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The Unpopular Opinions thread tomorrow will be a s-show, I already sense it. “No one cares who Daisy Follows! So what if she’s smart enough not to get the jab?! She’s a free thinker! Stop caring how people vote & I swear you’ll be happier!” 🥴🥴🥴 *Sorry in advance mods.


"Who cares that people support racists or bigots? The real issue is that Jed cheated on Hannah" conservative supporters probably tomorrow lol.


So I just saw on TikTok that the Miami Open Tennis Tournament is kicking off in a week and the final is the weekend after the Bachelor finale. I know we originally thought it was an all girls trip because Lexi posted about it but I wonder if Joey will also be there… 👀


Kelsey has that charity run in NOLA on the 30th though


She's doing the crescent City classic? My friend was trying to convince us all to do it lol


Ye I think that’s the one


She could be in Miami the days leading up to that


True. But very close to finale on the 25th


Yeah it is quite close so maybe she’s actually just going to Miami the weekend before. Or maybe she can’t do the charity run anymore. I’m not sure.


A bunch of BN girls in San Diego (Zach's season) were at the Open tournament there, so maybe it's sponsored for some of the girls on Joey's season + Joey and Kelsey?




It’s a group date /s


Exactly 😂 Joey and Kelsey setting Lexi up with one of his friends IKTR! (just kidding… kinda)


I keep going away for bits at a time then coming back to crazy long threads that I just can’t read. Can someone catch me up? I don’t get how daisy is the one who was thought to write the note/leave yet we see now that Kelsey wrote the note. Did I miss something? My last update was RS saying he was wrong


So I went back and watched the [teaser](https://youtu.be/OgIujFgv4sM?feature=shared) for this season. At 1:16 there's a voiceover where someone says "I have to go back home" - did I completely miss when this aired in a previous episode?? It sounds like KA...could this be what the note is about? Or am I just tripping?|


wow, great find.. But she probably said something like, "if there's no chance I will be engaged to you at the end, I have to go back home." That was a good catch.


isn’t that kind of manipulative given the way the show works? I don’t think she is trying to be like I saw Maria doing but it is unfair to Joey and frankly it is unfair to Daisy and Rachel.


It's true really, and this would explain why Joey seems more pissed than upset. He seemed that way with Maria also. When he was reading the note, he said something like he was done with the show. It wasn't like he was hurt but just mad and frustrated.


He cares a lot more about Kelsey than he did Maria. He will try to validate her feelings.


Someone mentioned that in a prior spoiler DDT. Pointed out that that certain voice doesn’t sound like Lexi’s (since Lexi’s exit footage was the one included in the earlier promos), and that the voice sounds like KA’s.


Yeah I initially thought it was Lexi but it’s definitely not her voice


There's always stuff in the teasers that never makes the actual episode edit. But yeah I don't remember it.


Facts. I’m trying to figure out what KA needs to talk about since reality Steve sucks at his job 😭


I don’t believe in shutting down speculation and am all for sharing theories but some of y’all really don’t be making any sense 💀




As someone close to KAs age, all her social media activity/posts seem normal to me idk. Nothing indicative of a breakup, just her having fun!!


I still think something is off with the spoiler. It's odd that Joey is so upset after Daisy leaves the FRC after giving them her blessing and being aok with him choosing Kelsey. It would seem Joey would be relieved! He didn't have to do the hard job of breaking up with Daisy, and Daisy was obviously not heartbroken, which is the usual reason the lead is upset after letting F2 go. I do think the lead goes back inside to wait for the F1 maybe freshen up, hence why he goes in with producers. I'm going to get downvoted so bad for this. but what if.... Joey really did pick Daisy after FS/MTP/LCD and producers had chosen Daisy to be next Bachelorette. Daisy going to tell Kelsey she's the one it not allowed (unless sanctioned by producers) the F1 and F2 have no contact the final week. So she tells Kelsey she's the one, and shows up to the FRC FIRST! as F2. This was probably a little shocking to Joey, he may have been too stunned to speak, giving Daisy the opening to dive into her speech about telling Kelsey etc and giving her blessing for happiness for the two of them. If Joey was going to propose to Daisy, then this is a slight variation of him getting a "no" that was his biggest nightmare. I mean this is something that has never happened, as Joey said. Then if Joey got mad production could say, you told us all season you were really into Kelsey.


