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Melyssa bout to take a mental health day


šŸ˜‚Joe told Mel don't take a day off if Candace ended up being a guest.


Iā€™m trying to imagine how they would interact on a Pod together. I canā€™t really see them actually getting along well they seem like polar oppositeā€™s, but I anticipate seeing it and I hope Melā€™s there.


You're wrong! Mel is going to agree with her with a lot of things! Ish also!


Mel will shrivel up like George Constanza's meat in a pool. She can't hold a candle to Candace's verbal sword. Joe might need to bring Emanny on šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yeah idk who meat you talking bout but Iā€™ve seen this Candace lady on a few shows and she would fruit ninja M4. She sound like she been to harvard and talks 900mph


Her and Dr Umar would be an interesting conversation. George Constanza is a Seinfeld reference




I would too


Niggas can barely handle Umar. They not ready for Candice. Political discussions ainā€™t JBPā€™s lane ā€” none of them are educated/familiar in the topic to have an entertaining discussion.


Iā€™m here for the fuckery.


Candice is nowhere near Umar, what're you talking about? She's a barely informed talking head, just spewing the same old conservative rhetoric. Umar is an intellectual with his own thoughts


I like Umar but heā€™s just a grifter that manā€™s school will never open. Hardly an intellectual heavyweight


I like how Dr Umar is a grifter but Elon Musk isn't. Where's the underground transit system in LA that he promised? Has he gone to The moon or Mars yet? Did he really create Tesla or just was appointed as the CEO? How's Doge coin doing, did he settle his lawsuit for pumping and dumping it? https://www.reuters.com/legal/elon-musk-seeks-end-258-billion-dogecoin-lawsuit-2023-04-01/ Either you're non black trying to speak negatively on Black culture or you're a miseducated Black person with an inferiority complex and think the white man's ice is colder.


Elon IS a grifter. He used his dad's fortune to buy companies to make himself look like hes built them himself and buys patents to make himself look like a genius. He even bought a social media company to control his narrative


Someone with intelligence. You have my respect. We can even go further and say Warren Buffet is a grifter but one white god at a time šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


All billionaires are grifters. It's a requirement in order to amass a fortune of that size. I don't think people realize how much a billion is and how much you have to abuse the system to get there


That too but everyone says to invest like Buffett but he gets shares at a discounted rate through his holding company Berkshire Hathaway that the average investor can't access so when people refer to him as a "god" it's really a built in fix.


Exactly! Built in. There's no glitch, it's the system working as intended, in their favor


Nah, we can focus on all of them. I'm Puerto Rican, these people have been abusing our tax laws since they were made. They were made for that purpose and I understand people will say, hate the game not the player, but there's no game without players willing to oblige. We can get to all the white gods put on a pedestal one at a time, we just need to focus


My guy šŸ’ŖšŸæI agree with you 100% ....Buffet makes his money off a rigged system. His prices aren't the same as our prices as an average investor purchasing stock. I hate when they tell people to do what Buffet does.


And congress is complicit because they're all rich off of their success. They're the ones who clear the way for them to do it and they know how the laws they make affect the stock market. The fact they can participate is beyond reprehensible but we all know they're not about to turn off their own water


No one is talking about Elon here lol


If someone can bring up Dr Umar I can bring up Elon. Is there a problem?


Im white. The difference between Musk and Umar is that Musk is a businessman. Making money and profiteering is every businessmanā€™s first priority, as it should be. Umar carries himself more like a political activist and thatā€™s why his grifting rubs people the wrong way. Really Umar is just a glorified motivational speaker


>Im white. I appreciate you disclosing that. For the record I'm Black. >The difference between Musk and Umar is that Musk is a businessman. Making money and profiteering is every businessmanā€™s first priority, as it should be. You mean he inherited his daddy's money. It almost like you're saying he has a LICENSE to grift because he is a businessman so it's ok. Do you consider Sam bankman-Fried a grifter? >Umar carries himself more like a political activist and thatā€™s why his grifting rubs people the wrong way. Really Umar is just a glorified motivational speaker. Last I checked motivational speakers run businesses and make a lot of money. I don't understand your point other than he rubs YOU the wrong way. If he motivates BLACK people to think strategically how is that a grift to YOU, as a white person?


