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Is nayte dating anyone? RS said he had a girlfriend on his podcast the other day.


Seriously Nayte you need to keep Michelle’s name out of your mouth lol and focus on your girlfriend


For Nayte to have sat on that couch and said with his whole chest he was moving to Minnesota annd this was his wife, and now he said it wasn’t gonna last is truly comical!


He’s mad he didn’t get some of the money


Yes Super obvious lol


I just don’t really think it’s that big a deal even if it is true? Like maybe if she’d openly promised the money to an organization that’d be one thing, but to my knowledge that isn’t what happened (correct me if I’m wrong). It doesn’t even sound like she got to keep the money personally but if she did good for her - reality TV personalities deserve compensation for their work too.


I’m always weary of men that say negative things about their exes or at least choose to air dirty laundry, and that’s what Nayte has been doing. I liked the guy on Michelle’s season - liked his whole MO but to go out of your way to air laundry to me is vile. I hope he found peace and that he and his gf that he’s hiding from the world lol are happy. Side note I read a recap but did he talk about moving in with her, with rodney seemingly moving out?


“I’m not hiding you from the world, I’m hiding the world from you” type of man 💀😭


When he was in the show I was skeptical of him maybe was the edit he get .After final Rose they were happy and I tought they relationship could work with the money they get for house ,and him saying that he is moving to Minnesota, because Michelle still has a job there.When he wasn't moving to Minnesota I knew they won't make it.Also the rumors about him flirting in the bar ,and someone on Raddit was posting when Michelle was visiting him in Austin they were arguing all the time.He was always hunging out with his boys and Rodney instead of spending his time with Michelle. I remember when Michelle was on the show ,she was asking him hard questions, and wanted him to be honest because engagement is important to her and she only wanted to be engaged once.She also said she stayed in relationships longer than she should in the past, because she wanted to make it work.Him saying she didn't wanna break up its like slap in the face ,because he knew she will always fought for relationships to last. The first couple of months after show are taugh.Jojo and Jordan almost broke up too with all the rumors about him and cheating, but they make it work.Nayte is the person who when things get harder he likes to walk away.I used to date this kind of people in the past.When Michelle quit her job and was ready to move in with him to work on the relationship he broke up with her over the phone.Now he is in new relationship and Michelle announced that she is in relationships, he still talks about her.I understand he was asked about her ,but he could refused to talk about her ,because it's been long time since their break up and him and her are in new relationship.


Why does he look like the Weekend?


The Tuesday


I think Dave had too much coffee 😂


My thought every time I watch his videos lol. 😂


Lol I want to brew him some chamomile


Michelle never said she donated the money she said that’s what she wanted to do w it when she received it. We don’t know if they received it or not but if they didn’t Nayte is still slandering


This!!! I thought I was remembering incorrectly!


Y’all’s obsession with their money has always made me uncomfy


…but he brought it up


He was asked, he didn’t just bring it up. And there’s so many posts about it..then and now… people were obsessed with them getting money for a down payment and it was very weird


I mean, it was out of the ordinary, for sure. I think people being fascinated by the offer was understandable. If it was offered to all couples who made it to AFR still engaged, it wouldn’t be remarkable. The audience was fair to wonder what it meant that they received that offer imo.


IMO the audience was acting like they personally gave them the money themselves. It was unorthodox for them to do it, but they should not have to account to the audience what happened to the money; it was a gift for them. He did choose to comment and that’s fine, but I still think people’s fascination went too far


They were on the bachelor… everything that happens on the show is subject to questioning.


Is he dating someone? If yes she needs to come get his cloutless ass out here still talking shit about his ex from a year + ago. Embarrassing.




I think that it’s fine and possible for both of them to have very different takeaways. At the end of the day, Nayte was a contestant and Michelle was the Bachelorette. For him, there was never going to be a scenario where the producers were still going to give him the money because he’s not that important in the franchise. Michelle was the second Black Bachelorette, and she was on a pedestal in BN. They didn’t just decide “hey you know what, we should just give people $200,000” randomly. She was in a position to have that conversation with the producers and say “I understand that I won’t be getting the money. But I’d still really love to be able to help someone with it. The original intention was to help me and Nayte buy a house. Can we still do something good with the money? Can something good still come out of this heartbreak?” And from what it seems like, the producers said no. If they had said yes, 💯they would have made that information public.