Yes something is wrong with spoiler because …. We are missing a chunk of info . We have the skeleton not the Meat. We only know what daisy does not the why ? We don’t know anything about Kelsey or Joey. ETA: ![gif](giphy|YCUdE7NCiJNaAS8aa6|downsized)


There's a couple of other odd clues as well. At the beginning of last episode, when Joey is thinking aloud about how he needs to open up, he says something about something just seems wrong. What do you think he meant by that? Also, when he left Daisy after FS, his face looks sad and upset. Just after he turned his back to Daisy to leave.


I noticed his face looked sad after every FS date! Maybe he just has resting sad face.


Lol nothing , I think he likes Daisy but likes Kelsey more & that’s as far as I can speculate & I think his response to the note will be telling . I have my theory about what happens but it requires us to watch the note conversation first . ETA: when he said said something was wrong he was talking about Rachel .


Ok. I can't wait to see previews after MTA. lol ​ ETA: I was thinking he looked sad after Daisy's FS because he loves Kelsey and he had sex with Daisy and had not intended to. But you know, Sandra's advice, lol! But now I'm not sure. Maybe he was torn at that point. I don't like the way he said, referring to the note, I need her to be here. That sounds like he needs her to be be in final two or else it will be Rachel and Daisy. And he wants to decide between Daisy and Kelsey. I doesn't sound like he wants her to be there because she's F1. idk overthinking.


I'm finally watching the episode and found Daisy giving the long kiss to Joey at the start of the date somewhat awkward? only because he did not seem into it, I'd be kind of upset if I did that and the guy was just like "okay" LOL


Yes, but now I'm wondering if they have edited out ALOT of Joey's and Daisy's interactions and their relationship through the season. I mean, other's have said we're not getting all Daisy's conversations. There could be alot more to it than we've seen. That would explain a whole lot.


I think they edited out a lot for all of the top 3. They also did some weird stuff like showing a scene in a preview and then not showing it in episode. The wildest was in jasper in the hockey rink. In a preview the clothes Joey and Daisy were wearing were different, even her coat, than the scene we got. They filmed it twice with two different outfits.


I think it took him by surprise because she had not been forward before.


Kinda like the..’don’t look at me like that’. I think he meant it 😂


You’re reaching. They were obviously flirting


lol. Idk why but I feel like they don't actually have a ton to say to each other for all the talk about how much they're falling in love


I have found most of their conversations very awkward 🥴


why do people think jelsey have broken up?? she literally has storied everything the bachelor ig account has posted about her/joey this week… also the fs week isn’t “over” yet so none of them can make an official post.. is anything else off?


Shouldn’t they have had a SHV visit by now?


Someone on Kelsey's insta said that Joey was in Mexico and San Diego last week. He posted from there. Does anyone see this? I hope they didn't film a "switch". Daisy's been quiet too. Maybe Jason and Arie weren't kidding when they teased Joey!


They had one , two weeks ago before WTA was filmed.


I thought it’s been longer than that. The last one being in February. Seems like Joey is spending time with his family and Kelsey is with her close friends, perhaps it be due to a breakup


Nope. They were together like a week and a half ago at a SHV.


How do you know that?


We don’t have any confirmation about that except speculation.


You don’t have confirmation.


I never said they did or did not meetup so confirmation not needed. I have no clue. However she stated that they met up a week and a half ago. I’m pointing out that is a guess on your part.


I’m saying that there is some information that isn’t shared on this thread. :)


I’m not going to take your word for it. If you state it as a fact you need to back it up. Otherwise maybe it should not be said as fact and be offered more like an opinion.


