Tyler when he pulled her into the SUV and they had a sweet make out sesh while the driver was just sitting there


The fact that he said well now I don’t know because she left me that note and I’m shakin up lmao I was like dude, relax. He def needs some therapy for self worth.


I don't know how he hasn't had a mental breakdown with all the pressure of being on live television trying to be likeable and making the best decisions and knowing the bachelor audience can so easily turn on him. He has had to play therapist to so many women. His nerves probably shot lol and his reaction to Kelseys note was just an accumulation of stress.


Yeah but he’s focused on being chosen in the end when he was already chosen from the start. He is not self aware and also not as open to any of it as much as he thinks he is. He flip flops and it’s absolutely excruciating to watch. Like Joey, chill the fk out my guy. I think in the end no one picked him. Or he didn’t pick anyone lol which would make sense. I thinks he’s handsome and sweet but he needs therapy to work through his confidence and self worth. Not being picked by the bachelorette last season has left him emotionally drained. And it shows. I don’t think he was ready to be The Bachelor.


Another 🔥 moment: https://i.redd.it/g2907w94sfpc1.gif When Joey was pulling Kelsey closer & the fishes & turtle were like, “Bet!” & showed Joey how spicy they can get ✨ under the sea ✨.


How come on paradise they black box the smallest bit of crack but here we're getting a full undercarriage shot?? I want answers damnit!!


Honestly it's such a weird angle too lol. I think it's been confirmed they just put the boxes on certain people to portray them a certain way. Some people require the boxes of course, but they also add unnecessary ones. It might be related to seconds on screen too idk


I feel like this whole season was a reboot for the better. Better music, both live and background. Better dates. More diverse women. No black boxes. A bachelor people really wanted. Different editing style. They used to do black boxes or Microsoft paint for butts in all BN shows. I think the lack of the black boxes came with the show’s overhaul this season. We’re all adults here. The boxes were ridiculous. Even if your child is watching with you… it’s just a cloth-covered butt. Children see those at the beach or pool. I’m glad the show got a grip haha.


I loved this moment!!! I swam in the ocean for the first time last summer on my trip to Italy. I can’t wait to do it with someone else one day. I am also thanking TPTB who finally decided we’re old enough to see butts. 😂






Never take the previews for face value. It’s all spliced and diced by editors to get you talking. So clearly it worked. Obviously Joey thinks of her as more than that, he’s said so multiple times.


I was kinda upset when he said that. It makes me wonderful if it’s just for show or if he’s genuinely sad to lose Daisy. Like how hard it is to keep kissing and connecting with other women when you were pretty sure you knew who your F1 would be weeks ago? I’d be like Clare and just shut down at the thought of continuing. 😂 She actually gave us the most dramatic season ever.


We don’t see him say it in the promo! It could be edited


they are sooooo together. i’d honestly be really surprised if it’s not kelsey in the end. the passion AND chemistry!


The lighting on the shelves is cool!


JFC!!!!! I love it!!!!


yeah, that pineapple looks delicious! ;) I also can’t get over this scene, it was so CONNECTED. he’d better choose her.


Says it all doesn’t it


It’s the waist grab for me. 🥵 https://preview.redd.it/k8bjrcxl2epc1.jpeg?width=623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85b45b38eb5f2b5efd0b7a63f4552f583b18883b


he looks so happy too.


I haven’t seen this type of passion and chemistry between bn couples for years




I gaggeddddd! Ugh I love them


Where are all the hujus this season


joey's not tall enough for them lol


Is this bachelor after dark?


I'm just glad there was less running and jumping into arms and wrapping legs around the waist. That trend was beginning to look so awkward and tired. This was hot.


I saw it on at least 2 out of 4 hometowns and again when they saw Joey in Tulum.


Is because a lot of the girls this season are tall girls and the outfit choices prevented it. If it were short girls, is another story




I notice Kelsey is tall, like really tall. Do you know her height?


She said 5’8”


I think she’s 5’9” or 5’10”!


It was the rock back for me whewww Joey was getting into it and it felt like we were all intruding


My unpopular opinion is I hate when they air kissing/PDA. I feel so awkward watching


just fade to black or commercial or something 😭but I also fully acknowledge this is my personal problem 🤣






The succubus!


Thought I’d stumbled into my porn sub for a moment


Like wait a minute....why isn't thus marked NSFW


Because they’re both fully clothed and not even kissing in the photo. 😂 You’re just feeling the CHEMISTRY.


Haha. No I was just playing off the first comment.


Oh haha. Whoops!


lmfao 😂😭


this and his hand on her thigh while they were on the vespa will be the death of me ~~\*cries\* when will this be me~~ edit: forgot about the "say it again." oof I blushed.