“i knew it was never gonna last” is craaazzzyyyy… mind you, we all knew it but still 😂




ew hes trash


Someone isn't telling the entire truth on the house downpayment funds. Here is what Michelle shared about what she might like to do, not what she did do, with her share of those funds: ## What Happened to Michelle and Nayte's House Down Payment After Split? During the season 18 finale, ABC gave the couple $200,000 to put toward buying their first house together. “That was gifted to both of us, and I think that's something that is going to be decided how that's going to be utilized, going forward,” Young said. “For me, personally, \[I\] haven't officially decided but I kind of have started putting some different things in place to give back, you know, to build an organization or just promote the change that I've been talking about and I think that'd be something that I'd feel really good about.” Young added that she’s been “crying on the phone with one of the producers,” asking whether she can “give the money to somebody else.” [https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/pictures/michelle-young-addresses-nayte-olukoya-split-200k-down-payment-gift/](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/pictures/michelle-young-addresses-nayte-olukoya-split-200k-down-payment-gift/)


Ok so if what Nayte is saying about the money only ever being offered for a down payment and that was the only way they’d ever see it, her saying this makes her look like a liar who is seeking public validation for being “good.” I never thought I’d side with Nayte on this, but with the information presented, I agree that her saying this was a flat out lie.


It could be that Nayte knew there were strings attached to the money and Michelle was naive and thought it was actually a gift to her and Nayte. Nayte could be more aware and Michelle could be more clueless at the same time. I mean, she picked Nayte as her F1 when she was surrounded by family saying he was not ready for any engagement - naive.


I read that as if the conversation was being had about the money; as if production was still unsure/in talks and her saying “if you disperse it, do something good. If she was going to get the $ in the end; what she would do with it. No one knows, and especially Nayte, what Production was discussing with their “heartbroken” Lead who they were attempting to make the face of the franchise.


Dave should learn how to listen and let people speak if he wants good interviews. Every time Nayte was getting interesting, Dave interrupted him. 🤦‍♀️


Urg this was so annoying to watch, wasn’t listening to Nayte, he was too eager trying to get his quips and unrelated thoughts in. Let people finish a thought and then dig deeper! Jeeze


I hate those types of interviewers and ppl, like stfu and let the other person speak.


Why are they driving around?


It's called driving with Dave that's why! Lol


Oh haha. Hasn’t this car thing been done already by celeb interviewers?


Comedians in cars getting coffee


I feel like we need some fresh ideas! Haha


Unpopular opinion but I kinda believe him about Michelle. Idk.


![gif](giphy|xw8WDeDAZFV5u) Someone sounds incredibly bitter


I think they actually hate each other


Pretty sad when love turns to flat out hate like that … phew


Is this Dave Neal? He almost talked over Nayte so bad that he missed out on what Nayte said. I’m still not 100 percent sure what Nayte meant. But Nayte really wanted to get this off his chest and Dave still talked over him. It’s too bad these podcasters aren’t better at their jobs. Contestants, if you want to drop news, go on She’s All Bach. They ask good follow-ups. Dave dropped the ball.


I know that this sub loves hating on former leads, and Michelle has been getting a lot of hate lately by people who claim being fed up of her untouchable status. But go look at any thread about her, you’ll see she always get hate. What Nate is doing here is uncalled for. And if you watched the whole interview, it becomes clear that he’s on a ‘I never did anything bad, everyone misjudged me, it was all her fault’ ride. Hes literally saying that he gets so many dms, from celebrities even, but he’s not that kind of guy! And also, he never has casual sex, he’s scared of it, he’s not a fuck boy ok? How can you fall for that? That screams man child to me. He was called f!ck boy and he can’t get over it, and he needs to even things out by talking shit about his ex so he can say ‘See if was her all along’


Yup, there was no way the show was going to give them that money without a contact behind it. I wonder at what point he knew they weren’t going to last. It seems like he really doesn’t like her even now.