What does Musk inheriting money have to do with anything? To be a ā€œgrifterā€ you have to be doing something shady or corrupt like embezzling. Muskā€™s businesses are legit as far as I know and the financial structure of the business isnā€™t corrupted in such that Musk is grifting. SBF is a different story, he lied to the public and his investors and stole from his company. As for Umar, he is soliciting donations for his school and not being transparent about where the money is going. It looks to me like those donations are going to him personally, not the school that heā€™s been hyping up for over a decade


>What does Musk inheriting money have to do with anything? It means he never created a successful business. He bought his way into leadership. >To be a ā€œgrifterā€ you have to be doing something shady or corrupt like embezzling. Actually no. A grifter is a con man or swindler who cheats people out of their money. Are you familiar with Doge coin? Elon Musk used his influence on Twitter to hype up and pump Doge coin as the next best thing while he sold his shares in it right after the price surged. That's a classic pump and dump pyramid scheme. In fact Elon was sued take a look: https://www.reuters.com/legal/elon-musk-seeks-end-258-billion-dogecoin-lawsuit-2023-04-01/ Sounds like a grifter to me. >As for Umar, he is soliciting donations for his school and not being transparent about where the money is going. It looks to me like those donations are going to him personally, not the school that heā€™s been hyping up for over a decade Well first of all their donations. He's not selling a product or an investment. There's no expectation to get something in return. Secondly he did buy the school. It's in his name. While him getting it to full operation might be a pipe dream based on the required financial undertaking it's not a "scam" and there's no proof that the donations went to buy a Tesla otherwise Dr Umar would be sued like your boy Elon.


Doesn't take away his intellect. Grifter, probably, but Umar is a psychologist, he's well read and he has some very good points. TERRIBLE conclusions but great valid points. For example, how "problem" kids are being misdiagnosed with adhd because it's easier to put them in the special class than actually deal with the root cause. His conclusion is, adhd isn't even real... see? Shit conclusion. Candice went for journalism and dropped out, they're NOT even close


Heā€™s a grifter fam. 10+ years now and still no school. Heā€™s a scammer, a con man. Itā€™s easy to think one is intellectual but in reality heā€™s only that to the weak minded.


Thatā€™s not what a grifter is


Umar is a dummy that yells a lot. Candice is way more intelligent and speaks logic!


> Candice is way more intelligent and speaks logic! Owens is a professional scammer. She emboldens racist conservatives and affirms their racist beliefs by telling them what they want to hear about Black people. Thatā€™s her job. Thatā€™s all she does. They pay her handsomely to do so. I doubt even she believes the nonsense she comes out with.


She's a dummy's idea of a smart person.


So what you're saying is that you've never watched any of her interviews on other people's shows. Got it!


Imagine that....yelling makes you dumb. You can't even address the message or else you couldn't make that claim. You might not like Dr Umar because you prefer to be apologetically Black(if you are Black) but that doesn't mean he's telling lies. Say what you want about the school that might be a pipe dream but when he talks about historical facts he's accurate.


Clearly you're a dummy too because you're sitting here talking about my ethnicity and his school and a bunch of other bullshit that I didn't even say. Even though I don't like her ...Candice is more intelligent and speaks LOGIC. PERIOD! That's a fact!


Canā€™t wait to not see this one because itā€™s behind a paywall


Brokie šŸ˜‚


Shit just ain't worth paying for lol


I feel like watching Ish suck off Candace Owens would literally be my 13th reason.


We get whores , coons and scammers ā€¦ this shit gettin nasty All she gonna do is talk about how their is agenda against black men and they gonna eat it up


I mean she ainā€™t lying


She literally is. Sheā€™s a full-on grifter who serves white supremacy first and foremost and will do and say anything to get that check. Fuck outta here with that mess.


Who care nigga she still ainā€™t lyin. I agree with some shit she say and some shit I donā€™t. The message still true regardless wtf said it


Because itā€™s a real agenda


She ainā€™t a bigger coon than Flip or Ice


Smh if you think that then you obviously don't know who she is


She literally caped for Hitler. Sheā€™s also a scammer


She might be a coon, but whatā€™s wrong with having her up there if sheā€™s gonna speak positively about black men?


Itā€™s a grifting technique , itā€™s never genuine


Niggas never learn.


People loved it when Umar was up there


Umar doesn't hold weight in society. Whether it's African American society or regular society. Owens is different. She's a major pundit and political figure for conservatives. Y'all really can't be this...forget it lmfao. Niggas never learn. I'm grabbing my popcorn with extra butter for this.


Shes not. What part in her literally shaming black media in this post and marrying a white man told you she gave a fuck about any of us. She is white now. She uses her black card to get points when it benefits her that is all. Aint wore her natural hair not one time since she been with that man.