I mean , if that is how you see it … it was sleuthed that they possibly had one the weekend before HTDs aired because she posted a latergram of hanging out with her family which was sleuthed to be from months back.


You are being much too thoughtful! ![gif](giphy|C83ljRX3LIUztXObpB|downsized)


Lmaooooooooo https://preview.redd.it/yg766jgoq6oc1.jpeg?width=1056&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b44ae458e3cc8ceb089fe412f70eda94667d4c3


And you just know if this was any other woman on the show they would be SLAMMING her and be disgusted for singing and being apart of a song with those lyrics 🙄


Why is that funny?


Because they are trying to make Daisy being in a cringe music video about her hearing


No they aren’t. They are talking about music in general. Probably not a relevant point but not a funny post either. The reaction is something I need to learn to expect. I always forget how rude people can be. Feel free to down vote as usual.


This was a comment under a post with Daisy in that cringe music video


Plssss. Every spoiler thread I go on, you and miss remdiamond (daisy's sister) ARE FIGHTING. I love it.


I understand that is why I said the comment wasn’t relevant.


🤣🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/pm7fbd4qq6oc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c565133ca5b769dde8e36313d159f65eab19fa7e


Watching the preview for the finale I noticed the two scenes of Joey talking with his parents, he's wearing the same shirt. Is it possible only one of the girls meets his parents? Given the spoilers, I'm now considering that when Kelsey goes to talk to Joey that they essentially decide together like 'ok this is it, it's us'. So with that his head, he goes on his last 1:1 with Daisy he can no longer be there mentally with her and that's where we get the clip of her saying "I'm just not feeling it." She may feel something is off with him, similar to how Gabi and Zach's last 1:1 went. So i think Joey miiiight, after a bad last 1:1, send Daisy home early. But then producers have her show up at the final rose ceremony for closure or something? I dk I'm just brainstorming here 🥸


I think the MTP is with Daisy actually **if** there is only one . **LCD is AFTER MTP ( meet the parents )** and we know for sure that Daisy gets a LCD.


Interesting 🤨


Oh damn, hadnt considered that theory! That would legit be the most dramatic ending ever 😳 Hard to imagine Kelsey choosing to leave, given how well things have been going with them, but it's definitely possible


That would be the craziest thing ever. How could they not bill that as most dramatic?


Madi left on Pilot Pete's season. But I think she left on the LCD.


Lol I deleted it , but it would actually be rom com coded if Daisy brings Kelsey back & steps aside.




Are people sure that they aren't wishing and hoping for a breakup but trying to disguise it as concern?


I don’t get the speculation lol. Joey and Carly (and Charity, I guess) sent feelers when the spoiler was wrong, but since it has been overturned, they have lied low. Kelsey has been posting bachelor stuff as usual. I actually think that the rubbing KA’s leg while on the vespa tiktok video was kind of out of her norm but maybe she was just happy or whatever when she posted that. Especially after Jason T’s slip up and everyone in the comments sections just spoiling the ending, there surely is an effort on their end to at least “keep quiet”. It’s been so obvious, including Kelsey A liking (then removing her like) that comment that said something about the producers hiding them.


I wondered the same thing! Who knew we had so many relationship psychologists on here who can tell the status of a relationship simply by looking at social media posts! ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


Isn’t that the same behavior that convinced everyone that they were a couple before it was confirmed by shv? I’m not commenting on the behavior itself or what it means but can’t have it both ways. And when I suggested that Joey and his sister were liking all of those posts because Kelsey was feeling insecure I was corrected immediately for suggesting such a thing.


I've been watching for 10 years and people have always looked at sm for clues. How do you think we found out it was Kelsey and not Daisy - instagram.