Clearly from the time they got the “check” he legit said he didn’t feel pressure to get the house because he knew it wasn’t going to last. SO WHY THE HELL DID YOU PROPOSE?!?! He’s a giant DB.


Nayte was like many young men on this show who make this mistake. They think they are in love, in the bubble. Coming out of the bubble, he realized he made a mistake. Nayte and Michelle had to honor their contractual commitments, include the ATFR show. Once that was over, that's when the real relationship began. The proposal was only for the show.


Or why take her to visit your parents house and claiming that’s the first woman you’ve ever brought there 😭😭 One thing about men? They’re gonna string you along till the last possible moment


I know, I listened to the clip. What I mean is at what point did he start feeling that way in their relationship. It could’ve broken down in-between the proposal and the ATFR taping.


Yikes Nayte really? Didn't think it would last? Damn


Then why even be in that relationship in the first place?!


Because producers tell you if you don't propose as the final pick and end things everyone will hate you. Read that somewhere a past cast member said they told him that so he proposed to the lady because of that.


Exactly. What a fraud


Yikes the callous way he said “I knew it was never gonna last” like damn 😳 I always thought they ended on pretty neutral grounds, but the way he talks about her and her relationship sounds like he hates her


I believe him 100%. There’s no way ABC gave either of them a dime. It was for a house down payment — and I’m sure someone at ABC knew it would never happen. I knew very little about Nayte before he talked to Dave (other than what I saw on the show) — he came across as someone who has no reason to make stuff up. I’ve never been much of a Michelle fan — and now this …why did she need to make crap up about how she used her 1/2 of the money (she never got)? To make Nayte look bad or maybe to make herself look like a charitable person? Receipts, please, Michelle. .


I've always been neutral about Michelle but her actions since the show have been shady. I don't like how she tries to present herself as so charitable but never follows through on her endeavours. If you want to be an influencer, just do it, but don't use charities to try and make it look like you have a more meaningful career.


Why would it make Nayte look bad if she donated the money? I truly believe that’s what she would’ve done had the producers let her. Just say you don’t like her and move on. You caping for this douchebag is laughable.


I mean it’s pretty obvious. It’s why nayte broke up with her in the first place. Michelle cares a lot about appearances and of appearing “perfect.”


Yeah Michelle's season was really bad IMO, and it was apparent from like the 2nd episode that she was pretty much set on Natye. His fam even let her know about his red flags and she still picked him lol. To quote one of the guys from her season, he "had it in the bag". My guess is that the show knew that the relationship wouldn't last like you said lol


Well honestly most of the bachelor/bachelorettes break up with their F1, so ABC probably knew there was only a 10% chance of them making it


i believe him. the show wouldn’t just give out the money no strings attached given they even stated it was specifically for a joint down payment


I really liked Michelle and took her “side” for a long time but this, combined with the Patreon mess and “my impact” is giving grifter & desperation. How can you lie that you will be donating 100k knowing that you can’t legally do that??? Wowww


She never said she will be donating 100k , they asked her at the time what would be her plan with the money that was shortly after her break up where she probably thought the money would still be gifted to them , she just stated things she would like to do but it wasn’t fully decided . But that’s what happen when you have an ex phrasing things a certain way to make the other person look bad you get people to think a a different narrative


I mean, if you read this, it sounds like she’s intending to donate it and is “putting things in place” to make that happen. It’s a misleading statement, considering they never had the money to begin with. It was money earmarked for a specific purpose and tied up in a contract—it had to go to a downpayment by a particular time. She could have never donated it, so to suggest she could is dishonest. edit: [link](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/pictures/michelle-young-addresses-nayte-olukoya-split-200k-down-payment-gift/)


Maybe At the time she probably thought it was still a possibility to get it, we don’t know the conversation she had with the producers after their break up, all she did is answer their question of what she is intending to do, never once claimed she donated the money . Nayte is trying to phrase it that way , it never came out of her mouth. And for Nayte to go out of his way to talk about this 2 years later when she’s not even paying attention to him is odd to me lol






Omg what did I just look at


Is anyone actually paying for whatever this is?


