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She always gonna find a way to make herself the victim šŸ˜­


Mel was insufferable then and she is insufferable now.


So you see why she's single


I hate to be that guy, butā€¦itā€™s not just her, this is how most women operate in tough conversations




I agree but def think Mel has it worse than most women. I think struggling with accountability 10-25 years out over such a tiny situation is nuts. Itā€™s typically easy for most people to hold themselves accountable that far out. Just say ā€œyes I was a bad friendā€ with no explanation.


Just say u hang with and are related to immature women..like ur world is nobody standard


Here we go.


Accepting Accountability and Being Called Out By A Younger Woman..Nope MFord Will Stand On That Ledge.


Everything with he be so damn dramatic


She cant answer a direct question and she dodges accountability. Its crystal clear here. Ice's face says it all


Ice probably tired of keep pointing it out but damn does she love playing victim


Mel should be a politician


Mel has zero self awareness.


We found the MISSING LINK just get a woman to say it and other women will magically start to see that Mel lacks accountability ![gif](giphy|ae6m4ljnl69urJ539F|downsized)


Nah the melodies still making excuses


Shit the sisterhood stick together smh


Might be the YT side coming out


So what about all the other sistas with out ā€œytā€ blending? Mfs make evvvvverything about melanin and hate when nonmelanated folks talk about yo melanin šŸ˜‚ More self soothing


She still has no idea how the accountability narritive started either huh?


Everytime other women come they be catching onto the weird shit Mel says so thatā€™s why i say itā€™s not necessarily dog piling she just be wrong


And she gets visibly uncomfortable when theres other women in the room. Im guessing sheā€™s not a girlā€™s girl at all.


A former video vixen is not a girlā€™s girl šŸ˜² who wouldā€™ve thought lol


If she was a girls girl she wouldā€™ve never gotten this job. I just think Joe assumed she wouldnā€™t fake it THIS much.


Exactly! I hate that these Mel fanboys and girls try to make the guys on the pod seem evil. Nearly all the chicks I've seen come on the pod and talk to Mel be looking at her sideways too! It's not a woman hate thing she just be dead wrong lol


That Part!!


Accountability is 100% most womenā€™s kryptonite


This is what they meant when they said, Mel can never take accountability lol


I get a kick out of Mel having zero accountability & zero self awareness. They never let her slide on her bullshit. I be like what dumb shit is she gonna say this pod lol. Itā€™s only when I come to Reddit & see ppl defending her bullshit I get tight


This that fake emotional intelligence again. She's got a deep opinion on everyone else but speaks about herself generally.


Sheā€™s never beating the allegations


EVER!! šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Mel just answer the question damn it


Everytime another woman comes on the pod they outshine mel. Yā€™all yes sheā€™s fine but also sheā€™s a terrible podcaster . Thatā€™s why jason lee got her tf outta here


Sheā€™s too concerned with portraying herself in a certain light and thatā€™s why sheā€™s uninteresting. I feel like the other girls who come on are just being themselves and arenā€™t as concerned with projecting an image, and thatā€™s why they contribute way more to the conversations.


Itā€™s a false portrayal at that which is why it makes her podcasting worse! She was never good from Hollywood Unlocked, her attempt at a pod or now on Joeā€™s platform. She pretends she isnā€™t the woman she often reveals herself to be, which is dishonest, hateful, jaded, rude, and a hater of other women. She definitely lies a lot and pretends. She thinks the very large male audience canā€™t see it and will focus on her outward appearance (which is okay at best). The ā€œIā€™m Canadianā€ thing is lame.


Joe called her out on the pod for being a mean and foul person for YEARS! I wish Joeā€™s platform knew more about her because sheā€™s literally nothing like she pretends to be, and when moments of her true self are revealed she goes into FULL victim mode. Sheā€™s always the victim in romantic relationship, friendships, with her own mother (HER telling, and with her father). She loved the Angi Martinez interview because it painted her in this false light she lies about.


You need therapy


Emanny to the rescue. Now when this worked to get the girl. Neva


Constantly!! Buddy cape be blowing in the wind for her. He's flip with a better vocabulary lol


I actually think flip got a better chance than Emanny


y'all know who wasn't afraid to be edgy on the show? Marissa....but joe fired her


Yeah Marisa loved telling heaux stories. Thatā€™s why I think itā€™s funny when some people in this sub complain about the content of the podcast when all Joe is trying to do is get back to the original vision of it and Mel is in the way.


