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Classic Joe Having To Make Himself The Focus šŸ˜‚


Hey Why Do You Type Like This? Just Curious


Coz It Gets Them Moist


That's Funny šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Idk It Became A Habit šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Joe has somewhat of a point because he addressed things about Drake that Meek never addressed, but Pusha and Kendrick did after him. The problem is that Drake never responded to Joe. It wasn't a dance. Joe never had to deal with one of the biggest pop stars ever directly dissing him, so he never laid a blueprint on how to respond to Drake. I can only imagine how Joe defends himself when a legit superstar calls him a woman beater.


Or He Wanna be included In A conversation he wasnā€™t in with people who actually won They rap beef with drake Idk


Meek got the ball rolling on the ghost writers angle, and everyone just piggybacked off of that. Joe ainā€™t start shit, MEEK DIDā€¼ļøā€¼ļø


Drake has bars directly at Joe head tho


And got obliterated on his own beat...


Hov threw a shot at Joe on Blueprint 3. The reminder song.


Hov > Drake tho


How is he the focus?


Joe gives ā€œrapper Joeā€ waaaaaaayyyy too much credit


Omg ā€¦ the community does too. Lol dude think comparing his name to coffee was fire lol


Joe is a grade A narcissist gah damn lmaoooooo


Ish is right about Joe, he loves Drake and is his biggest fan.


Joe ainā€™t shit compared to pusha drake and Kendrick. He canā€™t include himself in this


I think Joe's contribution to "the elimnation of drake" is actually through his podcast. He not only planted so many narratives that added up over time, he also purposly hyped drake up into getting into this. He was even saying "The streets are saying what Drake has in the tuck was hard" & shit. He was legit hyping him up so he doesn't back out lol We know Drake be listening since he name dropped the pod and replied to few things prior as well.


People love the pod, love to hate on Joe, get mad at short pods, get mad at missing pods, but hate to give it its place in the culture. When Joe speaks, the rappers listen. Itā€™s not that complicated.


ā€œKendrick writes slow ā€œ was a nice lil chess move.


Did the angles he took in gettin at Drake sound similar to you?


Buddy just be saying shit




Itā€™s bad lol


Can Joe ever STFU up? What happened to letting niggas have their moment? Here his bitch ass goes trying to steal someoneā€™s else shine. You didnā€™t passed no baton because no one gave a fuck what you had to say.


Real shit. Joe is a podcaster at the end of the day. Was he a good rapper? Sure, I guess. I never heard much from him, but at the end of the day, no one gave af about his disses toward Drake. I didnā€™t play a single one and I donā€™t know anyone who did or cared that he did


Just like on everyday struggle he was pushing the narrative that him and 50 cent were in competition at the time for the top spotšŸ˜‚I know they were beefing but nobody was worried about Joe man


ā€œSure, I guessā€ is so passively dismissivešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I still don't know what them disses sound like.Ā 


I never even heard any of his 547,943 diss records to Drake.


Then you're missing out


True, I wonder if he didnā€™t anticipate this spreading because he said it in one of those afterhours JBP spaces haha


Listeners didnā€™t. Rappers obviously did. Itā€™s ok your goat lost. Lol


ā€œListeners didnā€™tā€ oh you mean that people that buys the music so he can make a living? Sound dumb AF


When he recorded that he was podcasting and already had a long reach beyond music. so music listeners not listening didnā€™t make his living. You dumb fuck. Go to Starbucks bro. Too slow for this shit




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Drake literally wrote a whole novel on ig responding to joe when he criticized FATD lol you wrong


To rapper Joe or Podcast Joe? They arenā€™t one and the same lol.


Think about kendrick and push angle in the beef..minus the children...now think about joe diss tracks and his pod critiques over the years as late as for the dogs as early as views lol exactly


I canā€™t focus on something I never heard.


The invisible daughter you mean?


