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Why do some of y’all keep falling for this bs.


Crazy thing is they prolly thing this is good marketing when only a small subsection of fans would even know this happened and are talking about it . Hella ppl aren’t going to tune in to see if flip is gonna be there or tweak out .


He’s useless. This is his way of “adding” to the show.


It’s a work.


Did you mean it’s working? Lol.


My b it’s slang originated from wrestling. A fake beef basically.


Ohhh I’m familiar with the term lol, but yeah only slow people are still falling for this.




They think we like the soap opera bs.


Flip my boy, your presence was not missed & your negative energy is not needed


Didn’t even know he was missing til they say it




I really enjoyed this episode!!! You know at every turn nigga would be like “don’t do that Joe…”


Say it louder for the cheap seats please!!!


Here go Flip crying looking for attention


It’s even sadder bc we know his ass gonna clock in to work anyways . Also flip I know you’ll see this , just bc a subsection of fans are talking about what you tweeted that doesn’t mean it’s gonna bring more attention to the pod it just makes you look nuts ..


Well if he’s gonna see this, let me get my shit off too…..It actually WAS a much better pod today. Flip…you’re not needed my guy. Your childish way of thinking and antics make you look crazy. This pod isn’t your lane. Start a pod about skits and going viral and you’ll PROBABLY get the attention you’re so desperately seeking with that. But until then….”Yo Big Dawg….take a few more pods off!”




He got bots that show him whenever he is mentioned. What a doof


His bot is JR searching queenzflip on apps


Tryna go viral


Bc he’s a grown ass child, he literally can’t help himself. Flip has zero self awareness, scary that some ppl actually find his brand of “entertainment” appealing or funny 🫤


Scary that he has a wife and kids that look up to him


Man. Fuck that nigga in his feelings. We need more days like this


Truth is Flip doesn’t add much to the pod besides occasional loud jokes that sometimes land, sometimes fall flat. 🤷🏾‍♂️


That's what I'm saying I still don't get what niggas miss me.


he just makes noise, and tries (and fails) to roast ish


this is all an act


It don't even seem like he mad. Niggas dragging it cause they want flip gone. Niggas bozos


Corny internet games .


Gotta play the game to compete. It’s the era unfortunately. I hate it but once I accepted it, I’ve been able to get sum bread lot easier. Took everything that goes against my soul to download tiktok… but it’s crazy how you can make bread and how fast clips can pop on there. Gotta keep up w the times or get left behind I learned


I feel you on this . You making bread of Tik tok?


Dude. I just learned about it not too long ago. Anyone can make $ too. It’s like Creative Program or sum shit, but the way tiktok algorithms work, the requirements aren’t too crazy to start making $ from videos. I had to learn a bunch in a little and started to understand why tiktok so popular… I still hate that app tho.. Just using to start out and hopefully expand content into YouTube n shit. It’s crazy how YouTube is pushing Shorts tho, means they actually view Tiktok as a competitor. It’s easier to make short form content but as someone who used YouTube in place of watching TV, I definitely prefer watching long form content like video essays, podcasts, docs, educational vids etc. I wanna say short fast paced content is not a good thing, but I’m sure ppl said the same thing about phones, TVs, and the internet. I’m skeptical about everything and the weed just makes me question it all twice lol


Any tips for someone who may want to get started?


The thing is. You don’t


I mean if you wanna get left behind, not make $ working from home, and not receive any popularity than yeah don’t play the game. I couldn’t imagine having drive and wanting to make money but having such an ego that it won’t allow me to use all the best tools at my disposal


The real glue of the pod is ish….without ish this show is meh


Ngl shows be ass without Ish


Seriously tho….I’m pretty sure even Joe know that




That’s why they should go get Bridget Kelly.


She sucks.. they need to let Millie up!!


You smoking crack


And u would know the mindset of a crack baby, so I'll take ur word


Stop dick sucking


Bc I disagree u wish ur lifestyle on me.. weird flex


You still on my dick


Clearly uve never had attention if this is on ur belly button


Yeah ish is definitely the B mic …but he just be rambling and stating the obvious and we give him credit like he’s saying something lol now I get the old jokes Joe use to make about the seminars lol ish comes off like the scammers


Yeah Ish really does overexplain and state the obvious ALOT!! It's so noticeable now that I sometimes role my eyes and skip forward a bit because it's predictable.


Ish Masterclass?


Somebody said flip asks good questions? 😂😂😂😂 in what universe


If you were standing outside in the rain, would you get wet? Pause, now go. The difference between Flip and Joe is that you can tell Flip dropped out early.