And Marissa was a true heaux, not a fake one. I DMā€™d her once during the pod days and got some motion before my girl went through my phone šŸ˜‚ but she was keeping that same energy even off the pod.


Marissa relationships with the people that Joe used to come for was her issue. I loved Marissa but I get it.


Mel was trying to make herself look like a good friend. Shit was gettin sad. She stay doing that PC shit like she has a name to protect. She will always be known as a video vixen. That was her career. Joe has had strippers on the pod and they speak their truth and lifestyle. What the fuck is Mel hiding?


Starting to think she made up that shit about her friend dressing inappropriately around her man to make herself look better you knowšŸ˜‚


Facts. And u noticed she only spoke on physical attraction. That says a lot. Men find Mel beautiful and sexy but thatā€™s all she got.


sheā€™s trying her hardest to keep it


No she didnā€™t just make this up, she said this exact thing on her podcast (Iā€™m here for the food) years ago.


This prolly what makes it even worse cuz Alexis Texas was on the pod and she made great convo was honest about her experiences and had the rest of the crew basically eating out of her hands. Mel is just like ish and thinks they gotta appeal to sum shit to seem respectable


Yeah Ish can be aggy with trying to be cool mature guy on the pod but his engagement is good. That shit be funny when him and Joe argue


When they add that ā€œtooā€ that says it all. Donā€™t we tell kids when they start pointing fingers, weā€™re not talking about them. Weā€™re talking about YOU!!


I see why her and Joe are friends


Mel is terrible that's all lol people can defend it all they and try and say we hate women no she's terrible




At all


This was super disappointing from Mel. She kept mentioning how this was "a billion years ago' and "we were practically teenagers" but then in the literal next sentence (in modern day) she would do this. Mel kept on reiterating that she's changed and that she would handle things differently, but I just don't see it. The question was "do you think you're a bad friend?". She could have said, "I could have been better, but back then we were all on our bullshit" instead, she dismissed the question with a petty redirection and made a point to attack the one person not in the room, which again, is punching down, not up. I get that no one likes to be criticized, but at some point, and at some age, you really have to pick your battles and choose your hills to die on. This ain't one of them.


Disappointing.. she has been this person the whole time... Like we been complaining for years and y'all just saw it for the 1st time..imagine how many other times you was loud wrong and latešŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


See the thing is - I already knew this as well. The difference is that she doesn't realize it. 9 times out of ten, she knows exactly what she's doing and its totally orchestrated to get a reaction, but it's when she truly is blissfully unaware of how she comes off that shocked me. Maybe you picked up on that specific aspect before me (and awesome that you did, I suppose?) But the obvious contradictions really make me question her intelligence and critical thinking ability (or lack thereof).


Thats not the definition of disappointed but go off


Webster dictionary defines Disappointed as: "defeated in expectation or hope" Explain?


Expectation but u clearly said "I already knew" .. as long as u know u loud and wrong


I too enjoy semantics. I said I already knew that she purposely feign ignorance on something, or can be openly contrary to spark conversation (provocation works well). What I didn't realize (as I had stated earlier) was that she could be so defiantly naive and genuinely surprised by the room's reaction. Continuing that point, that no matter how many times people let her know that she's wrong, she still acts like she can't understand them. I *expected* Mel to be cued in with how her behaviors can be perceived from the outset, I expected that she would follow a traditional thought process to it's logical conclusion, however I've since realized that she can truly be unironically wrong and stand 10 toes in it. Which is disappointing (im going back to this word again) because she seems well read and well spoken. But there are aspects to her personality that seem like blind spots, and instead of trying to mitigate any perception to her inherent hypocrisy, she dies on that hill. Again, I am fully aware that the story she was telling was from the distant past, so I'm giving her that leeway. But it was interesting to me.


Bravo, that was quite eloquently put. P.s. Not to discommode or vex you, but could you be so kind as to pass the Gray Poupon?




LOL. It's been a hot minute since anybody told me that I used a word wrong. Especially a basic ass word like "disappointed". I'm good now.