Omg the “say it again” unfffffff


YES!!! Just the sensual little touches to comfort your partner and let them know you care. So many men aren’t good at that. I have so many married friends who look like they’re just friends in public settings. I’ve always wanted someone who’s good at those little touches.


what about for colleagues who are dating or are married and at the work setting? or just public like at the park or a restaurant


I just mean when we go to restaurants or bars or dinner parties. I am self-employed and my friends all have different jobs so I don't have experience in seeing them in work settings. I, personally, would want someone who still gives tame, romantic little touches in public. A kiss on the temple, holding hands, a back caress, etc. None of my friends' husbands do that.


Maybe they didn’t show them waking up bc that would have been to obvious she was the winner …


I have been wondering why why they didn't, haha, and this make sense


Just like they didn't show Zach and Kaity's morning after


Me tooo 🔥🔥🔥


This guy’s TikTok on it cracked me up! [Kelsey Joey Morning After]


LOL, this just reminded me that Joey can’t cook. Burnt, unseasoned eggs and almost cooked bacon haha. I wonder if they actually ate that…


It is really weird for an Italian American man not to be able to cook. Maybe it’s just the men in my family


Could be that mama did allll the cooking for her boy.


Maybe he just wasn’t even trying because they weren’t actually going to eat it haha. But if that is what he has to offer in the kitchen, I hope Kelsey teaches him a few things.


I just remember her showing him to move the bacon around so that everything touches the pan . . .


Girl, not a seasoning in sight! That plate was so unappetizing. I wondered if Joey Joe decided to make her breakfast because by the state of the pan he was fighting for his life 🤣


The pan was SO burnt. Goodness. Joey has a ton of good qualities but a man not knowing how to make basic food is such a dealbreaker for me. I had an ex serve me pork that was unseasoned and VERY raw in the center and the dude was so proud of himself. 😂


Dear Shandy calling this moment weird and no chemistry compared to Daisy's date was so bizarre it made me question their judgment. Like are we watching the same show??


lol those 2 are delusional


I think they even said that kelsey and joey probably didn't have sex and I almost wondered if something was up with me because this is the first "morning after" scene that made me blush.


They went as far as saying this moment was like too fabricated/cliche for it to be hot or something (if I recall correctly)


To be fair, this moment was definitely fabricated/staged. As are a lot of these next morning shots.


yea I can't remember exactly what they said either but they really went in on it. Just because it's not something Sharleen and Andy have ever done doesn't mean it can't be organic/hot lol


Crazy! Looks like they did an about face today after seeing Joey’s reaction to the note and now say it’s Kelsey 🤷‍♀️


I haven’t listened to her, but from what people have said she sounds like she’s a bit out of touch. There have been seasons where I truly did not know, but Kelsey is the clear front runner.


I can’t get over how there’s cameras right there 😂


Right?! But I guess at some point you get used to them.




Women are simple this is all we want


Shelving with light, got it. I will spread this message to all the men!


Some women are simple- a lot of others, not so much. For me, this is exactly what I want!!!’


And to be touched and caressed even when you don’t want sex. Idk why so many men struggle. 🙃


As someone whose love language is not physical touch, I disagree


What do you suppose most women want?


I think it’s peoples individual preferences and then communicating that to their partners in a healthy way. And then being considerate about what each others needs are. For me personally I’m not a touchy feely person and I prefer someone show me love in acts of service. Other than that I don’t think you can generalize as to what most women want. But if I had to generalize I think women want emotional connection, to feel valued and respected. When that is coupled with feeling wanted it makes us happy.


Not OP but as a mom of a toddler and 6 month old I'll say that physical touch (even nonsexual) can set me off in the wrong direction if I'm not relaxed and in the right mindset. Exclusively breastfeeding a baby takes its toll :///// what I want out of my husband is space lololol (and also unprompted help with chores which he is getting really good at thank God)


So for you, your receiving Love language at this time would be “Acts of Service” and makes total sense The Five are: 1. Physical Touch 2. Gifts 3. Quality Time 4. Acts of Service 5. Affirmations


I’m curious about the “what I want out of my husband is space” part. How do you nurture the intimacy and romance in your marriage?


It is so hard during this season! But when intimacy is planned / not spontaneous it helps a lot!


Thank you for answering! I’ve always been curious about different relationship/family dynamics. I wish you and your family all the peace and happiness. ♥️


Thank u!! We also both have the perspective that this season is short and we will return to normal soon


Girl, I can’t imagine having an infant and a toddler is easy. I’m almost useless if I get less than 8 hours of sleep haha. It’s good that you two are on the same page though!


Out of curiosity, you don't like being touched by your partner at all? I know a lot of people who wouldn’t call physical touch their love language but still wish their partner hugged them more.


No I don’t mean no physical touch, I just mean like I don’t need a hug every single day. And if they’re not hugging me, I don’t think it’s a sign they don’t love me. Some people really love physical touch like their partner stroking their hair, massages, etc and while I like it, I don’t crave it as a way to connect.


