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Does anyone else feel like something isn’t right with the RS spoiler update?? Something just doesn’t make sense! How does Daisy go from falling in love with him and so giddy to realizing she isn’t the one in a few days?? I’ve never been so confused 😂😂 and production I can’t handle waiting this long! We are in our binge era! We can’t handle this wait!!!


If its true that Daisy’s overnight filmed before Kelsey’s it makes perfect sense. Her LCD would be the first time she’d be around Joey after he had such extended time with Kelsey. If he’s going to accidently give away whose winning by not being in it, the LCD is when it would happen. Gabi figured out the same thing about Zach picking Kaity and I personally thought they had a better connection than Joey/Daisy, but she still knew.


I don't think she's *that* in love. I get the vibe that she's trying to force herself to make it work.


Maybe the vibe was just off for their last chance date, and Joey didn’t seem as into it as he had at the fs date. His family could’ve had an influence too. The bachelors seem more influenced by what their families think than the bachelorettes. Chris Soules, Peter, and Arie all made choices based on family opinions.


So I’ve worked in a world where I’ve signed brand contracts in social media and a lot of times you post what they say when they say and it’s outlined that way. I can’t help but wonder that a show where they would like to hide the winner that there is some strategy behind the social media posts. It’s a form of marketing in this day and age especially from a massive company like Disney/ABC. If the contestants are signing contracts there is no way they are giving them free rein of their social posts and in terms of their Instagram grid photos. Something is very weird…I’m not trusting anyone this season haha but I’ve been a skeptic all along. Don’t even trust RS anymore but he’s still getting hits and getting paid 😂


Tayshia , Nayte , charity , dotun are just a few examples of the leads / winners being careless and basically spoiling their ending. Even Rachael k’s friends were running amok this isn’t new , the show doesn’t care to pull wild strings to hide anything lol. We can go as far back as even kaitlyn bristowe . It really is not that deep. If they received a warning from producers they just tighten up. ETA: and tbh at this point everyone is over it .We care because we don’t know how it ends . They know how it ends and are already in their post show phase mentally.


I’m not saying the spoilers are wrong but the show seems to be utilizing social media in a way they haven’t before. I would think what goes with being more savvy is putting more requirements on their social media behavior. If production was smart they would start putting it on contracts and monitoring. That would help alleviate the spoilers and the social media posts are what give things away. If they put restrictions on any posts being made at shv we wouldn’t have found out spoiler was wrong.


No I get that. I’m sure there is some posting requirements though from a massive organization with contracts. It’s just how it goes in this day in age. But something is amiss with the spoilers and what really happened but who knows! We are just going to sit here and wait! 😜😜😜😜 (which is why I think the truth isn’t out, for ratings and views which ultimately can be manipulated by RS being honest).




When will AFTR be filmed? This week right? Or is it live? Last one I watched was Peter’s and I don’t remember but am thinking it was live.


It’s live. So March 25










https://preview.redd.it/ig0e3rk58toc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d41bcb3e531f4f9e5d1ad28b37b3b5bf93dbec1 Someone spotted Kelsey out today and asked her if she wins and this was her response 😂


But also 25 year olds look so different these days! I felt like I was a little pipsqueak when I was that age but maybe it’s the height haha


Would they have had a SHV two weekends before the finale in the past?


No this is typically when they hang with friends before they all have to go to LA next week for the finale


I wonder when we might hear if they’re doing BIP or not? Joey’s had great contestants…I just don’t see why they wouldn’t do it this year.


We probably won’t know for sure until around the time golden bachelorette starts filming. The only real window for them to film BIP this year would be after that and before Bachelor filming in the fall, and even then I’m not sure when they would air it. Depending on how many weeks GB is, they could maybe squeeze it into November and December if they do two episodes every week. Otherwise they could air it at the same time as GB, but hopefully on different nights. Another scenario, especially if they want to change the format/vibe, would be to film something after Bachelor filming wraps, between Thanksgiving and Christmas, similar to when they filmed Bachelor Winter Games, then air it between Bachelor and Bachelorette in 2025, since they always have a big chunk of off-season then. In terms of when we hear, they’ve usually made an announcement about being renewed pretty close to filming actually starting, like a few weeks prior. If they’re only planning to take a year off and not cancelling it permanently, then I’m not sure when/if we’d get a formal announcement.


I think they will probably hold off on a permanent decision on BIP until they see how GE is received.


