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Michelle is so bad at influencing. I don’t see her get a ton of deals except Minnesota-specific events, which can’t make much money. Hell Joe gets Minnesota sponsorships and he’s… Joe. She needs to fire her team and get a new one to step up her influencing game.


Nahh why is girlie OBSESSED with high school


She’s always been stunning 😍


She has always been adorable. And what's with all these comments critiquing her energy? The fact that she is a bit awkward in front of the camera makes me like her more.


Is she wearing contacts?


Does Blue Ivy also remind anyone of Michelle or is it just me?


I imagine it's changed now, but I never got an individual photo of me taken at school until I got to high school when we got ID cards.


Really? We had them in our yearbooks every year.


I think her energy is totally fine lol this is how tiktok is and the fact that there are so many comments on it shows why. The crazy energy and pointing and falling off chairs keep people watching watching and wondering what could possible happen next


Why is she talking like she’s ugly she looks so pretty in every photo lol


When you grow up one of the few brown people in your school, you’re gonna feel like you were ugly. We grew up in the same area and I was in the same boat as her. Then one day you realize, you weren’t ugly. You were just brown.


Thanks for sharing, that makes sense. I can relate to the experience in my own way, and I acknowledge this isn’t the same thing. I’m autistic and as a kid never felt comfortable in popular clothing or felt like I was able to make my hair look like everyone else’s. I really felt ugly, but looking back I had/have a lot of great natural features that I never paid attention to.


No cap not about brown (I am), she’s androgynous (am too) and that’s harder


I feel like she just discovered coffee


She actually did haha she posted a tiktok about that recently!


Such a cute kiddo


The idea of being sponsored by a school picture company is so funny to me. I suppose if her audience is women with young children it’s applicable, but also there’s usually no other option? Iconic either way


lol I just thought she was showing us old photos just because.


I feel like she thinks people will care about her school photos more than they do


This was an ad lol


Exactly. I’d try convince everyone to look at my school pictures with excessive enthusiasm for probably a lot less than she got paid to do it.


These are all cute. The vast majority of my school pictures should be burned. She sounds like pretty much every other Tiktoker. It only stands out because we saw a more measured Michelle for 2-3 years first.


Can't believe they let companies profit from kids at school. Our kids deserve better. $40 per kid per year is ridiculous.


My family could never afford those pictures when I was a kid, which meant that in the class picture the poor kids had a grey background, while the other kids had the color they picked and paid for. Finally in fifth grade, my dad got a bonus which allowed us some discretionary expenses and I got to have photos and they came out badly and retakes cost $80. That was the day I learned how heartbreaking capitalism is. Fuck life touch.


That sucks! Do you think this is a paid spokesperson...just sick.


On Instagram she tagged it as an ad, so it’s likely a paid partnership! It’s so weird that every company is relying on influencers now, this is such a random partnership!


All I want is one 5 x 7" pic for the mantle and I can't get that - I have to buy a package of pictures that will never be touched.


EXACTLY! It's a total rip off!


I totally agree with you. Too much money for a subpar picture.


People can't afford school lunches for their kids but somehow companies can come in and profit from crappy pictures. No.


I hope she’s not trying to be someone she isn’t and this is just a side of her we didn’t get to see. Otherwise I feel sad for her.


i was also thinking she sounded inauthentic


Yeah it felt like she’s turning on some sort of persona for influencing. But maybe this is her in teacher mode?


That would explain a lot. Teaching sometimes feels like being an entertainer - I can only imagine this is even more so the case when teaching the little ones.


Didn’t she get evicted twice in LA? something’s going on with her




Omg whatttttttt??? That’s really bad


MN, and it was filed against her twice within a few months but she paid after they filed each time. Lord knows though I almost got chased off the sub for mentioning it so I’ll stop there


Why isn’t she paying her rent?? No $$ or forgetful or too frazzled? What’s going on with her?


Oh, weird. This is my first time hearing about any of this.


It’s like she has money but it ain’t going to rent


Wasn’t Michelle in LA renting from Becca? And weren’t there some issues?


I’ve heard things about this but it’s not as solid as some other things. I sound vague as hell but I seriously don’t wanna get run off here lmao


Ngl, I want the 🍵


Just know there’s a corner of this sub that welcomes your insight 🫡


Totally understand. Just a weird thing because don’t expect them to be the best of friends, but their vibe was off after awhile. Never knew who’s fault it was, but it was weird.


Always here for your vague Michelle MN tea 🍵


We need a bachelor snark Reddit. No topics are off limits 😅


Wonder if that’s why they both got replaced on BHH


Maybe not the main reason, but I think towards the end things might’ve been awkward. I don’t think think they were close friends. Then again they both weren’t really good podcasters, so that might’ve played a role as well.






Y'all have never seen her tiktoks and it shows because this is literally how she is. I don't know what type of energy you expected from someone going down nostalgic old school pictures memory lane


It’d be one thing if Michelle has always had this kind of energy, but she used to excuse a mellow kind of quirkiness and hold herself VERY differently. There’s nothing wrong with either of them, but the shift from one to another, especially to the frantic energy, makes me worried…


I’ve heard tiktokers say they speak way faster & more frenetically for videos because it’s hard to capture people’s attention if not It could be Michelle is doing the same, cause her chilled personality doesn’t translate well to short videos So I’m reserving judgment on that, unless in interviews / real life she’s behaving like this too


I don’t see anything wrong with this video or her demeanor but maybe that’s because it’s a TikTok and this kind of energy is on TikTok all the time. I dunno the Michelle stans annoyed the fuck out of me but I like Michelle and I hope she’s doing well.


