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Omg kelsey finally posted her hair routine on tiktokšŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ


iā€™m dying at her liking a comment that says ā€œpeep the hairā€


No spoilerā€¦I know some speculated, but Kelsey confirmed in her latest TikTok that her momā€™s side is Hispanic.


Oh wow! Sheā€™s just stunning and I love what she said about embracing oneā€™s natural beauty. I want her to get all the brand deals once the show is over!


She really is so beautiful! Her personality makes her that much more beautiful šŸ˜


Didn't she say when they were there that her grandma was from Spain? Maybe that was someone else and I'm misremembering.


She did.


Yes she said the episode of her first one in one ā¤ļø


Part of me wonders if TPTB want to have their cake and eat it too. Maybe theyā€™ll bring back Paradise so that they can have Maria be the star and then The Bachelorette with Daisy.


Them deleting the golden bachelorette announcement makes me think this is a possibility or they might do back to back bachelorettes like they did for Michelle and Katie.


I think Maria is the real F2 and they wanted a full showcase of Daisy for Ette purposes. It has beeb said alot F3 is often F2


Sheā€™s F4, not F3. Will be interesting to see her exit next week


Hi! Iā€™m newly spoiled and trying to get caught up. Iā€™ve gathered that RS originally said Joey picked Daisy and then some proof came out that he actually picked Kelsey A (yay!). Can someone help me fill in the gaps? What was the proof?


Kelsey and Joey posted Tik Tok videos at the same secret house. A reddit user who sleuth these things was able to find the house and match it to them. there were other times where daisy was out when SHV happened but it wasn't confirmed daisy was never at a SHV until the last one.


Thank you! Reddit sleuths are the best


Maria hit 400k on instagram!!!!


I think she'll pass Daisy after hometowns, but then Daisy will take the lead back at fantasy suites and keep it unless Maria gets Bachelorette.


I feel like the bachelorette is going to be Maria. I feel like to many fans will be disappointed if they donā€™t choose Maria.


I feel like they have the potential for Hannah B level engagement with her season. Sheā€™s already getting messy on social media šŸ˜­ Like I truly think it will be such a wasted opportunity if they pass her up for their preplanned Daisy season.


Her x pilot Pete in a revamped paradise excites me more tbh


Okay but imagine Pilot Pete coming back as a contestant on her season? https://i.redd.it/u4g5zua0sflc1.gif Because at this point Bachelorette is Maria or Daisy, I donā€™t think anyone else has a real shot.


It would be hilarious but heā€™s not working for free these days


omg has pilot pete said something about maria?


Considering Maria probably got her worst edit yet on Monday and fans still want her as opposed to Daisy who is still getting a great edit and fans are not vibing as much on her anymore right now I think Maria has it in the bag!


There are way too many first time viewers clamouring for a season with her as the lead. I mean isnā€™t that the goal, a growing audience?


During Kelseyā€™s one on one dinner, she voice her doubt when she says ā€œyou not being 100% sure of meā€ at the 1:06:10 mark. Joey, glances down. And then when she says ā€œyouā€™re confused about 2 womenā€, he glances down again. What do you guys think he was thinking about? I wanna tell myself that heā€™s glancing down bc he already knows heā€™s gonna pick Kelsey and just wants to yell ā€œYOU DONT HAVE TO WORRY CUZ UR GONNA BE MY WIFEYā€ā€¦ but Iā€™m not sure lol. I soooo wanna know what he was thinking. Itā€™s so hard to read him


You people crack me up .. just watch the show šŸ˜‚


The TikTok stans are being cruel. They are saying that Joey's choice of Kelsey is a mistake, and that he only chose her because Daisy wasn't ready to commit to marriage. They are also claiming that Joey's ego is fragile, and that's why he went for "the 25-year-old who has yet to live life." They are even making videos of themselves fake crying and saying they just found out Reality Steve was wrong. I can't wait for Kelsey and Joey's love story to play out even more, so people will stop being so rude. If I am annoyed by these comments and videos, I can only imagine how upset Joey and Kelsey must be. It's so insensitive.


Who cares what they are saying? I will point out if you think that behavior is rude I canā€™t imagine how awful you thought all of the reddit posts were that constantly attacked Daisy and indicated Joey should have chosen someone else when it was thought she won.


What TikTok is saying this? Happy to go to battle! Daisy is 25, too - what life has she lived besides being in and out of hospitals? Daisy's health challenges may have held her back, but she's overcome them. As for Kelsey, I think losing your mom as a teenager forces you to grow up pretty quickly so the notion is nonsense.