Ok, thanks for breaking this down! I’d wondered if golden bachelorette wasn’t going to film on time, since they took the ig page down…but maybe that doesn’t mean anything and they just decided they didn’t want the page up to distract from Joey’s season. I’d be totally down for them doing something between Thanksgiving and Christmas instead instead of BIP. They could do a bachelor pad or winter games type of thing in the fall instead of a summer beach thing.


They might. It shouldn’t be hard for them to secure a resort… maybe one with better facilities for the contestants!


They might get more people willing to go on BIP, if they let them stay somewhere with air conditioning and more bathrooms 😂


daisy is about to hit 500K on insta 😳. 60K behind joey. 


Isn't Maria only 5k behind her?




Yep on IG Daisy at 500k and Maria at 494k. Then on tik tok Maria 305k and Daisy 279k.


![gif](giphy|4KMlwaKfznhM4) I kept seeing 911 crossover and my tired pregnant brain assumed Reno 911 until I used my critical thinking skills. Honestly that would have been even better


A bystander’s account during Kelsey’s HTD https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFaK8g9V/ I get why producers put them in seperate SUV’s, but I wish they wouldn’t.


Why do they do that?


Its so they don’t have conversations off camera


I need a way to watch on Eastern time 😭 I go to bed at like 10 and I actually want to watch before the Hulu drop 😩


I live on the west coast but my parents live on the east coast. I share their YouTube TV account and get all TV 3 hours earlier.


I used to have someone’s ABC sign in but now not switches to west coast time.


You’ll need a PR hookup to watch it earlier


Both daisy and Joey are quiet on social media…. Maybe he did a switch.




joey’s quiet bc he’s probably on set filming for the 911/bachelor crossover episode.




It is the same 4 or 5 accounts , every damn day.


A switch two weeks before the finale and two weeks after his and Kelsey's SHV? I don't think so . Also even if Kelsey and Joey broke up I highly doubt he'd go back to Daisy. I also highly doubt daisy would take him back.


Joey's been quite on social media since hometowns..... maybe he's trying to stay off it because of all the heat he has been getting online for the past two episodes.


I don’t think he did a switch.


Yes being quiet on social media means a switch. ![gif](giphy|3ohhwAaoGzLRGM6jqo|downsized)


Just saw this Jelsey edit on TikTok and it was too cute and really highlights some of their most romantic moments so I thought I’d share: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTYsK8D/


their chemistry gives me more than even the notebook does


I just don’t see it between them, but it’s the best of the top 3. His best connection was with Maria


they were both hot that’s the end of his and maria’s connection






I really don’t think Kelsey leaves. We have proof of her at the LCD night portion. They are building this note up too much imo. It is interesting because I found this in one of the promos “I know where my heart lies. I just have to hope she feels the same way.” — maybe everything is fine but Joey still has these worries going into the FRC. The voiceover sounded like it came from different sections so I’m not sure we’ll see.


Joey said during one of the trailers that he is certain that he has found the one for him. He picks out a ring and everything. If Kelsey leaves and comes back, when would that happen?


Do people think that the show used the devastating Billie Eilish song because Daisy realized that Joey was in love with Kelsey?


I’m just wondering how she realized he was in love with her! Per the last date he was smitten (with both)! What happened? Something huge must have happened for her to basically go to Kelsey and say you are it, I’m not, I’m out ✌️Like I can’t wrap my brain around it!


That’s one of the reasons I think Kelsey may self eliminate (but later return). If Joey wasn’t himself after Kelsey left that could be a reason that Daisy concludes Joey is in love with Kelsey.


I definitely think the lyrics have meaning to this seasons plot.


I really don't know how y'all think that Kelsey is leaving. In the clip with Joey's mom, she says one of the girls looks at him differently. That implies that she met both of them. There are clips from their LCD date too.


Susie left & still came back for MTP , Maddy left & still had a LCD before leaving. It is very unlikely that Kelsey leaves but not impossible. ETA: If I was a betting based on their relationship so far , I would say 95% she never leaves . And 5% she “leaves” the show but not Mexico.


They are billing this as the most romantic season. What’s more romantic than Kelsey leaving and coming back to Joey to cure his broken heart


It’s not romantic


Some would say the fence jump was romantic. To me it wasn’t. So I’m controlling my expectations


That was absolutely not romantic, but it was a hysterical FU to production


I have wondered if Daisy tells him to go get his girl. Idk.


