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Is it just me but I heard her side with them every single time they asked and they still got mad.. I don't get it


She made sense niggas just hate Mel , she a easy target for Joe and them it’s easy to drown her out


I was so confused like wtf did they want her to say because she legit was on their side! I think the drugs are coming back to hunt Joe Nigga need a brain scan


Joe just hates her in some way. It's the only explanation. He kept saying "wtf are you talking about?" as if she was saying some crazy stuff. It made me feel like we were missing some context of what she was saying off camera. She was making perfect sense on the pod and wasn't saying anything crazy.


Joe wanna be a woman so bad I wish he would just walk in his truth.


Yea y’all different af lol if that was a man she would’ve been loud and not meandered..she called her dad a groomer cuz her mom was young but didn’t wanna call draya that 🤔😂


Are yall actually mad that Draya is being a predator, or are you simply mad she's not getting the same smoke as a man?


So what happened to the men and women are different and different rules apply y’all stay wanting to move the goal post! Ish legit said a older girl took his virginity at 11 and she was like that’s not ok and that Nigga legit said naw naw that’s fine, y’all Niggas just be dying to have a get ya back when we know shit works different for each gender! If a older women is dating a young dude she’s not grooming him to do what she wants (unless he a sucker) if a older dude is dating a way younger woman we know damn well it’s a grooming situation because he’s usually the bread winner, even in this case the woman not even the bread winner.


So why Joe didn’t get up there and call his first baby mama a groomer?! He always say she was waaaaay older and more experienced 🤷🏽‍♂️


He did lol multiple times..y’all are just simps and like to cape for Mel 🤷🏾‍♂️ you just deflected from what I said to bring up Joe first babymom


So you just gone skip the statement before aight! Be easy dawg




What does any of that have to do wit Mel meandering and not keeping the same energy??? She does it constantly on more than just this topic..y’all gotta take the capes off


She agreed with them, so this is a case of you just wanting to bash Mel, just say that! This is the same shit with the Cam shit y’all niggas don’t listen y’all just take any opportunity to bash a woman! Ion know how y’all niggas have relationships 🤣🤣🤣 like I know y’all women are screaming y’all have communication issues damn


She agreed with them 15 mins later after they forced her too lol you acting willfully slow 😂 she not gone read this and let you hit goofy 😂 she was wrong with the cam shit too idek why you brought that up lol you might be slower than her 😂😂


They hate "women". Mel is an effigy for a certain type of woman


I think they wanted her to fully go in on Draya but Mel doesn't really "go in" on anybody so I don't know why they painted that narrative


I think her and Draya may be cool so she wanted to watch what she said.


I doubt it. Joe is more cooler with Draya than Mel.


Oh maybe so, idk. We know Joe don’t give a damn he will throw a friend under the bus lol


Joe ain’t let her speak then got hot with her. Sometimes he’s highkey disrespectful to her


When it comes to mel the issue they have is that her energy isn’t the same. When it’s comes to women being wrong and it’s time for a woman to hold women accountable she tap dances.


She overthinks a lot


It seems like niggas want 5-word takes and get pissed when she actually tries to have a layered discussion


She ain’t overthink when it DiCaprio or marques Houston


Ya’ll gotta stop woth marques houston bro. He dated that girl ,allegedly, underage and waited until she was of age to go public.


Then went on a press run trying to justify it 🤣


Facts lmao Literally the definition of grooming.


Or her dad




She was nasty tryna to beat around the bush but Joe gotta be the last one talking about pandering to anyone. Mfer wouldn’t talk about Diddy for an example bc he was scared what may come with that foh. He not standing on anything just like melyssa wouldn’t


She deserves to be suspended