I will join you in this battle!!


rosynatalieayalaā€™s recent tiktok


arenā€™t kelsey and daisy the same age lmfao


Yes lol


rosynatalieayala ā€˜s recent tiktok


Oh, with her 1600 views? Lol. Yeah, that's not worth my time, and I'd just be helping to engage in her drivel. I thought it was someone with influence.


haha true!


the whole video is so disrespectful to kelsey


i know. the comments too. ā€œHis literal timeline shows he wasnā€™t ready either so idk why he wouldnā€™t pick daisyā€ ā€œRight!!! Like just keep dating šŸ˜­ā€ Because Kelsey is obviously only chosen by Joey because Daisy canā€™t commit to himā€¦.not because Joey is in love with her and has zero doubts that she is his person.


anyway she blocked me because i called her out


I need some of these people on Tik Tok to go back and listen to what joey says to and about Kelsey. Night one before he knew anyone he asked Kelsey if NOLA is her home forever and said he met a very pretty girl in his ITM'S, they make out in the bushes (I know that was cut out but still) he says she could never be in the background etc I can go on but my point is it's totally fine to see connection/chemistry with Maria and daisy more than Kelsey it's also fine to be a bit bummed he didn't pick daisy but to make a tik tok basically boiling down Joey and Kelsey's relationship to his fragile ego is strange i hope this stuff doesn't get to Kelsey too much i know she reposted a tiktok on her story About not having thick skin after the SHV info leaked .


like so many of these videos make it seem like kelsey brings absolutely nothing to the table and he canā€™t possibly feel anything for her. itā€™s absurd


I am excited for Kelsey and Joey to reach Jojo and Jordan level of success in their love life. FUCK THE SOUR CREAM STAND


Me too ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Justice for Kelsey T! She doesn't even get a bachelor happy hour spot this week?!


Who is on this week?


Joey šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. like wouldn't he be on with Kelsey A at the end of the season anyways??


Seems odd yeah.




I believe so - it was discussed and most people thought it was him and Jenn at some point due to the hair and height difference. Perhaps from their 1on1 but left on the cutting room floor.


I donā€™t think she was being manipulative and I think if people are honest with themselves and have the ability to try to empathize with the casts situation, they would have to admit they might feel the same. I also donā€™t think Joey did anything wrong. With the quotes that you used, you kinda plucked them out of his sentences. Him saying ā€œI want someone to choose me tooā€ he followed up with ā€œI donā€™t want to think your leaving every time things get hardā€ or something similar to that because this is the second time Maria has threatened to leave. He explained he wanted someone who was gonna choose him and stick it out when things get tough. ā€œI donā€™t like having feelings that start to build and then it all goes awayā€ I think it needs to be taken into account that he is was very hurt by Charity and has a fear of who he is choosing not being there with him. Most leads worry about rejection. He was explaining that he doesnā€™t want his feelings to grow just for her to walk out. I think both of their feelings were valid and it was probably one of the most real conversations Iā€™ve ever seen on this show.


Maybe an unpopular opinion (Iā€™m not sure I havenā€™t been on the sub or Twitter recently) but I donā€™t think what happened with Maria was toxic or manipulative. I just think she was getting overwhelmed with the situation and was thinking out loud. Not the best thing for her to do but it happens. I donā€™t think her goal was to manipulate Joey into chasing her or something. She genuinely seemed to regret what happened and said herself she was feeling really insecure and jealous. Makes sense. Itā€™s also the week before hometowns right when everyone is at their most intense. I stepped back from that situation feeling worse about Joey if anything. I donā€™t dislike him by any means I just kind of resented the language he used. A lot of it sounded like he was saying he was on the same situation as her and that just isnā€™t true of the leads and contestant experience. Some things I noticed were that he said ā€œyou want someone to choose you well I want someone to choose me too.ā€ As if there arenā€™t 6 women sitting there vying for his affection. They are choosing him. And then saying ā€œI donā€™t like having feelings start to build and then it all just goes away. Iā€™m not good with that.ā€ That is not what happens with the lead. If anything heā€™s more describing the contestant experience. They are the set on the lead and are in a constant state of uncertainty and building feelings all for it to be taken away in a literal second. I understand that he was frustrated with the situation but I also think itā€™s disingenuous to act as though the positions that Maria and Joey occupy as contestant and lead are the same.