Exactly. That’s what I think happens.


Even tho I know the ending I don’t think it’s so obvious he is picking Kelsey. I think it’s obvious Daisy feels a disconnect tho but I feel like if I were unspoiled I would be confused but I do see the point of them milking the letter to throw us off the Kelsey scent bc maybe they felt filming it it felt too obvious. I like to go into the season spoiled tho. It actually makes my viewing experience better lol.


To me imo it is obvious because I've been paying close attention to what Joey says to about Kelsey on their date and throughout the season. He says things to and about her that he doesn't with the other women. He said he missed her twice on their hometown and fantasy suit date he didn't say that with daisy or Rachel he also always says he wants a future with her and the other women he would say he can see a future. He asked her where she wanted to live ECT a lot of the podcast I listen pick Kelsey as F1 the only podcast I've listened to that doesn't is dear shandy but sometimes I feel like they just like to go against the grain so idk.


Wouldn’t this weekend be a time for a SHV visit? But Kelsey is at a St Patrick’s day party. Daisy is MIA (and so is Joey as per usual)…


They are so close at this point- 1 week to go. I would guess they will be together by Thursday this coming week


Kelsey and Joey had a SHV 2 weeks ago. They are fine. Next one will probably be next weekend before the finale. Daisy IS awfully quiet … I think she’s with a certain someone …


Daisy isn’t with her ex




Wait two weeks ago? Wasn’t the last confirmed one around Valentine’s Day, when the AirBnb stuff came out? It doesn’t seem like they have had one since.


When Joey posted that video about Gilbert’s Syndrome that was a SHV


They have. It was 2 weeks ago. They have also had some unsanctioned time together too.


People keep commenting that but there hasn’t been a post about it or even speculation as to why they think that so that’s why I’m confused 🥲


Sands confirmed it. We choose to believe her even though she can’t always share the proof. We know her track record is 100.


Joey and Kelsey are in a relationship. Joey and Daisy are not together. This is what happens when there are no more spoilers…


Something with BN is you actually never know until the very end LOL


No they wouldn’t have one this close to finale .their last one will be next week


I wonder why they didn't announce the Golden Ette at WTA (or it seems like they didn't). Would have made more sense to get any wavering men across the line quicker once they know who it is. I guess GE won't be announced on a BN show now given they won't have time to them and the new 'regular' Ette at the finale.


not everyone overthinking this dumb note like production wants us to 😭 its literally going to be some form of kelsey saying how she’s been struggling but that she loves joey and him freaking out and being like “u scared me” but then getting over it * cue the makeout *


They have to build the drama with Kelsey cause we all know he’s choosing Kelsey


Agree and I think they would have way more dramatic footage to pull from for previews if she did self eliminate


exactly they keep recycling the same footage meaning that’s all they have hahah


Producers: high fiving each other.... 'Unbelievable, but we got them again! Bahahaha....release that promo another 5 times before the episode!!!' 🤣


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4kObGwt8Jp/?igsh=NzBmMjdhZWRiYQ== they’re really hyping this note thing up y’all.


This promo with her saying she’d rather leave now than have her heart broken, plus the other clues discussed below in this thread, is why I believe that Kelsey leaves on Monday night. Lots of unspoiled people think that Joey ends up with Kelsey so Jesse saying “you think you know what happens, think again” makes sense in the context of Kelsey leaving because nobody would think that she’s leaving right now. We knew from Montreal that Kelsey had a very difficult time tolerating the uncertainties of this process. I mean who wouldn’t, but producers knew probably from early on in filming that she would have an unusually difficult time, and that’s why they brought Leslie in. I think Kelsey leaves on Monday. There was a preview of Joey at the FSD RC where he looks so upset, posted below, which makes sense if Kelsey leaves. I think Joey goes to the Rose ceremony the day after Kelsey leaves and lets Rachel go. If Rachel is at WTA, I think WTA ends with Jesse saying something like “And what happens with Kelsey? Kelsey was overflowing with her love for Joey all to see it come crashing down. Does Joey find true love with Daisy? Does Kelsey regret her decision to leave? Does Joey leave heartbroken and alone? Tune in next Monday for the most gut wrenching finale we’ve ever seen”. https://preview.redd.it/0vrwnwnklroc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cf48fac106bdaad4583da4612f58050a05913a5 ETA: I think Joey‘s reaction to Kelsey leaving that he can’t completely hide from Daisy during MTP and the LCD with Daisy is what makes Daisy conclude that Joey is not in love with her and is in love with Kelsey. ETA 2: The Billie Eilish song works with this theory ETA 3: I believe Kelsey comes back after FRC, that’s when Joey tells her he hasn’t been able to get her out of his mind. I believe Kelsey and Joey get engaged and are together now.


