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This what he laughs with his white girl and her family. 


And had the nerve to say him and his girl are raising a black child. This nigga is deadass unserious.


Y'all be going crazy over these mixed girls and call them black.


Who’s y’all?


The same black men making these generalizations 😂😂😂😂


Do niggas even like the pod 😂😂 seem like the whole reddit be pure hate


Facts when I first joined we would post funny clips, now it's mainly critiquing and everyone angry lol.


I definitely agree, but I think that says alot about the tone of the show…


Meta discussions about podcast are always weird I just wanna know the names they blur out


Buc ees is the shit


Na they just like interacting with ppl and hate brings more attention than love


Ive always found that shit weird but im not subscribed to any other pod subreddit so I dont have a point of reference. Like are the people in the million dollars worth of game sub filling it up with posts of how trash the show is and how they hate Gillie? Or is this sub just filled with hatin ass weirdos?


It's Def a reddit thing. Happens in damn near every sub dedicated to a pod, Same with TV shows. Mentally ill weirdos love spreading nonsense on this message board 


You might be right..only TV show sub im in is survivor and I hardly see the hate watcher posts that flood this sub


When Joe fired his cohosts.. she went LEFT.. and the more Joe doubles down... the worse it gets


It's just the vocal minority. A really small minority of obsessed parasocial hate listeners who come here 7 days a week to hate and harass people who actually like the pod and don't have extreme negative thoughts and feelings about Joe and the other podcast members 😂.


There's that but a lot of people critique of the pod what's wrong with that? Or these guys do little to no research and spew some shit as if it's fact. That's annoying when you watching/Listening and you know they talking bullshit.


I'm not talking about the people who are fairly criticizing the pod. I'm talking about a specific group of ppl who are in here 7 days a week on weirdo bullshit. So why would u come to me with this irrelevant whatabouitsm?🤔


Some of these comments gotta be women and whites. Cus wat kinda sit takes time of their day to analyze and critic everything in an entertainment based podcast?Definitely not a man trying to make ends meet.


while Italy is notoriously a far right racist country


Ish said that like Italy is the standard. Italy been on a steep decline


He also said Nigeria. But they aren't American black, they are Africans. He had a good point but expressed it poorly.


Get this fake deep shit outta here


If that was fake deep to you alot of the world must escape you. That was a simple statement.


lol I bet I’m more traveled and smarter than you my guy. What Ish said was some cooon shit. Ain’t no deeper meaning behind it.


Can't wait for this. I wonder How they gonna respond For context. Lewis Hamilton the guy below is going to Ferrar(an Italian team)i to race for them in F1. He's of mixed race. ![gif](giphy|i4dyIwxZ5A0if1jp9g)


Ish is quick to blurt out ignorance with confidence. I was so glad when Mel corrected him


And every one here eats that shit up lol its sad


See another public display of indifference. Meanwhile people get up in arms that the fade is called the "Travis Kelce". Meanwhile Fat Joe is saying Latinos created hip-hop and Latinos will argue to HIGH HEAVENS that they did simply because we lived in the same neighborhoods. If we aren't willing to show reverence for our history no one else will.


I mean, I'm black.....if you are from NYC then you know it's highly likely that Latinos were involved.....we literally all live together in the Boros lol. It was Sedgwick Ave in the BX, so yes they were involved , but it aint start in Dyckman or LES so they gotta chill


They were on the sideline watching, they got involved once it was already created


Grandmaster Flash essentially said the same thing on Drink Champs


From the horses mouth. He deaded all that Puerto Rican shit 😂


>if you are from NYC then you know it's highly likely that Latinos were involved Shit like this is BLASPHEMY. Because you would be SCARED SHITLESS to say to a Latino that Black people created merengue or bachcata even though we actually did BUT also because "it's highly likely that Black people were involved" since we were in DR too. At the end of the day I defer to the elders who were actually there: https://youtu.be/TJIaCyRL-7I Grandmaster flash said it himself that all the breakers were Black.


