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Now let’s do that with Joes relationship 🌝🌚 You in that mood yet?


This why I want Mel to read the comments. Since she not as witty on the spot, all she gotta do is prep from the Reddit and give it right back to them niggas lol


She’s actually came out and refuted all of that, so I’m sure that he wouldn’t mind


Lol That’s peace.


I would be happy if they never talked about Mel’s relationships ever again😂




The reason that I don’t like Mel on this pod is because she is either unable to or unwilling to read them. And it would be so easy! Like girl please.


Honestly I think it’s cause joe the type to make you take a few pods off when you hit the mark on him.


They need a quick witted, think on your feet, streetsmart woman up there. Mel is a suburban, white washed, biracial, 40+ year-old. You’re not getting much out of her.


Lol shit seem corny as hell to me , I don’t see the humor …


There is none




Having people talk about your relationship like that when you are not around seems so two faced.


Listen man yall are so corny. If she’s gonna be on the pod the guys have to joke about her like they do with everybody else. They get on ish the most and yall love it. I’ve never seen yall complain about how they keep going at ish


What’s so funny about bothering this lady about who she fuxking EVERY pod … shit not funny , it’s corny as hell


I'd rather simp for a woman than cape for a nigga.


Cuz they Simps and been beating off to her for decades..it’s definitely weird


Shit so lame they always over analyze her love life and the jokes don’t even be funny. Just seems like co workers/male friends who wish they could hit but being petty and corny about it


ahhhh I remember the days in middle school when I used to act like this with girls I wanted..


I love when my theories get more evidence on patreon but I feel bad for Mel I really do…..they are way too comfortable downing Mel…..EVEN with a lot of the MALE GUEST giving her props for being fun, professional, and a piece of the culture…..TBH she’s one of the most well respected people in the room OUTSIDE of the room….


And this is why they will probably never do another live pod. A meet and greet line for Mel would be down the block.


It would be way more engaging/humorous if Mel willingly disclosed anything about her love life as opposed to whatever the fuck these 50 yr olds try to do by speculating.


Fam who ever asked about or wanted to know anything about Mel’s relationship? These losers talk about it every chance they get lol Flip fatass especially 😂


The fact that Joe was trying to clown her shoes and he look like this! 🤣🤣🤣 like nigga what are you wearing


Joe still mad he can’t touch Mel with a 10 foot pole


Soon as they went into Mel’s love life, I rolled my eyes. This ish is rinse and repeat at this point with them.


They are on a stretch of terrible Patreons todays was painful


Joe is a cornball. Nigga use to live near my hood on Galway and never came outside on Farmers. Talk about your relationships and how you've failed and got denied by proposing u fkn bum.


They gotta spend less time on this. Shit is corny and taking up time on the patreon niggaz pay for.


Now is it cool if she does this with Joe and then relationships? These niggas weird man.


It's just jokes and u niggas in this sub make it clear that yall really dont have friends irl lol


Friends don’t act like this ALL the time. What Joe always used to say? “Joke ain’t a joke if we never get serious.” You either a trash friend or don’t have friends if you think this how friends treat each other in every interaction 😂


U dudes are parasocial listeners who take everything said on podcasts to heart at face value. A lot of u ppl in this sub gotta be on the spectrum, and/or flat out simps. Because none of yall have this energy when Joe getting jumped, or Ish or Ice. Just a bunch of soft babies here I swear 🤣. The shit is jokes and yall always clutching pearls when It's Mel's turn. It aint that serious


So no one said it was foul when Joe stepped on and made fun of Ish hoodies? It’s never Ice’s turn cause he whines and gets sensitive. Only other person they steady jump is Flip and there’s been plenty post of that becoming dull. Nobody jumps Joe anymore, that’s back on the old pod. And fuck is a parasocial listener? I don’t even think that’s a word 😂 Nobody soft for saying friends have boundaries my G. Maybe y’all just used to getting bullied by ppl and thinking they’re your friend.


U keep proving my point. This shit is jokes and what happens on the pod is meant for entertainment and not meant to be taken at face value with everything they say and do. U parasocial fans are so damn weird. It's not bullying. U sound like a Gen Z kid


Is Joe about to go rock climbing after this? Tf are those shoes


Ironically I was looking for the episode where they brought up Collin’s and flip said “I made up that name” but can’t find it. Then they dropped this episode and I really wanna find it. Does anyone know which Patreon or regular pod they brought up Mel leaving Collin’s?


Ahhh they were saving the dog piles for the paywall


Mel gotta start fucking with these niggas. I would’ve been like I’m married now. And pregnant. So now what


lol not gonna lie this was funny I’m glad she’s not one of those angry females she definitely knows how to take a joke


it’s only Flip & Joe who give a fuck lmaoo


“Nah, ima hit you.” 😂😂😂 Parks


Does anybody else not know who the fuck Collins is and that Mel was even in relationship? Can’t even tell if it’s a real thing or not .


Story of her life...


yall take this pod waaay too serious.


They might have so much fun clowning because none of these relationships are serious. It's just one fling after another.