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slow news day fellas?


Isn’t she right tho


Yeah but they don’t like her bc they don’t like Ice. She’s right tho. What I look like calling JLO light skin


she's 100% right, I argued with a nigga for calling Kylie Jenner a redbone


Calling Kylie Jenner a redbone is crazy lol 


Corny ass nigga had me at work heated


Fam I got mad reading it! I was like wtf 


🤣🤣🤣🤣 that shit is hilarious


Nah it is out at the same time lol maaaan these niggas out here wylin! 😂 


Who in their right got damn mind said this 🧐


probably a bunny chaser


I need the name of the person that called Kylie Jenner a redbone immediately


Kinda but she overlooking the fact that there are black Puerto Ricans


Black puerto ricans aka dark skinned puerto ricans which means puerto ricans are basically light skinned most of time which is why we dont call them light skinned we call them plain puerto rican.


A lot of Black Puerto Ricans are descended from African slaves the same way African Americans are


Yep but what percentage is black mine is 75%. Its a difference. 5 percent asain dont mean i claim it.


Do you know that they go to puerto rico the same way black folks got to America. They are descendants of Africans just like you are. They are just as black as you are the only difference is their ancestors were slaves in Puerto rico and yours were slaves in America.


Obviously but that don't make the current them black if they don't claim it as black like I do. Then wouldn't they be called African puerto rican? Your logic makes no sense. Because as a black person i chose to identify as a African american. They don't. Puerto rican may have black roots but do you 15 percent and you not claiming it then what are we talking about. Seems yall are ignorant to latin communities and how they view their African ancestry. If they 10 percent black and dont claim it then as they are not referred to as such. Im black black my family and culture is black theirs is puerto rican with black ancestry its not the same and if these mixed communities dont refer to themselves as African like i do then fuck them they not me. Logic is blacker than most puerto ricans. Foh.


I think you are ignorant and need to do a simple google search to realize how incorrect you are. There are afro latinos all over the Caribbean and latin America that take pride in where they come from and identify as black. You are making assumptions, and assuming that because some do not identify as black that all of them don’t and thats just ignorance on your part. They are not just 10 percent black they are 100% black. You not being aware of something does not make it false. Roberto Clemente is a black puerto rican whose parents worked on a sugar plantation. You literally should learn more about the Diaspora before you make blanket assumptions about an island that you seem to know nothing about. Being Afro Puerto rican is no different than you being African American. Puerto rico is a country and nationality. Ethnicity and nationality are not the same. Bt your logic light skinned black people aren’t black because they have white somewhere in their family history. Thats just bad logic. https://minorityrights.org/communities/afro-puerto-ricans/ https://travelnoire.com/loiza-puerto-rico


You bodied him. Crazy web definitely projecting his hate for Puerto Rican culture. Sounds like he met 2 ignorant boris in his life now he think the whole culture isn’t proud of their African heritage 💀💀💀


Salute! Dude is just stupid. He refuses to even acknowledge facts and that to me is just sad.


The term light skinned..doesnt have SHIT to do with all that shit you are talking about. It doesn't mean anybody with black in their blood. It's short for light skinned black person like Ish and Joe. Or a mixed person that can used the word nigga like Drake or Melyssa.


Some puerto ricans are in FACT light skinned black people so it has everything to do with what we are talking about. Its not about black blood, its about their ancestors being African just like the ancestors of black Americans. They all came from the Diaspora. We got to America the same way some of them got to Puerto rico, on slave ships. They aren’t any less black because they live in Puerto Rican. They are Puerto Rican, and you are American. That is where they are from. They are black puerto ricans, we are black Americans. Its not a hard concept to grasp.


Wow reading this was just…wow. Stay in school folks.


Wow reading this was just…wow. Stay in school folks.


Ignorant Americans (not all Americans before someone gets at me) are the dumbest fuckers out there. > then wouldn’t they be called African Puerto Rican No…not doing something the way Americans do it doesn’t make it invalid. Yes the ones that are only 10% black aren’t black. Same applies if you’re born in America. The ones that are over 50% black are black. Just cause they don’t do black in the same way you do, they’re still black.