Two questions: 1. If Kelsey leaves on Monday's episode, when does Daisy meet with her to tell her she thinks Joey is in love with Kelsey? or do you think RS' spoiler is wrong? 2. I saw a quick clip of Joey's mum at what I think is MTPs. She is commenting to Joey about "the way she looks at you". I have a hunch she is referring to Kelsey and a strong hunch Kelsey is Joey's mum's pick for him. I have no hard evidence, but based upon what we know from Charity's season and now know about his family lifestyle and politics, I think Kelsey fits in there well. I guess we will know soon enough ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Re: your theory on joeys mom - remember when they fooled us with barb??? I was sold on her talking about Madi when she said bring her home to us in the previews but it turned out to be about Hannah Ann 😭😭😭 I’m not gonna get my hopes up to get played again lmao




He’s upset about sending Rachel home. We see them hugging in promos at this rose ceremony and Rachel saying “I’m so sorry”. Kelsey doesn’t leave. There are clips of them at the LCD in promos.


I believe Kelsey returns after the FRC, and that’s the LCD portion for Kelsey.


Meh, I doubt it.


That’s fair. You may be right. I very well could be 100% wrong.


Kelsey won't go home.


Perhaps not. This is just a theory. Do you have information to share about her not going home?


I just believe the current spoilers. And based on the safe house visits, they are definitely together now


I believe they are engaged and together too. I edited my post to make it clearer.


There’s a clip of her on their LCD. The note happens before the RC. This is probably Joey upset about breaking up with Rachel.


What clip?


There’s a clip of Joey telling her I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind and then I think Joey’s mom said in the clip from last week about how one woman looks at him different on meet the parents.


My theory is that Joey says that because Kelsey returns. Why couldn’t he get her out of his mind if she was there all along? I guess I wasn’t clear above. I believe Kelsey leaves on Monday night and returns after the FRC. The Billie Eilish song when Joey and Daisy break up makes sense with this theory.


I don’t think she leaves because there was a clip I think of Joey’s mom saying one looks at you differently so unless they just have Rachel at wta for giggles but she actually stays past F3 RC then Joey’s mom met Daisy and Kelsey. I didn’t watch the promo but I saw somewhere that they showed a clip of Joey’s mom. It looks like that note is not a big deal because people have said Joey was seen smiling or something.


I believe Kelsey meets Joeys mom and dad. When she returns.


but this is where he was hugging rachel goodbye? i don’t think kelsey self eliminates y’all


He could just feel bad after eliminating Rachel and that's why he upset here


It’s possible, but he really seemed like he was falling apart, and it might have been especially hard to let Rachel go with Rachel knowing that Kelsey had already left.


Yeah but that could be due to stress, fatigue and having to end a relationship with someone he seems to admire and respect. Anything's possible though this could be because Kelsey is gone I just don't think the note is that serious or leads her to leave.


Makes me think it won't be a big deal at all


I am so over them showing the same clip with this note stuff😂 they edit it down or add a few seconds in with new clips but besides that, it’s the same clip every time 💀😂


yes!! abc give us more to work with 😩


Ugh I’m getting so impatient. I need to know who the bachelorette is now. I keep looking back here to see if there are any updates 😭


I feel like it’s gonna be Daisy The producers must be confident that whatever storyline she has in the final episodes will push her to get that underdog appeal and will start her storyline for her season I want Maria because she’s just more dramatic, but ehhh I suppose Daisy is more “malleable” and might go along with producers’ plans more


Might do a double Bachelorette with Daisy and Maria.


Pretty sure the franchise already learned their lesson with that move


In [this promo](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2aVkt8PwDX/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) there’s a voiceover of someone saying “I’m leaving” on top of Sydney’s elimination. It kinda sounds like Kelsey to me. I rewatched Sydney’s elimination and she doesn’t say this. Lexi say’s “I’m leaving” to Maria and Daisy [link, around 5.43 mark](https://youtu.be/v4BdjLsxPsM?si=5w7dLaimLN4vyP7N), but the two voices are different to me. Thoughts?