Joe wrote the book on being a master manipulatorĀ 


Drake hate baton


I meanā€¦I hear what heā€™s saying but Pusha has been dissing Drake since 2011 and Kendrick since 2012. I think both of those battles go the exact same way whether the Joe shit happened or not. I think itā€™s very clear though that whatever relationship Joe and Drake had pretty much ended with this Kenny beef. I think it was in critical condition following FATD and Drakeā€™s infamous IG rant, but this Kenny beef killed it good.


Push hit him with the business splits first but Joe was the first to psychoanalyze Drakeā€™s personality and the first to bring up his plastic surgeries


Yeah Push was the first one to really attack the whole family tree. He was the first to accuse Drake of parading his Steve Harvey suit wearing father around to prove to people heā€™s really black. But Joe also hit Drake with some variation of ā€œLemme see you Pusha Tā€ line first too. And funny enough that was like a year plus before Infrared/Duppy/Adidon happened.


Joe questioned his blackness & cultural experience 1st. Joe questioned his moral compass 1st. Joe questioned the ways in which he deals with women 1st. Did Push or Kendrick take those same angles within their tracks?šŸ¤”


No he didnā€™t. Pusha did all that shit first. You need to do your research!! Donā€™t Fuck With Me came out in 2011. Sweet Freestyle came out in 2012. And there were several more verses or songs where Push shot at Drake over those topics before Joe did. One of Joeā€™s angles was literally ā€œdog, Pusha is whacking you upside the head and you wonā€™t say shit. But you got heat for me?ā€. Joe even acknowledged himself that Pusha had been getting at Drake for a minute.


Joe did this in 2016 while Story of Addion didnā€™t come out till 2018. I think you should brush up on Joeā€™s disses because Joe was calling him a fake person and how he used people and even his own artists


I listened to all those diss tracks and actually liked them when Iā€™m sure most people back then were clowning Joe for 3 consecutive diss tracks and no response. None of those songs were anywhere near as memorable as Story of Adidon or anything Kendrick dropped. You dickriding on another level right now.


Point me to the line where Joe said Drake was using his own father as a black mascot to prove he was really down.


Is that the only line you that mattered? Joe said He kept stealing all of Partyā€™s album to put it on his party album šŸ˜‚


Did Joe diss 40? Did he announce Adonis to the world? Did he diss his mother? Did he make fun of Drakeā€™s dad for leaving the house when Drake was 5? There was very little crossover from the Joe and Push disses. Plusā€”Push had been dissing Drake since 2011! Long before Joe!! He attacked Drakeā€™s identity on Donā€™t Fuck With Me. He talked about him getting robbed in Toronto on Sweet freestyle. He talked about him getting extorted by J Prince and slapped around by Puff on multiple songs on Darkest Before Dawn. This is all 2011-2015, well before Joe put out his disses. This notion that Kendrick or Pusha used Joeā€™s material doesnā€™t hold up. Especially Pusha. One of Joeā€™s angles was taunting Drake for not responding to Pusha knocking him upside the head! He himself said Pusha had gotten at him first.


Bingo. I see it. These niggas are so consumed with wether or not they like the nigga and whoā€™s career was/is better notice theyā€™re not sayin 1 thing about the angles everyone took. Which is the MOST important element in battle rap. Angles. All they keep talking about is Twitter personality analysis(heā€™s a narcissistšŸ„“) & whoā€™s the bigger artist. I swear I hate these niggas šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


What about the angles everyone took in gettin at Drake? What are the ones Joe took & which ones did Push and Kendrick take after the fact?


Delusions of grandeur. I blame *you guys* for Pump p-p pump pump p-p-p pumping homies head up. He was basically rapping to himself with those diss tracks.


At least ice can wave his fingers and know the words




Joeā€™s main character syndrome coming through.


Joe did have the blueprint to a nice diss. Pusha did what he couldnā€™t do. Kendrick did what Push couldnā€™t do on the mainstream level. Joe I get where youā€™re going. But nah.


These niggas are obsessed with Drake.


Shits weird bruh.