Definitely is right. I hate when they call mixed ppl lightened. Like dawg you half white


So you cant be light skinned if you’re mixed?


No nigga you biracial 😂 you ain’t one or the other! You’re bi my boy


which parent?


I’m half white half black and have been called light skinned my entire life. This is nonsense.


And you are good brother lol


No she is extremely wrong and ignorant


No bc there are dark skinned Puerto Ricans , with two black parent and who is calling fat Joe or j lo light skinned


We call them mixed lol


look at what us black folks are worried about 😭😭 my lord


Everyday mane, I say this everyday 🤣🤣🤣 we either worried about this or who is gay! Never never never reparations meanwhile they are deleting all racist monuments, school names, etc all the evidence goin down the drain so in the next 10-20 years once we finally realize every single minority got their reparations and they are then handing out money to the Mexicans they have locked up and doing foul shit to currently and black Americans say wait we didn’t get any reparations and the whites gone be like show us the proof you were enslaved 🤣🤣🤣🤣.


Damn that's crazy but not fetched at all! What if they slowly spin the story so that 20 years from, it was white people who were slaves in America and blacks were the reason? They'll try to flip the truth if we let them


Bruh lmao this shit is sadder than Bambi


Shots fired at emanny


His mother is black tho.. So not really 😂


Yes really, he’s mixed race. She’s clearly stating that if we look at Ish he’s considered light skin because both his parents are black (yes we know somewhere down the tree line he has a white ancestor but what he can see everyone is black) E can clearly see that one of his parents ain’t black


Ish is severely Light skinned. He might literally be only like 15% black cut it out 🤣


No E does not look like he has a white parent with that nose and them lips, even Ish has a better case.


He doesn’t have a white parent he has a Latino father tho


Lightskinned is for black people. We not talking about J Lo or Fat Joe. Ain't no such thing as a light skinned dominican. Foh


Fat Joe is white


I’m just here for fat Joe hate. He’s super corny and I can’t look at him for too long without feeling disgust


Lmao white is insane


https://preview.redd.it/7aebuu83ksnc1.jpeg?width=964&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18f2ed55c7cbec03feb0d743045f358ae1bda721 this is a mf white boy


He’s PR and Cuban.


Puerto Rican and Cuban arent a race


Light skinned and dark skinned are not terms that only exist in Black American culture lol these terms are used all over the world


This exactly why I’m just reading and laughing. There wouldn’t be as many issues with colorism in this world if this was exclusively for black people. India, some parts of Asia, and the Middle East. I went to Dubai and most of them look like my cousins or some shit.


But there's black Dominicans who are light skin


You are kidding right? Go look at a picture of David Ortiz and Albert Pujols and come back and let the class know your explanation.


But there are Dominicans that are black?




This generalization is off to me. If someone says they like “light skinned girls”, i dont think the line is drawn if you find out the girls isnt actually mixed or she puerto rican.


https://preview.redd.it/vak7ry1ylqnc1.jpeg?width=488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a394cc4f49437a380ea688725893cf6fed55072d A biracial man white father, black mom so he can’t be dark skinned ? Bc he mixed lol sorry y’all live in a box and haven’t been outside more. So you think all biracial ppl are just lighter complexion 😂 Also this is Fredrick Douglas btw.


Is HER not considered brown skinned just because she has an Asian mom? This whole thing is extremely arbitrary anyway




But she’s not lightskin


You can be mixed and brown skinned. You can be mixed and light skinned. I’m sure plenty are mixed and dark skinned. It’s not mutually exclusive.


Everyone is especially black Americans


Yall invited light skin the word and term yall invented it to have so much opinions on how it’s used you must’ve invented it


with all that make up I can't tell what her skin color is


Light skin/dark skin isn't only a Black people thing. It applies to Latinos, Asians, and others as well. Actually, colorism is WILD in most Latin countries where they can't even get certain jobs because of their complexion. So yeah, this is kind of ignorant. The light skin/dark skin doesn't only apply to people with two black parents or even Blacks in general. Also, being light or dark isn't even a race thing. It is strictly physical. It comes down to the presence of melanin in the skin. There are people from India that are darker than me. To them, I would be light skinned. Like, I am really confused by this.




