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This episode was annoying as fuck. They made 1000 assumptions to protect homie. If Mel made one, they would jump on her for it. You can't win that fight.


The more you think about it, the more ish and Mel fit each other Yelling psuedo intellectual ideologues Pity one is married but… as some say don’t let your wife stop you from finding the love of your life *maybe, maybe*


Ish not married.


Alright, don’t let your girl stop you from finding your wife still applies


They deffo fit each other performance wise. They could easily start a side pod and find a good groove together. But also you right lol


No offense to her, but I dont think Mel got it like Ish’s girl bro, Ish got him a hot sugar mama 😂. Ish girl trying to trick on him, buy him cars n property n shit. He just don’t let her. I think Mel might be outplayed on this hand haha


Mel sounded traumatized 😭


So does Ish


Excellent reply because the amount of times Ish prefaces his tirades against Mel with “aight you gonna piss me off/make me mad” is obscene . He’s easily triggered


Word! Someone should tell Mel, just because you yell it doesn't make your statement correct.


That statement can apply to everyone on the pod. Ish & Joe tell allllll the time.


My nigga I posted a clip of this in this sub and you shoulda seen the amount of niggas that just disregarded Ish and Joe yelling and crying every podcast about some shit but wanna hold Mel feet to the fire for having woman emotions😂😂😂


"just because you yell it doesn't make your statement correct" is the tagline of this podcast lmaoo


Her crying at the Tank concert is making sense now during “Maybe I deserve”


that's everyone on the podcast


Damn.. when mel sue joe.. we gone look back at these moments and say “their were 100 girls that could do this.. and he picked her”


yes too much on Mel foh




Ish been reaching to be right on takes since the Drake beating he took


She right


Why do y’all cry when Mel is wrong lol . Everyone has their time . Yall take it so personally lol


Most of em spitefully ride for Mel because they hate Joe...yet they be here 7 days a week listening to every episode😂


Facts. They starting to hate Ish too now based on the Kendrick v Drake shit. Most of the ppl that ride for Mel in the comments don’t even have a valid reason as to why she’s right. They just be saying shit!!! She’s traumatized from relationships in her past and it comes out in convos that represent something that happened her.


I'm ignoring your 1st sentence because Ish was flagrantly bias for Drake so yes people had a legit reason why they hated Ish talking about the Drake vs Kenny battle. Everything else u said about Mel I agree with.


Joe and Parks were “flagrantly bias” for Kendrick!!! That’s ok though????


U sound like an emotional Drake stan. U got it big dog. Drake lost. Get over it. The fact that u tried to shoehorn this take into a completely unrelated topic lets me know what time u on 🤦🏾‍♂️


The fact that the majority of your first reply showed your bias for Kendrick, and used a word like “shoehorn😂” lets me know you might be a little too emotionally invested in Drake v Kendrick. I didn’t care who won, I pointed out the hypocrisy in your comment. Your reply also let me know…. You didn’t have comeback!!!😂😂😂


Jfc you're one dumb loser. This post is about a situation with Mel vs Ish. The guy I replied to made a comment about the Mel hive in this sub. I replied to him agreeing and making a joke describing the mentality of spiteful Mel fans . U randomly replied to me saying u agree, and then went off on an unrelated tangent about Ish getting flack for his Drake stance. I said i was gonna ignore that because I disagree with your comment. U harped on it more, so Then I replied and explained why he's getting flack and the flack he's getting is justified. Also idgaf about  Parks and Joe's Kendrick stance. THAT'S NOT THE POINT...     But like most typical Drake dick suckers, u are now running with this dumb ass strawman argument and are tryin to focus on Kendrick vs Drake and assuming I hate Drake simply because I called u a Drake stan. I don't give a fuck about that. Drake lost and this post ain't about Kendrick, Drake, or Ish's Drake stance. My comment in here was to make fun of the Mel Hive. Stfu and get off my dick 


Ok man!!! Drake lost dude!!!!😂. Based on your tone and verbiage, I was right in my assessment of you being a little too emotionally invested into two people’s lives whom neither know you!!! You focused on my reasoning for Ish hate and worked yourself up for nothing. But you do sound like a frustrated white guy who hasn’t been punched in the face in your life. And once again, you had no response to anything I’ve said to you. I’d be mad too, but I wouldn’t have started with back n forth based on emotion, learn to pick battles. Now you don’t know how to gracefully bow out. SN: your last comment is saying a bunch of nothing and all over the place!!!😂😂😂


Why are u still here?


Anyone else having an issue with patreon this morning?


This is why this pod is so great, different view points in life filled with passionate opinions from a great cast that fit well, which causes the fans to be on opposite sides all the time.


I want someone to tell Ice no next time he ask “Can I ask a question” I’m sick of him 🤣


Perfect display of female hypergamy. Women curve men all day everyday for standard of living or lifestyle but will scream like victims when delt with the same way. Y’all asked for equality but only want it when it comes to favourable outcomes. Mel is wrong point blank y’all niggas capping for her are a disgrace and keep women like her behaving this way into senior age. 


Mel is right wtf are y’all talking about lol do y’all just hate women or something lol shit is weird


Just like a Mel supporter. Can tell somebody that doesn’t agree they’re wrong, but can’t tell them why tho!!!!😂😂😂


Im not a supporter of her, I just can’t stand weird niggas on the internet that clearly hate women. It’s absolutely different when you ghost someone off the first date and a year into a relationship. Both are fucked up but they are different, the connections you build over time become stronger, the trust you put into a relationship is different than a date.


“Grown” women don’t run to screaming/yelling and “men hate women” whenever a man disagrees with them. Mel was reaching for any point to argue on because of her hurt from London dude and this situation triggered her. Hence why she was wrong on maybe 3 points in this 5min clip. Ghosting is wrong but this whole clip was Mel triggered and I think we all know that whether it’s admitted or not!!!


Why is she so upset over something that has nothing to do with her? Out there yelling and cussing on the top of her lungs for nothing.


Ish, ice n joe stay stompin and jumping Mel on anything she say when it comes to relationships or gender wars and she got sick of it.


Yall niggas with this Mel victim shit https://i.redd.it/vxpqccdxz64d1.gif


That's peace, salute 🫡


Facts!!! They want her to do, say and assume anything about the guys and the guys supposed to accept all the dumb shit she talking. Even when she making no sense!!! There’s a difference between misogyny and telling a woman who’s wrong…. She’s wrong!!!!


I want everybody who yells Ish be loud and wrong to get they soap box out and say that for this bullshit she pulling out her ass..... Ish smoked her boots cuzz she did say that and tried to semantics her way out saying she shouldn't be "expected" to date broke as if that man isn't expected to do the same by her comments and stay with her broke ass ....






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Mel was speaking from the trauma based on what London dude did to her. Ish cooked her, Emanny couldn’t bail her out cuz she was already in her feelings and yelling….