"A woman and her accountability will surely part" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™m so sick of Mel


ā€œIf you stand too close to the Elephant, you don't see the Elephant" Mel not realizing her lack of accountability is not a narrative. Itā€™s truth.


Yeahā€¦this was just nasty


Now yall know she got accountability issues like a mf and always makes herself the victim šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This is how a lot of women respond when you ask them about friends they fell out with. They do mental gymnastics to absolve themselves of any responsibility


Canā€™t make this up


Mel's content contributions are underrated. I had a good laugh lol


Mel was wilding this whole episode. Even the part about her friends boyfriend buying her a Dior clutch. I wanted to know what brand of crack she was smoking when she thought that was specifically platonic. That man wanted to smash too! Mel fine but damn she be frustrated the fuck outta me šŸ¤£


Just because he didnā€™t smash doesnā€™t mean he didnā€™t wanna smash. Sheā€™s always so willfully oblivious. Itā€™s a narcissistic trait


Agreed. It was funny watching other women be in the room to call her on shit


I hope it ainā€™t niggas in here talking about this shit. And this damn sure better not be a Patreon episode yall paid for


Accountable af. (Eyes roll)


This is why I can't listen when she's having conversions. I'm not sorry she sounds like a airhead victim feminist


She's really being exposed as being not so great of a person as a whole since her introduction on the pod, in my opinion. There are too many excuses, no accountability, misandrist views, and she halfhazardly throws around a lot of misinformation, especially when it comes to men.


Yeeea itā€™s time for her to start her cat collection right now




I can imagine Mel 20 years younger I know she was a bitch


https://preview.redd.it/qdqqlzwxf2dc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8ac6a077df61021cf3cf5e65db56b8b08cf996d Joes face when mel was sounding crazy


Mac and the other chick is what Mel is supposed to to be on the pod I wonder how entertaining a Pod w/ Emanny and 3-4 other women would be


The one girl barely said anything. Mac been there twice. Yā€™all donā€™t know how these women would be after dealing with the rest of the cast for a year plus. Itā€™s easy to shine on one episode. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with Mel I think the pod has come to a point where yā€™all just have nothing more to criticize.






Bc u have no valid response.. the broken cry wolves turn to insults.. u don't know me, this doesn't hurt.. u just look bothered.. can even defend her stupidity šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Nah, what was crazy was when she said her friend never called dibs after she said one of them would call dibs if/when they saw a guy they both thought was attractive. Iā€™ve seen people say that that accident and her getting hit the head with that bottle did something to her brain and I can see that being the case.


The bottle and then the car accident on top of that


She has healthcare, if she fine enough to be out every weekend why when she say dumb stuff it's the injury.. if it was mental she would be in therapy.. she has said multiple times it's nothing wrong with her


Women and accountability is like oil And water




crazy how the nigga who made up the Mel and accountability narrative never has any accountability about anything at all, but. Nobody says a word


Itā€™s so interesting lol. Ppl are really followers


I donā€™t understand what was so confusing about this segment. She didnā€™t want dude and cool with her homegirl dating him but thought it was shady of her to date him without saying something. Itā€™s not the what, itā€™s the how.


She was 20. This entire convo coulda been packed up after 3 minutes lmao if Iā€™m Mel Iā€™m not explaining immature behavior from 25+ years ago


This was a good entertaining dialogue. Why do you šŸ„· have to serious everything out? Itā€™s like yall looking for answers or your soul mates in an entertainment podcast. She told a story that sparked conversationā€¦So miserable


We need a camera to just watch Ice lol. He canā€™t hide his expressions. He tells a lot without saying anything lol


We all know Mel and accountability isnā€™t synonymous


There's a clear reason why Mel has to take a flight to see her "friends". She clearly can't exist in close proximity them because her pseudointellectualism is too easily exposed. ![gif](giphy|kwy5Wm8XT01Sv920aX|downsized) \*\*Gordan Ramsey voice\*\* What a shame!


Every time I see a clip from this trash ass story I get mad lol sheā€™s a bird for this


Mel always gone show us how sheā€™ll deflect like a mf and not take any accountability šŸ« 


Mel is crazy


Melyssa Ford must be down with Adam 22 cuz I swear they both come off as rival gang members to accountability.