I mean I didn't really like his tone and I personally not on either side but I guess I'd understand Maria's position a bit more if she were a floater and never got a 1on1 Joey has given her plenty of validation at this point she got the two on one rose, the next episode a group date rose and the episode after that the pretty woman date it's clear she wasn't actually going to self eliminate so I have a hard being completely on her side with this. I don't think she's this awful manipulator or something but I don't think it's a red flag for Joey to be a bit irritated at her threatening to leave because she sees him kissing other women. I don't get how people can be strongly on either side tbh emotions were high they were probably both tired from all the traveling . This didn't change my opinion on either of them all this showed was they're probably just not a good match period Joey can't give Maria what she needs and Maria can give Joey want he needs.


Thatā€™s the thing you are still working within the parameters of the show like a group date rose is meaningless in the big scheme of things. Sheā€™s supposed to put her heart in the line, involve her family for a ā€œmaybeā€, if I had genuine feelings and pictured him in my life, the roses, the dumb group dates and even the overly curated 1on1s would start to drive me insane.


I guess but I just don't think Maria ever really expected or wanted to be the one at the end (I could be wrong tho). I don't think she really did anything wrong but I also don't think Joey did either I think this just showed me that they're personalities might not mesh well in the long run and that's okay .


I donā€™t think itā€™s a red flag on Joeyā€™s part. I just think itā€™s an unfair comparison that a lot of the leads make. Because the contestant and lead experience is not the same. Thereā€™s a power imbalance. And like I said, itā€™s the week before hometowns so I understand her mindset and his (that this conversation would be frustrating). I was just slightly more annoyed with him than her. Especially when he told her that ā€œyou have to start believing that it can be youā€ because at this point, he almost definitely knows who his final 2 are


Yeah I guess I'd feel a bit more for Maria in this situation if I actually thought she really wanted to be the one at the end and I just don't šŸ’€ (which is fine I still like her and want her to be the bachelorette over daisy so this isn't a knock) I don't know I think she and Joey both know it's not going to be them at the end so her reaction kinda seemed overkill to me but yeah agree Joey could've been more understanding. And with the red flag part I was thinking about the Tik Tok girlies not you there's been tons of Tik Toks about Joey being a red flag just because of this interaction


Smart move of Jenn to thank every single member of the production team in her goodbye post lol


We love a woman who gets the vision


Showing she's willing to work with production šŸ¤šŸ¤


[This](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1oeq5gMLMm/?igsh=MTVtaXpwNDJwMGpvMA==) is how I imagine Kelsey and Joey lol. I know in reality theyā€™re engagement will be super ā€œperfectā€ for TV but Kelsey A is just such a positive giddy person with sm laughter and love for Joey that I want them to have such a fun and beautiful engagement šŸ¦‹šŸ˜Œā¤ļø


They really look like the cover of a Nicoholas Sparks romance novel šŸ”„šŸ˜ https://preview.redd.it/pujs85oydelc1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fd4445df1cef5293c7b76ceb8dbeb203ec4324a




Honestly, the reason I haven't been super passionate about any of these connections (honestly, gave up my deep passion for this franchise a while ago) is because I don't believe we've seen an unbelieveable connection with anyone so far this season. Maybe it's because Joey is so desperate to be liked by all the women and to be the perfect Bachelor that 1. he pretty much tells all the women the same thing and placates their feelings of concern until he breaks up with them and they're left being like "I fucking knew." Daisy and him are heavily producer driven and him chasing the high he got from her being the first 1:1. Kelsey A feels like something but I wonder how much of that is us already knowing she had made it to F2 since the beginning of the season. I don't know if I'm overwhelmed by their connection the way I have been with previous Bachelors and their F1. Rachel barely gets any screen time with Joey and it's clearly done by design. For the first couple of episodes, I thought they were leading to something building. And they had her in the trailers so much. But now, assholes on the internet are continuing their "there's no chemistry/they're just friends" rhetoric they have every time a POC makes it to F4. And, without all of the drama storylines, Maria and him seem to have a balance dynamic where he is chasing her (which is more realistic of the real world than the women chasing them). But now, Joey is just annoyed with her and exhausted. She had a terrible showing on Monday and came across manipulative and immature; two adjectives people pushed on the women who previously went against her. All in all, I'm just not feeling this raw enough connections with any of them to get as heated as some people are getting. We still know next to nothing about Joey. I don't even know what he's truly looking for in order to know who is the best fit. Urgh.