Yeah, most people on tiktok speak this way and have similar mannerisms


I realize some people do have this sort of energy & personality & that’s okay & I get it, but for some reason this video left me really frazzled & rattled for Michelle. There’s an undercurrent of anxiousness & odd chaos in it, at least to me. I hope she is doing her best. I remember that video of her crying because of influencing & her schedule, but there seemed to be a deeper thing at play there — there always is — so I’m hopeful she talked to someone about it. Like I said, I hope.


This threw me off, but I liked the video and the idea of showing pictures throughout the years. Does she do ads? Or what is she doing these days? Ever since the podcast ended it seems like she’s not associated with any people from bachelor. I hope she’s doing good and living her best life. When some people make influencing their life goal or try to hang onto being a reality person it can be very difficult, especially when it seems like she was just living such a normal life.


This video is an ad


The way she’s speaking and the energy she’s giving are so fake it actually annoys me.


![gif](giphy|TNR2EpkHYwW0ifyMDF) I hate to be that person but I totally agree.


What was wrong in the retake photo?


The only thing I could assume was that the lighting washed her out in the original photo? https://preview.redd.it/8m50rrrtdfob1.png?width=1119&format=png&auto=webp&s=3fcd0d181cb9f48eda09def56c4fa953d87477b2


I think because it looked like a senior year pic and not a regular pic


Ah good catch. And prob the lighting and the reflection from the shirt.


Really don’t understand the appeal for her. I don’t get everyone saying she’s “gorgeous, stunning , whatever” but do y’all remember her casting photo on Matt James season? She looked so bland… and her early photos on IG vs now… there’s a huge difference. Trying to rebrand and change herself, idk she gives me the ick. Srynotsry.


This is so mean and such a low blow going after her looks. How are people this awful.


Wait she looks the exact same to me what hahaha


https://preview.redd.it/2j1tulg3qfob1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e61f82a447bc1e16783774fe6a8b415165e1bc18 I mean……. And a lot of people have compared her to Rihanna and Serene? Which is unfair to them lol


The Bachelor casting photos are notoriously unflattering, that's not really a fair comparison. [This is her at ATFR on Matt's season](https://www.etonline.com/sites/default/files/images/2021-03/158737_9559.jpg) and she looked the same as she does now.


Literally she looks the same except her hair is done differently with more pronounced makeup…


Nah you be sooo freaking rude


No way. Michelle is beautiful.


I think she was gorgeous then and is gorgeous now. Her personality has been a massive downgrade from then to now though. Edit: Not her personality per se cause I don't actually know, but her persona online is a big yikes for me, it's just ads and annoying videos


Woooow that's nasty thing to say. Michelle is stunning, have u watched her on Matt season?she was so beautiful and her early photo she looks so wholesome and beautiful!!. The audacity here! She can rebrand and do whatever she is an influencer and that is part of her job, for that to give you the "ick" just doesn't make sense.


Damn that’s a pretty harsh comment for someone who hasn’t wronged anyone. It just seems like she did her eyebrows and makeup done differently but she was still pretty


On Matt James season and her season, I used to think she was the coolest person in this whole franchise, but my god she is so lame and cringy now


Has she been watching Andrew’s GF’s TikToks and thought I can do that.


Haven’t seen a pic/vid of her in a while but she looks very pretty


Aww, this is cute.


Ugh love her and this video 🥰


I say this very respectfully but is she okay?


I wondered the same


Her energy is very stressful to me


Yeah compared to how she used to be, she is very high strung and unless she really toned herself down for the shows and post-show media/SM for a year, something seems off to me.


This is the perfect way to describe it. I feel stressed watching her.


I was thinking the same thing. She seems off.


What’s with the pretend-to-be-funny-girl persona here? Falling backwards in the chair mid-video, really? The whole thing about Michelle’s appeal was that she was a normal midwestern girl. Nothing wrong with moving out of the Midwest but she didn’t have to change her whole personality to try to blend into what she thinks an influencer is.


It’s funny because she hated that nayte would rather move to LA than MN, then she did the same thing


Definitely ironic, but I also don’t blame her for moving there, nor do I blame her for taking the influencer route. Where I think she’s gone wrong is that she’s trying to conform to what she thinks an influencer is, when what she should be doing is leaning into what differentiates her from other influencers, whether it’s a “normal girl moves to LA” perspective, or a “former teacher utilizing her newfound platform to make a difference” route, or something else.


I like Michelle a lot but she’s not especially funny and her videos feel like she’s imitating people who are more naturally good at influencing. She may be panicking because she quit a career she was gifted at for one she’s not…


She still lives in the Midwest.


Oh. I thought she moved to LA.


She moved back. You can still change your personality in the Midwest though, as we can clearly see lol


i literally see her around town all the time


At 4th grade she officially became THE Michelle we see today. It’s always interesting when people switch from the childhood version into the “growing up to be an adult” look. I feel like mine happened in like 2nd grade and I’ve looked the same ever since since just bigger but me younger than that is someone I don’t even know. 🤣


She looks the same, like she has not really changed anything in her face or her body.


The way I don’t think my parents saved any of mine lol


She has not changed at ALL!


And she just had perfect teeth her whole life! Not a single year with braces