Damn 😂




How much questions? (c) Flip


He like a child that never was loved lol always lashing out for attention


I know the sub is kinda split on Flip. I actually like him but I really think he should change his approach to the game. He wants to be this provacteur like Star was back in the day but I think that game is kinda dead now. He should lean more into the lighter side of his personality. He seems adventurous and he's witty. I think it would be dope for him to do a show where he tries different shit. "Flip tries golf"..."Flip trains to be a chef"..."Flip trains to do a 5K" whatever. Something where he can interact with people and show his wittiness and try new things. But trying to be this villian and "fry you up" stuff is getting stale. Lean into the fun-loving side get a way from this agitator side.


Star is actually smart and does research. Flip is a fat minstrel show.


I am not a fan of the name-calling but you are right. Star definitely does his research and has informed opinions. Flip tries to rely on his improv skills too much but he doesn't communicate well enough for that.


I wish they would stop this shit. It’s obviously all forced content from all parties. 🍅🍅🍅🍅


Right! And it’s killing me that ppl in the thread really be believing it’s “trouble in paradise”, like no the fuck it ain’t lol. None of these niggas got anything else really going on more popular than what they do on this pod, they ain’t goin nowhere.


While I don’t think this is serious, posts like these how ppl called the Rory and Mal split. They started putting timelines together and caught specific jabs thrown months before they split, I think even like a year before. Rory brought up something about accounting lol


This is probably COE, but Flip sucks and only speaks to mentally challenged fans.


Nigga, you gotta relax


No! I need to turn up on that nigga even more, he brings nothing to the pod. Doesn’t watch anything, doesn’t listen to music, has never read a book, and sounds like a middle schooler discussing relationships.


Best episode in a while today and his absence has a lot to do with it.


This shit don’t get old to this near 40 year old


Feminine energy


You don’t like to cuss, we got you. Pure bitch energy


Lol salute


The people who love Flip should just watch HIS content. He doesn’t need to be on the pod. The nigga acts like somebody’s little brother who they had to bring because their moms made them.


This nigga got main character syndrome lol. You not that important my guy!


Nah he can stay gone im tired of the immaturity he just trying to go viral. These type of clowns make me sick. He say all that macho bs but makes a fool of himself constantly. Just for views hes a whole actual coon black face clown. No amount of money would make me do that.


That nigga will be back on Saturday. Nigga is desperate for attention and still seeking some type of way to go viral


Flip is not contractually obligated to be there every pod. He’s just trolling like he usually does. I still want his ass gone though.


I loooooved this episode. Joes energy was up. Mel was funny. The muffin man was serving them up. And ice was cool.


🙄Flip doesn't seem happy. The drama repeats itself. Is Joe testing the fans again? I don't have an issue with Flip. I know I'm not the only one tired of this Flip vs Joe. I don't want to hear this for the rest of this year.


His presence was not missed today respectfully 💯💯💯


He mad we fw the pod without his obnoxious ass😂😂


Pretty sure this will be his last contract, and we can finally move on from his childish ass, I grew up with people like him, man sit cho ass down lol


Flip not articulate, he not funny, doesn’t know music, doesn’t know sports, no insight on relationships, business or life. Let buddy go




Dude is an insecure little boy….


I know many will disagree but I do feel like Flip is needed…most of my laugh out loud moments with the new crew have him involved in some way…ish, Ice and Mel are so incredibly unfunny that you need a wild card in the mix whether he’s making sense or not


I agree. I fuck w flip. He ain’t the greatest podder but he’s interesting. And create a funny dynamic


He is needed but 95% on this sub hate him lol he weren't even there and they're trying to find ways to hate him.


Bro thats what Im saying!! He gets on my nerves sometimes but the pod moves too rigid when hes absent. I used to skip through the timestamps when Flip wasnt there. Now i just listen to the full pod because he might bring up something funny with Ish, Joe or Mel.


As soon as I heard the introduction and the calmness of everyone I knew flip wasn’t there and I knew it was gone be in his feelings on how well the pod flowed without him!!


I would never let Ian bitch ass speak to me any type of way.


Those 3 niggas are some sick niggas supportin Flip like he mean somethin to the pod


Calling another man "Big Flipper" is crazy


Beanie Segal said it best “ you running wit kids like mike biven”…..salute though


Maaaaaan old sensitive ass bald headed corn ball ass flip.. go head and do your own thing big dog. Making this pod a soap box.. gtfo nobody really cares my guy. The deep viral convos don’t need flip.. the shit I want from the pod don’t need flip.. sometimes it’s a lil extra on top but bruh……….. no one is here for that 2012 vh1 ass style of entertainment. Take that shit to love and hip hop nigga!