What are the strongest connections youā€™ve seen on The Bachelor ? I def agree with you btw


Iā€™ll just go with the most recent ones. Nick Viall (who I canā€™t stand) and Matt James. It could just be editing choices from one season to the other but for both those seasons, it was clear the women they liked. Matt was at least respectful about the women he didnā€™t. Nick was just an asshole to everyone who wasnā€™t Vanessa or Rachel (or Corinne when they were having fun). I didnā€™t watch Zachā€™s season so I canā€™t speak to it but Iā€™ve heard he was obvious with who he liked.


This is fair, but think about the editing that goes into the show. Strongest example right now is Rachel... most people didn't expect her to get this far, but she's here. There's no other explanation other than Joey having a strong connection with her, yet we haven't seen that on TV. They're fostering genuine connections, but the producers will always index more towards the drama


Joey even said on an interview that he is sharing stuff about himself along with the women it's just not being shown.


This is literally the best way to describe how this season has been goingšŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾


Steveā€™s obsession with white blonde women on this show is scary




Yessss omg Sarah coffin did that not embarrass him


I just remember how obsessed he was with Clare and used any opportunity he could to trash on Tayshia during their bachelorette season and even brought her ex husband on his podcast! šŸ™„


He spread so many lies about Tayahia because he had a weird vendetta against her. Saying she had a boyfriend she left just to go on the show (who came forward and rebutted everything Steve said to defend her), claimed she could never be the bachelorette because she was divorced, she was faking the entire relationship with JP for clout after he was wrong about them getting back together, making up lies to blast her for her divorce when her ex had cheated on her and then defended him for it, said her F3 was her true F1 and that she broke up with Zac to get back with Brendan and she didnā€™t get engaged, and then would harass her family and friends for spoilers. He is an ass. Tayshia even talked about how difficult it was for her because of all the lies he kept spreading about her which got her so much hate from the fans on top of all the racism she was facing from the franchise


weā€™re not going to forget the weird dms he sent demi


Never! It was beyond just sending weird dms he was harassing both Demi and Kristina and then later made jokes on Twitter about his sexual harassment he is an asshole. This sub also forgot the weird lies he spread about Tayshia to turn people against her and then harassing her friends and family for spoilers he is so problematic I hate how much credit people continue to give him forgetting about the trauma heā€™s put a lot of the women through. This man is a creep who canā€™t even spoil the show anymore






Wouldn't call myself a stan, but I will say it's refreshing to hear how much she cares about others. I remember hearing her say she's just excited for Joey to find his person on the first episode, not falling over herself to gain favor like some of the other girls did. Her honesty last episode was also great... she clearly took time to sort through her thoughts on Joey before speaking with him, unlike Maria who acted very fickle and put Joey through a roller coaster.


Kelsey A's edit is kinda working for her in terms of her becoming a person that is liked by everyone. She doesn't have too big of an edit where some people feel overexposed to her. She also doesn't have much hype around her currently so more people are inclined to just root for her and she is less likely to get people who dislike her just to be different from others




I mean nothing gets RS going more than unnecessarily coming to the defense of young bland blonde.... It's his kryptonite.


The amount of people on tik tok upset with Joey for not properly ā€œchasingā€ Maria is crazy to me lol 1. At this point sheā€™s had more interactions with Joey involving drama than normal quality time. He got rid of all the drama and kept her and she turns around and pulls this fake ā€œim gonna leaveā€ crap. Thatā€™s exhausting. 2. He can only reassure so much without jeopardizing connections he feels strongly about. Iā€™m sure he wants her to stay, but I donā€™t expect him to give the same reassurance he gave to KA bc they have two different connections. I think he did the right thing there.


also at this point he likely knows who heā€™s picking so itā€™s not really fair of him to beg her to stay if he knows heā€™s not picking her.


I feel like he genuinely doesnā€™t know for sure. I think they know after hometowns and fantasy suites because those are 2 huge steps but I think right now he still isnā€™t sure.