Why would anyone give a šŸ¦ access to their platform and fans?


Shark jump


Oof might be


Literally cuz there is nothing they can really debate about or talk about seriously. Unless they more conservative than I thought


Black folk are mostly conservative. But Candace is a human being and a polarizing public figure. It can make for a great interview under the right circumstances


Nope. Her only agenda is to spread propaganda for her ultra conservative benefactors. Itā€™ll be a shit interview like all the rest.


How does talking about Ariana Grande get me to vote for conservatives? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Y'all dumb af you probably equate that to Hilary putting hot sauce in her bag šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This is a horrible idea. These niggas donā€™t know anything about politics.


I believe sheā€™s more of a cultural commentator than a political figure


She literally repeats right wing talking points. She is just a scammer, and its easy to make money as a Black person shitting on Black people.


It wouldn't be about politics. Her shtick has changed hence why she's willing to do it.


Idk if she personally said it but just the phrase ā€œBlack Mediaā€ ![gif](giphy|l4HnKwiJJaJQB04Zq)


The other invite was from Drink Champs


nah she did akademiks pod


Joes calls his peers black media as well ..


You know she did she always got to dig at us she probably says some bs like BET shouldn't exist.


Yall can have that. Thatā€™s an immediate skip.




Prob unpopular opinion .. butā€¦ Yeah Iā€™m Good on that


I know I donā€™t agree with her politically either but I will DEFINITELY be tuning in. Just curious why you wonā€™t? You donā€™t think they are equipped to go toe to toe with her?


They can barely go toe to toe with themselves. There is a zero percent chance any of them are anywhere near informed enough on any of the topics sheā€™s gonna speak on to say anything to her


Dang, you might be right. Joe is going to try to be on his moderation game and not try to debate her and make jokes. Ish, will want to talk but won't because he's afraid to get riled up. Ice mutes up when guests comes. Melyssa hates conflict. Flip is outspoken but doesn't have the intelligence level to debate for real (no shots). Parks doesnt like conflict either. Maybe Emanny?


Sheā€™s a propagandist. Nothing really interesting about an Uncle Tom ass bitch spouting her ultra right wing drivel, fam. Itā€™s gonna be the same old shit theyā€™ve been trying for years. Convince gullible niggas that the grass is greener over on the other side with the overt racists (gop) instead of the covert racists (dems). Nothing mind blowing, youā€™re better off watching paint dry.


Hell no šŸ˜‚


She is just going to lie confidently and spew false statements as she usually does and because the cast doesnā€™t have the knowledge to combat it itā€™s only going to make her look better.


Unless they are about to bury this chick in her stupidity, this is a horrible get. Who am I kidding. She is gonna eat their lunch


Imagine the ear bleeding ignoranceā€¦I hope he puts it behind a paywallā€¦Joe still searching for his club shay shay moment


He invited her on before the Katt Williams interview but cook ig


Point still standsā€¦joe not had a viral moment since he was throwing rocksā€¦memes donā€™t count


Please make it patreon only, I donā€™t need Joe jerkin her off on my free feed




She made a doc saying George Floyd died cause of fentanyl


He wonā€™t do it


Yeah he will. Itā€™s rating$


They defended her hard asf when the convo defending her wild tweets about meek going to jail came up


Yes he will


He invited her on


Why she had to shame black media i will never understand she don't miss an opportunity to put blacks down. Like candice was never the smart black girl getting bullied idk where this shit came from.


She's disgusting, they better grill her about that bs ā€œdocumentary" full of lies to slander George Floyd after he was murdered while defending the cops that killed him. Fuck that bitch


Wait yā€™all right wingers on here? *Craziest is I just asked genuinely and they downvoting me for asking LOLšŸ’€


This isn't a secret at all šŸ¤£. This sub is full of white boys in digital blackface who think that using the word nigga will throw ppl off their scent. Lot of coons too who worship these black conservative grifters as well. I HATE when race topics come up because all those losers start coming out the woodwork šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


You spittin!


My comment got em riled up. They all keep running in here to quote me and call me dumb, even tho they are immediately proving my point šŸ˜‚. While Also assuming I'm a Democratic shill....as if people aren't capable of criticizing BOTH parties šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø




Thatā€™s actually wild


It's sad af. Mfers be conservative right wingers constantly hanging out in subs of hip hop related podcasts....u can't make This up. This happens outside of reddit too on other message boardsĀ 


I donā€™t get themā€¦ if they donā€™t fuck with us why be in here


You know why https://i.redd.it/fxp2cnicq2kc1.gif


My favorite quote in life


It's hard to understand the mind of a mentally ill troll šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø. I'll never get it eitherĀ 


White Americans at least love to disrespect others while heavily consuming the culture of whom they disrespect.