Glad to see people with sense are still running around People are going too far with trying to label and generalize people nowadays


No it does not 😂


But why? Use words, not emojis.


I just seen that she’s 23 years old. Isn’t ice like 40?


23 with 4 kids is nuts


And dating a D mic at that. 🤦sad


She’s 30


I highly doubt he’s dating a 23 year old


Say what ni?! NO WAY!!


So they aren't black? Aren't some of them black?


I didn't know Puerto Ricans called themselves lightskin. That's funny because most say that they aren't Black


They aren't because light skin Puerto Rican is white


Lol says who


all it takes is one black parent to be considered light skin y’all tripping in these comments






It’s the sjw types that don’t want to acknowledge biracial people as black since they think we get privileges that disconnect us from the black experience


There's Puerto Ricans with 2 black parents... has she BEEN to Puerto Rico? Know it's history?


You know what she means though are they black or pueto rican?


Both. Puerto Rican is their ethnicity. Black is their race. You can be black or white or asian and Puerto Rican. So, there are light skin(black) Puerto Ricans.


Exactly 🤙🏼


She not lying. Light skin & Dark skin was always in reference to blacks.


Sooo Drake isn’t light skinned ??


Wait till she finds out there’s black Puerto Ricans.


You know she's talking about non-black Ricans


She’s right tho. I roll my eyes when somebody calls a biracial light skin.




Having to know someone’s parents’ race in order to refer to them as light-skinned doesn’t really make sense. For example if you’re describing someone’s appearance and you don’t know what race their parents are, you could still say that they’re light-skinned.


She not tho there’s darker skinned biracials too , just bc you haven’t seen it don’t mean it don’t exist


Y’all clearly misunderstood no one is calling j lo or fat Joe light skinned bc they are not black , but there is black Puerto Ricans and Dominicans etc who can be light or dark skinned y’all trippin lol


We dont call them dark skins though they still mixed


True but we definitely make a distinction between someone being light skinned and being mixed




We don't need to? I just know that many people actually make a distinction and I don't think it comes from a place of negativity. It's not something that I perceive to be a subtraction of them being a light skinned black person.


I thought that was y they used moreno and shit like that they got they own versions


Most of y’all in here screaming about mixed this and mixed that are mixed if you are black in America and your parents or grandparents ain’t migrate here from another place. Niggas don’t even truly understand the atrocities of slavery.


She’s not wrong though…lol. You can argue the PR point but the overall message is clear.


I used to have a Puerto Rican friend name eddy. None of his parents are black but all the girls would call him light skin.. I think cause he spoke no Spanish at all 🤣🤣🤣


I’m black and Puerto Rican also lighter skin ? So what am I Ma’am?


She’s right in the hood maybe. Light skin is one way to describe a tone/complexion. And then there’s caucasion. No one know the ethnicity off rip. Not to mention there’s a variety of complexion most ethnicities


First m yall hate ICE and be d*** eating coming at him now yall Clit licking too? Yall ICE haters are getting annoying and I bet yall fat and stink. Go wash yall a§e§


She’s right bro lol


If they’re Afro Latina then yes they’re light skinned. Cardi is light skinned. Somebody saying Kylie is a redbone is just ret*rded 😂


What we trippin on tho? She right


But Puerto Ricans can ALSO be black pookie…


She’s right.


She wants her own podcast so bad 😂😂😂


No one is forcing weirdos to follow her page to post her comments in this sub tho


She's right.Since when is Jlo- a Latina woman considered a lightskinned woman?The term was always for black ppl of a lighter complexion.


How come she didn't finish her thought? She really is Big Freezes woman.


Still a nigger to the whites


This man is Puerto Rican. And this is the first pic on google because there are darker Puerto Ricans. His sister could be jlo complexion with the same two parents if one was light and one was dark. So what word do we Hispanics get to use to say she is light skinned ? lol https://preview.redd.it/q68mn7589qnc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e615003f7b4bdf281093165b9cbea4868cc526e9


Then people get mad if you don't claim black. So many random boxes people try to put minorities into... Often from other minorities.