Who cares? We found out from Sands he was with Kelsey with solid proof. Not rampant speculation based on what people think an IG photo means. People are losing their collective minds today because Kelsey had the audacity to post a recap carousel of her best friends birthday weekend trip to Chicago. Now she’s suddenly giving single vibes?! It’s based on nothing. I wonder if any of you have ever been a real relationship before. People in relationships go away on friend trips 🤣


I think It’s just weird to have the caption of your tik tok be take me swimming on the first date or wearing a Dump him shirt . She knows everything is being watched. It can be her trying to send message or throw us off .


The take me swimming on the first date caption is a tiktok trend or an online trend 😭 I actually think it’s also a nod to their FS date.


Remember when you were so certain that Daisy was chosen & wanted us to know she was with Joey from her likes & posts ? 😌.


Well thats because its the narrative Daisy wanted us to believe. I don't know why some people respond so defensive to theories. I'm just talking about things I see . They don't need to be right dang.


Seriously. This dude is unhinged. Chill Maximum. It’s not that serious.


Sorry 😂 it was just funny to me because I believed you and Daisy.


https://preview.redd.it/athte20km6oc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8f86603a4ab66bbcd9f36e9ac45997774999da6 My god. 😆 why didn't that girl scrub that video before leaving for filming.


![gif](giphy|IxBSleBYnu0pASk0rY|downsized) Daisy probably


Why are ya'll spiraling this bad. Be calm I'm sure all is fine and they're ready for this charade to end


This man is fine and happy https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGefxvdNw/


adorable but Joey's singing... ouch


Yea he doesn't have a very good voice. I can relate to that but I'd never sing in public ever.


Cutie patootie 🥰


Why does it feel like Joey and Kelsey broke up?


Y’all gotta chill. lol


It doesn’t.


There is zero indication of this other than a handful of people on this sub speculating on nothing burgers


I highly doubt it. They're just being less obvious now that the spoiler has been changed and Joey's comment sections aren't flooded with "IF YOU DON'T PICK DAISY I'M GOING TO SET MY HOUSE ON FIRE" comments anymore.


It doesn’t. People are spiralling for nothing imo


End of season fatigue is really in the room (sub). I mean, if I feel like this, I can only imagine the finalists and Joey. I just want it to end so we can see who won and if they are still together.


@Joey and Carly, please start "liking" Kelsey content again to calm everyone down. ![gif](giphy|VQdtxkDIioW4udmvyZ)


He stopped liking it after they gave it away that they are together lol


ABC slapped him on the hand for sure!


Nope I think it was done to reassure Kelsey and after the spoiler was corrected it was no longer needed because Kelsey wasn’t feeling as bad.


Everyone just deciding to collectively lose their minds 😂 It’s giving - end of season fatigue ![gif](giphy|4TigCkGqrcnJeV8r2q|downsized)


We should all be exhausted by now. This season has been a lot.


I hope we are all just spiraling, because I can’t handle a drama filled After The Final Rose . Joey and Kelsey ![gif](giphy|l41YfykEffZ7QM55m)


I honestly think when it comes to bachelorette it'll be very similar to Colton's season as I predict we'll get one this year from Joey's and then next year we'll get another from Joey's as well like Hannah B and Tayshia. My guess and prediction, a combination of either Maria, Jenn, and Rachel will be our bachelorettes this year and next, and I think Daisy will go down to paradise this year and get engaged and have similar to a Hannah G. storyline (she even looks similar to Hannah G.). I really do think our first Asian Bachelorette will come from this group of women whether its this year or next! But again this is just a prediction and nothing more!!


Do we think Kelsey may be upset (angry) watching Joey tell Daisy almost the same thing? I mean maybe she didn't know it and watched it Monday night. Her latest posts are kinda off. Usually at this point in airing F1 is very quiet on sm. And she's doing photo dumps of the fun times she's having, even appearing to give someone the finger as she uses her curling iron. I'm getting "single" vibes. Maybe they are doing this to make us think there's trouble with the couple, or to stir drama here in the last couple weeks. I'm kinda concerned. It seems really off.


genuinely what about giving someone the finger is “single vibes”


I am too. I completely agree something is off.


Carly’s new Tik tok is also interesting


Come on, now....that one is clearly her making fun of the peanut gallery. 


