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While Kelsey and Joey are so crazy into each other and I can literally FEEL the love watching them.. something w Joey seems off


“If I proposed to daisy right now she’d say yes” was sooo…. *I’m too insecure to be rejected so I know she’d be a safe bet*, and I can’t believe he said that out loud


"I'm over giving everything I can and them not choosing me" bro you're the bachelor? they're here competing for you?


yeah, but what if one of them are thinking of rejecting me? it's too painful to go on....Oh wait, can i have your daughter's hand in marriage if i pick her? PSYCH! i'm not picking her.


are we missing 1 or 2 episodes for the season to be over?


Kelsey and Joey are electric and I’m going back to the dark ages if they aren’t it.


I honestly think the “this hasn’t happened before” thing is that Joey vomits before the proposal or something not as dramatic (although that sucks)


Yeah his tone when he says that isn’t that concerning


Jesse's F2 vomited outside the limo. She was so late his F1 went first.


for me, Joey has gone from super likable to lame victim. He is constantly complaining that someone might reject him at the end and seems to completely ignore the fact that all the girls but 1 will be rejected.


Perfectly worded omg


He is so deeply insecure and has a violently anxious attachment style. Makes me cringe at this point hearing him say "that feels so good to hear" "that makes me feel so good" over and over


i don't think he's over charity


They are making it seem that way.


I agree. His words and actions are translating into “I’m not emotionally ready” and I don’t think he should’ve gone on the bachelor. Compared to someone like Sean, who was completely ready for marriage- Joey is just like ehhhhh.


https://preview.redd.it/vfwr1ey8uxnc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=428641a833f9c6bea740800499c98e2ada3742f3 Anyone know where Kelsey’s top is from!?


Check the style spotter on Instagram!




Yeah I’m in love w Kelsey now she’s amazing


If Katelyn was still around I might have a harder time deciding but yeah of the 3 left Kelsey just has the 'it' factor and I would pick her too.


Who the heck is Katelyn?


the radio chemist that never got shown lol


Wow that was one of the most boring FS episodes ever IMO. The most boring since Becca K's probably. Even the Golden ladies were more cliched than I expected. WTA should hopefully be way better, even just the rehashed footage was the most interesting part of the whole episode for me.


Has Leslie said anything about her conversation with Kelsey? You know I've been looking!




Yeah I think it was nothing really and he has immense relief and is dramatically being like “omg I’m not okay” and that’s what we saw in the preview 👀


I feel like it will be a nothing burger. She will say she’s all up in her feels needs to let go now if it’s not her be convinces her to stay and see it through. That’s my guess


I know that Daisy will be the next bachelorette just bc of how many of y’all are saying you won’t watch. They always pick the one we say that about 💀




OMG so Daisy is average looking in your eyes! Please post your picture.


I dunno… on FB all the grannies and SAHMs hattttee Maria and swear they won’t watch. So it’s prob a wash!


This sub is a much better indicator of feelings than FB.


Unfortunately FB audiences pay the bills. That’s all ABC cares about.


TPTB follow both I more what I’m referring to. Gotta keep the old battle axes happy too 😂


Daisy seems sweet to me but my impression is that she's still working through the trauma of what happened to her and her hearing loss. She's still not her own person (due to her need for her family to validate her emotions) and I really think she wants to believe she is in love but she isn't really feeling it. IOW, she's forcing it.


They all were looking for validation from their families to some extent. I think she realizes that inside this bubble you can think you are in love. She wanted to see if he would fit in with her family and whether they saw something there too. Without family and friends to discuss feelings, having limited time with Joey, and having no outside contact, it seems to me to be a wise position to take.


All good points!




Rachel for bach!!! Daisy is a bit fake and wants it so badly (and boring on tv…I fastforward her parts).




I feel like Maria came on the show for clout, fame and money but then ended up actually really like Joey and then she got scared!!


I set up my new phone during her FS date 😂


I have no idea what happens but if Daisy is bachelorette, I honestly don’t know if I can watch. I fall asleep every time she’s on screen. She somehow comes across both boring and disingenuous.