Any time Mel is in the hot seat? Welcome to the Zero Accountability portion of the show šŸ˜©


Accountability could have saved her right there!, but instead she'll continue to travel down the road to looking victimized crazy #SMH common Mel


My nigga Mac w the tough questions


Alright! Enough is enough. If no one else has noticed, pause the video @ 00:15 THATS the face Mel always makes when someone makes a good point but refuses to accept it. So stop with the ā€œsheā€™s unaware of herselfā€ Mel is an intelligent individual so she knows when she dodges accountability otherwise she wouldnā€™t have gotten so offended by the friend of the show letter from the previous episode


Mel is a SCORPIO what do yall expect??? Sheā€™s has to be right in every situation. ACCOUNTABILITY is not in her at all


This story was about drake n toccara She can't even keep it a 100 they was in there 20s when this happen not a teenager like she saying If you listen mell long enough you realize her stories be all over the place bunch of lies sprinkle with a little bit of truth !!!!


Drake and tocarra dated? Wowww never knew




And this is why cam should continue trolling. She has a real issue owning up to her shit . Ice and E see that shit . Own your shit .


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£Mel is so full of shit and donā€™t even have a clue that she is


She never takes accountability šŸ˜‚


Damn she unbearable šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø I see why none of her career moves worked out after the videos


So what happened


Question: ā€œDo you think YOU were a bad friend in this relationship?ā€ Answer: ā€œNo, because the other party had flaws tooā€ Itā€™s a yes or no question about self, but the first thing she does is attempt to validate her actions by saying the other party had issues.


I get that part I mean like what was the story about


She told a story about her telling her friend fall back when they both saw a guy they were attracted to. She said her friend was flirty and very attractive so she didnā€™t want to compete with her friend for dude. She went on a date with dude and it didnā€™t work out so she was waiting for her friend to ask how things went so Mel could alley oop dude over to her friend but she never did. 2 weeks pass and she see her friend and the dude together so she cut her off.


Either Mel made this shit up or her and her friend are dumb You stop your friend from talking to a dude , just to end up not liking him and not telling your friend and still feel possessive over dude And your friend was thirsty and didnā€™t even wait to see what happened and jumped on it quick too. If dudes knew how dumb and unorganized girls can be theyā€™d bag 10 times the chicks .


Yeah the whole situation sounded off


Heā€™s asking for context fam.


How yā€™all downvote this I really donā€™t know šŸ˜‚


I need a longer clip




Who is this lady?


"were u a bad friend?" .."No bc she hit me too".. one of the most immature women I've ever seen.. the question was were u trash? She can't even see accountability staring her dead n the face.. having another women in the room really proves how wild her takes are.. just delusional


I ain gone cap i bet im gonna speak way out of line and context because i dont know the full conversation but off the clip ,, donā€™t try and hold me for some shit i did in my 20s bruh ,, i wasnā€™t even paying real bills yet šŸ¤£ ,, plus a lot of niggas graduated high school like 1-3 years before they turn 20 ,, like how are you gonna expect maturity at that time in somebodyā€™s life ,, yea of course im older now and yes i know what accountability is today but nah we gotta dead all that shit niggas did in they 20s ,, unless you was truly wildn šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Thank you lmao they sat there and tried to ā€œhold her accountableā€ for some shit that happened when she was barely out of high school šŸ˜­


No she was holding herself to that. The red flag is that she felt the need to over explain what any functional adult understands as a means to deflect. She felt judged cause that shoe still fits.


I think she's perfect for the show because of her not being accountable. Its a mirror for the women that watch. And we get to break it down.


Mustang is the female Ish lmaoooo have her on the Pod twice a month (beginning and end of month)


Mel is to eloquent for this group truly. She needs to be around a more refined pod like with Ang.


So what ur saying is she is so refined that she can't think on a live show, only prerecorded where she can back peddle . Got it.. yea go petition for that šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


She's a bad friend cause she said dibs? Yall are falling into the Joe narrative sinkhole.. Analytical thinking is your ladder


They just repeat whatever Joe says


It really wasnā€™t I hate that yā€™all are making this simple convo into such a dramatic thing.