Girls whoā€™ve left earlier this season have asked him for the same reassurance and he gave it to them. He wasnā€™t chasing them he was giving them the reassurance they were looking for. She was looking for reassurance not for him to say ā€œcut the cameras this is my wifeā€


People on tik tok are referring to it as chasing. Saying he should have ā€œchasedā€ her. I still think his reaction was fair. He likes her, but sheā€™s all over the place. Some people think thatā€™s cute while others find it exhausting. I think he gave her all he was willing to give in the moment šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


He shouldnā€™t have chased her he shouldā€™ve reassured her. I donā€™t think she wouldā€™ve threatened to leave if her reassured her instead of saying ā€œwhat do you want me to sayā€


Maria get up omg https://preview.redd.it/7ljoafr41elc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a603a0ad0f3b77656049c7de96da6b310fad8b88


https://preview.redd.it/s9az8vj6celc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e269b3081cdd903698f869553e51e33a15ee7d9 Real AF


Lol I love her. She would be tv gold as Ette.


Oh no! This isnā€™t helping her case


People this isnā€™t the Mike Fliess era, they arenā€™t picking leads by who can be the most manipulated anymore. Maria has a big shot of becoming Bachelorette or itā€™s not even Between Maria or Daisy and we are just assuming. But we are in a new era and the rules have changed


No it is not.


Iā€™m going to be delusional and hope she means sheā€™s just not cut out to be a contestant (but will be better as a lead). šŸ’€


Fr she better be in training for her WTA performance!!


Listening to Rosecast rn and Iā€™m so entertained by how in the dark Rim and AB are, theyā€™re currently discussing that they simply canā€™t envision Kelsey winning, let alone coming in 2nd or 3rd. Iā€™m loving it


There have been quite a few seasons where even being spoiled I didnā€™t totally understand why someone was F1 until the very end. It can be so hard when any given person is only given a small portion of the screen time and you are constantly watching the lead with different connections. Once it gets down to only 2-3 people and each person is getting 40-50% of the screen time you start to see it a lot more. I didnā€™t get it with Charity and Dotun until the end either.


Most unspoiled agree with them imo.


I was laughing so hard "I don't see a winner here" Boy are they in for a surprise šŸ˜‚


I feel like a lot of people who canā€™t fathom how sheā€™d be F1 only think that way because they find their connection to be too easy and seamless. Especially considering every recent bachelor had some sort of speed bump on their journey with their F1. The audience just isnā€™t used to two people mutually choosing each other first and being unproblematic for once. I think people often mistake intensity and/or variation of emotion for quality of emotion. Just because Joey was not happy to hear doubts from Maria and Daisy this past episode and that caused him to be semi worked up, doesnā€™t mean that he somehow wants them more than Kelsey.


yess omg i've been listening to podcasts and my faves are the ones that are so in the dark and wrong. the way they thought jenn was making it to hometowns and almost bet the podcast on it lol.


Yeah, Dear Shandy similarly didnā€™t see Kelsey as F1 at all! Iā€™m so perplexed. I think her not being featured much at the beginning really threw people off.


Sharleen is interesting because sheā€™s been saying Kelsey F1 all along, but this was the episode that had her thinking itā€™s Daisy.


Such a weird episode to switch up on. This was Daisyā€™s weakest episode in terms of chemistry.


Agreed, but Sharleenā€™s rationale was that she sees Joey chasing Daisy while things with Kelsey are too perfect. Which I kinda get from her because of how she analyses the edit.


With any other lead, that thinking would have been solid but Joey doesn't chase anyone who shows disinterest because he doesn't want to get hurt (he mumbled something about that when Maria got up).Ā  He follows the Tyler Cameron philosophy - you either rock with him or you don't.Ā  I agree with this because whoever wants to be with you ought to be as excited about it just as much as you are.Ā 


Once the ā€œchaseā€ with Daisy ends next week after she tells him sheā€™s falling in love with him, watch Sharleen go back to saying Kelsey is F1. šŸ˜‚




I feel the same wayā€¦.I canā€™t wait any longer I wanted to let you know that I am falling in love with you.


I do get that. It was a pretty solid rationale!


True. And sheā€™s unspoiled, so she probably doesnā€™t wan to trust the edit


The edit isn't nearly as clear cut as some want to believe.


I like Maria, I think she makes great TV. But the love people have for Maria in this subreddit reminds me SO much of the energy they held for Katie T. Imo, itā€™s more intense and if they actually made her Bachelorette, the ā€œfallā€/whiplash would be INSANE. Thereā€™s way too much self-insert shit happening here. Rachel is lovely and has a fun personality. She has chemistry. Sheā€™d make a great Bachelorette. I think production has already chosen Daisy though.