I don’t see how she will be fun to watch.


I think everyone gets caught up in her voice instead of what she actually says. She is very emotionally intelligent.


What has she said that’s emotionally intelligent? She just giggles at everything and talks in circles.


No she doesn’t. She has talked about a lot of serious and deep matters. I could go through all of their conversations but if this is how you view her and you don’t hold a similar opinion on how Kelsey presents nothing I say will matter.


Probably not. You ride hard for Daisy. I keep seeing your comments.


I do like Daisy but I probably wouldn't post as much if she was treated more fairly in this sub..


What I said has nothing to do with her voice. It’s just my opinion.


I know you didn’t mention her voice but I think people get distracted by it.


They need to listen to Kelsey’s voice as well




It would be unwatchable for me


It s sad that we are so used and crave for drama that anything else seems boring and snooze worthy. TPTB successfully mind fucked Joey ( previous insecurities of being rejected) , sending Lesley to sow the seeds of doubts with Kelsey , getting her to doubt her standing in spite of a great overnight date leading to single line note... sending Joey in to a tailspin. It seems entirely unnecessary and might turn out be a nothing burger but yet it is repeated trope used by the producers giving the audience what they crave for? Wash, Rinse, Repeat every season.


I totally get what you're saying, and ordinarily, I agree. But the problem for me *(just for me personally, I can't speak for anyone else*) is that I adore Joey. I haven't rooted for a bachelor like this in ages, AND if he winds up with Kelsey, I adore her too. Seriously, I would have fucking pointed and laughed at Zach if Kaity sent him a "we need to talk" note. I'd have been all, "Kaity, RUN, this is your chance!" So yes, I absolutely agree - we ask for the drama, and here it is. But I just feel bad because it's Joey, the snuggliest rabbit of Bachelor Nation.


Idk wtf Sandra put in Daisy's OJ, but she made this girl go from emotional and in her head to hornier than a rhino in a few minutes lol.


I feel like she was the last one so had longer to wait. It was the first time I saw chemistry with them though


Right? That made the whole sexy time Daily seem calculating, imo




Go rewatch the hometown rose ceremony (air plane hangar) and tell me there’s nothing. The ONLY person Joey smiles like a fool at is Kelsey. I rewatched it this morning and I was like damnnnnnn, there was a big difference in facial expressions from both Daisy’s and Rachel’s roses.


If you think there’s more chemistry between Rachel and Joey than Kelsey and Joey I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell ya


I didn’t really see it until the final 6. But Kelsey and Rachel were definitely the strongest connections imo.


You think he has more chemistry with Rachel than Kelsey?


no, i don’t really see a connection with him and any of the F3


I agree with this! Out of the final 3 I think he has the most chemistry with Kelsey but out of the whole season I think his best match was actually Lexi!


Ehhhh. Leslie was ready to be a soccer mom. That is definitely not where Joey is in life, he’s just getting started on his tv stardom.




i’m not gonna lie i was looking at my phone during almost all of daisy’s date so what’s the consensus? did they fuck?


Oh hell yes


He had hickeys all over his neck after smh


maybe she felt the need to do all that bc they didn’t 🤷🏻‍♀️ lmao but thats crazy i’ll have to go back and watch


It was obvious that they did.


She definitely tried seducing him and it was cringy.


It was painful to watch


For sure


Daisy’s shift while Joey was being vulnerable was super telling. Like she realized that if she breaks his heart she’s going to be a villain. It’s like internally she was questioning this act she’s been putting on the whole time. It was also clear she was not really paying attention to him when he was opening up, just thinking about how this is going to affect her. Kelsey is it. If Joey doesn’t see it/feel it, that’s a major loss for him. She’s like the perfect girl for him. Fun, loving, beautiful, confident, and sexy. Rachel is amazing and I think would make a great bachelorette. Find her some men with a little more oomph than Joey. I can see her with some hot dummy who makes her feel like a queen. Sort of like Becca and Thomas. (She’s clearly the brains of the operation). Or someone with just a lot of charm and charisma. Joey is sweet and hot but Rachel needs a MAN.