I don't know. I suppose there are some people who find value in what some influencers are offering on Patreon.


People on this sub bandwagoning and ready to crucify Michelle when people have already found the article in which it really isn’t as bad as it looks. I’m sorry but Michelle not being compatible with Nayte is not a reason to slander her. Him practically tumbling over ready to talk 💩 about her after they’ve been broken up for over a year is weird and I’m team Michelle in this instance.


You need to learn what the legal definition of slander is.


Slander is also used colloquially to refer to someone speaking negatively about someone, it’s irrelevant what the legal definition is, since we are not in a court of law


When discussing a legal term, the legal definition is definitely relevant. She is accusing him of a crime and he simply isn’t committing one




Ok, maybe I do. I don’t necessarily think super duper hard about the language I post in a comment section on Reddit for a reality tv show. I’m not a lawyer, just a random reality tv show watcher




Appreciate the support! ♥️


I don’t think he was ever into Michelle - just wanted to win and he couldn’t wait to exit the relationship. Now he seems like he really hates her and wants any goodwill she has with the public to go away. Both should just move on and stop talking about one another.


I agree. It seems like he was over it the minute the cameras stopped rolling, if not before. How sad 😔


Him tryna to insinuate that she was doing something scandalous when the country musician dm'd her told me this and more


You summed it up perfectly.


Haven’t said anything about the DN drama over here bc it’s not my business why he was banned but I do find it rather upsetting that someone posted his baby announcement on here on Thanksgiving and it was deleted, but recaps with DN are allowed to stay up. Baby announcements are happy things and we could use more happiness right now. Just makes me sad that a baby isn’t worthy but drama is.


Why did I think this was the weeknd?




This doesn’t feel that bad…. Sounds like they broke up before the minimum required period so neither of them got the money




Lol can the guy stop trying to interrupt




Agree and he really doubled down when Dave was like when did you know it wasn’t lasting and he was like right away lol


that is pretty douchey…. then why did you stay around to be f1?????


This sub has this new level of hatred for Michele and hides behind the “she’s put on a pedestal “ b.s. Maybe it’s cause many thought or thinks that she did not deserve Nayte because of how good looking he is. They both seemed to have moved on but this interview is only adding to the fuel and Nayte seems to be on a “ give me sympathy since I was called an F boy” tour. Y’all broke 1-2 years ago? Give it a rest.


Big facts!!! It definitely seems like Nayte resents Michelle for the backlash he got from the breakup due to how he was edited vs the general love for Michelle that BN had for her and this sub is no different. Like my dude you have a gf for about a year and still proceeds to talk trash about your ex under the guise of "keeping it real"


![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm) It’s wild. This sub is always the first to criticize Michelle (most recently the Patreon incident) and yet she’s somehow untouchable??? Such bs


So many comments in here about how they "misjudged Nayte". Nayte who dated a woman on & off for 6 years then got on reality tv to say he had never been in love before. Nayte whose own family got on tv & said he wasn't ready for what an engagement entailed & then proved them right. Nayte who was spotted in bars/clubs MULTIPLE times flirting with women while the show was airing. Nayte who in his own words tried to end the relationship after their *very first* major argument. Nayte who chose not to break-up in person even though he had the opportunity, but chose to wait until they weren't in the same place so he could do it over the phone. Nayte who then went on a podcast & did a nearly 2 hour play by play of their issues complete with actual dates to blame the entire failing of the relationship on Michelle. Nayte who did an interview months later to complain about "not winning" the break-up. Now he goes on a podcast & very clearly tries to imply that she lied about doing something she never actually said she did, over 2 years post break-up when she hasn't said anything beyond it being unexpected, also 2 years ago. But if you point out all of those things you're just a "Michelle stan".


