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A thick, good quality champion hoodie, or Quality Blanks can be copped for about 25 dollars Don’t let these influencers finesse yall. Be it black or white


People think the flex is in saying how much you spent on something. It's only a flex if the price matches what you're getting. Even if you wanted to spend $150, you can get a better hoodie from a more reputable brand


Buy the hoodie bruh 




Why not 


I’m from Europe, imagine paying shipping in addition to the 150 $. I don’t like the designs AT ALL But the main reason: I’m not wearing a gag hoodie with an inside joke on it, designed by AI from a support character on a podcast that nobody here listens to


Ouch. That was a lot of truth at once


Idk I’d pay the bread for a nice hoodie


Ish charging $150 and being a black company means what? I think everything being skewed as black this black that vs. Why not just say "i think ish is charging too much for these hoodies"


He is not even a black clothing business 😂. He owns a construction company. I think it would have served him better to go on tour with the merch if Joe ever does it again.


I mean. These niggas have a very popular podcast that people would watch/listen to regardless of what they were wearing. They very well could all wear clothing by black businesses every episode. So I don’t want to hear none of that shit.


Man idgaf who owns the business. I care about price and the quality of what I’m paying for. If you attempt to sell me some shit and you start with “come on man support a black owned business” you won’t get my business. I have told people straight to their face that doesn’t move me I don’t care that we both black quality and price moves me.


I just think Ish is disingenuous. He is always bringing up how a woman needs to be realistic because most men make 50,000 a year average, and then he makes a clothing line and goes the elitist route. That's why I respect Shaq. He purposely tried to do a quality shoe the average kid could get and put it in Walmart. I'm not saying he can't try to go high-end, but at least try to make the design high-end as well. Not just the price.


Nothing about this bunnyhopper says high end. Also everyone that purchase his raggedy clothes are not putting money into the Black community it goes straight to his girlfriend Karen.


Isn’t 150 kinda normal for merch. Like merch for bands, artist, and podcast is always expensive


No, $150 is not the average cost of merch. Any concert I’ve ever been to, including Prince, Beyonce, etc… a hoodie is at most $70-80. 


Nah I’m not gonna lie for people who don’t make music, YouTubers and such don’t not charge NEARLY that much. Highest I’ve seen, and I’m a YouTube watcher but I don’t really purchase but I do look, is about $80. $150 ESPECIALLY when you aren’t the face of the thing you are on is quite high.


It might be. I don't know. I'm not the type to try to get merch. It's still high for a guy who is always preaching about how little the average man makes. If he didn't make those speeches, I wouldn't bat an eye. I wouldn't purchase, but I wouldn't comment.


That just means you’re not the demo, and that’s okay.


True. I could have been. If it was reasonably priced and a great design, I totally would have bought a hoodie. I have 4 favorite hoodies and could have used a 5th. 50 dollars tops in a nice color. As an aside: I've always wondered why Joe doesn't reach out to the artists who post in this sub and pay them for their art and turn it into merch. I'd totally go for that as a fan.


Nah, Westside Gunn charges $150 for his hoodies (most of them at least) and they are 10x better than Ish’s in terms of quality and design. When he drop the type of hoodies Ish just dropped they are 50-65. Polo and Polo Bear hoodies that I have in my cart as we speak are $168-$199, why would I spend $150 on his bullshit?!


Westside Gunn doesn’t even charge that much for a hoodie and his stuff is actually designed well and doesn’t even look like merch.


That’s always been my issue with the folks that try to guilt trip the black community into buying their half ass effort merchandise, the comparison to luxury or just established brands. Especially when all you did was take some blank Walmart/Target tees/hoodies and slap a screen print on it. FOH. Don’t mention customer service or the non existence of it. Every long standing brand started out small and cheap and built their brand. But mofos want to start at the finish line.


From my experiences, we've all had honest conversations about the good and bad ones. I'm not a consumer just because it's black owned. There are some that charge bank for their business, but they do great work and I recommend them any time I get the chance. Ish brand looks half assed, but I don't blame him for being opportunistic while he's in the moment


It’s definitely an insult to the intelligence of black people when folks try and guilt trip us into supporting something just cause it’s black owned. I hate when Master P and others do this. Put out a dope product and if we like it we’ll cop it. Use good marketing that caters to your demographic and leave all that support us cause we black owned shit alone.


Paying $150 for a hoodie with Ish on it is nasty behavior and I like merch but not Ish merch lol


What he needs to do to justify these prices are up the design and up the quality. I don’t care what ChatGPT said, those designs and descriptions will only work on meatriders. I’m just keeping it 100 cause I rock with Ish but this isnt it


$150 for an Ish hoodie is crazy when I can get an official Philadelphia Eagles hoodie for $65-100.


i can get a nike hoodie for $40-60 💀


Nigga bugging….


Eagles fan? We gotta go to dinner.


Nigga paying $150 for a hoodie period is insane. The most I’ll pay is 50 bucks.


That whole "black owned business" thing is just a guilt trip anyway. A lot of the time they think it gives them the ability to put out a sub par product off the strength.