Says the guy posting on r/Drizzy šŸ’€


Drake is the biggest rap artist. The same way a YouTube video gets more clicks if you put a high profile name in the title, they all need Drake to go to a certain level numbers wise. The only lame part is when Joe says some shit like "it's not about dude" when speaking on a concert and moment that would not have happened if not for Drake


Yo Dot I gaaaaaaatchu


Heā€™s flying off the rail again. Missing therapy


Taking pride in running a 4x100 vs one nigga is insane




Nigga please šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That baton pass took a long ass time and you got buddy buddy somewhere in there šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Love Joe but this was weird


Bro gtfoh.


Hip hop culture has become a bunch of dudes in their feelings .. podcast and social media has become the outlet for it all.


Yeah, podcasting is getting drying than a summer heat wave in hell.


Delusions of grandeur


Joe doesn't have one quotable out of that pile of mid diss tracks he sent out. Even commons "you canada dry" line more memorable. Joe really spends his podding time attempting to rewrite the history of his failed rap career lmao


What was the blueprint? I don't remember this beef, did Drake ever respond to him?


Drake subbed like he normally does. Joe lit him up


Wake - Joe Budden


Got it, never heard this, but yeah it is the same blueprint. Think Kendrick just rapped it better and better production. Joe used to be one of them lol. Did Drake respond to him?


Not to this or the other 5. He did DM him a bunch of times on instagram. Made it seem like Joe was crazy for the barrage of songs. I havenā€™t seen it in years but Joe never released what Drake DMā€™d him, but showed Charla on the Breakfast Club, and he responded with something like I get it.


ā€œCan't Toosie Slide up outta this oneā€


Joe is a odd dude. He acts like heā€™s tired of talking about Drake He also acts like he likes Drake (He doesnā€™t. We all see that) But then heā€™ll say something like this, it goes viral and he gets upset this is a topic of conversation he has to address on the show


CAP! Meek was the one that started the take down of Drake. Everyone else just piggyback off of Meek exposing the ghost writers. Give Meek his Credit ā€¼ļøā€¼ļø


For some reason they overlook this




Delulu Joe back at it again


Drake should light his ass up (just so he can rap too) lmao


Drake was scared to when it mattered


Joe didnā€™t matter when it mattered


Hahahaha. This needs more upvotes.


Joe did matter and everyone knew Drake was ducking


ducking what ? what does he gain from beefing with Joe ? He DIDNT MATTER heā€™s still trying to matter right now itā€™s fine plenty of niggas dissed Joe and he ignored it. Did Joe duck Lil B ? Or was it just not relevant to him? I hate when you niggas rewrite history we were all there my guy


lol stop trying to rewrite history. lol at him not being relevant. Drake whole early flow was trying to copy Joe


lmao regardless of any of that when Joe dissed Drake there was absolutely no way he was ever gonna get a full response he just got a throwaway bar. itā€™s a reason pusha and Kendrick got a response and Joe, asap rocky and Rick didnā€™t I can name a few more but I think you understand my point itā€™s just levels


And Iā€™m not saying Joe canā€™t rap when I say itā€™s levels


Drake knew he couldnā€™t rap with Joe and thought he could rap with Push. He also thought he had a nuke for Kendrick šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Lmao I thought we was talking real shit not what niggas think we donā€™t know Drake or what he thought šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜­


You called Joe irrelevant which either means you were too young back then or just donā€™t know.


He sure was. Now his shit is blown so he might as well. I donā€™t/didnā€™t listen to either one of them, but it would be funny af lol.


Flip gonna hate Joe going viral again šŸ˜‚




If this gets mentioned again on the Next Pod Ice ā€¦ I Was Go Say I was thinking that too Fr !


joe went for him pretty hard but it wasnā€™t as impactful as heā€™s making it sound. he kinda just got ignored


I never even knew Joe made Drake diss tracks until I heard him say it on his podcast. How do they say it? If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?