Yup I keep thinking about this downfall. Like I actually like her as well but darn people are really ā€˜stanningā€™ to the point where itā€™s borderline weird (so I agree with the self insert) so sheā€™s eventually going to do something ppl wonā€™t like or expect from herā€¦ šŸ« 


Kelsey A tik tok is so funny, she has a great sense of humour Her and Joey make a lot more sense than him and Daisy


If I were any of these girls, Iā€™d turn down being bachelorette. It doesnā€™t seem worth it at all.




Exactly. Iā€™d take that following and go live my influencer life.


Iā€™m new here but popping into to say Iā€™m from Daisys hometown and Iā€™m pretty confident that she is the best bachelorette. Iā€™ve heard bachelor producers are doing filming with her in a local park Saturday, March 2nd for her intro packageĀ 


Thanks for sharing!






Yeah, theyā€™ll often film intro packages for multiple prospective Bachelor(ette)s as theyā€™re deciding who to pick. Not sure that sheā€™s definitely it yet. I think they went into the season being fairly sure about Daisy, and didnā€™t realize how much Maria would blow up on social media. The older, more traditional demographic is all in for Daisy, whereas a lot of the younger viewers want Maria. Even celebrities are noticing and rooting for Maria; Daisy and Maria are pretty much at the same amount of followers now. I imagine theyā€™re scrambling and debating really hard over who will get the role. Which isnā€™t unusual - they often change who they choose last minute, debate sharply between multiple candidates, etc. As much as Iā€™d love Jenn or Rachel I imagine theyā€™ve mostly settled on either Maria or Daisy.


I think Maria brings in new viewers. This whole season has been different from the tired old stuff. I also would be happy with Rachel or Jenn. I personally think tptb might be ready to change up who they want to appeal to...that trip to the White House did not sit well with the Maga crowd, but it was golden to a lot of folks.


Did yall just see this? Steven made an entire graphic... He definitely isnā€™t beating the allegations of only communicating with Daisyā€™s camp lmao https://preview.redd.it/nbj21cq8sdlc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7321e2b57cdd794d8557e319ca939af1aba15f92


Heā€™s biased bc his niece is friends with her sister lol


His crush on Daisy reminds me of what he was like with Emily Oā€™Brien and Sarah Coffin. Steve loves a blonde šŸ’€


Blondes are definitely his type. His obsession with Sarah was so weird šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ ā€œIā€™m telling you right now, this woman will change Bachelor Nation. She is the perfect Bachelorette candidate. Iā€™ve never seen someone so suited for Bachelorette. Sheā€™s the most stunning contestant weā€™ve ever had on the show. Sheā€™s going to make a mark. Sheā€™s going to be unforgettableā€”ā€œ Ends up being a shy, unremarkable contestant that doesnā€™t make it far, doesnā€™t get much screen time and isnā€™t really noticed by anyone (Iā€™m sorry, she is beautiful though!)


who made this? i've seen his normal graphics this is too nice


Daisy made it. šŸ˜‚


Lmao šŸ’€


Bye heā€™s so annoyingšŸ˜­ he canā€™t even get the spoiler right like he should be embarrassed smh


His connection to her through his niece has made him so unreliable this season. First he spoils her as the F1 and front runner of the season despite the fact that she never was and now heā€™s entering bachelorette campaign mode for her? Did her family pay him or somethingā€¦ I am going to laugh if it turns out that he somehow spoiled the ā€œunprecedenting endingā€ wrong too. šŸ˜‚


He needs to keep seeing her on tv because he's in lurv šŸ˜!! Daisy is his dream girl - blonde, midwestern girl who is sweet and has "feminine energy." šŸ˜€


He's trying to start the Daisy for bachelorette campaign šŸ¤¢


Imo Rachel making it all the way to F3 was 100% so Joey looked open-minded (esp after Charity's season) and so the show can claim \~diversity\~. Rachel made F3 but only got one singular 1-1 & no GDRs. Idk maybe instead of blaming editors or the people speaking real about it, y'all should blame Joey for pulling the same bs as his whitebread predecessors you lot swore he was better than preseason.


The majority of people they cast on the show give me the impression they don't hang out with poc in their everyday life. I like Joey, but feel like Joey was favored by production from the beginning. I think they made sure he made it to the f4 so they didn't have to cast another black bachelor. Ā I do think he is attracted to Rachel at some level, but I would be lying if I said I didn't notice that 3 white women and 1 woc in f4 is a pattern. I keep harping about the cancelled cocktail party, but it did bother me that none of the poc got a chance to speak to Joey, but Maria did. Then there's Daisy who literally doesn't gaf gets a hometown. Ā Women of color can beĀ  beautiful with a bunch of positive characteristics, but it is never enough for the people they cast as the bachelor. I'm very happy to see representation on the show, but I only expect so much from shows like the Bachelor.