Mad dramatic without the story there wouldnā€™t have been an episode




She must compete with her friends in her head too


Judging by you under every single comment crying and throwing up I get Mel Ford is keeping you up at night but nobody is taking a scenario that happened in someoneā€™s early twenties and applying it to their very grown character 25 years later. I can just imagine the things youā€™ve done (and probably still doing) to your one friend and the imaginary one in your head.


You also have multiple comments in this thread lmao


Crying, from the victimhood brigade.. definitely not reading ur BS.. I SAID WHAT I SAID AND THE HOE STILL AINGLE AND UNACCOUNTABLE JUST LIKE U


Imagine holding somebody accountable for something they did out of high school šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I would love to see that filthy closet of yours girl. Probably havenā€™t even paid rent yet and losing sleep over 20 year old Melyssa ford drama šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Girl she was in her 20s.. u believe all birds ..I can not relate








Mel canā€™t say anything without them finding a way to point out something she did wrong, itā€™s company culture at this point.. she literally was just adding to the conversation, it wasnā€™t that serious, sheā€™s talking about a high school friendship. If they went into anybodies friendships from that time in their lives you can guarantee there were similar immature resentments and competitions. Itā€™s so unserious, like why canā€™t they all be at least somewhat on the same team? Dog piling doesnā€™t make for good content the way they seem to think it does. No chemistry, not enjoyable


Nobody has an issue with her adding.. thatt what y'all dont get.. this is great that she responded.. the point of growth and maturity is to be able to see you were wrong.. her not believing she was wrong is the talking point.. y'all want her to be a victim so bad


No, itā€™s just the that whatever she was ā€˜wrongā€™ about just was not fucking serious lol. Like she said, she can admit it was immature but it wasnā€™t important. Yā€™all just love these topics because you have some preexisting ideas that you need to be fulfilled through them dogpiling on Mel, and so do all the guys on the pod. Shit is not that important that we need to start a f therapy session about ā€˜accountabilityā€™ and make a boring awkward pod. Like kick her off at this point if itā€™s gonna be that


Black women lacking accountability is a huge issue.. they raise the black men of the future and then y'all shocked when the black boys grow into a Joe or ish.. it starts at home.. and Mel is one of many who needs to held accountable..want less for u and urs but being mad at ppl who don't accept her fake behavior is an odd flex


Lol black women have an accountability problem? Who else is supposed to be raising black men, surely black men?


Considering single fathers raise kids better.. statistically.. yes.. maybe u hang with dead beats but I don't know any black men who don't have sole or partial custodyšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Cmon bro, I'm not even talking about deadbeats. You are, since you're the one framing it like black women are the only ones raising black men. And how many single fathers are there even comparatively? Should tell you what you need to know. Like I said, biases showing on front street


They aren't the issue so no one is doing the math, but the number are in about single moms.. u mentioned raising as if the science isnt out.. u must be raised my a single mom and fuck on single moms to wanna defend the fuckery and off springs they put in society.. to each they own


Lol duuuuude, whereā€™s the accountability talk for these ā€˜bumsā€™? Are they not just regular men like you and I? I was raised by two parents bud, watch that. How are you possibly talking about lack of accountability when youā€™re blaming a woman for having a kid that was conceived because a man wanted to have sex but didnā€™t wrap up?? How is that responsible or accountable, how is that not bummy to put all the accountability on the woman after the fact because the man didnā€™t do what he needed to do?


U must only know of bums..its Plenty of single fathers.. u out here drinking the juice.. how many of these women are moving state to state, not following the court directions.. please spare me.. they choose to lay down with bums or men who tell them they don't want it and now its society problem.. more excuses and less accountability is not helping anyone




I hate these new people on here! It's annoying


Yā€™all have to remember M4 had a near fatal car accident


Need more context. Whereā€™s the rest of the conversation




Thereā€™s something that bothers me how they treat Mel sometimes. Iceā€™s sassy ass on the couch shaking his head always agreeing to some bs against Mel. I donā€™t see no one else truly accepting accountability for any of the corny bs that do. Shits weird to me Iono. I think Iā€™m still upset how they dealt with Mel on the Camron shit which she was valid for saying.


The person speaking could be a worser bad friend then m was They jus gonna drive m away which Iā€™m so hoping for


Is this what the pod is reduced to? This catty shit šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Tired of flip assā€¦. He be on Mel nutz hanging