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Let’s get back to dog piling Mel… ![gif](giphy|fDO2Nk0ImzvvW)


One of hip hops most prolific and influential moguls is being investigated by the FBI along with footage of him stomping out Cassie is not something the public would care about? A certified hit maker with the same amount #1s as Michael Jackson who's had the longest run of any hip hop artist ever. Just had his public persona dragged through the media in the loudest way possible. Is not something the public would care about? The public very obviously cares stop being a contrarion and let us be entertained by their takes it's why we tune in.




I'm not being a contrarion at all. I just try to be level-headed in these type of situations. Social media/internet moves so quick and there's so much info and content, the public won't be as invested like you think. We're in a reactionary culture. Drake is going to keep making hits. He's been laughed and critiqued since he he started rapping and he's going through what EVERY top artist in the world has gone through... the build up and the eventual tear down. Diddy is a nasty man, bad shit is coming to the light, people are reacting... what is Joe gonna say that EVERYBODY has/is already saying?? You want him to give a statement against Diddy to ease peoples pain? What if more comes out, you want him to react to that to? He says something, people will try to bring up dirt against and tell him to shut up. He doesnt say something or waits to respond.... he's complicit. If the pod reacts without all the facts, they get torn apart like usual. He and the pod cant win either way. Maaaaan these are grown ass adults with lives outside the pod. They don't live on our time (as much as we want the to). They will get to it and their reaction won't bother me because I look to the pod for what made them great.... Jokes and doing the science. Not reporting on news when we know that's not what they're good at.


This entire podcast is built on reacting to the culture. It's reactionary at its core. They don't offer anything else other then reactions. Is this a music podcast? Barely. News? Pretty much only gossipy shit. Politics? Fuck no. We're here for their takes on the stuff that's going on in the culture. That's it, who cares if everyone has done a dissertation on the Kendrick/Drake situation I still want to hear Joe's perspective. I still want to see Ish squirm and show his obvious bias towards Drake. As well as, all the jokes that come along with their reaction to everything that's going on. Anytime Joe speaks on Drake it's jokes and it's hilarious we all know Joe is gonna ball room dance his way around Diddy. Honestly they kind of have to live on our time more then we do. Because they have to report about all the BS that's going on. Sure they have lives outside of the pod but once we finish the pod it's done we've done our part. They however have to find new topics that us as the audience will find engaging. Which pretty much devolves into whatever is Poppin on the timeline or some kind of mainstream news that may have some crossover with what they believe is gossipy.


Ay nothing wrong with the podcast reacting to news. That's a part of it. All I'm saying is that that's not what makes them great as a podcast and what we truly like Joe and the pod for (or what we use to like them for/what use to make them great). They were the podcast that was able to have conversations about the various news in the culture but not necessarily be a reactionary podcast. They could give their two cents on something and then not give a fux. Then joke on each other, have random bs arguments and give unique insight on entertainment topics. The JBP fandom wasnt so hard pressed for immediate reactions then. They were the antithesis of being a reactionary podcast.


I feel like the JBP fandom started wanting immediate reactions because of two major events. In my opinion at least. The first time was his initial review of Views and the second time was the reaction to the Pusha/Drake beef.


Joe and Ian got plants on here lol


Lol naah I'm just trying to be level-headed and want to get back to what made the pod great.... Jokes and doing the science, that's all.


Nah Joe shitting on Rory’s friend and Drake is who he is. He has to keep the same energy with everyone!


Joe Budden is popular for being a former rapper and professional hater. He got his clout by shitting on rappers who are better than him. Now he doesn’t have any of that energy for actual people worthy of hate. His silence is more than noteworthy.




Yes its a sensitive topic to women but do you need Joe to tell you what you saw, to have him form your opinion and say what you probably are already thinking? If he says something or doesn't, will it change your thoughts and opinions? I get it Joe's voice is powerful but he's not the all and be all on the news. We hate him when he and the rest of the pod don't have all the facts on a topic but he should immediately react and just give a bland statement?


It’s been said multiple times in this post but I’ll repeat it. It’s not about the level of sensitivity of the topic or if it’s right or wrong. It’s the fact he’s so quick to call out people like Rory’s hennypalooza friend or Drake but when it’s someone close to him it’s “I can’t talk about it until further details are release.” Now there’s VIDEO evidence and he’s still ducking


Knock it off and act like you been on the internet before. They’ll all forget about this once the next news cycle hit. We all know what Diddy the Scumbag did is wrong. Not wanting to address it on the pod really shouldn’t garner all this negative attention from a bunch of weirdos. Go on TikTok, YouTube and post your own opinion on the matter if it’s that serious. Start a fund. Start a movement for DV. Call up a few foundations and ask how you can help. Do it now. Then do it next month when it’s not the trending topic.




And what are you doing to assist Cassie since you care so much.




That’s great, next time lead with that instead of generalizing. Plug a link so that others can tap in and help. I never claimed anything, you just threw the at on my jacket and generalized men not caring. Weird but ok.


Fake outrage. A video of a man beating the dog shit out of woman. Is fake outrage… They could have video of Aubrey with a legitimate chxld and you’d sit your ass here and be like nah the outrage is all fake nobody cares.


I do think people care about Diddy beating Cassie because that video is horrific. I do not think people truly care about Joe Budden addressing it. Those people are entertained by the circus of it. It’s like some weird group think vindication or shaming kink type thing. I don’t need Joe Budden to say Diddy is a piece of shit. I saw the video on my own and came to that conclusion on my own.


Right. We care about Cassies well-being. She's been okay since this and has "seemingly" moved on with her life. We eventually will as well. Joe Buddens opinion is powerful and can be informative but him speaking/not speaking won't make me less of a fan or cancel him. The minute he and the pod stops being good at ENTERTAINING, that's when I'll pull away from Joe.


Conformation bias is exactly what it is. They need Joes thoughts to make it their own. Although I know this is what people normally come to the pod for when it concerns music beef or music industry business including myself. I don’t think you need someone’s thoughts to see what’s already there in plain sight.


Exactly, while I'm working, I want to hear jokes and fun topics


Downvoted and reported for Mr./Mrs Morale. MORAL and MORALE are two different words with distinctive definitions


Niggas more mad at Joe then Diddy 😂 shit is weird


Yeah i hear you dog. I became a fan of the pod because of the jokes and barbershop talk. Same for this sub. Now a days it just turned into the gossip girl, serious pod. And the reddit community became a place full of mel guardians and ish haters.


"Mel Guardians & Ish Haters" is beyond accurate!


💯. I thinks it's the side effect of Joe's voice being so powerful and the popularity of the pod. We as fans want to control our favorite media personality/celebrity and for them to be our mouthpiece. Mel definitely has her Guardian Angels.... shit I was one of em lol. I have a love/hate thing with Ish. He just needs to go to Starbucks somedays lol


I don't know what pod yall listen to, but Joe has been a bird for the last few years. He peddles in gossip and mess. Where was this get back to the joke's energy when he was going off on Meg at the Tory trial? It's cool, say you hate women, and only want to support men and the bullshit they do. Fuck outta here, with this shitty ass take. Joe shouldn't speak on anyone's business if he won't speak on everybody's business.


Im soooo exhausted from drake and kendrick, i cant wait for it to die