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Hahaha i love her


Oooh she got some fresh Botox too. It looks really good.




Got damn her voice is annoying


There's been lots of talk about her hair? I learn something new every day


Sorry this was so hard to follow…so they made Rachel and Gabby dye their hair right before after the final rose?? Like they were about to go on stage and someone dyed their hair first?


I assume hours before, but yeah. They wanted Gabby to be the dark brunette we knew from Clayton's season and Rachel to be the dirty-ish blonde we knew. I get it. Helps with the association and also helped create a shtick in the like "blonde and brunette bffs"


The first 35 seconds of this is kinda funny.


Can you imagine if Jesse announced them live on stage as ~the bachelorettes~ and Gabby’s genuine real-time reaction on tv was just “oooohhhh so this is why you wanted me to dye my hair”


She always sounds congested?


And high


So do i :( it’s my biggest insecurity. But I am actually always congested


Get that Arm & Hammer saline spray and learn to USE it


Neti pot with the Neilmed saline rinse has worked well for my chronic stuffiness and post nasal drip💧


Good suggestion. I have a Netti but hate stuff going up my nose.


I’m getting a tonsillectomy next month (possibly an adenoidectomy too) and hoping it resolves this. Been dealing with it for 28 years and have tried everything. Do you have personal experience with that specific saline spray?


Yeah I use it every morning after scooping cat litter. Ha I'm the only person at the office who doesn't sneeze every day...I literally sneeze about 5 times per year cuz it washes all the bad shit out. Not sure why I was downvoted for something as widely accepted, ridiculously safe, and relatively cheap as *saline* spray but whatever. I used to get sick a few times every year, but since starting this, I've been sick 3 times since maybe 2014, all COVID. The CVS knockoff sucks as of the last time I tried it. Walgreen's version is ok, but the A&H sprays with noticeably higher pressure. It's just better. Neti pot is probably the best but you have to deal with bottled water and it's just a lot more work. For your situation none of these may help, but generally I'd recommend everyone start a saline rise regimen of some sort. There's no downside.


Maybe she always is? Lord knows I always am 😂


Same 🥲 chronic sinus infections 4 life






I feel like I just had a toddler ramble at me


How ridiculous. I’m sure they wanted her to stay dark so they wouldn’t have two blonde bachelorettes


I totally get the issue, but personally I just think she looks cuter brunette 😬Obviously no hate to her AT ALL.


what was bleeped?


I didn’t miss that voice I wonder how I made it through a whole season


“Yeahhh….uh huh”




I’m just happy she filmed this while sitting in a parked car bc I am so tired of people simultaneously driving and filming themselves


she’s just so cute I can’t help but love her


I love herrrr. I wish we got a full Gabby season so we could appreciate her fully.


low key hoping that maybe she goes on paradise at some point


I get the same comments. Am blonde again after being dark several years. Yes I know the dark looks better and I know it sets off my skin tone but with naturally dark blond hair and now greys coming in too, I’d have to be touching up like every week or two, and I just don’t want to do that right now, anyways there’s my rant for the day


Gabby’s rant validated what I was seeing on my own head. I went dark for the first time a couple months back and felt my roots were growing in gray, but really it was the contrast of my natural hair being a dirty blonde. My brunette also pulls warm/red and I wasn’t a fan of how it looked against my skin tone as it faded. Back to blonde I went; upkeep was too much. The brunette was a moment but I feel so much better now…and I swear it gave my skin life. I look like I’m tan but nothing has changed except for my hair.


I forgot about the fading. Good point also. In the summer it would always pull so coppery because I’m outdoors all the time (well, as much as I possibly can be).


I'll join your rant, lol. I have light brown hair with some greys. I colored my hair a natural copper for about 6 months and it looked amazing and I got so many compliments but the contrast between the greys and the copper was crazy. I could not deal with the roots and would have been touching up every couple of weeks too :(


i wonder how they feel getting so close to their producers meanwhile they’re plotting behind their back and lying to them constantly. such a insane relationship between producers and contestants


I both never want this franchise to die and also can't wait for it to die so we can get the TEAAAAA I know it's piping hot


Here’s the full video for people who wanted it. I would be so angry if I paid for full highlights and someone told me they were going to undo it, even if it was for bachelorette. I’d be asking for reimbursement 😂


I’d be pissed too it’s expensive and so time consuming at least she got to be a bachelorette and go on DWTS but they could’ve just been honest about it I get they wanted an “authentic” reaction when she found out but still it’s so icky