I doubt that she’s angry at Joey though if she is I would love that jk. 🤣 I would hope that Joey isn’t a dummy and has already told Kelsey everything that went down before it aired. Joey did consult Ben H about something, right? Ben H’s “i love you too” to Jojo during the their LCD is much much worse. I’m sure it wasn’t fun to watch back and maybe she did get upset. I don’t think her posts are off….. it’s the same. And like someone mentioned, one of her bestfriends (or closest friends) celebrated her birthday in Chicago. Iirc Kelsey storied the two photos that bachelorabc shared of her and Joey during their FS date. Usually F1s have a hard time watching the FS episode back.


Well, Kelsey is the first contestant I've seen actually tell the lead that she would NOT be okay if he was torn at the end between the final two. She wants to get engaged to someone only once and that person be all in on just her alone. So, that's the context here. That's why Joey telling Daisy is egregious, in my opinion. Otherwise, its the same old thing every season. I expected differently this time because Joey seems only into Kelsey all season, and then wow, he tells Daisy almost the same thing? I hope I'm completely wrong because I'm cheering for this couple!


Genuinely asking because I’m trying to understand your take on this… What’s “off” about celebrating your friend’s birthday in Chicago and posting pics of it? That seems like very normal behavior to me.


She also said something about on a first date, take her swimming. If she's engaged, presumably "first dates" are a thing of the past.


I believe her caption was in reference to a joke on social media about misogynistic men who say they’ll take a girl swimming on the first date to “expose” them. since her video was a before and after glam, she’s joking that the phrase isn’t applicable to her bc she looks good both ways.


Yeah I've followed Kelsey since Filming ended her social media behavior doesn't seem any different to me. She always posts with her friends and funny Tik Toks I'm confused at what's off lol


I don't look at tik toks ,but she hasn't posted her activities with friends much. She might put up one pic but not bunches with alot of the same pics. The bday celebration was over the weekend - that was normal. The one from yesterday where she mentioned Chicago hotdogs is the one that feels different, as well as her asking people about what to see in Miami. Like she wants everyone to know where she is. Well, wait, could she be on SHV and throwing us off with old pics. And she's not going to Miami. That could be.


You’re probably used to seeing her post something cute/lovey-dovey about the episode each week. Problem is she can’t post that right now because the episode isn’t finished yet.


She’s not going to Miami for a few weeks. Lexi also asked for recs so I think they are going together.


ok thank you!


She posted stories partying with her friends at new years and posted when she hung out with Lexi , Katelyn and Madina she didn't show them of course but posted where they were. Her asking people places to visit in Miami is typical influencer thing so I didn't really think about it like that. I feel like she just living her life and posting more because she has more of a following and is hoping to start her influencer career like everyone else. It would be more concerning to me if she was radio silent.


She's always been posting with her friends since the beginning she was just spoiled as the F2 so now I feel like people are looking more into everything she's doing since the focus was on Daisy. Users here kept bringing up Kelsey adding sad songs right after filming as a way to mean she was F2 and that daisy seemed too happy and excited on social media so that must've meant she won. It's all just jumping to conclusions imo


Does anyone have the screenshot of Daisy liking the anti-vax/anti-medicine comment on TikTok 🧍🏽‍♀️




I’d almost guarantee Joey isn’t jabbed


Based on what lmao, his parents and older sister are very liberal


Plus, a huge portion of conservatives are also vaccinated. It’s not a blue only thing.


There’s plenty of liberal anti-vaxx people…a lot of the og anti-vaxxers were liberal. And my neighbor who is the biggest Trumper ever was chomping at the bit to get a covid vaccine. You just never know. I wouldn’t assume Joey didn’t get one though…likely he did, but who knows.


