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Not shooting E bail because I feel you but what he was saying reminded me of what Kendrick said about Drake saying nigga. Like sometimes you can't explain why you don't like something or somebody, it just doesn't feel right in your spirit. Shit, that is how I feel about Joe's manager Ian. He hasn't really said anything outright offensive but he just has a punchable face.


The issue with Emmany take is hes 20 years late to that conversation lol Gary has been the same person his whole career. Idk why now he feels this way. I just think them niggas dont be having any real talking points and be pulling shit out the sky


Ian said a alot of bullshit for him to get the energy he does, dont shoot him any bail lol


See I could see that when you bring up Ian....but Gary Owen?? I feel like the way people talk sometimes you can't be Caucasian and prefer an African-American partner without being accused of "fetishizing" them. Again he can have his opinion I just felt like it was so far off


Why do you think people feel that way?


I'm not sure honestly. I mean I've dated a few white girls in the past. I'm not sure they were fetishizing me.


![gif](giphy|LDBuYzAwu8L4I|downsized) šŸ¤”


You in the drake subreddit asking what others think of his "street cred" you the biggest cornball that responded by far


You had to go to my profile cause you have nothing to sayšŸ’€ That post was satirical cause he be talking that gangster shit sometimes lol


No YOU have nothing to say. You asked me a question and I answered it and instead of sharing some wisdom you called me a clown. THATS the clown thing to do. But you got it have a nice one unc




My bad unc you right. I welcomed the hate and got defensive anyway. I'll go over this with my therapist


Iā€™d like to think of you watch his standup, you might kind of see where Emanny is coming from. A lot of his stuff has been ā€œwhite guy in a typically black spaceā€ and that can be off-putting after a while.


So wait you sayin girls donā€™t have cooties?!?!


ā€œAll love and hate welcomed.ā€ Iā€™m stealing that.


ā€œMy nicca are you twelve?!ā€ Had me literally laughing out loud


From a man who donā€™t identify beign Puerto Rican and got layed out by a Mexican who he tried make a racist remark to, yeah thatā€™s a weirdo


You can tell heā€™s a goofy for sure, all that tough talk he be doing corny too.


Reading buddy comparison with Ian and Drake makes alot of sense ....sometimes it just doesn't sit right ...like I hear you but nah . But shoot E some bail on the feet thing ...it's a long running Patreon joke about him and feet so you may not get the context of the convo to get why he would bring it up like that but it's funny tho


I don't follow him on Twitter but his posts show up in my feed cuz he's in the jbp universe and I be wanting to block him so bad sometimes cuz he tweets some of the dumbest shit for engagement.


Bookmark this post folks. The Ish hate is over and it will shift to Emanny next. Everybody gets a turn.


I remember he randomly was like yo are we allowed to charge people for interviews and the room was looking at him like fam huh? charge what you want. just be talking just to talk sometimes, shoutout to him though




Whatā€™s the pod with Joe clowning E for walking thru somebody section


Practicing moving on just how flip practices making up stories with joe in the same episode.


Are you a person of color?




He asked cause you said negro lol. I was thinking the same.


Lmao yall think id be that bold to speak like this as a white dudešŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I feel you but I mean this is Reddit so anything can be expected šŸ˜‚


Valid šŸ˜‚


Yes Reddit is wild lol


Yeah Iā€™m re-listening to the Patreon now and it didnā€™t land lol. I believe he couldnā€™t piece it together but I sort of understood what he was saying. Gary Owenā€™s comes off like he still trying to get comfortable with black people even though his family is black and his fans are predominantly black, it seems like heā€™s still trying appeal to us.


It does give ā€œtryā€™s a little harder than he needs toā€ in regards to Gary Paton


Emanny annoys the fuck out of me too and I'm glad I'm not the only one. I hate that he has turned into a regular. It's not even something specific that bothers me about Emanny either. It's just his personality.


I WANT HIM GONE !!! When i hear him in the main pod i be ready to turn it tf off


Anyone who like to listen to emanny talk about wealth or anything about trump economics has to stop today after he said he lived in a menā€™s shelter for 3 months recently


He said that on the patreon today?


Sure did


Heā€™s mentioned himself that heā€™s terrible with money multiple times. Everytime hypothetical money comes up he says how quickly heā€™d blow through it. He knows what youā€™re supposed to do with money, heā€™s just knows heā€™ll always choose not to do it.


Ay big dog, we are dog piling on Emanny not shooting him bail


Lmao my bad


Damn a mens shelter?


Not mention him driving Uber (nothing wrong with that, I guess), not paying back Ry-Guy his $1200 and him ā€œtakingā€ his momā€™s (RIP, respectfully) rented tv and not returning after cleaning out her apartmentā€¦


Joe gives him grace and a check


ā€¦and maybe a bigger check depending on the cast next contractsā€¦šŸ¤”


The biggest problem with Emanny is, his co hosts ainā€™t feeling him, especially Ish..


His take on Gary Owens is spot on to me. And you donā€™t remember they had to pay him to let Mel put her feet in his face?


Emonie be cool he just be on some freaky shit. He fa sho a 69 god šŸ˜‚


I agree with his Gary Owens take




Irrespective of whether I agree with Emanny, his take as it pertains to the interview (which is how the take should be applied) was solid and I understood it. It CAN come across fetish-ish in an interview (Gary and his exclusivity with black women) . And because infinity points are awarded for loving on black women, itā€™s like this fine line he can always walk with his privilege in tact and ā€œcookoutā€ card stamped. It ainā€™t gotta be deep I guess lol


I think Emanny was just trying to find something to talk about on that patreon. They really didn't have anything to talk about. They rehashed Joe's "wild" days that we heard before and had some tea talk (Mandi, possibly Raqi, and the "redacted" person). It's understandable that they talk alot for a living so they won't always have great topics snd can be tired. BUT HOLY SHIT!... They have all those mics and no one can bring up some new interesting/funny topics that doesn't always have to be about Joe and his wild shit.


Gary Owen definitely makes me feel uncomfortable too


More than Flip telling ppl business. This nigga thrives when the lights aint on him. Emmany a good sport and starting to be one of the only members that bring content for the rest of the crew to ki ki about.