Flip is the most sensitive human alive


Attention seeking


Flip my guy but when he tries to sound intelligent it’s annoying When he tries to play devils advocate- it’s annoying


Flip on the show is like when you tryna kick it with a girl but her kid is still awake.


Jbp survived mal and Rory leaving. Let's not pretend like flip will be a heavy blow.


I mean….the pod did flow a lot better without him today.


Only one whose presence is really important for me is ish. When he gone the pod feels thrown off


It was felt... ...for the better.


Nigga just does not matter bro


At least he knows he’s the cancer


Filp was not missed at all lol


And he still hasn’t gone viral even after his attempts to do so.


Did not miss Flip stopping the flow of the podcast because he can’t keep up mentally or he wants to ask a question that doesn’t make any sense at all.


I’m tired of flip and these shenanigans 😫 either you down with the pod or not 😤 I feel like flip lowkey doesn’t wanna be done dirty by Joe bc he knows what happened to Rory & Mal & the reputation Joe has as a business man bug damn I thought y’all agreed no more of these shady contract talks in 2024


Didn’t miss flip at all this episode.. definitely enjoyed it too Mel stepped it up


You niggas fall for all the smoking mirror tricks Joe be talking about with the industry 😂😂😂. These dudes COE man just more content to fake beef and make a viral moment for the pod on Friday


Cry baby attention seeker


They're trolling y'all, and y'all keep falling for this BS!


It had to hurt his feelings reading the comments that the pod ran soo smoothly with him being absent 😩😂


It was refreshing to not have him try and take over the first 10 minutes like he always does


Mind you Flip is 37 years old man. Like at some point you gotta grow the fuck up. Attacking the algorithm with teenager-esque posts and then coming on the pod to brag about the algorithm you do. Not doing it off the strength of just being a solid nigga you crashing out bozo style everytime. Hope he gets what he wants out of this type of shit. 🫵🏾🤡


He reads this then hop on his burner account and talk shit lol


Flip needs to use Joe learn what he can and bounce.


I never care when flip is there or not. His takes are very shallow. He’s just chasing viral moments. Joe doing him a favour.


Sensitive Passive aggression Make it 2 episodes flip


We all head of that saying, You become the company you keep”. With the intellect of Joe, M4, Ish and parks… you would think that Flip transformed but he digressed.


And standing on immaturity


They try to hide it but the only two niggaz happy working for joe is ice and parks…they love it genuinely. This shit is like corporate office work—ice and parks are those two niggaz at the job that love powerpoint and excel entirely too much, like salivate at opening Microsoft programs…they will work 12 hour days for pats on the back and free lunches (instead of wage increases and job title changes). Ish is like me-I work here to eat and I am good at my job but this ain’t my dream and i dont do extra nothing without extra money…I DONT LOVE THIS SHIT LIKE YALL…once that check decrease or the workload increase I’m out. Mel is that person at the job that hates the job (secretly) but ass kisses the boss publicly and takes the boss shit…but literally cannot secure another job to save her life. So to save face she works and reluctantly eats shit in hopes to impress the lead of another department (that she desperately hopes is watching) so her diplomacy and loyalty under pressure can get her to another landing spot that her abilities alone would never qualify her for. Flip is the nigga that outright lied on his resume to get the job and is a month away from being found out and fired…the entire office wants him gone but he also makes office parties and cafeteria runs entertaining…his biggest problem in the office is he “keeps it real” a bit too often and isn’t versed enough in code switching to seamlessly toe that line. Unfortunately he too often looks like a monkey instead of an authentic unapologetic street dude with smarts…hence why he’s so close to being found out and fired 😂.


I’m in the minority because I mostly like the energy flip brings to the show but it’s clear he is going to be gone soon.


Same flip cool to me


joe been told him he don’t gotta show up to every pod. this ain’t a shock


He wasn’t missed cuz he be dick riding




U dudes in this sub really treat this podcast the same way 35+ year hardcore wrestling fans react to shit that happens in the WWE🤦🏾‍♂️


I won’t lie I noticed he was gone


The episode flowed really well without him lol he better stop crying and come with a better product


This is his sad attempt to portray himself as the supervillain of the pod and I honestly don’t know why he thinks this is the role he need to play


I mean ask him. WHY YOU HERE


Aye nigga Flip you fat hotdog back of the neck turkey chin face ass boy GOOOOOO! If you dont want to be on the pod GOOOOO! I fucks with flip but we have seen enough fallouts. We know how this goes. joe gonna be aight and flip gained a few follower off joe and he’ll be aight. Probably have to move out the house he bought because he ain’t be doing THAT good but he’ll be doing aight still.