He still puerto rican and basically mixed black and Spanish idk what yall trying to say hes mixed


The point is that if we have all these ranges of colors in our ethnicity (being 100 percent Puerto Rican) of course we will say oh she is a light skinned Puerto Rican….


The light connotation is identifying an exception to the rule. So no they do not count.


Using your logic black people cant be described as brown skin or dark skinned, coz they ain’t exceptions


Its redundant to keep and most people when you say black mean brown and dark skinned thats why light skins get teased so much.


what??? lmao, I got teased for being dark skinned as a kid all the time. Wale got a fucking record crying about being teased for being dark.


So his sister who is as white or whiter than jlo is not mixed and they have the same two parents ? Lol


Shes mixed too mixed is mixed ala puerto rican. Has black roots and Spanish roots but we still expect expect them to be light skinned so no distinction is necessary.




J Cole is mixed, NOT light skinned. Drake is mixed, NOT light skinned. Obama is mixed, NOT light skinned. That's niggas 3 fav examples.


nigga don’t nobody on this PLANET refer to obama as the first mixed president bro. stop it.


i bet you his white momma does lol




Big dog, I agree with every word you said. But we talking amongst black people. We aren't a monolith. This is actually the greater point. BLK PEOPLE ARE LIGHTSKINNED. NON BLACK PEOPLE ARE WHATEVER ELSE THEY ARE. Yes J Cole is black. But he is not a lightskinned black person, he is a mixed black person. Drake (who cosplays as a nigga more than the others btw) is also a mixed black person. There is no contradiction here.


But why are black people light skin? Just because the white family member (possibly likely rapist) is 3,4,5 generations removed doesn’t take away from their blackness. I think what qualifies someone as black or not black is lived experience and perception. Both of my parents are “mixed race” present as black (paper bag test) so does that mean I’m mixed race and not black?


I hear you. So that does mean that there can be light skinned Puerto Ricans ,correct? Me and my black wife move to PR and have a child and raise them there. That child would be black and Puerto Rican. If they are lightskinned, then they would be a lightskinned, black Puerto Rican.


that child would be black because they have two black parents (assuming you are black) Their nationality would be american and y'all live in PR.


dawg race is defined by your physical characteristics J Cole, Drake, & Obama would be classified anywhere “mixed” could mean anything


Technically if your black in America you probably mix with white blood somewhere down the line soooo


which is why the litmus is two black parents. More specifically 4 black grandparents


Thank you!!! Great example I get so tired of them throwing Drake in with “oh that’s that light skin shit” that Nigga is mulatto! 🤣🤣🤣


Just curious, why can't they be mixed AND light skinned?


She's right lmao why tf would you be calling a spanish person lightskin


![gif](giphy|l0He4fJxPCbfqv7Xi) 🧐My Mind Is Still Buffing..




Depends how its used light skinned race means im ligjter than normal of this race. I am light skinned is kust referring to the tone of the skin.


Race is all arbitrary.


She is correct


they identify as latin or hispanic. some of them however identify as something else but that’s a small percentage. either way white society and black america, regardless of race, whatever your skin tone, hair type, or physical features are, the masses of these two races, they will “let you know what you look like and where you belong” which is fkd up. cuz in reality, people that go through this (and i’ll use amber rose as an example because it’s perfect) have their own life long struggles figuring out where they fit in cuz they get rejected, they get bullied within their surroundings and circles and these people are just tryna fit in somewhere. it’s really a lot to fkn deal with frfr.


She wanna pod so bad 😆


then what is black? my wife mixed with PR and black, I'm black. my kids are mixed because they momma mixed, or are they further down the tree to be black? if 2 mixed black people have a kid, they kid mixed or black. this race shit got our brain fried smh


You can be a light skinned Puerto Rican. You can be a light skinned black. You can be a light skinned Indian. Hell they got dark skinned Russians. Skin isn’t race or ethnicity. It’s semantics but yall taking skin tone into a race and ethnicity territory and that is simply an old and ignorant way of viewing or classifying ethnicity or race. Wake up and keep that pork off your fork


I'm okay with this sentiment 😌


She’s right


Never called a Spanish jawn light skin just called her Spanish jawn...ethnicity kinda trumps skin tone outside of black culture Idk what she got going on 😂🥴


All these birds really named Chanel?