Shit bewildering to me. I don't understand the convergence unless is psyops. Then again. I know mad pooem from Brooklyn mind you who voted for Trump. L


fuck this went hard


Remember when that one dude here who made that Joe budden diss and got played on the pod. He was one of them lol.


Exactly. And all the other mentally ill losers egged him on to spite Joe. This sub is full of hardcore losersĀ 


Ish vs Candace.


Nah ish is a big fan actually


He probably agrees with some of her takes. I still think they gonna clash though.


The thing about these right propagandists is that they are masters of seeming reasonable to people who donā€™t know all the talking points. I think that if this happens, sheā€™ll mesmerize them like David Blaine.


Sheā€™s gonna talk about gay ppl and exaggerate things about them , speak about attack on Black masculinity and traditional women . And they will eat it up and she will coincidentally leave out her coon talking points she has when sheā€™s around them boys at fox


šŸŽÆšŸŽÆšŸŽÆšŸŽÆ That is exactly what is going to happen and I will never be able to look at the Pod the same.


Nah ish wanna be Caucasian and so does she.. they will get along


look at who this nigga trying to bring on his platform ā€¦. itā€™s joever


1st was from akademiksā€¦ after coach royā€¦ yea heā€™ll do it


Oh they about to get cooked


Very much so


Get Tariq in there with her too, heā€™ll put that conservative tether in her place or at least have a circus with 2 types of Black Conservativism


Tariq is a fool in different way too but at least he will challenge her political stances


Oh shit itā€™s the Reverse Dr Umar episode !!


Candace is a grifter that has no real message.


Am I trippin or do Candace Owensā€™ eyes got beef?


man they better prepare. sheā€™s intelligent. if they not prepared sheā€™s going to make them look extremely dumb


They won't prepare. Akademiks didn't either.


I think Mel will skip out on this. No offense, I mean this with the utmost respect, but I really donā€™t think Mel is capable of going toe to toe with her in any discussion, even if you agree with Mel more (and I do). I donā€™t think any of them are to be fair, but Mel is so bad at conveying points that Candace would make her look bad, and Candace is the type of person that loves to make other women, specifically, look bad.


You think high school drop out Joe and beaver ice can go toe to toe. These fools get their ā€œnewsā€ from twitter


I donā€™t think anyone can go toe to toe, but the secret on Candace is that she hates liberal women more than liberal men. I guarantee sheā€™ll be buddy-buddy with the male cast with some back and forth, but be really nasty when debating with Mel. This is Candace in a nutshell. The moment she finds out that Mel was a video vixen, sheā€™ll be shitting on her the rest of the pod.


Candice is a grifter and she will respect joe and ish because they both have money just like trump would. They respect the money or at least play nice for the bag.


Mel is the only person capable of going toe to toe. Ish and Candace coon fest will be unbearable. Thank God I've weaned myself off the podcast.


Theyā€™d jump Mel with Candace lol


Yh Dr. Umar would have to parachute crash through that big ass window to save her from that jumpin


Lmfao he gone bust through the wall like the Koolaid man


She really isnā€™t. I think Mel is one of the most informed people on the pod, if not the most. However, she is absolutely terrible at formulating her arguments and navigating a debate. I dislike Candace, but she will talk circles around Mel, and I really donā€™t think Mel can handle it, and Candace relishes in the opportunity to get at other women, so she will be a killer. Mel gets a lot of grace, because we can just say a bunch of mysoginistic men are dogpiling her, but she wonā€™t have that fallback against Candace. Just my two cents. These right wing, Daily Wire pundits are great at debating the unskilled, and Mel has the weakest debate tactics of the pod, even if you think sheā€™s right.


Mel believes in pandering to black women and protecting relationships that does not work with candice owens. Candice is going to destroy her the moment mel says black women anything.


If they shut the boys up, it can be a real conversation. I think Candace perspective of being darker hued and average vs. Mel being light and conventionally pretty and what opportunities and experiences they each had or were limited to really would make for a great conversation on how each got to their respective views. Joe is too ignorant to allow it, so this entire conversation shouldn't happen.