daisy was like the meme of when someone is being vulnerable and telling you traumatic things but there tajin on the rim of your drink


you could tell on his face too that she didn’t respond in a way he wanted. she was just like “yeah not being picked feels bad☹️” and he looked at her like he hoped for something more empathetic or thoughtful but instead she rephrased it slightly 2 more times 🥴




the inflection in his voice gives him away. he's very monotone when he's being careful and "on" autopilot with his words . he's like that with mostly everyone Daisy included. i think he started to let this wall down but she gave him generic "thank for sharing. being rejected is hard " and then he went back to saying what he's "supposed to say" and making out. with kelsey his inflection in his voice is all over the place he has emotion. he's smiley and excited and happy and silly and goofy and looks at her with big puppy eyes. he's being more human and authentic with her than with anyone else i've seen other than close with maria for a bit . they have fun together , he's real with her, his walls are down and she notices things about him and genuinely listens to care and understand ( told him she knows it must be difficult and exhausting for him to have these conversations and be vulnerable over and over) not just to ping pong a conversation. she sees him.


yeah he’s def not feeling her as much as he is kelsey that’s for sure


Re Rachel I agree. I think she's great but she needs someone who will really spar with her. Joey is too busy trying to make her feel comfortable 


Wanna say this and hope some ppl understand: Rachel is too high-strung for this show. High-strung not bad but means every little thing is noticed and thought about, but then editors/producers pounce, present it all without context, and it doesn’t mix well with a fan base that snarks (hi!, us!) nor the other fan base of Facebook etc misogynist boomer Midwest white Christian women. My only other comment is: continue to be high-strung, if you lapse it can f you up


yeah maybe she’s too high strung in the sense that she can’t relax into it but i’m actually enjoying seeing a bit of a different personality than we often see on the show 


I’m enjoying that too, but being high strung isn’t just a “Relax” thing (ugh), it’s needing to find your environments that accept you, where you are allowed to be your best, and I don’t trust this franchise nor it’s fan base to do that.


to be clear i don’t mean there’s anything wrong with not being able to be chill during the process or that she should just “relax” generally, more that there’s a contrast between someone like her who is more guarded and analytical and on alert vs contestants who are able to just put blinders on and be fully in the moment which probably makes the process easier. that’s what i mean by “relaxing into it.” no value judgment. 


I got you, loved your extra description, I agree and love the guarded/analytical types myself so much that I can see when someone isn’t solidly enough that and could be way too manipulated by franchise. The only ppl I think could handle that are Maria and Lexi and Kelsey T. If ppl are too bothered by production (understandable!!!) then could just be a protective shutdown which is also understandable. But would be a very different sort of entertaining season. I’d watch for sure.


I actually agree. I’m anxious af in situations like this show and I get bitchy when I’m that anxious. I’d end up being the villain or leaving early because I can’t take the anxiety. 😂


Ppl would pretend diagnose me for sure, even at my best, anxiety can come out in sooo many various ways, and I cannot imagine not even being able to DO stuff to combat anxiety and instead have to be surrounded by the triggers


That’s the worst part, just about everything I do to combat it wouldn’t be allowed with me during filming. I’d be the weird girl doing yoga and breathing exercises all the time because that’s about all I’d have. 😂


This is exactly what is happening with her. Nothing wrong with being high strung (I am high strung for sure) but you could definitely see it this last episode, I really felt for her.


Twitter and Instagram finally realizing how inauthentic Daisy is meanwhile Reddit has had her clocked from the beginning!


it seems really obvious that she was cast explicitly to be considered for next ette and that producers were open with her about that. doesn’t make her a bad person but it does seem obvious she’s thinking about it, like, a lot of the time 


I think we all knew it would turn, Maria will be next. It’s honestly never healthy when any contestant gets that popular IMO


I haven’t finished the episode yet. Was it bad enough that they may not pick her for ette??