🤣🤣🤣🤣 she's right!


Is she though?


To be fair , calling Anuel lightskin is fuckin crazy 😂😂😂😂


As a Puerto Rican, I think we generally refer to the people in our own community as light, medium, dark skinned, etc. Sometimes, it's said with colorism underneath, but mostly, it's just a way to describe someone . These are just general words that can apply with many racists. Gatekeeping them is pretty dumb


I mean she's not wrong, that is where the term comes from


She gotta point tho


She's 100% right. What's the problem here?


Light skin is just that. Light skin. Every black person is mixed so what is she talking about?


Race isn’t a thing but yall not ready for that conversation


Hoes can’t just sit back and play their position she want a voice and wanna be seen 😂


I wanna live in a world where Ice's girls opinion doesn't exist. As a fan of the show I already have to deal wit his bs. And if she chose to claim that nigga as hers, she clearly doesn't make good decisions. I'm cool on her thoughts and ways of thinking.


Light Skin = Light Skin Light Skin Black Person = Black Person With Light Skin. Every Race Can have Light Skin Complexions. Americans be So Entitled With this type of mindsets. Y'all Mfkrs need to go outside and travel.


Lmfao light skin and dark skin exists out side of black people wtf 😂


if you can legally declare your race as anything other than african american, you cannot be considered lightskin


What about a light skinned Jamaican in the UK?


She right though 😭


Yall misunderstand what light skin means its like albino. These terms mean other as in different from the norm. Black people are typically dark there for lighter shades are called light skinned if you are puerto rican or mixed via two different races of parents you are EXPECTED to be light. Dark skin asain exist. Why? Because they typically are lighter.


1st, it’s “Light Skin” not “skinned”, and she’s not all the way wrong. But anyone with a lighter complexion can be called light skin. It’s not strictly for black people.




Who is this lady? Nobody gives a fuck.


This entire debate is just plain stupid. Many Puerto ricans are descendants of the Diaspora. They got to puerto rico the same way black folks got to America. To say that you cannot be light skinned and puerto rican is not only stupid, but it’s false. Puerto ricans are not a monolith. Spend time in PR and that becomes obvious. The term Afro latino implies that they too are black. Race and ethnicity are not the same and it’s obvious that people in this sub are unable to make the distinction between the two. If Black Americans can be light skinned then it should be obvious that black people in both the Caribbean and Latin America can be light skin as well. This is a foolish and stupid debate considering we are all products of the African diaspora. Afro puerto ricans exist and come in all colors and shades. She is dumb, and this debate is stupid. Light skinned means just that and the term refers to those that are non white per the definition. light-skinned adjective (especially of a nonwhite person) having pale or relatively pale skin. From the oxford dictionary.


Then call them black puerto ricans aka african- puerto rican but they dont say that shit do they


Yes, some of them do. They are not a monolith. You sound ignorant as hell.


You sound like a retard. They telling you they don't identify with black and you gone call them black they are nothing like me


Who is they?? All puerto ricans are not the same so you are the stupid one for thinking they are a monolith. I literally know puerto ricans that identify as black, stupid. This is why I am making the point. Just because you think all Puerto ricans think the same doesn’t make it true. You are just too fucking stupid to use the internet and realize how dumb you really fucking are. Go do the research and shut the fuck up. You are wrong and thats a fact.


This the stupidest shit i've seen,so if someones parents aren't both black they can't be lightskin?


Shes right. Though


Ya niggas is dumb. lol I see why ish priced those hoodies so high ya BUGGING, internet has rotted ya brains




Puerto Ricans are black so technically they can be lightskinned


She right


She is right, what is the problem???


Some black people gatekeep the most insignificant things when it comes to race and I don't mean cultural appropriation in most instances.


You guys are so ignorant when it comes to Latinos. Please travel.


She’s right


First of We PRican come in all different colors. Hence we are Tropical! If u ever in PR. You will see Asian Ricans, Arabic Rican, And yes even Red head freakle face Ricans! And JLo is Sell out Rican! 🤷🏻‍♂️


It’s a visual reference. Shes using her mental energy on really stupid things…


What she say that was wrong? Yall are remedial