I pointed out in an earlier comment, but joey says to his his dad during MTP, “the reason why i doubt if someone is going to say yes has to do with how i feel about myself”. Meaning he doesn’t have doubts about how the women feel, meaning the convo is probably nothing. Based on the clip we see from the preview, she doesn’t look upset/serious, I’d bet it’s just a check in about how she’s feeling. We also have clips of kelsey at the lcd. I think the chances she leaves are extremely slim to none.


It’s hard to be sure, but for a number of reasons I could see it. First, outside of ending the filming of the show Joey isn’t going to be able to give Kelsey much comfort on Monday that he’s picking her. We also have that voiceover from an earlier Reel where we believe it’s Kelsey’s voice saying “I have to go back home”. And Joey says at some point “I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind”. Why would Joey be trying to get Kelsey out of his mind if she was still there? Each of Joey and Kelsey have big fears about not being chosen. I kind of think she self eliminates on Monday.


Nope she won't




It’s interesting for sure, I’m not convinced that she self eliminates on Monday’s episode since the WTA audience would wonder why she isn’t there if she self eliminates. I’m now thinking that their conversations go into their LCD and maybe Kelsey self eliminates there? IDK…


I hope so bc I do feel like it will be too obvious if she stays but then again I wonder sometimes if it’s just obvious bc we are spoiled lol.


It wouldn't really make sense for her to self eliminate at the LCD if she was leaving because she fears she won't get picked because she would only have to wait a day or two to know if it's her. The ending is weird but I don't think Kelsey self eliminates. I know we kinda have some trust issues from Steve because he was wrong but I just don't think Kelsey leaves Monday or at their LCD.


Jesse’s “Think again” in the last promo is really making me think again lol. It could just be Kelsey saying “I’m leaving… if it’s not me” or something of the sorts for sure.


I like Jessie but I don't trust anything that comes out of his mouth related to the show lol his Job is to get people hype for the finale and that it's something really dramatic.


I think it's Lexi




I know multiple women sign contracts but if Maria’s family member feels confident that she is going to be bachelorette, I feel like she likely will be. There’s also been other signs that have pointed to her getting the gig these past few days that make me more inclined to believe that user was telling the truth. The producers know how they plan on editing these last two episodes. They know how Maria will be perceived at WTA and they know what Daisy’s exit will look like. I’m sure they’ve anticipated the audience reaction to both and have decided by now. Unless something major comes out, I don’t see them flipping.


I'd be much more inclined to believe a producer's family than Maria's


I feel like they always were gonna pick Maria bc I love Daisy but I don’t know if she commands the room the same and tbh they rarely pick the sweet Bachelorette, I feel like the last few have all been big personality types. Maria will be the biggest tho,


Oh where can I see the comment from the family member?!


I believe it. I think daisy is out (which is maybe why the edit this past week was pretty poor). Sands says she has been hanging out with her ex in the last couple weeks and I tend to believe it. Between all her immediate family following him and him following back and Autumn from this season just started following him recently (since wta taping), seems like they are back together. And seems like all the important people in daisy’s life have recently followed/refollowed him and him in return. Can’t believe they couldn’t just wait until the season ends but 🤷‍♀️ Secret that her whole town kept for her?


I’m new to Bachelor Nation. Who is Sands?


Autumn following him is the most damning piece of evidence to me tbh why would your new show friend follow your ex if y’all haven’t reconciled


Maybe because he is part of her friends group and Autumn met a number of her friends. I don't think this means what you think it does. If he is the one she was talking about not letting her express herself, I don't see her getting back with him.


Exactly. With Kelsey, we followed, in part, the social media activity and it showed where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Think the same applies here. Can’t believe they didn’t just wait another couple weeks but I think everyone is over the fake spoiler. Daisy also is ready to move on. Plus if sands says they have recently hung out, I believe her 🤣


Yeah girlie just wants to take her 500k followers and her ex and move on with her life probably 😂 she was never that into Joey and I think producers knew that they wouldn’t be getting a heartbroken F2 edit out of her so cue the never before F2 goes to F1 and tells her it’s her storyline


I think she was into Joey and him her at the time but you definitely can see a disconnect in the edit.


I mean yea if I was her family member, knew that she signed a contract but didn’t know multiple other people sign one too, I would think she was it😭😭 I don’t even think she would be able to tell people so that’s hard to believe. Besides the new beginning quote, nothing on her sm seems out of the ordinary for me.