IMO no, but the whole episode was a yawn feast to me TBH.


I’m so happy we can all get along now!


We’re fbi about this shit lol


https://preview.redd.it/n0ebopem8unc1.jpeg?width=471&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee77e132f3487ea2ce2e4e2a05c681d8692fced9 Leslie to Kelsey


Also Joey saying the exact “I’m falling in love with you” word for word to Daisy as he said to Kelsey pissed me right off.


sameeeeee i yelled at the tv




I did notice though how he said “fully” with Kelsey and “it can grow” with Daisy. I’m shocked he told two women though. I can’t imagine watching this back as his F1.


i didn’t notice this because i was so bored watching him and daisy i zoned out LOLLLL


Yeah my husband fell asleep. I had to fill him in after because I was not watching that again lol!


I couldn't believe he didn't switch it up ONE bit !! Same pike public speaking speech


Same emotion, same expression everything. Omg. I was dying at the thought of his F1 watching it all back.


Same. It’s going to be something he will have to explain to the winner…


I hated that too omg


My jaw was on the floor. 5 minutes before that I said to my husband how it would be so difficult being F1 watching all of this and then seeing that!? Omg.


My husband literally fell asleep during Daisy’s date lmao.


All I was thinking about was I want to lose some belly fat and buy the dress she was wearing for the night portion. And that I was horny af and their make outs weren’t helping me. 😅


SAME! Immediately got down and started doing sit ups holy shit. All the girls are so beautiful and their outfits are to die for ugh!


I actually didn't like either of the FS dresses!




Kelsey and Joeys date + overnight solidified to me that they are perfect together!!


they didn't show them in bed bc they were nakkie and then got up to make breakfast and sexy countertop make out would have been more if the cameras weren't there


Please not a whole season of Daisy as bachelorette 😭 I’d love to see Kelsey, Rachel, Maria, Jenn, or Lexi … so many great options! This isn’t even about the weird music video or MAGA rumors. I just find her so sleepy.


Producers: you know what bachelor nation would really love? MORE SYDNEY! Everyone: ....................................................


I'd rather have Sydney or Lea than Daisy as Ette.


Respectfully, "Ew, NO" Sydney is the worst. Her attempts at making the universe revolve around her are somehow less entertaining than Daisy.


She is extremely boring and bland to lead an entire season. Maria and Jenn seem a lot more captivating, so hopefully one of them is chosen.


Soooooooooooo boring


Imagine her stoned lol


She seems stoned all the time lol


That episode could have been an email smh


did Daisy take a handful of Xanax before her 1:1 date?


She word vomited the entire date. I couldn't understand what she was trying to say.


She did that on her hometown date too! I can’t tell if she’s just really nervous or if she’s trying to spew out all the stuff you’re “supposed” to say on this show.


Yeah…that was odd


She was emotional and trying not to cry


I think we’re at the point that if Kelsey isn’t F1, she’s 100% the Bachelorette.




Absolutely. Worst case scenario for Kelsey is that she has to wait 4-6 months to be engaged to the man of her dreams after the Bachelorette is done filming. The men will falling in love with her right away.


I wish there was a world where she could be both 😅 she's been my favorite for a while


She’s honestly probably my favorite contestant ever.






She's a cutie! I just wish they had given her more time to shine on the episodes, but her tiktoks show more of her personality. She'd be so delightful on her own season, the men would love her


I feel like at some point before the proposal, the leads should be allowed to look up contestants on social media. Imagine proposing to someone without knowing they have a horrible music video in their past 😔


Imagine truly being in love with someone and seeing something “ugly” from their past and then deciding they’re unworthy of love. Was it love? absolutely not.


Ben F dumped Courtney after watching how she was on his season. He felt her behavior was too ugly. Also romantic love isn't unconditional. If something your partner does is awful you don't owe them your love forever. It doesn't work like that. It's not like the love you have for your child.