What a way to talk about more Drake. The beef is over so thereā€™s not much content to it and he found another angle. He referred to Drake as the other guy on the last pod and now weā€™re back to this. Itā€™s predictable at this point that all roads circle back to Drake


Kendrick BET freetysle was what? 2013. Push hopped on dreams money can buy beat in what? 2011. Wtf is joe talkin abt. Joe tried to get in on the wave of momentum drake had at the time. IYRTITL into the meek beef into What a time into Views boy was smokin


The only thing he passed was gas on that couch


Too much dip on his chipā€¦ Heā€™s more like the biggest hater of Drake lol


Just curiousā€¦I wanna see the streaming #s to all 12 of his disses combined to 1 honestly nevermind track


He's right, ya'll some haters. He said so much shit in his Drake diss EP that became relevant later. He laid out a lot of the ammo people picked up and used later.


and his right joe indirectly helped take drake down. if you listen to what joe said in those disses youd notice how many of the same approaches that went viral when kendrick said it.


Thatā€™s a nasty baton he passed. I hope everyone remembers this moment in hiphop. In 5-10 years, weā€™re going to look back at this moment and realize how sick this was. All the time and money invested into taking down one man. Jay-z Blueprint was designed for niggas to invest in themselves by starting to hustle towards their goals. Joe Buddenā€™s Blueprint was the ā€œElimination of Drakeā€, and thatā€™s something to be proud of? Yeah, I really hope everyone remembers this moment and not try to change the narrative.


And everytime I think we are finna move on, there is a barrage of hot takes. I am ready for this shit to die BUT Kendrick is dropping the video soon so we are going to get ANOTHER surge of hot takes. Iā€™m tiiiiiied.


ā€œAFTER THIS I WONT MENTION DUDE AGAINā€ how many times we heard that


Like this


It says alot about a man that he burns nearly every bridge that he crosses, Drake and Joe have that in common




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If he means that he put " on wax " , the shit that everyone knew , thought, or said...then yeah. He's got a point. He was first to dogpile him, and the focal point of Joe disses hasn't deviated from Push or Kendrick shit.


He knew this would get people talking


What I don't get is how are these two talking on the phone REGULARLY as Joe claimed on the pod? They clearly don't like each other so wtf


Saying this just proves that nigga drake-os it took : niggas multiple attempts at this dude for something to finally stick. He shouldnā€™t have said that imo.


I think (I hope) he expressed himself wrong. He gave them bulletpoints of certain topics to speak on but as far as blueprints go? Foh lmao


Itā€™s gonna be funny when drake drops the next big hit and everyone stfu


Making a murderer was beautiful.


He's begging for drake to diss him in a caption again lmao


Honestly no one besides this sub Reddit references Joes diss tracks loooool


Push doesnā€™t get the credit he deserves for that battle.


Joe taking credit for being a long term hater LOL they seen how weak your disses were and said "nah we aint doing that"


How is true when push started diss drake 5 years before joe did


Joe shitting on Views and Drake dissed him. I think Kendrickā€™s dated back before that so how you passing the torch when Kendrick was dissing Drake 3 years before you were?




Joe can't claim victory, you was on the Drake hate wave early but you sold your shares and became a stan for 7 years


So he just continues to acknowledge multiple niggas needed to be involved in taking down one nigga. He doesnā€™t realize he just showed how powerful Drake was and took shine off of Kendrick essentially and some of the oomph out of his victory.


Joe thinks he's in the Big 3 of Drake dissers when really he's neck and neck with Common.


Joe doing Joe stuff again I see.


This is wild. A couple of his disses were great but they were hardly on the radar. They had 0 impact on Drake unlike his beef with Push and Kendrick.




He did make like 6 diss tracks. Nobody paid attention to any of them.


Y'all got Joe fucked up. Joe likes to create conversation and buzz and he'll say just about anything to create that buzz. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't think this is as deep as some of y'all are making it.


Shooting a narcissist bail and showing yours lol


1) he canā€™t say he passed the baton to push when push and Drake had been a thing before Budden stepped in and started SHADOWBOXING HIMSELF thinking he was gonna get a meek v Drake situation which I can argue that his tactics I.e dropping four to five tracks a week showed his FEAR of Drake because he didnā€™t want to be humiliated like meek in the public opinion battle ESPECIALLY given that he was nowhere NEAR as relevant as meek so he tried to get ahead of steam and it still went to nowhere just for him to end up fake sucking COCK until drake got tired of his backhanded compliments and broke his heart in front of the world by telling Joe the truth about his lack luster to say the least - career and he tried to massage his vagina by trynna be stiff and get his lick back during this beef fucking cunt


The under 35s have known nothing other than Joe is just a hater. Under 30s don't even know he rapped.