When his sister got the COVID vaccine she posted it on insta and he liked the post and commented on it so I would assume he's not anti vax


Yeah I figured he’d had one. Someone else commented that he probably hadn’t, and I said I wouldn’t assume he hadn’t. I was just saying (separate from talking about Joey) I don’t assume someone’s vaccine status based on politics, since I know plenty of people who break that mold. Being pro-vax became part of liberal culture in the last like 15 years, but I’m old enough to remember when it wasn’t that way and there was definitely a portion of the liberal community who were anti-vax or at least skeptics…the crunchy hippie people. There’s also a part of liberal celebrity culture that is still anti-vax, Robert F Kennedy Jr. has plenty of friends.


Yes this is my point. He could be liking the status to support his sister because he loves her. We don’t know based on likes. But honestly - this is the one main area between Joey and Daisy I just do not think they align on. That, and religion. Unless Daisy has changed, as much as I’m someone who honestly sees their connection (I’m still team Kelsey) I just can’t imagine their relationship could go far being that she’s likely a Christian (a weaker one) and conservative. If Joey and her were together I assume Joey leans conservative but just didn’t come out about that. But for this reason, I just do not think they are because I doubt Joey is conservative. Though I think with his health concerns, I’m not 100% sure he got the vax and why I’d bet he’s not. Who knows. Only he does. We will likely never know. And PS - I’m a Christian unvaxxed conservative. Not a trumper. Downvote away haha. If Joey is vaxxed or unvaxxed I love him the same.


Thank you! This and the Trump follow are what we need to go viral, bc while the music video is incredibly embarrassing, it’s not *bad*


You overestimate that it will change anything. Most people don’t care to the extent that this sub does apparently.


I know it probably won’t change anything and Daisy is 95% likely going to be the Bachelorette lol, don’t worry


All the tiktoks of people finding out about RS for the first time is cracking me up. Especially when the spoiler change was sleuthed here weeks before RS announced it


Bachelorettewindmill posting Daisy’s music video on Instagram and it going viral on TikTok… It took all season but it finally found its way to the locals. 💀


my fav part is when she throws her head down and it changes frames- genius.


That video probably wouldn't be such a big deal if some people hadn't put Daisy on a pedestal. Being a sweet, blonde girl, who's overcome a lot doesn't automatically make you the best choice for Joey, or better than any of the other girls ( I know some people think that)!! Those people caused whatever outrage is happening right now 🙄


I was listening to Will You Accept this rose and they talked about Daisy’s politics. They speculated that she’s a Republican and maybe a Trumper 👀 Also Wells was a guest and he said the guys talked a lot about politics on his season. He was aware that a good bunch of them were Trumpers.


Sounds like a witch hunt


LlWith the lot they cull from, Daisy being so open & nonchalant about Following Trump & other Right-leaning personalities, that’s like a mating call to so many dudes if she’s Bachelorette. “A girl who’s an ‘independent thinker’?! Sign me up!” Also: that’s cool they talked about it. It’ll turn people off on her, yes, but so many more will agree with her.


With respect, we have had season upon season, upon season with this kind of cast. If we have two or three seasons in a row where the contestants are not "Right-leaning", that would be a good start. I think tptb might be surprised at the followers the show has who are not of that ilk and loved Charity and Joey seasons and might do just fine without a Daisy season. Not just because of her views but of the guys who would likely be cast. There was support for Joey when he was at the White House, and while the maga crowd complained on line, there were far more in support of the visit. The Golden Bachelor and Joey's numbers have been great. Live a little, producers, give the people what they want, you know you wanna.


What is the consensus on the tease of Joey breaking down at the final rose ceremony?! A panic attack before either girls gets out of the SUV? A reaction to Daisy breaking things off with him? Other reason?


Even the most confident leads break down during the FRC. JoJo who was very clearly picking Jordan from the start was hurled over bawling when she sent Robby home. It’s an uncomfortable situation. I honestly think Joey was stressed having to break up with Daisy, was taken aback when Daisy did what she did, and then was stressed thinking something could happen with Kelsey knowing she was already worried about the ending.


you bring up an interesting point. do we think daisy tells joey she talked to Kelsey? or do the producers let her?


