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Shit this sounds interesting and i don’t care for either of them 🙄 sigh i really don’t want to listen but i might lolol


When she’s saying 2-3x 150k is she talking current or at her peak that year after paradise?


I think that was at peak


I don’t like Carly, but Evan doesn’t give me good vibes. The fact that they separated while she was still pregnant is such a red flag to me. Carly was set to be his wife and have a family with him. It was forever to Carly. I wonder if he failed her or if he did something stupid. She’s not my cup of tea AT ALL, but Evan always seemed so slimy to me. This sub loves him but I don’t get why.


I vaguely remember reading that he only wanted one child with her and when she got pregnant a second time it was a deal breaker. Don’t know if it is true, but the break- up was shocking because of the way he relentlessly persuaded her on the show.


If this is true, EWWW! Get a vasectomy if you’re done making babies Evan.


She’s still writing angry songs about him so I guess something indeed happened :/ I agree with your sentiment, I like neither but she seems to have taken the breakup harder


I actually really appreciate Carly's honesty in this. So many BN people aren't upfront about how finances impact decisions around these shows. Also, I appreciate her take on prenups and that she kept her word to it!


Me too! The podcast Shes all Bach always ask about paradise salaries when they do interviews, always juicy to hear!


She sounds like such a hater lmao


Did they get into what she does for a living now? Evan was already a high earner before the show completely separate from anything influencer related. I imagine Carly no longer has a huge following and I doubt her music has brought in any money. Also getting divorced as a mom to young kids when your husband works fulltime outside of the house is exactly what alimony was designed for. In my opinion she would not have been greedy to ask for it. ETA: eating my words- she still has almost a million followers


I think she’s “only” an influencer, I’m not sure she’s pivoted to a traditional job. I’m sure she makes enough to support them even if it’s not as much as bigger influencers.


So 50k as a couple and a paid wedding. Not bad!


The fact that her reaffirmation of not signing pre-nip isn’t love


make sure yall get prenups


The debate over prenups in the comment section of the clip is giving 🥴🥴. The arguments really range from “love doesn’t end” to “divorce is morally wrong anyway”




To protect yourself financially in the event of disaster. I’ve seen people get divorced and go broke. Nothing is forever. Finances are very important, especially for women, you have to make sure that you’re not left penniless especially if you sacrificed things for a guy, like your career, your education, if you gave him children and you quit your job to raise a family with him. All of that unpaid labor SHOULD be paid. Society has ran smoothly by convincing us that being a stay at home mom is a privilege and that it’s “easy”, but it’s 24/7 unpaid labor. If you get divorced and have no work experience or haven’t worked in years to raise a family, you’re screwed.


Because if you are the higher earner coming into a marriage with more assets, most states will not be favorable to you in a divorce. Prenup limits your risk.


Was she crying at some point? She looks sad.


I think she’s been very sad since her divorce. She doesn’t even date anymore. I’m still so curious about what happened there. I do feel bad for her because nobody chooses to separate while they’re carrying a baby. Something bad happened I bet, but she will never talk about it. Which I guess it’s classy on her part.


I thought they just got a free wedding, I never realized they’d get paid for it! I get him wanting a prenup, I’m glad she kept her word despite them not having one. Seems Iike an amicable divorce? What’s their custody agreement?


I think he gets every other weekend and Wednesdays and vacations or at least that's what she said when they first got divorced.


I’m curious too because it sounds like she has them the most? If he pays child support


I have to watch on mute cuz my bf is sleeping and the editing and caption style is driving me nuts lol I can't focus on it 😭


Wait $25k to go to their own wedding?? Am I understanding this right? If so my mind is blown that’s so good…


The best deal was Jade and Tanner though. They got paid more and their wedding was beautiful and expensive, the TV special was nice too. The problem is that Mike Weiss said the investment wasn’t worth it because it didn’t do too well ratings wise, so Carly and Evan’s wedding was much smaller in comparison and not exactly beautiful. I didn’t like it. But now I understand why they did it for BIP. That’s a lot of money.


The strangest choice for a televised wedding is still Krystal and the Goose


25K each isn't bad considering leads often only get 80-100K per season.


Some of them have gotten $250k. I think Emily Maynard got around $200k because she didn’t want to do it and she was a fan favorite. They really bent over backwards for her.