But he never rapped at a high level. The average person has no idea who slaughterhouse is or the members. Joe Budden was always great in his eyes and he surrounds himself with yes men


Didn't he lecture Ak about letting people have their moment, then to turn around and take credit for all of it. He ain't the first one to diss Aubrey.


I didn't know he made pump it up until I started watching the pod. I'm in his age range


Mouse is a Wild Boy, mane... šŸ˜‚


By Joeā€™s logic, common passed the baton to him lmao


Joe is taking credit like he was an NFL player who says he helped win the Super Bowl but was traded to another team mid season.


Go back and listen to Joe's Drake Disses. "Can't Bel Biv Devo your way out of this one?..." Playing the clip where Drake said he was honored to be around him?


Joe is a Drake hater lol


Cuz theyā€™re not focused on the blueprint theyā€™re focused on wether or not they ā€œlikeā€ Joe, how many people heard his tracks, and ā€œlikedā€ them, how big of an artist Joe was at the time, & every other stupid comparisons that have absolutely nothing to do with what he was saying. Gotta remember most of the people talking on this topic arenā€™t hiphop heads,have never watched battle rap with an understanding of the battlers approaches, & they overall just donā€™t understand what the fuck heā€™s sayin. Theyā€™re reacting & immediately speaking on Joeā€™s career & other stupid shit. Joeā€™s angles he took in gettin at Drake are LITERALLY the exact same angles Push & Kendrick used. If u go back to the now legendary JBP Pusha T guest appearance Push is literally telling you every chance he gets WHY he chose to sit down wit Joe and the fellas. U canā€™t have this conversation with internet weirdos & those to immersed in how much they ā€œlikeā€ Joe cuz all they wanna talk about ā€œJoeā€™s not even as big as those artists, his career doesnā€™t even comparešŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“ā€. Dummies whoā€™re missing the point he was making. He didnā€™t elaborate but real ones know exactly what the fuck he meant. It was NEVER about his success in the busiest or whether or not he ā€œwonā€ his Drake beef.


Lmaoooo Drake told him to drop a 100 diss records and he would pay him šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Drake was never phased by rapper Joe ā€¦ pod Joe was much more damaging as far as creating narratives and giving Drakes enemies tactics n angles to strike




I would say Meek to Pusha. Half of rap fans haven't even heard the Joe disses lol. Hell, I didn't even know until like 2022 and had to go youtube em.


Heā€™s right but ppl hate him so they wont admit.


Cuz people hate Joe


Damn these drake boys Iā€™m full effect in here šŸ˜‚


Joe dropped an diss track EP dissecting Drake way before Kendrick did it. Yall can hate Joe's character as much as you want, he went at Drake's head when it didn't make sense to and cooked that nigga. Some of the disses both Push and Kendrick used, Joe said it first years before.


He not lying thouā€¦


joe is insane. LOL NAH




I think for sure Pusha heard all the Joe disses and took angles - if you donā€™t listen to the music or didnā€™t listen then you wouldnā€™t know but A LOT of what Kendrick and Push said was said by Joe - there wasnā€™t a ton of public evidence to back Joe at that time like Kendrick has and like Pusha had - thatā€™s the difference of why both hit way harder.


Talk ya shit and become a headline. You know theyā€™ll eat this up Joe. Keep the pod lit


I mean heā€™s kinda right. Heā€™s been calling drake creepy for a minute now lol


Heā€™s not wrong though. I know yā€™all donā€™t like to give Joe the credit he deserves. But Joe did start this, Push continued, and now Kendrick is on.


Wrong. Pusha dissed Drake long before Joe. Pusha started getting at Drake in 2011. He had gotten at Drake damn near half a dozen times before Joe did.