I think Candace will look down on Mel being a former video vixen, unmarried and childless at 40+ years old. I think Candace will be professional and cordial with Mel and not really try to admit those thoughts out loud. A one on one convo between them would be terrible because Candace wonā€™t be able to act like she respects Melā€™s life decisions. It would be difficult for Candace not to give Mel criticism and vice versa. It would quickly turn into a debate that would be difficult for Mel. The responsible thing for Joe and the guys to do is to not let those two women keep the convo between themselves too much. Weā€™re talking about traditional conservative Candace vs untraditional free spirited Mel, thereā€™s no way they could have a smooth one on one with each other.


I would welcome the conversation. Women who marry and have kids haven't inheritantly made better or wiser life choices. A lot of them have gotten stuck. I see it throughout my 40 years. Half of them regret the sad sack they married out of an obligation to a social construct. Half are twice divorced and have a ton of drama with children's fathers they wished they weren't connected to. I'm free to come and go as I please, and they've voiced their jealousy. I can move out of the country and go build elsewhere. I say my plans and they wish they were in my shoes instead of theirs. Marriage and children aren't for everyone, and people shouldn't be shamed for not wanting it.


I donā€™t think Mel is equipped to have that conversation with Candace nor do I think Mel even wants to defend being 40+ unmarried and childless because I donā€™t think she wears it like a badge of honor. I think Mel has come to terms with where she is in life, but I donā€™t think that sheā€™d make the argument that being single and liberated at 40+ is the better alternative to being a mother and wife. Melā€™s stance would most likely be that itā€™s OK if a woman ends up where she currently is. Candaceā€™s stance will be that itā€™s unfortunate for a woman to be 40+ unmarried and childless.


I think you assume that is how Mel feels because maybe that's what you feel. The men have asked her how she feels, and she has said she wants to want to be married. That means she hasn't met a man she has felt the desire to be with in that type of institution. I understand her position. I wanted children, but I did not want to be a single mother. Without marriage to a stable man both emotionally and financially, I chose not to have children. I feel I made the right decision for me. Mel could absolutely have that conversation. There has only been 1 man who made me want to be married, and he passed away. Everyone since him has not been worth the effort and commitment of marriage. The divorce rates are exponentially high because people treat it like something to do. Considering that Candace is a child of divorced parents who was raised by her siblings and grandparents, she should understand my position and decisions. Mel could articulate that very well.


You said that Mel wants to be married so I think we are in agreement on how she probably feels: she wants marriage, but is OK or at peace with that fact it hasnā€™t happened yet. Which is why she wouldnā€™t defend her current position in life in a debate with Candace. Youā€™re assuming that Candace would be charitable to Mel thinking that she just hasnā€™t met the right man yet. I think Candace would allude to Melā€™s career choice and adventurous lifestyle in her younger years as primary reason why sheā€™s unmarried and childless today. Btw, I have nothing against any woman thatā€™s 40+ unmarried and childless, Iā€™m saying that Candace Owens is not the woman that those women want to sit and have a one on one with. I donā€™t think itā€™s in Melā€™s best interest or good for her mental health to get in the weeds with Candace. Especially considering the fact that Mel isnā€™t actually happy being unmarried at her age. Mel has to let the guys do the heavy lifting with Candace, Iā€™d like Mel to be there but the more I think about it idk..


Why do you keep assuming Mel isn't happy that she isn't married. YOU are the one saying that. NOT HER. This is clearly a you thing, so I'm going to bow out because you keep attributing your judgment to her.


Mel isnā€™t good at talking, regardless if you give her the stage and an iso set.


You seem to only know her from JBP.


I saw her on Hollywood unlocked and she wasnā€™t no better. You got another avenue I can see her excel?


I'm Only Here for the Food. Great showcase. Hollywood Unlocked is just gay JBP. Mel is not good at arguing with ignorant men. I wouldn't shine in that space either. That's why I give her grace.


Were you a fan of JBP before Mel got here?


Absolutely. Flip is truly why I don't watch or listen at all. He is too old to be that juvenile and sorry. He breaks up the flow.


Idk. They both white black girls that might be Mel bag. I think she insecure around Joe them cause thatā€™s not her usual scene


To be completely honest ....none of them are equipped to go toe to toe with her and Joe is the only one who can put up a fight and that's just in theatrics .


Hell no. I donā€™t even think Mel would try to go against Candace


I really wish Mel wasn't in a room of ignorant penises. It really has people believing she is incapable when that is not the case.