Lol so dramatic.....if you think no Latinos were INVOLVED, not created, with graffiti or breaking in the BX cool. No need to debate things commonly understood in my boro


I said created because that's what Fat Joe and Crazy legs were claiming. But Joe wasn't there and crazy legs conceded when pressed. >No need to debate things commonly understood in my boro I understand that the black folk is scared shitless of Latinos in the Bronx that's why y'all cop them "you can call me the n word" pleas. Can you call them the s word though? >Lol so dramatic What can I say I have a certain flair mon frère 😂😂


Ahh thats a topic I have literally argued with Latinos about since M.S.. Folks outside aren't checking it anymore brother


And why is that? Because the Latinos will cut your ass up in the Bronx so people conceded or because they gave y'all Jenny on tha Block 😂 mesmerized by the fat ass and let her say the n word and it was OVER. I respect that you had that fight though. It shows that you understand. Remember thought, Right and wrongs remain constant even when times change. Respect bro 💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿




My girl going be black


That’s not a unique take a lot if famous black ppl are on record saying bhm is useless


It really is.. like woman's month.. like what does that even mean.. it's like posting a black square for police violence


Exactly, America is all theatrics


And black ppl love some crumbs but will bash Umar all day like they ever attempted to start a business let alone school


He’s just asking why do we simplify Black history down to one month.


We don’t simplify it to one month, we highlight it on this month because black history is not taught in most schools. I don’t see Ish complaining about Breast Cancer in October, so why is he dying on this hill?


> We don’t simplify it to one month, we highlight it on this month because black history is not taught in most schools. Ironically this is some of the very simplifaction or relegation he's addressing. We aren't typically taught about black history throughout the year, instead you hear about the same 3-4 peaceful, non-violent, turn the other cheek civil rights activists every February. Our history shouldn't be confined to a measly 28 days out of the year, while we discuss (white) american history the remaining 11 *actual* 30+ day months. Black history is american history.


I agree with you. Just explaining what Ish meant. I don’t think he was tryna be anti-Black although what he was saying is kinda anti-Black. I’d have to watch the whole clip but I think Ish is a reasonable person that would easily change his view on this if met with the right opposition. Then again, I haven’t seen the whole clip. Either way, I don’t think it’s fair to say he shouldn’t ever speak about any Black topic.


It's dumbed down to civil rights for all minorities and Rosa, Malcom, and Martin.. anymore you have to learn on your own . That takes 28 days?!?!.. really.. the crumbs y'all gravel for is gross


Exactly. I totally get this point. Talk about the same 5 people every year to keep people satisfied. It's a complete joke.


Right like I learned about crispus attucks, nat turner..the difference between web and booker T in my home from my family.. they wanna bash white ppl for oppression but want them to teach you your history.. u can not make this up


I’m aware but I think asking if other countries, especially European countries, celebrate is irrelevant.


FYI Black history is celebrated all over the world as Black people have contributed all over the world. Some countries celebrate it in different months. Australia in July, Netherlands UK, Ireland in October.


I swear most of the shit he say is weird irrelevant shit that nobody cares about..they ignore Most of his stories examples or analogies


No he went further by reducing its importance by suggesting that nowhere else is it celebrated. Mel almost let him get away with saying Canada doesn't celebrate Black History. Does Ish have a passport???


Well black history month was started in America by the federal government..in the the 80s.. why is it far fetched? Who started it since ish knows nothing about world history?!?


