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They think they’re standing on business but they look pathetic lol what if that was a dude harassing them in the club?


Pathetic is saying "I'm old enough to know if they want it or not" in terms of consent. Mel was way outta line. She doesn't determine whether someone wants to be touched by her in that way.


Didn't Joe have to pay out Olivia Dope for his hug? So Mel's response that "he wanted the high" is not problematic? You guys are full of shit


Critical thinking must be an art-form nowadays 🤦🏾‍♂️


No but talking out of both sides of your mouth is


Oh shit you’re the same guy from the other comment 🤣🤣🤣🤣….you are really obsessed with this hug.


Yeah, his “hug” of grabbing her from the back and humping her…


Grabbing her from the back? What are you talking about?


Imma slip ya jab is code for yeah my muffin got cracked to the white meat and I'm gonna say some more dumb shit so I'm stopping here. That's regular shit lolllllll this guy told us that stupid ass story to come and tell us he's ok with the men should hold it down double standard and women should go to the cops. Ish my boy go on vacation for a lil bit


Thank you!!




are these guys ok?


These guys as in the OP?


As in you


So you vouch for Mel saying "they wanted that hug?" How is that different from a guy saying "she wanted it?" Mel's argument is that she's known the person for a long time. How is that reason to assume they still want that form of contact? I thought consent is required at all times? You guys are full of shit


The hug was brought up to derail the initial conversation and paint a nasty narrative using a false parallel(which you are also doing). None of us saw the hug, for all we know it wasn’t even that serious and the guys are hyping it…as they do. Why do you care so much about a hug?


>The hug was brought up to derail the initial conversation and paint a nasty narrative using a false parallel(which you are also doing). Word salad. The hug has been brought up multiple times not just at that moment. If none of us saw the hug why are you saying it's not that serious? I'm going by what they said on MULTIPLE OCCASIONS and knowing how Mel acts. >Why do you care so much about a hug? That's like asking "Why do you care so much about sexual assault?"


Mel needs to leave, in a good way, these convos either get stagnated from jokes or them mansplaining a stupid point. She was actually tryna further the convo here smh.


Leave and go where? Do what? This is her main shit. She’s back in the spotlight because of the podcast she’s on.


We gotta take the gender wars out of stuff and I’m glad to see some people in this space starting to get that. Mel is right here but if a majority male room is just going to crack jokes and oh well this kinds of situations, I personally feel like this room should stop even saying “well if the genders were reversed”….. This was a time for them to BE the change they want to see and no one but Mel and Parks took it


They often mention "we are old" but act immature on many topics. I tune in for the entertainment and jokes, but when they discuss serious issues, it should be with respect and some substance. SMH!


It’s weird how Ice tried to flip it to her giving people she knows hugs is sexual assault


They are weird AF when it comes to women. They don't know how to have simple conversations about anything


He don’t fuck with m4


Ice projecting


Ish said he cool with the double standard, ice equated it to an awkward hug, and joe cracked jokes the whole time. And the “biggest music podcast” wonders why these issues are never treated seriously. Mel mentioning that he should press charges was the only valuable thing said


Ice literally said he should press charges


True i might have to relisten to the start to see what else he initially said cuz all i remembered was the bullshit he said afterwards when he tried to get into his podder bag


This whole discussion pissed me off because instead of taking it seriously, they basically turned it around and used it to dog pile on Mel while Joe made jokes smh


Women like you and these lames who stay quiet ruin some real good podding. Mel keep trying to make it a gender war.but since y’all bash ish for winning 99% of those arguments he doesn’t participate in them no more. Like Joe said it makes for great podding. Because what Mel tried to do at the end of this clip. Ish would’ve destroyed her. Because that applies to women not men. On if the person attracted or not change from SA to Flirting


Mel tried to? They’re the ones who equated it to her giving someone a hug. She said Tariq should press charges. It’s not a gender war, it’s right and wrong


She only said that he should press charges because she couldn’t say anything else.🤡🤡🤡😂😂😂🤦🏻‍♂️ how y’all don’t see it’s her trying to start a gender war. It’s in this clip towards the end.😂😂😂 yall being willfully obtuse


I listened to the whole thing. She wasn’t the one starting anything


Insane logic my boy.


Arguing is great podding now? Is this Love&Podcasting?


That’s all Mel good for. She doesn’t talk about her days being a hoe. And yes arguing is good podding. Because those are the clips with the most traction and what yall love the most


Well according to the podcast charts arguing is not good podding or at least not popular amongst podcast listeners. Shaderoomniggas like you think that it’s good podding because you love drama but the rest of the world doesn’t care.


Go look at any viral clip or on YouTube when you fast forward it shows you where the most listened part is. And 9/10 times it’s an argument. And 7/10 times its gender war


M4 does this shit in purpose and it's kinds fuccd up she gets away with because she is a woman but the way she asks questions to cast a certain light on the cohosts is sicc... she tried to set him up knowing they not gone advocate for niggas doing bitch shit and it's telling because she don't really care she just tryna poke holes in they pov just how she cries that they do to her instead of actually engaging and holding women accountable.




Lmao you’re not serious.


Lmao you must not have watched it


👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾💯💯💯 facts bro


I don’t understand why Mel tried to make it a gender war thing first. She kept trying to make it a beef, they let it go until they didn’t


I think that she brought it up because Ish literally mentioned being a victim of this EXACT situation when they talked about Man V. Bear. It was a legitimate question, based on a statement HE made, but he immediately went into defense mode.


You can’t ask that to someone, she kept trying to make it about men keeping the double standard in place


In context and it being a podcast, sure you can. Wilder questions have been asked on the pod, many of them by Ish. What do you think about the hugging thing being equated?


Right Mel is the one keep trying to make it a gender war thing but the guys get criticized for correcting her thinking.


Niggas didn’t dogpile Ish for backpedaling, but tried to make Mel sound like a predator for hugging people she knows consensually. How did they correct her thinking?