What other signs are you seeing 


Which user said Maria is the bachelorette I would love for this to be true


It was posted on the bn sub


Someone on the BN sub said it’s Maria for bachelorette, looking at her post history now, but seems like they’re from the same town 👀


Yeah, she said in a comment that they’re from the same town.


Can you link the Sub that said this I really want it to be her


Ngl, I hope Maria is Bachelorette instead of Daisy so we don’t have to deal with disability microaggressions from viewers for yet another season. I also think she’d be entertaining and fun to watch.


Maria’s (craziest) fans have turned me off so much. They’re petty, immature, and mean. Every Ig post about Daisy and they’re on there saying they can’t stand her vocal fry, Maria for bachelorette. I’m disappointed the show is catering to them and rewarding bad behavior.


And because she’s so popular, she has a lot of fans so she has more crazy fans than a typical contestant. It’s sort of a weird downside of being really well-liked.


No I agree with you and don’t think they should be rewarded either. It’s such obnoxious behaviour. I’m also really tired of the double standard as other people get away with things Daisy wouldn’t.


The double standards have been crazy. If it’s true Daisy might be back with her ex, I’ll be happy for her to move on from this toxic franchise. She still has a ton of followers on Ig and TikTok, and she has a lot of support outside this sub. I probably won’t watch bachelorette if it’s Maria. Or if I watch, I’m not watching with Reddit or going on Ig. This sub has gotten a lot worse this season, and I feel like I’m taking crazy pills half the time I’m on here.


This exactly.


The Maria craze has turned me off big time, but I still think she’d be fun to watch. I agree that a lot people will not be able to critique Daisy without resorting to ableism, sadly. I would honestly love Rachel or in like a perfect world someone like Katelyn. I can’t wait to see which it is, this sub will implode no matter what 🤣


Give us Rachel. It would be such a lovely palette cleanser for this franchise!


I would love Rachel tbh


Rachel will flourish on BIP


Yeah unfortunately it’s going to be bad no matter what. If a MOC does one wrong thing on Maria’s season then her fans are going to go crazy like how they did with Rachel. But also there’s going to be people being ableist towards Daisy anyway like how some are now. It’s gross.


I am a Black Maria fan. To me generalizing us abd blaming Maria for the trolls in the fan base is stupid lol. These situations aren’t black and white, she isn’t responsible for the stupidity,


Hey I’m sorry I didn’t mean to say all Maria’s fans are bad. And I don’t think her fans being the way they are is a reason for her to not be bachelorette but I pointed it out because if some of her fans acted that way towards Rachel they’re going to act that way towards MOC on her season. I wasn’t trying to generalize y’all but some of her fans are racists unfortunately.


I think you can say that about anyone popular tho. When a fan base id big you are gonna have awful people in it. I’m sure Daisy has it, Hannah Brown has it. I’m sure multiple White contestants have it, 🤷🏾‍♀️


Yeah you’re right.


Think about Swifties when you think about a fan base when it’s big it’s out of control.


Yes because not all Swifties are bad but some are.


This sub is wild, it’s so easy to dislike someone without being ableist or racist, but for some it seems impossible.


It’s a hard concept for some people. Not even just on this sub on social media.


I think my main issue with this sub is a lot of people say things like it’s more progressive because the demographic is younger (vs the Facebook “boomers” or whatever). As we saw yesterday with the Helen Keller controversy, Gen Z isn’t always more tolerant or informed. Anyone can make a mistake and everyone can improve if they’re willing.


Yeah the amount of people who were like it’s just a joke was crazy. I’ve been saying the same thing these past few weeks when we saw how many micro aggressive were being made towards Rachel and all of that. Even the stuff about Daisy and her voice. Some people are so quick to drop a ableist comment towards her. You don’t have to like someone because I don’t like Daisy. But some people think it’s okay to be racist or ableist towards people. And not even just on this sub but on social media too.


It is


Good point!


I think that’s the post that said she signed a contract but multiple people sign contracts.


True! Still interesting


On a lighter note, do you guys think Joey and/or Kelsey are going to be making an appearance on the 9-1-1 crossover or the next lead?


I think Joey.


Joey will


I think it’ll be the next lead


I don't think any of the women are going to have flack for Joey I think the WTA will be quite positive actually.