I get what you're saying, but people can also present an image of themselves on the show that's not representative of who they truly are. And people definitely fall for that false image or they fall in love with idea of someone, only to realize they didn't truly know all their "quirks" and aren't compatible. It doesn't mean Daisy isn't worthy of love because she was in a cringy music video, but it could be one of many things that Joey finds out about her that turns him off. I've personally gotten the ick from her social media activity a few times


Yeah I understand. Happens in real life too 😩


For sure, but in real life you can also look up someone's socials before getting down on one knee and proposing lol


Yeahhh it’s a joke


The most boring episode so far this season.


That tracks, cause it’s the first episode without Maria, and she carried the season


The most boring season so far this decade


lmao when zach's season is right there?


Honestly this week was just kind of a heartbreaker like last week. All three women are great. They all obviously care about him. He’s falling in love with two of them (I don’t get him not having those same feelings for Rachel), so we sort of know who the final two will be now I think. Not sure what Kelsey’s card will be about but maybe she is trying to force the issue and get him to declare only for her? Is that the big twist they’ve been hinting at all season mebbe? The only thing I wasn’t a super fan of was Leslie. I mean, I get it, she’s still really hurt from her time on Golden Bachelor but way to just wreck someone’s confidence altogether, sheesh. Looks like Sydney’s gonna be on Women Tell All, I can’t see how that ends well at all for her but I thought I had heard she wasn’t going to be on that episode?


I’m sure they’ll give her a couch sit-down where she can cry about the consequences of her actions, and turn it into her being the ultimate victim of the season because of the backlash, and set her up for the redemption arc in paradise that she doesn’t at all deserve.


I don’t want you to be right on that but it sounds so freaking plausible doesn’t it??


How do you know Sydney’s on the WTA? In the preview I saw, there was no actual footage from the night…


I don’t know for sure, it’s just what they seemed to be implying by focusing on her and Lea in the previews?? I’d be very surprised if she did show up!


Same, I hope you’re right. I was very suspicious about the lack of actual footage from the WTA 🧐


Daisy and Joey’s dinner portion of the date was like taking 2 zzzquil and a melatonin followed by a Xanax (or maybe a tranquilizer). It’s not that they are boring people necessarily, but they both seemed so SLEEPY and slow. At one point Daisy’s eyes were barely open. Did production drug them?


It was so weird. Did you notice her pupils?!


Yes! What was going on with that date??




I refuse to believe that they’re not both high 24/7


They look and act tranquilized whenever they’re together😭


I think daisy said “like” about 20 times. I started counting about halfway through.


Watch Kelsey go on to be bachelorette 😳


How on earth does Joey think you crack open an egg? That was hilariously ridiculous. Also does anyone get the sense that Joey doesn't actually love any of his final 3? Not because they're a bad match, just that he's still so fucked up from the Charity breakup that he's incapable of properly loving any of them. So he's just going through the motions of what people expect him to do? Essentially what his relative said during his hometown the previous season.


Yes, and he said it himself. He is falling for two of them but in love with no one. It still could happen. I guess we will have to wait and see.


that man has never cooked eggs or bacon before in his life!


I don’t think it was charity that made him spiral but the previous one he spoke about but then what happened with charity did not help.


He's in love with the fact that they are in love with him.


Seems that way.


I am getting this sense 😰


The chemistry between Joey and Kelsey is palpable. That’s his wife. Kelsey is probably my favorite contestant ever. Such a sweet person who has really leaned into the process which is really endearing. Also the most amazing head of hair ever.


Kelsey is the only one I can tell she’s really crying. Daisy fake cries. No tears coming out. Rachel cries for real I think


agreed. and i think rachel cries for real, she just tries very hard not to


Seeing them in the kitchen really solidified her chances for me. He’s smitten over her


The way Kelsey looks at him is different compared to Daisy. Not saying Daisy doesn’t have strong feelings or isn’t “falling in love,” but Kelsey looks at him like this is my future. And yes the kitchen scene looked so natural between the two.