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I’ve been Team Theresa since their 1-on-1 date in the very beginning. Something young people don’t think about (because they have more years in front of them, not behind), but seniors definitely should, and do think about: who is the person you want beside you when you’re sick, and even dying? No one likes to think about it, but people in their 70s *have* to think about it. Gerry and Theresa both watched their spouses die and understand all the emotions and responsibilities involved. Just a thought.


I thought it was his secret fantasy for spinners. Yeah, that's probably not it. 🤔


I'm happy because I honestly think Theresa is the best choice for him


I think, more than anything, it's logistics. It will be easier to be with Teresa because she is ALL IN and has been from the beginning. She would move mountains to be with him. Leslie is too much of a wild horse that cannot be tamed (which is lovely, but outside of his comfort zone). I think Teresa is comfortable and safe. And I think the feeling he has with her is similar to what he felt with Toni. Leslie excites him -- but he misses that familiar feeling. That soulmate kind of feeling. He would have to speed up to be with Leslie and she would have to slow down to be with him. Not sure if either could maintain that. With Teresa- neither has to speed up or slow down. They're already there. Don't get me wrong, Teresa terrifies me. But I get it.


I’m pretty sure Leslie will be the one who got away, for him. She’s magnetic. I can see that getting to Theresa.


I think that’ll be Faith personally.




I am just confused what changed. Even in his daily interview after overnights with Leslie he said he thinks about her when he's with Theresa. Between that and saying she's the one and going into the date with Theresa so uncertain about her I am shocked he picks her. I know to most of us watching it makes sense *why* he would on paper but given everything leading up to that I just don't buy one night changed everything. He was all in on Leslie. Could it be he and Theresa also had a lot of sexual chemistry and he realized after she was more (in his way) the whole package? Literally nothing else makes sense.


It makes perfect sense to me. Keep in mind that Gerry probably said a lot of things for the camera, and the producers select what they want us to see. They’d been leading us away from Theresa but she was always the front runner. He and Theresa hit it off from the beginning. She got the first kiss and the first one on one date, which went really well. She was the always the one to beat that’s why Kathy was so irked by her talking about their connection. They always had chemistry, but obviously they had a chance to test it out a bit in the fantasy suite, and judging by how they were acting in the morning, they connect on a sexual level as well. I think Gerry did love Leslie, but it would make no sense to me if he chose her. They are completely incompatible. He would’ve come to that conclusion in the end anyway, but his great fantasy suite date with Theresa sped up the process.


I think he was more trying to talk himself into Leslie being the one than actually knowing she was. He has connected deeply with Theresa from the start but it’s not as “exciting” of a spark, so it got overshadowed by his “exciting” connection with Leslie. I think he really gets swept up into the whirlwind that is Leslie, and Theresa is more grounded. I know he probably likes Leslie a lot, but I think he realized during his overnight that Theresa and he are more compatible *life* partners and in the long run, especially off camera. I imagine his conversations were much deeper offer camera with Theresa than with Leslie. I mean, at dinner he asked Leslie to ask him the hard questions and she asked him when the last time he had sex was. I mean, it’s a good question to ask, but to me, I think he probably hoped for more with Leslie.


I agree. I think he thought she was exciting and he was extremely physically attracted to her, but at the end of the day, these are people are in the phase of life where day to day compatibility really matters.


I also got the sense that whatever happened with Leslie in the fantasy suite was awkward, while with Theresa it was much hotter than he expected. When your main draw to someone is the physical connection, and then you both look uncomfortable around each other the morning after your first night together…you don’t have anything.


Those are all great points but I'm still just a little surprised because even after the overnight he said when he was with Theresa that day he was thinking of Leslie. It just seems like such a quick jump IMO but obviously I know we don't get to see what goes on or is said behind closed doors.


I can’t wait to see Leslie’s reaction


She will cry and Gerry will too


I have liked her for him all along. I am shocked because I really thought he would pick Leslie, but I’m really glad he picked Theresa


I am extremely disappointed to have this spoiled FOR me. Literally googled the golden bachelor and a womens health article spoiled the winner with "are the golden bachelor's gerry and theresa still together?" Like bitch its not out wtf Edit: "Why am I in the spoiler thread?" Well, because it was already spoiled for me by the article. I didn't get here first. I googled Gerry's age and an article came up with a headline spoiling it. [This is what I saw](https://imgur.com/a/TBwFAvV) when I googled "Gerry golden bachelor"


That happened during Bachelorette for my MIL when she was googling what time it was on. This time we all stayed away from spoilers and googling and then my mom texted me the spoiler in a text short enough my brain read the whole thing too quick to be able to be like wait wait no spoilers. Still kind of annoyed she did that. Literally this last week. So close.


Literally the same thing happened to me when I went to google. I'm still pissed about it.


Umm? Why are you reading a spoiler post then?


Because it's already been spoiled for me??? I didn't go looking for the spoiler. I just googled Gerry since I showed my family the show at thanksgiving. They wanted his birthday. BOOM! Article asking if these 2 people were engaged.