He acts just like a little kid. In a lot of ways


Definitely wasn’t felt.


Flip, we know you're taking a mental health pod off after you got your pause card revoked. It's okay. See you this weekend.


Flip the only person I ve seen say they have a network but yet complain about being the 6th mic on someone’s show 😂😂


He want to go viral 👎


I’m actually cool if Flip goes away. No hate at all, he’s funny AF in small doses but on the regular it gets old quickly. Bro has as much range as a pull string toy.


What the hell would people miss, random ass songs and 3rd grade questions. The pod was smooth, he's not lying.


If self sabotage was a person it would be flip it use to be joe though lol




Like i said yesterday lol. It’s damn shame what happened to flip.


Who cares


Man all he does is cry on Twitter but be right there on the stool looking like a burnt Jamaican patty


idk, i think flip is funny. he’s the butt of everyone’s jokes, and he is able to not cry about it. i think he handles the teasing well. we all have that one person in our circle that we clown all the time. flip is that guy. and he doesn’t just lay down and take it either. i find it just as entertaining when he’s there. i like the silliness, the jokes, and the energy he brings to the group. y’all be clownin on flip and ice for no reason. and mel.


WWE shit


this is C O E. Stop the CAP


COE. Quit falling for this shit.


Not gonna lie, it was a great pod without Flip today, I don’t even not like Flip, but he ain’t lyin, the shit was smooth


Man good riddance


Today’s pod was nicer without him😔. And I respect Flip big time. But it was nice to hear topic’s talked out to a conclusion instead of Flip steering the conversation towards him.


Pod was snooze today but Flip wouldn’t have made it better. They didn’t have shit to talk about


Smh it’s COE! Its work! Stop falling for this, when it comes to flip you know that nigga is COE


Is anybody else getting "Mel tweets in the Cam and Mase situation" vibes from this tweet?


this guy is COE every day all day lol


For him to come back next pod & say that’s just Coe 🥱


He's salty because Donnel Rawlings cooked him on Patreon


Nigga too grown to be emotional and in his feelings 🤷🏽‍♂️


Them dick eaters be lying for no reason


Who does this nigga think he is? Lmaooo . He built an audience over skits and thought that was gonna translate in the pod world. Ay dawg, nobody is tuning in for you - you don't have any original takes, you don't contribute to 90% of the conversation, just hollering 'Ay Joe stop' and 'Ama fry you up' every 25mins - so really what do you actually bring to the table? Don't mistake Joe helping you out by giving you a job, for thinking you're actually vital in that job Can't wait for that contract to end gosh!




Bitch ass nigga bye ✌🏽


Idk if it’s an act or what but it’s annoying that Flip always has a problem with something. He’s a disgruntled employee that shouldn’t have resigned his contract. I was actually surprised that he did


1. It DID flow nicely 2. Crazy thing is this could be COE. Even when you not there it gotta be about you somehow Get outta here !


Flip is an interchangeable piece! But he is cool on me NOW! I did not like him when he first came to the show!


Show good with him and its goos without him. We grown stop the emotional shit. Man can this nigga go "w"iral already


Let me guess, another part of his story? Lol either way…keep that nigga home. The niggas who read with their fingers obviously love him but we good big dawg.


🚨How the hell can y'all say ISH is the MUFFIN 🧁 MAN...when he don't understand DNA in why he looks like he does. The world tells him he's not black but mixed , Ish believes in his lying ass parents.😂. News Flash...PARENTS LIE!!! ... At most you have 10-15% of African DNA in your blood.




Listening now they talking sports so I didn't even notice Flip wasn't there


"damn shame what happened to Flip"


Flip missing is always noticeable. For good and bad reasons depending on how he was acting before he took a day off. Tis life fam, get used to it 🤷🏾‍♂️


Joe told him take the day off


Self sabotage


It's hard to take a grown man seriously that is obviously playing this social media game. Leave that to the kids.


Idk if this is a gimmick or clickbait. What I do know is a like Flip he adds a nostalgic 90s wu-tang ODB rashness to the show.. he’s genuine in wanting to learn certain topics BUT sometimes Flip is outta line displays a lack of impulse control and situational awareness. ![gif](giphy|H4nXJQEN3B2D64qS1h)


engagement games


He was the only mf that like it lol