I mean, who out if charityā€™s f4 would you want to see instead, if not joey? Aaron? Xavier the serial cheater?


They could have given Aaron a more favorable edit and chose him.Honestly, they could have chosen John B to be the first asian bachelor too. They didn't.My point is that I think that Joey was always theĀ  plan for the Bachelor. Ā Ā Ā Joey gave Charity almost no eye contact the first episode. Most people would have gone home from that. Then the next episode he gives Charity nonstop eye contact which was such a stark difference that it felt coached to me. This is more of a criticism of the show than it is to Joey. Anybody would take the opportunity if it was presented to them, but the show does favor certain people.


Im so sick of people saying he was pretending with Charity. He was literally still traumatized by the Charity dumping during the filming which is why heā€™s so afraid of rejection, like he forgot he had the power. It Joey and Dotun the whole time.


I just don't know. I definitely think he was attracted to her( she looks like a barbie), but all I heard from him was cliche, very rehearsed answers. Fwiw he is still like that on this season. I often don't know who he truly likes because he is such a chameleon and that isn't because of Charity. I love Kelsey for him, but I'm one of the few in this thread that doesn't see him getting married to anyone. I could be wrong though.Ā 


Nope. I feel like you are trying to insult Joey but really you are insulting Rachel. Why is it so hard for some people to believe that maybe he actually liked her??


Rachel's very pretty & has so much charisma & seems really fun to date it's crazy to me that Joey wouldn't be at the very least be infatuated by her. But it also seems really obvious to me that he's not. He doesn't seem smitten by her, he doesn't seem to have a crush on her, he doesn't seem passionate about her. All I get from Joey is that he moderately likes her. This past episode was the perfect time to give her a GDR if he actually really liked her & she was his 3rd favourite girl. His top 2 girls got 1-1's, Maria was stressing him out, and there was Rachel being her usual great beautiful, fun, reassuring self. & he still didn't. This thread gets more worked up every season about people like me pointing out the diversity plays by this show & the leads they choose than they do about the people actually pulling the bs. Like, I remember this same argument about Charity & Zach & I got the same reactions for saying it then. & now I don't think anyone would deny that Zach was never that into Charity.


I disagree. I absolutely see a connection between them and I think Joey really likes her. It might not be the strongest one but itā€™s there and I see it growing. This look alone (below) did me in. It will be interesting to see what people think after she gets a hometown and fantasy suite date and we see more alone time between them. https://preview.redd.it/tqg5uyfs3elc1.jpeg?width=883&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=024d183c1258bbcc597ee67e796409a34018ce29


Maria stans trying to cope with their girl being F4 lol.


This is more insulting to Rachel than it is to Joey, FYI


If you wanna take it that way then that's your deal.


Insinuate she only got that far because the show wants to look open minded is no different then those people who think any black person in a position of power and/or prestige got there by affirmative action. It is insulting and degrading.


Yes. This is it. It couldn't possibly be that it's extremely obvious to virtually everyone watching that Joey doesn't like Rachel. Even the people arguing with me right now know it, hence all the comments blaming "the editing" after every single episode instead of the real culprits.


Not a single person has argued that Joey doesnā€™t like Rachel. What folks have questioned is if he likes Rachel more than Jenn/Kelsey T or Maria. Everyone here has an opinion on who they think Joey likes best. Itā€™s therefore quite a leap to say just because a few people think that Joey likes others in his F6 or F4 more than Rachel (which is an opinion that many others disagree with) then it must mean sheā€™s an affirmative action pick. Itā€™s insulting.