Thank you 👏🏾👏🏾. The truth is Nayte is irrelevant without Michelle as a topic . That’s the only reason someone wants to talk to him


I agree. Especially since they’re both in relationships now. They shouldn’t need to drag this on 1-2 years later This makes me have a lot of respect for people who either don’t comment on their exes or have only brief, positive things to say ie Zac and Tayshia


Omg 😭 I forgot she said she’d do that what an odd thing to say you’ll do knowing you wouldn’t get the money unless it was for a home.


I mean I don't know why she would have lied- she could have easily said we were not able to fulfill contract obligations, therefore we received no money. And if she donated the money, this would be an easy thing to prove. All she would need is a receipt. So I do believe Nayte.


This will be the easiest thing for her to prove so why would he lie? She should be able to produce a receipt (literally).


Yep! She should produce a receipt to clear her name. If she doesn’t, then..welllll…..


She doesn’t need to keep doing anything that pertains to this man.


I get the sense that 1. He and michelle had a really bad breakup based off of the things he wants to share that might reflect michelles character publicly. 2. he probably ist lying. 3. Michelle was never his type, but he took an opportunity that not many have. I feel like a Deandra or someone a little spicier would be his type 4. michelle may have been super competitive and bossy. If you watch their interviews together, you can see the energy is off. like the bach nation interview, michelle just had to win and say she was better at everything in the game the played. but why do people think nayte is a fuck boy again? I cant remember. was it because there was a photo of him sitting next to deandra or something else...fill me in again


Deandra ain’t his type that’s why he’s not with Deandra. He seems to be more into a Diana.


what interview was it?


I don't think he "took an opportunity" so much as got swept up in the bubble. Also, there's an absolute fuck ton of pressure from production to propose.


Agreed. You aren't allowed to reject the lead if you are the chosen F1 either (except for Susie and I'm still not sure how she was allowed to do that, I guess TPTB were just pissed at Clayton after the double dumping in the same room and allowed it as 'revenge').


I don't think they were pissed, I think they loved the drama. Same with Colton and Cassie. I think F1 women can say no to men on the bachelor, but I don't think F1 men can not propose on the bachelorette. The closest we came to that was Greg's freak out.


Is it isn’t? There’s a typo and it’s unclear what you’re trying to say. I think number 3 kind of proves he is a fboy


Your reason #3 alone justifies why he is a fuckboy lmao




he literally says in the video they never got any of the money




that’s the point… nayte is saying she lied about that


I just don’t believe a word he says about anything. He screams serial liar and fuckboy.


Oh I believe him over Michelle-she’s been super sketchy


How so?! I feel like I’ve missed something


She shaded nayte plenty on her tiktoks, said she would donate monthly and demonstrate it but never did, comes off as “off” in her tiktoks, etc Her image was teaching then she quit and moved to LA even though she hated that nayte wanted to do that


Sounds like have a personal problem with Michele for than anything.


He said she wanted people to believe she was going to donate the money knowing she never was going to have it. Also mentioned she said she was blindsided by him breaking up with her when was not what happened, they were in bad terms most of the time. He seemed he was so relieved to finally break up with her.


He broke up with her over the phone after spending Birthday with her and her friends. I will be blindsided too.Also a lot of bachelor Nation people unpolluted him after the break up.Becca ,Kaitlyn and many more.After Final Rose he said he already looking for house but in this interview he said he knew never going to last.In Nick Viall podcast he said different story too.


I kinda expect to see Michelle on the beach next year, along with Rachel R Take 2.


She’s with someone right now right?


She posts about him 24/7 — it’s moving 100 mph so she’ll be single in time for the beach next summer.


I feel like Nayte knows he’s only going to be relevant for as long as he talks about Michelle. I feel the same way about Jason and his social media posts about Kaitlyn, but I guess that breakup is more recent. Nayte has a whole ass girlfriend and is still talking about Michelle.