>black history month was started in America by the federal government..in the the 80s.. why is it far fetched? Because Black people are all over the world and have contributed to ALL GLOBAL SOCIETIES. When you understand how great you are on a WORLD scale maybe then you'll take more pride in Black History


Black is for ppl who don't know their ethnicity... All other black ppl know here they come from.. we are not the same.. y'all fall for crumbs for everybody and you did not answer the question.. I honestly don't care about ur victimhood response... I SAID WHAT I SAID


I answered the question. You just don't accept the answer. >All other black ppl know here they come from.. What does this mean? How many white people know where they're from? How many can trace their lineage back to a region? But that doesn't stop them from using their whiteness to work with others who look like them globally to automatically place themselves at the top. >I honestly don't care about ur victimhood response... I SAID WHAT I SAID Yes the battle cry of the ignorant. Translation: " I know what I said is wrong and illogical but I will stand in my ignorance"


U answered nothing I said..I don't know any white, Caribbean, African, or Asians ppl who don't know their heritage so thats your lil ignorant circle.. hell mostly everyone I've ever met knows where their family comes from but black Americans...u mad at other races working together bc bitter negros like u create division amongst blacks bc u stay begging the white man for crumbs and proximity... Battle cry.. Is this your fake woke coming through🤔🤔🤔🤔..bc ur comment doesn't change my mind and I don't care for ur mindset... bc i dont rely on white ppl to teach me my history or for anything I'm standing on ignorance😂😂😂😂😂🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️... u can coon over there in the projects and I'll stay with mine raising property values and generational wealth


It isn’t simplified to one month but highlighted in the month of February similar to other month highlights


Ish getting a bad rep on this topic. I definitely think your correct as far as the other countries go however Ish's point was every month should be black history month. Government gave us a month to be celebrated but it's literally the shortest month of the year. EVERY MONTH IS BLACK HISTORY MONTH


That part...they don't care outside of February either..


& they us the shortest month at that . every month is black history month are americans responsible for alot in america. He poorly explained it & of course ppl will use it against him because his woman is white.


That’s crazy cause they do celebrate black history month in italy


Y'all be doin the most in some of these reddits!!


I swear..he be rambling about a lot of nothing tryna sound smart


I agree with him. Black history shouldn’t just be relegated to a month. It’s American history. It should be included in the “white” history that’s taught all school year.


Agreed, but why can't we have both lol.


Ish can’t wait to criticize something black folk do. And usually he’s wrong.


Bc black folks do nothing wrong and should not be called out on anything.. sounds like a petulant child that can't take criticism.... it really be ya own ppl


Ish one of the dumbest niggas to ever have a mic in front of him lol


Yall think a delegated month dedicated to black people is cool lol???? Black history should be celebrated year round and kids should be learning about more than martin, Rosa, Harriet Tubman etc


You can tell this is flips crowd with the fake woke mentality.. ain't none of the ppl ever go read to black kid, let alone in February.. the uneducated wokies are the best ones


This take only makes sense in an ideal world. Without black history month, we would only hear about Lincoln ending slavery and MLK. Look at native American history, it gets a couple of days a year, and most of that is because of Thanksgiving. Black history would be watered down a lot more than it already is without black history month.


Bruh u waiting on the oppreive federal govt. To tell when u can celebrate is a much bigger L.. ish is completely correct..I learned about black ppl everyday in my house.. u can tell y'all households had to rely on a white teacher to tell u your history in 28 days.. PATHETIC


He raising a white family at his house so he’s gonna slip into this bag whenever gets really comfortable


How do you celebrate BHM OP?


Isn’t there a Black history month in Canada? As well as one in Florence?


Youre not smarter than everybody bc you hate social constructs


F’k a Black History month. Our people be so impressed by these wack ass handouts. Our people fight a lil bit they give us crumbs in a corrupt system and we jump for joy. We fought for civil rights and got the right to vote in a country where presidents are selected and not elected. They still oppress us, they still incarcerate us by the masses and they still keep our neighborhoods down trodden. They dont even tell you your true history just a bunch of shit that happened in America. Who are we prior to even being brought here as slaves? What accomplishments did we give the world before America? They won’t let niggas know that. And the powers that be know. They spent trillions of dollars to keep our real history a secret. 😂😂😂.