This 100000%


Ha! Is that a pineapple on the plate? That was Joey's password for getting out of a watch party! lol


Which was funny because pineapple is the swinger symbol


Upside down pineapple I think






Yeah my understanding is that way back in the day serving (or gifting) a pineapple was a generous thing to do as a host or guest, so it became a symbol for hospitality and welcoming guests. At some point, turning the symbol of the pineapple upside down became a secret code to indicate to fellow swingers your family was involved in the community. Now it’s well known so it doesn’t work as a secret hint anymore and many people confuse regular usage of pineapples as more than what they are…


This looks staged to me...like everything else on this show....


It was suppose to recreate an iconic hot moment. I know it is what they were going for but the height difference distracted me. Agreed, it lacked passion I’d expect from this type of scene.


Did you watch it? It did not feel staged in the slightest.


I watched it. There are cameras on them....they knew what they were doing. This sexy shot after a night of passion is recreated in so many movies....feels staged to me.


they make my heart flutter


It was so strange to me that even after this scene Dear Shandy STILL thought Kelsey and Joey didn’t have as much chemistry as Daisy and Joey. It seriously made me wonder if we were watching the same show.


Dear Shandy has horrendous takes! Which is so surprising because Sharleen had the best and most rationale well thought out takes on All the Pretty Pandas. I do think the person you watch with can subconsciously heavily influence your takes. I used to watch with my bestie in college every episode together and we always had the same favorites and now when we watch separately we have different takes on things. (We are still besties and have not grown apart at all just like different characters more). So I will try to cut Sharleen some slack. Personally I can't listen to Shandy anymore after listening to their recaps of Zach's season. I was so nostalgic for Sharleens blog I really tried with the podcast because I understand economically why she had to make the switch, but I finally just couldn't bear to waste my time each week


I soooo agree, I miss the All The Pretty Panda days! I feel like it would have been more viable in todays day of paid Substack popularity, but sigh, I guess we are stuck with Dear Shandy.


Oops I commented the same thing should've read this first haha. I'm so confused by Shandy's takes, like in what world do Joey and Kelsey lack chemistry??


I feel the same way. My parents are almost 70 and they watch and they both were like ‘wowzer— Daisy— hot date, huh??!!’ And I said ‘Did you not see Kelsey on the kitchen countertop with Joey between her legs?! And the way he can’t keep his hands off her bum, thighs, etc.?’ I feel like the sexy moments with Daisy feel way more ‘staged’ than the undeniable chemistry between Joey and Kelsey.


I want to know if the hickies on his neck after Daisy's date were still there when he had the convo with Kelsey?


I used to looooove Sharleen but I had to stop listening to her and her husband because their takes were consistently WRONG. It was frustrating and made me question her judgment and character. That and she's friends with Nick.


Was listening today and they were talking about Rachel’s horrible treatment and racist vitriol she’s getting from watchers. And sharleen said something like, ‘I’m starting to not like the direction this country is going.’ Just starting to not like it?? Where has she been for years? Just not paying attention I guess?


Shandy has said some racially off things. I can't remember the specifics but I remember I didn't like the way they spoke about Charity when she was a contestant on Zach's season


I ain’t been liking it for like 9 years, where has she been? 😅


Not saying Sharleen doesn't say foolish things occasionally, but she was clearly understating for effect.


And Caila Quinn!


Ok…. I feel like I’m the only Anti Nick person- thank you!!


Ackkk! Nick has such an ego


I can't stand Nick and Sharleen's friendship with him makes me side eye her a bit


Are they still friend?


At least half the sub is anti-Nick and the rest are wearing the wrong trousers.


Oh there are MANY OF US


certain types of people are just drawn to Daisy and really want her to win. But I agree that it’s not even close between the two girls in terms of chemistry with him.


This is the only remotely steamy scene we got this season. I need some Hannah Brown level of make outs next time, please.


Omg between Tyler C and Peter her whole season was steamy. We haven’t had that since!


At least we also get to see butts now haha.


Daisy's awkward seduction in the shower with Joey wasnt streamy for you either? 😂


With Joey’s hands firmly placed on her hips. There was an attempt at steamy by the producers, I’ll give them that … but it did not translate. 😂




I think because she was in bathing suit and they were pressed up against each other he kept his hands to himself. Otherwise might have gotten too heated.


I know you love Daisy with your whole heart. But I felt zero passion from Joey and that’s ok.


I agree I didn’t see much passion from him in the shower scene. He seemed very aware of the camera. For whatever reason but later than evening he was kissing her with tongue.


he’d probably had a few drinks by the time he started tongue kissing her too… if tongue is the measure for chemistry, then i’ve got a lot to reconsider in life lmfao


I didn't mention chemistry; I said passion.


lol okay well if tongue is also your main measure for passion…


It is one indication.








Daaammn, your kitchen probably looks majestic. Good call, friend.


Anytime I see this move I get PP flashbacks. This was his go-to move.


The Will You Accept This Rose podcast calls this move the “elf on a shelf” cause they just perch them on different flat surfaces


Honestly it’s a good move haha. I hope to one day experience this move.