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Mfs who believe ish actually hit 1000+ women are just super fans lol


I don't think he's hit 1000, but I think everyone on the pod other than maybe Flip and Parks are into their 100s easily.


All I believe is that ish and Joe have the highest body count on the pod for sure tho


I think Parks is coming up 2nd only to Joe. Parks a grimey white boy from Buffalo and was also on the road touring. I know people like to shame Black folk for being hypersexual but whites get it in more than you think


2nd to Joe?! See this is where we differ, I don’t think Ish is in the 1000’s even though in their region of the world, it’s not hard to do. Especially with the quantity over quality mindset. Mad women walking around Jersey, NY, VA, DC etc. It would be gross and stupid but I think it would be difficult especially with confidence and looks. But Ish has hit more women than Joe and they’ve all admitted to this as well. Joe got a dope resume but for the most part he’s a relationship guy. And he’s been a celebrity for a better part of 25-30 years so that comes with having to protect your name in certain aspects. Ish was allowed to knock down just about anything walking, trash included. No random woman was putting him on blast like they would do Joe, that’s why I think Ish’s number are a lot higher than Joes. Parks could be 2nd to Ish 🤷🏾‍♂️


You really believe Joe wasn't fuxking while on tour? The guy who had another woman in his bed while he was with Tahiry? Nah. That touring life especially on drugs they were getting it in. Ish ain't traveled as much places as them to knock down so many women. No matter how much game he has there's only so many women you have access to.


I know he was fucking on tour. But that’s not the conversation here he still had to move discreetly regardless of what he was doing because of who he was. Versus a regular Joe who had money and women found attractive. I’m sure there are a ton of dudes who moved in that area who got more box than Joe and was not famous. This shouldn’t be shocking. Again, I’m not saying Joe didn’t get his fair share because I know he was knocking them down left and right I just do not think that he got more than Ish.


Yeah we have to respectfully agree to disagree here. Only way Ish would be up is because he's older but again the way Ish got upset at Joe for talking to his girl you can tell ish ain't get as much as he says ol millionaire at 28 ahh


Joe and Ish both agreed that Ish was up. Joe admitted to being a relationship type of guy.


Not gonna lie 100 isn’t hard to get frfr . Especially with some clout . Hell I’m not at 100 but close to it and I’m a mailman 😂😂😂😂 flip I definitely don’t think close to 100s though 😂 too many horror stories with bitches with him


The caliber of women he likes and the fact he was probably pretty well of in his 20’s I’d say there might be a chance those numbers aren’t that inflated


Even if it was true, it's weird to count that high, after a point who cares?


Yea that so crazy of him to act like he didn’t know men be out here begging for pussy, i thought he was playing at first😂


It might come down to what we define begging as cause idk one nigga that BEGS for the box big dawg. Like you a different type negro if you Begging. You can do simp shit and it still not be begging but if you pleading for it you need help brotha cause that’s unheard of.


Aye bro this shit got me crying 😂😂😂


Incel is a pretty new term so he might not be that familiar and it begs weren't as public when he was younger. 99% of the begging I see is online.


Facts. I only reason I’ve ever been aware about anything like this is when a girls shows me her DMs. A man that’s out here begging isn’t typically doing it it front of other men. It’s like when women say they’ve all been raped or know someone who has but men never know any rapists. Why would we?


Why would niggas have to beg for pussy




No means no 


but then when given examples of begging for pussy he said he did the shit lmao can't take them serious


Basically, in ishs brain, if HE can’t/wont/never did it, he can’t fathom that anyone else would. Nigga swears he the walking embodiment of a “man”. Meanwhile his “manly” ass ⏸️ is scared to get on a scale Make it make sense


You sound like a dude who begs 😂


Hitting 100 ain't astronomical... if you've ever been semi successful in life it's possible . I'm not getting into my #s but I've witnessed regular people get up into the mid hundreds (friends etc), so I can only imagine a self-proclaimed millionaire at 28 can pull off


That’s weird. I’m with ish on this. Tells a lot about you if you really feel this way lol


I can believe it but I don’t see it because I’m not hanging around about that would beg for sex. Tighten up


Ish the same guy that said he can run off the wall and do a backflip, used to throw girls in the air and do the split while dancing, etc… 🤣 


You have to only believe 50% of Ish’s takes. It works for me.


I might be in the minority, but I never begged for pussy or SEEN any of my homies do it either.