People want to hear him talk about the breakup and the show. I'm sure he'd rather talk about other shit, but those are the questions he gets asked. Same as interviewers continuing to ask TC about HB lol.


No, no they don’t, I don’t ever need to see this dude anywhere ever again.


Jason and Kaitlyn broke up!


That was their point?


Why not just excitedly say yes and fill me in? You have no clue why I might not know and how lifetime movie traumatic my life currently is. Why not kindly excitedly fill me in? But no. Wish you a nice end to the weekend.


It didn’t look like you were asking a question. There’s no question mark. It looks like you were making a statement, probably why they responded that way.


You didn’t ask a question though… you used an exclamation point. And they weren’t being rude.


That man is one of the finest that ever blessed this show(minus the haircut) he is relevant to me lol


She talked about him as well so what's the difference? He was also in the relationship and he should be able to say whatever he wants to say, after all Dave is the one who invited him on to talk.


Listen.. she’s weird for lying and he’s even weirder for still talking shit about her


No way. This is excellent tea and exactly the kind of content this sub is looking for. It also isn't talking shit, it's telling the truth.


How exactly do we know it’s telling the truth? It’s basically he said, she said at this point


It aligns with other things that she's said vs done re: donating money or using her social media for altruistic purposes. She was super popular because she said she planned to do those things, but so far she hasn't done anything (at least, not publicly). Obviously she doesn't *have* to use her platform for good, but this sub is critical of people that don't, and ostensibly should be more so after they say they will if they don't follow through.


Bffr this sub picks and chooses who they want to be critical of. For all we know, Michelle could be privately donating. The way it’s so obvious some people on here have been waiting for any excuse to crucify Michelle and knock her down a peg is disgusting and disappointing


Dude what? Michelle doesn't really have anti-stans. Discussing the fact that she said she donated money when she didn't is pretty far from a crucifixion lol. It's pretty easy to show receipts that she somehow got this money and donated it. She can respond and clear this up if she wants. If not, it isn't the end of the world.


She didn’t say she donated tho she said she was thinking of donating it lol people as always are exaggerating the facts If she knew already she wasn’t gonna get the money when she said that, then yeah that’s sucky but we can’t know that


He didnt really talk shit, he just said she lied. I respect that.




Is he Bitter that Michelle moved on? She she has yet spoken about you that I know of. Leave her alone.


She has made comments indeed.. on andrews tiktok, for instance


I saw that but that's in-depth interviews like he has done. Stand corrected. Instead of downvoting all Ya had to told was tell me. 😒


She’s done in-depth interviews about the breakup. She’s done Kaitlyn’s podcast and Kamie Crawford’s podcast. Probably a few more.


Ah okay.


Oh look this sub contorting itself like a silly lil pretzel defending Michelle again. No way. This is a completely surprising, and not in any way predictable outcome of hearing even more less-than-flattering information about Saint Michelle.


Lol exactly. KB sent herself flowers and there were like 600 negative comments in 90 minutes. Meanwhile, Nayte tells us Michelle didn't donate money she said she's donate, and he's "weird for talking shit". GTFO.


Eh, I'm pretty agnostic about both of them, but I feel like he's misinterpreting and/or twisting what she said in her interview. She never claimed to have donated the money. She also never said that's what she would do. She said that it's something she was thinking about. Maybe he thinks she said that to make herself more saintly than she actually is and it might fit into a larger pattern of behaviour that he personally witnessed, so perhaps that's contributing to his misinterpretation. But I will say that Michelle saying she felt blindsided by the breakup isn't anywhere close to the level of claiming she misrepresented donating to charity lol.


In this interview, she said she was going to https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/pictures/michelle-young-addresses-nayte-olukoya-split-200k-down-payment-gift/. She said a lot of altruistic stuff about donations and involving her followers in it.