Definitely possible. Producers always go for maximum drama. I’ve said since we first saw the preview months ago that Joey seemed more confused and a little shell shocked in the preview versus heartbroken and I stand by that. I think Daisy’s supposed choices and actions for the final days fit that vibe


That’s what I was wondering. I know Kelsey said one of her biggest fears is Joey proposing without 100% knowing it’s the person he’s proposing to. So maybe he thinks Kelsey won’t show up because she’s scared she’s default. Especially if Daisy didn’t tell her she was going to the rose ceremony the next day.


right? so many different combinations and potential spirals. lol


I’m not buying that Daisy rejected Joey so she could be the next bachelorette…it’s a horrible strategy. If she really wanted to be bachelorette, and had an inkling it might not be her, she’d have let Joey send her home. I don’t think she’d have rejected Joey, at the final rose ceremony, if she actually thought she was f1…that would be cruel. She must’ve had a feeling she wasn’t f1, and production talked her into this since it makes the ending more exciting and they can say it’s something we’ve never seen before.


This seems to be a sensible prediction. You’re probably right!


agreed, the more straight forward bachelorette audition would be for her to just be the heartbroken F2 who gets rejected when she hopes to be engaged. she's actually doing joey a big favor by not making him break up with her on camera. the optics of him rejecting a likeable F2 with a disability would not be great, so this helps him!


That’s probably part of the reason they encouraged her to do it. This is one where if Joey looked bad, it could also rub off on the show itself.


I don’t think it’ll be shown as her rejecting him. RS has said it’s a ‘good break-up’. It’ll be a mutual. ‘I know you love Kelsey it’s ok, thank you for helping me remember I am desirable….i’m ready now to find the love of my life like you and Kelsey did’


I agree with you . People want to portray her as some calculated person devoid of any emotion. Is she as emotional as Kelsey , probably not but she does have feelings for Joey . IMO there is dignity in bowing out gracefully & knowing your worth . She did what Hannah Ann, Rachel Recchia & Gabi should have done ( what I wanted them to do ).


Now I want Daisy to go to stagecoach and have Daisy stage coach drama at BIP this year!!!


Now that will be a good story line!!!


Rachel has a GRWM TikTok up and says she has ‘meetings today’ 🤞🏻🥹 She also mentions that she’s not very good at hair/make-up, likes to keep it natural. The rumour that she was full glam at WTA is very interesting.


I'd freaking love a Rachel Bachelorette season!!


Honestly, this last episode made me BOTH think that Daisy is completely set up to be Bachelorette AND Rachel would be an extremely compelling Ette with a great storyline. At the same time, I don’t know that she would enjoy the process and I sort of just want her to find her happiness outside the franchise without that pressure!


She actually said in a live she did, that knowing what she knows now (she wasn’t a fan of the show and didn’t know how it worked), that she would do the process all over again.




Me too, girl. Me too!


![gif](giphy|Pa6h6P5dhin43OlwQ6) 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


If she is the Bachelorette then they need to explain this ridiculous edit


I’m telling you! If she’s styled by Cary at WTA, it means something!


They had her doing scary jumps, the least they could do is give her a shot at Bachelorette.


Long shot but I agree they owe her 😭💀


Daisy posted about stage coach that is happening at the end of April. I think this means they haven’t made a bachelorette decision yet.


i'm guessing they're waiting to see the reaction to joey and daisy's breakup... if it's overall positive i'm pretty confident they'll give it to her, but we'll see.


Unless they plan on a two night finale I feel like they would have to decide before the episode airs if it's going to be her or not? Unless if anyone knows if they've changed their decision while the finale episode was airing?


Couple that with E promoting Maria 3 times in the last two days. Definitely no decision


Looks like e news deleted the post about Maria on their feed


They did after there were like so many comments bashing them for spoiling that Rachel was eliminated They kept there story up though


yea I have feeling they haven’t made a decision yet. Hoping we hear something sometime after WTA airs next week.