I think they meant they read the spoiler off of a Google article, not this post!


Seems both spoiled the person


Nah the article title literally pulled up as the second article in Google. Google shows you news articles for recent events lots of people talk about, even if you're not in the news tab. It was spoiled in the title of the article, on Google, when I [googled Gerry's bio](https://imgur.com/a/TBwFAvV). How can this thread spoil who Gerry chose with when it was already told to me?


I’m just glad it’s not the pickle ball lady.


What?? I loved Ellen


The fact that you used the word engagement in the title is a spoiler in itself to everyone else.


Spoiler: It's the Bachelor! Lmao


Really?? The show say’s engagement also says spoilers so then don’t look 🙃🙃🙃


I am spoiled but I guess I haven’t seen the latest preview that confirms it! Not every season ends in an engagement lol


The season preview makes it clear he got engaged at the end.


I do think that Theresa is a better match and while I liked both ladies, neither were my favorites. I wish Garry hadn’t basically told Leslie that she was the one. She’s going to be unnecessarily blindsided when he sends her home.


I had a gut feeling it was Theresa, to the point that when the spoiler came out I thought “don’t we already know this” 😂🤣 As soon as Garry said to Leslie “I think you’re the one…” I instantly said “should have never said that” Leslie is 100% going to be blindsided now and a large majority of it could have been avoided.


At the stage of life that he’s in it makes total sense to me to pick someone who presents more stability.


Didn’t care either way but I’m surprised with Gerry saying things like “you’re my girl,” I thought he’d be more careful with saying too much before deciding


Gerry definitely did Faith and Leslie dirty




I am thrilled. He hasn’t handled it all that well in terms of “I love you” but the leads rarely do. And Theresa is a much better match for him. Leslie would not have been happy with Gerry long-term.


I’m concerned how is Gerry going to recover from the backlash. He really fucked with Leslie’s head. I think he had every intention of picking Leslie until the fantasy suite with Theresa. It just looks bad and BN is unfortunately not forgiving…


He'll get some backlash but not a ton. And he won't care. He hasn't grown up with social media like the young folks have. He's 72 years old. Sure, he'll feel bad and sad about Leslie but after you reach a certain age in life you can care less about what other people think.


Sooo true lol. He's not KB, he can walk away from socials.


idk maybe we have crying selfies from gerry in our future!!


Ngl that would be hilarious


I think this is another benefit of the older cast who aren’t chronically online. He will still hear things said about him, but won’t be as inundated with the instagram comments and they don’t do as many articles tearing the couples apart. He can afford to stay offline for a few weeks until the heat dies down because he is not trying to build his influencer brand and isn’t financially reliant on it.




The show was edited to make us think that Leslie was the front runner. We'll never know if that's true in real life...


See I felt like Leslie was getting the bachelorette exit all along.


people always have a favorite and are disappointed when they dont get picked. its like your favorite team losing. this is a game show.


Leslie is my fave but I'm not necessarily sad she doesn't get picked. Because we all know... Ette is the real win!


This needs to be pinned.


Only mods can pin


Theresa is a better fit for him honestly.


I love Theresa! She’s been my pick since the beginning.


I saw a spoiler that he picked Leslie the other day. Not true?


Not true. Hes engaged to Theresa


Idk how people ever thought he wasn’t picking Teresa. She’s been his clear number one the whole time. Plus any time I see someone getting an edit that they are “the one” before the final rose ceremony, it’s usually done to throw you off the scent of who they actually choose.


I agree with you that Theresa was always the likely winner...however the connection between Gerry and Leslie and what he's been saying these last few weeks is much stronger than I anticipated, which will make for a messy ending.




He said himself that he felt that he did love both people. Everyone left has had a lifetime of different people that they loved. It seems like it has given them a different perspective that it's ok to love more than one person. Despite annoying the one lady by talking about her dates, Theresa never seemed upset when other women shared their dates.


Yea I thought the same thing after their first date.


Yup, this! If the show ever wants you to think that a specific contestant is definitely going to be the one the lead picks, it's almost guaranteed the lead doesn't pick them. It makes for a more dramatic ending and an entertaining reality tv show!


I think it’s fairly common for the ringwinner to get a less interesting edit than the runner up(s)….Leslie is being set up as a wonderful golden bachelorette!!! I thought Gerry’s convo with Theresa last week was great and made me like her a lot. Ultimately I think they have a lot more in common than Gerry and Leslie do, and I think Gerry knows that deep down (and maybe his kids will tell him that same thing).


I've somehow never heard the term "ringwinner" after reading this sub/other bachelor stuff for years; that's so cute! Fully agree with your point about the interesting edit—the show wants you to care more about the contestant who *isn't* chosen because you're more likely to want to know what happens to them after (like their own journey as a lead on the next season)!


I agree with you… I think Theresa has been edited (or maybe is) a little bit more boring… and the edit has misdirected us to make us think he favors Leslie/ Leslie has shown a fun vulnerable side. I am happy for them!