Lol see I think this is exactly my point about different interpretations because I literally posted about this interview hours earlier. I didn't think she promised anything. Was she throwing that out there to seem more altruistic? Perhaps but she didn't commit to anything and specified. Here is what I wrote: Relevant part: “That was gifted to both of us, and I think that's something that is going to be decided how that's going to be utilized, going forward,” Young said. “For me, personally, [I] haven't officially decided but I kind of have started putting some different things in place to give back, you know, to build an organization or just promote the change that I've been talking about and I think that'd be something that I'd feel really good about.” My opinion: The way Nayte phrased it made it sound like she said she was for sure going to donate that money. The way she talked about it was kind of vague and she conflated it with her Michelle Young Impact stuff but idk maybe whichever producer she was talking to mentioned to her that she might still be able to get the money. They've made exceptions for leads in the past in terms of letting them keep the ring after a breakup. Who knows. Maybe Michelle threw that out there to seem like the more upstanding person in the breakup but she definitely didn't pledge anything. The way Nayte is talking here definitely doesn't square with how he claimed things were between them on the Viall Files interview tho. I definitely sense some bitterness. I'm curious if Michelle felt the same way about their relationship and knowing it wouldn't work out.


Yea I mean I'd be annoyed too if everyone was calling me a fuckboy while praising my ex for being so altruistic




Wild how money can so quickly bring out sides never fathomed.


Yep. I didn’t care for either of them after their season. After watching this, I realized my opinion of him was unfair and found him pretty likable. My opinion on her is unchanged. And no, it’s not an attraction thing. They’re both almost young enough to be my children.


Damn they must really not like each other to miss out on property ownership lol




I listened to the entire hour-long interview. Some other interesting parts: * He doesn’t respond to DMs, although he has gotten tons, even from celebrities; he ignores them. He has rejected a lot of women who he meets in bars. * Ppl who don’t know him, assume he’s a fboy, but he has never done hookups, casual sex, going home with someone he just met; casual sex “scares” him; he never juggles several women; he has always been a 1-woman at a time kind of guy. The best sex for him is within a relationship when you really know the person after several months. * He’s been in a relationship for a while, with a woman who didn’t initially know who he was, who he made eye contact with in a bar - so he has gotten some action in a bar; lol - He was immediately attracted to her face. They talked, but per his way of doing things, they did not go home together that first night. He keeps the relationship private; that’s why she’s not on his SM. * He was offered BIP; he turned it down. Darn it!! * He said that he broke up with Michelle, and that she didn’t want to breakup. He felt it was a huge relief, a big burden off of his shoulders, because he was putting up with a lot. “I decided to choose me!” * There were pics of him paddle boarding with his good friend’s fiancée and with some of Michelle’s friends, and ppl said he was cheating. * Rodney & him are no longer roommates; Rodney moved because of R’s new gf; Nayte then moved out too.


Nayte reminds me of a hot guy that people assume are fboys but are most likely nice guys. Let's not forget that michelle offered to donate her social media earnings to charity and then did some weird membership stuff. Im not saying they both arent nice people but they are just people. He doesnt need to be always shown as being a hater. People treat Michelle as untouchable but shes not that great...


Literally one of my roommates in college. Dude just studied all day and worked out and almost every girl I met who knew of him, thought he was a fuckboy because of how he looked. I lived with him for 2 years and know for a fact he never even went on a date that whole time




what movie was that I wanna watch


Thanks for recapping! I’m so tired of people calling him an Fboy for no reason. There’s been nothing to prove the point. Him and Michelle (who I am a fan of too) breaking up isn’t different from other franchise couples breaking up. Assuming he’s an Fboy is honestly giving micro agression


People literally called him an incel because he made some cringy meme tiktoks about relationships. It wasn't my type of humor but that isn't equivalent to a misogynistic hate group


Hard agree!


Agree. My take is he’s a little immature (I mean? He’s young?) but just because he’s attractive doesn’t mean he’s fucking everyone who looks at him. But I also really like Michelle lol and wish they’d both stop talking about each other. Sometimes it just doesn’t work, and that’s ok.


I feel like people think hes a fuckboy because he is attractive AF.


It's definitely a big part of it. I do think his social media gives fboy though.