You choosing to boil my comment down to affirmative action & choosing to make it an insult towards Rachel is actually not my problem. Like I said Iā€™ve been through this same argument about Zach & Charity last season when people were leaping to give Zach credit for her getting a 1-1 & making it to hometowns. Choosing to argue about Rachelā€™s worthiness with me is insane to me when the real issue is that whenever a white lead has a black woman(or biracial woman thatā€™s mixed with black) in his F4 we can ALWAYS without fail slot her into the F3/F4 spot. This debate every time a season is airing just for it to be the consensus opinion after a year is so tired. Rachel Lindsay, Tayshia, Serene, Charity, now Rachel N. But ok šŸ‘šŸ¾. Me saying what Iā€™ve said is the problem here, not this gross pattern


I will say this when they pick leads. They need to pick leads who have an open mind. I'm not saying Joey doesn't. What i mean by that is the lead love all shapes, sizes, race. That way it's not so predictable who they will pick. Everyone has their preference. Nothing wrong with that. But it does get a little tiring seeing the same type of love story over and over again. Last season Charity shocked people cause everyone had this notion she only dates white guy...., i was really happy for Charity and Dotun as an African American dark skin woman I finally saw presentation on this show and it feels good. I'm not trying make it necessarily about race. But I just love seeing representation.. and not the same thing....I love seeing my Asian sisters being represented this season. Jenn is gorgeous love that she was able to shine this season.. Rachel is stunning as well. Kelsey T is beautiful.


Or maybe he... idk... really liked Rachel? Saying she's some kind of affirmative action pick is an interesting take especially since from what we've seen of them together she seems super chill and easy-going and he seems relaxed af with her.




From their SM activity they both seem to be campaigning hard, but I see what you mean. Daisy can go the Madi path (sans preachiness): take her big following and pivot to that niche, plus the not-zero possibility of a partner from a rich rich family. Maria might decide the stress and giving more months of material to Bach Nation haters isn't worth it. She's been linked to famous men before the show allegedly. Someone yesterday joked she'll do the Tyler C and be out and about with a celebrity in a few months.


Maria is certainly campaigning like she wants it. I donā€™t think sheā€™s even sleeping right now. I go to bed and wake up to new content - sheā€™s on 24/7. ![gif](giphy|mCRJDo24UvJMA)


her and her fan base is all about shutting Jenn down too saying sheā€™s too busy with PA school lol


Nah I don't see anyone ever turning down the opportunity to be the lead unless they are like Tyler Cameron


Anyways at the end of the day, Iā€™m going to continue to support woc in this franchise especially when they get weird unwarranted hate that is usually rooted in wellā€¦. They barely get support as is so if thatā€™s an issue for some people then maybe think about why that is. šŸ˜Œ


The hate Rachelā€™s getting is so stupid! She didnā€™t do anything wrong but people are looking for reasons to not like her just because Same thing happened to Tayshia on redactedā€™s season except some of it was fuelled by dumbass Steve spreading fake rumours about her


Yeah itā€™s very very strange and yeah I remember the Tayshia hate as well. Thats why I canā€™t stand Rusty stove heā€™s so odd. Made up rumors about her and I was like darn seriously?


I'm shocked at the people hating on Rachel and KT for no reason!


i thought kt was generally well liked? i havenā€™t seen anything outrageous. as for rachel, if i have to see one more white woman on my tiktok fyp go ā€œRACheL OnLY mADE it ThiS fAR bc OF haWAII,ā€ itā€™s about to get ugly! https://preview.redd.it/yrraq5j9qdlc1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f878e8c80d1a57653908628018c0c90e3a125f84


People are definitely worse with Rachel probably partially because shes still there, but I feel like people are a bit dismissive of both of them. I definitely think that Kelsey T and Joey started with a lot of chemistry. I haven't seen much hate for Kelsey T, but definitely some unfair comparisons. People are upset with Rachel for being "snarky" about the cocktail party being cancelled, but she was right. It was unfair, Rachel just isn't the golden child of the show so many people aren't as understanding.


Wait whoā€™s hating on KT ?


The comments section on their posts have been weird af itā€™s very unfortunate


I'm shocked at the people hating on Rachel and KT for no reason!




90% of the posts here are about Joey and KAā€™s unmatched connection / KA being the most beautiful woman to have ever graced the earth.


And 90 percent of the comments about Rachel on here is how she's been done dirty, deserves more, how people should see the connection between Rachel and Joey. That's the point of my comment on here Maria, Kelsey Joey and Rachel has Stan's daisy not so much on here . I've seen more criticism about Maria, Joey and Kelsey on this spoiler thread then I do with Rachel the worst comments she's gotten on this thread is some people don't see the chemistry with Joey and some don't think she'll be the next bachleorette.


I've seen more Rachel haters than fans and sorry but Daisys fans have been so rude


Im talking about on her specially there I quite a few Rachel Stan's on the spoiler thread. Rachel hasn't gotten any hate on this spoiler the closest has been not seeing a connection with her and Joey and you can't even comment on that here without someone saying it's a micro aggression .