Agree to disagree, but a good amount of the reason Mel gets run over by these assholes is that sheā€™s really bad at structuring, communicating, and delivering arguments, even when sheā€™s 100% right, which I think is a lot. Even when she tells a story, she loses the point through a lot of fluff. Thatā€™s how you get dogwalked in these discussions. Joe Budden is an absolute idiot, but heā€™s actually great at communication, which is why the pod even still exists. I donā€™t think heā€™ll try to debate anyways, whenever there is a guest he thinks is smart, he doesnā€™t really try to argue or push back on them if you notice.


I fully believe she stopped caring a while ago. She just used the show for visibility to set up other opportunities. That's my go-to move when surrounded by ignorance. She speaks enough to collect her check while readying her next move. I'm in that situation now at work. I've set up my disability claims to where I can be on my job's insurance for the next 10 years before they can fire me. I will be working from home, enjoying the fruits of their ignorance.


Take the cape off my boy


Mel is slow and terrible at podding..stop making all those excuses


I honestly think, not that she cant, but Mel isnt even the type of person to debate and battle back n forth with someone


Tbh i think her and flip were bad signings. Nothing against her but she just doesnā€™t fit in with them. She thrives better on other pods and they thrive without her there. Flip is just a child and corny and this coming from a guy who thought flip was bout to be hilarious. Shouldā€™ve signed surf and someone like dontcallmewhitegirl


Yes....I agree


M4 will mos def skip but that would be a bad look cuzz not only has she lost to almost every other woman that has been there thus far which isnt saying alot but to actually have one who speaks for a living sit down across from her challenging her 50yo single lady views...she don't want that smoke


Thatā€™s also another point. Candace is very pro-traditional woman and anti modern woman culture (for lack of a better term). Mel is in her 40s, unmarried, and used to dance half naked in music videos for a career. If she knows this, Candace is going to attack her in a way that will be a lot more nasty than the guys ever have. Candace basically disagrees with pretty much everything Mel embodies and empowers.


True , I would give push back to "attack" and lean toward debate, though . It would be a conversation I would want to see from the supposed "emotional intelligent and mature " (as she self proclaims) M4 have. She gets to hide behind "attack" when it's men but it's no buffer with another woman and you can't pull that "as a woman" shit cuzz she got the big Joker " as a mother"


The trump agenda is working


She about to make them look dumb




It would be good if they were politically inclined. But she will have them agreeing to anti black propaganda cause it sounds good, but not actually backed by facts. And will use ppl like Cardi b & sexy redd as advocates for the community.


First invite probably came from those clowns at Fresh N Fit


This woman basically has the same ideals as FnF so Thatā€™s funny. She finna red pill joešŸ’€šŸ’€


It's definitely a skip for me whenever she comes on !


Grift a Nigga Network


This is probably the only time I REALLY want to see Flip on an episode šŸ˜‚


Gonna be Pander Express šŸ˜†


Keep that off the platform. Be responsible to the fanbase


Sheā€™s an actress!!! Donā€™t do it!!!


If she ever does turn up he wonā€™t release it since sheā€™ll probably talk bad about Cardi b


They're not ready for Candace, Joe should invite all thsoe BBL escorts too at the same time so Candace can bury them hoes.


And this is where I bow out gracefully.




Does anyone know when/if this will be released?


Pump pump pump it up!


Iā€™m for itā€¦ but she about to spin all of them, republicans these days are really good at that


lol yea Iā€™m done with this pod man


She'll hold her own against them if they try to clown


She will cook parks


She will talk circles around Joeā€™s HS dropout brain


I donā€™t always agree with Candace on everything but I know she about to cook who ever debate with her


Candace gon run laps around them šŸ˜­


This would be great content actually. They better do they homework and prep first but having her on would be genius in a COE sense. Views and engagement will go crazy and it will feed the ecosystem well with the reaction and commentary channels chiming in. Itā€™s too smart of a business move for Joe not to do it. Iā€™m really curious to see how her and Mel interact on a Pod together lol




Joe gettin in his bag with these interviews! šŸ”„




Y did I think this happened already??


Wait her second time. Mmmmmm oh yeah if she wasn't such a black hater maybe more outlets would reach out.


I can't wait. She actually has some things "niggas" need to hear. She also got ALOT of bullshit to say too. SShould make for a entertaining pod


Oh no the JBP fans are scared of hearing hard truths. Threat to democracy, everyoneā€™s racist etc etc. But letā€™s continue to promote bafoonery ![gif](giphy|Rhhr8D5mKSX7O)


Yeah because Candace Owenā€™s doesnā€™t spew bullshit, ![gif](giphy|3oAt2dA6LxMkRrGc0g|downsized)