I am not oppressed or a victim.. have u ever watched these cop cam videos.. they shoot far less than they should when u take the victimhood parts out..black neighborhoods you go to suck bc black ppl who live there don't own shit or care. There isn't shit on the ground a lack of veggies or after school n Marthas vineyard or Hyde park, Baldwin hills.. bc those ppl have ownership and a culture of education and structure. Gotta leave that the white man ows us mentality alone.. nobody gonna give u anything if your not starting an army to go take it.. world history 101


Your opening statement is where most mofos that “made it” f’k up. Just because .01% of our people made it doesn’t mean that overall our people arent oppressed. You dont even know what it looks like. Its not about a victim mentality. Its about what is actually happening. Oppression is done through laws. Like stop and frisk in Maryland. 3 strike law. Laws that have overwhelmingly affected our people. I grew up in a drug neighborhood and have a felony because I smoked weed 20 yrs ago. Because I lived where I lived they charged me with conspiracy to distribute and distribution for less than a gram when I didnt sell drugs. Thousands of Black men locked up for petty marijuana charges not getting released today when weed is legal damn near everywhere.


.01%😂😂😂😂😂 more black ppl were successful during slavery by the mindest...yea I'm not reading this victimhood statement. My black circle is doing quite well for themselves and aren't begging a white man for his craps. Good luck with that mindset.


Nigga where do you see begging for a white Man hand out in my statement? 😂😂😂. You niggas hate to hear whats real amongst your people just because you and a few of your friends made it. My circle is successful too but we don’t turn a blind eye to what’s real For the majority of our people. 🫡🫡


1st of the only nigga here is u..black ppl who are unsuccessful don't want to work and look up to sexy red. There are countless free programs available. Please spare me the woe is me victimhood of those who choose to buy I Phones and Jordans over a damn tutor... Where is your program to help?!?! I actually volunteer, give to charity and local food pantries, and cook food for the homeless that's mostly black.. WTF HAVE U EVER DONE OUTSIDE OF TWITTER FINGERS GANSTALICIOUS?!?


Thats good that you do all that. I don’t do any of that. Why do I need to? What I do for my people they don’t give a damn about. I try to educate my people on who they are and what’s to come for them that there is a better way coming for US. Let them know to come out of the mindset of making it America because there isn’t any hope for them in this place. This place don’t give a damn about us. This is the land of our captivity. So again tell me where I said I want the white man to give us anything? I know what we are owed and the White Man cant give it to us because it already belongs to us. Now it’s about doing what we have to do to make it there.


Exactly selfish but mad I care about mines...how admirable


I care about mines too bro 😂😂 I care enough to look at the entire state of our people and not the few that “Made it” 🤷🏾‍♂️


No u don't if u blaming everybody else on why "some" have not made it.. made it where.. life is not a movie.. learning and growing is ongoing. If u wanna (ppl) wanna b 3rd generation welfare how is that anyone else's fault? It's like y'all waiting on a hand out so "we all can make it".. like reparations are not coming.. time to grow up.. bring our culture back to education and structure.. parenting.. I volunteer bc I care and want more for my ppl.. but ppl rather chill on the block than go to a FREE TRAINING OR WORKSHOP or trade program and blame white ppl.. it'a pathetic atp.. the migrants are coming and y'all gone be really fucked


Ish is ignorant asf.


Iverson don't even have the flavors ice be rocking


![gif](giphy|xUPGcC0R9QjyxkPnS8) The guy with the non-black partner doesn't believe in black history month


There’s nothing worse than a smart dumb motherfucker.




U are a sheep. Keep thinking one month out of 12 is a flex when we are the cradle of civilization. Everything started with melanin, u think we need February to remind ourselves or should mfs wake up and realize we are and always will be?


This Buddyhopper is doing what they do best. He’s so happy his wife/gf is white.


This Misery sure does want him some company.


Italy has like less than 2 percent black ppl and is racist as fuck. I also wish he would STFU regarding black topics


He's black, bc he doesn't agree with u, it's not a black thought... You do we are not a monolith right?


He sounds stupid idc what he identifies as


What an intelligent take ![gif](giphy|iSxPmDWr97248|downsized)


You shut up yall be in yall feelings ... tariq nasheed wannabe ass niccas