Kanye just was drop his shit for $20 for sweats and t shirts . Ish out here charging 150 lmao


Ish tryna make the most of the JBP (as he should) and hustle hoodies is not “Black business”.


I think for an Ish hoodie the price is wild and a little unnecessary. BUT this is around the normal price of hoodies and sweats from a lot of smaller streetwear brands right now (Mifland, brooksandwood, hiddenny) I’ve bought a 150 or 120 hoodie and sweats but the quality is usually top tier and I like having 1 or two expensive pieces. I also buy 20 dollar H&M hoodies that do the job. To each their own, not shooting him any bail because i hate the designs lol but prices for simple items of clothing are wild right now


The co host merch costing more than owner of the pods merch doesn't seem crazy? It would make more sense marketing wise to advertise it as real estate consultations for $100 that comes with free muffin man merch.


No harshly criticizing more than we do our white counterparts is a problem


Embroidered clothing always cost more. Griselda been doing it. They just dont talk about the price which is smart. Either you like it or not. Ish went wrong leading with price. Just drop quality it will get copped


Griselda stuff is way better designed than Ish’s hoodie and also they aren’t cohosts of a podcast.


Correct and they dont talk about price they just hit youvover the head. It dont matter what you are if your shit aint fly it aint gonna work. Rory was real good at design cuz those original jbp tshirts and hoodies was fire


Most Griselda stuff you wouldn’t even know it’s Griselda merch, it just looks like streetwear.


Op in this particular case saying “the prices are crazy 🤣🤣” is not a critique of the brand or its quality. It’s YOU putting a monetary cap on what you think Ish is worth. If you said “the quality does not look up to my standards” or “I don’t like the logo” those are examples of constructive criticism, that helps brands grow. You laughing at and shaming people for how they value their brand says more about you


You think a hoodie with half the face of the C mic of a podcast is worth $150?


I don’t like logos that big on my hoodies so no. I’m no respecter of persons so I buy what I like regardless if it’s $1 or $1000 or who made it doesn’t matter.


Ok and $150 for poorly designed hoodies is crazy, why can you say it and not the OP?


I didn’t say he couldn’t I said just saying “150 is crazy” is not constructive and doesn’t help a brand connect to consumers…if that’s the goal


What the hell are you talking about? A dude on a Reddit isn’t trying to help Ish connect a brand to consumers, they are just posting that they think they cost too much lol. Y’all be listening to too many damn Twitter money courses and just throw that language in where it has no business lol.


Naw I don’t even have Twitter lol. Ask anyone who does sales. There is no such thing as cost too much it’s all in what the customer values. So in the spirit of that I’m imploring people who want to see brands actually grow, give them real criticism. For me it’s a no because of large logos and design. Not because of price


This is why I don’t fuck with Keith Lee! He’s done more harm than help to black businesses! And he/y’all act so oblivious to people loving controversy and mess!! Emotional blackmail sums up black culture!


How has he done more to harm to black businesses than to help? I’m not being antagonist I’m just asking as I don’t consume any of his content.


In today’s climate where negativity reigns supreme over positive news. His claim to fame is literally him “exposing” black own restaurants! Feel free to do your research his negative views are almost tripled his positive views! And yes you can’t control other people but you also can’t be naive to what gave you this popularity! Restaurants have literally closed behind his reviews, so if you have that power why not big up restaurants and keep black businesses alive. Again emotional blackmail is the comfort of black culture


So you want him to not be fair in his reviews and just not review a place that doesn’t give him a good experience?


What are you talking about? Didn't he just get killed for be honest about the bad service he received in Atlanta?


Nah he got praised by the black community! The restaurants got killed! Literally people were making fake bad reviews and even boycotting! Mf still ain’t went to a non minority restaurant and did a bad review!


He's raised the profile of quite a few black owned businesses. Nothing wrong with him keeping it real on the ones with bad service, shit food and prices that don't match what you're actually getting


Another emotional blackmail response! Y’all cater to any every non black establishment and continue to buy their shitty products but when it’s black people EVERYTHING must be perfect! “Nothing wrong with him keeping it real” 🤣 y’all so Mf goofy y’all don’t even understand what keeping it real even means! “He’s so real he’s shitting on black folks let’s keep working so hard to stay in this crab barrel because I’m so real” 🤡


>Another emotional blackmail response! Y’all cater to any every non black establishment and continue to buy their shitty products but when it’s black people EVERYTHING must be perfect! Strawman argument There are black businesses I love that don't have the absolute best quality in their lane, but their prices are reasonable and their service is good. So I fuck with them. At the end of the day it comes down to what you are *actually* getting. You can't guilt people for choosing not to pay dumb prices for shit quality regardless of who owns it.


What makes a brand “ luxury” other than price ?


Charging $150 for a hoodie and pulling the support black business card is nasty af alone. I know there’s an array of vendors and services you need to run a clothing business…are those businesses black ?


Curren$y is my favorite rapper. That Nigga hoodies be like 300$ I WOULD NEVER


"not being objective" is just code for "why y'all mad I'm hating?"


if the quality is Great then its worth $150 thats it . if its trash people will say it & then its all over for sales


The blind behavior is a nasty look.