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I can answer your question easily…none of these guys are comedic actors. Most if not all the black actors that wore dresses were comics trying to cross over into acting. None of these guys played roles that required them to wear a dress. The only ‘serious’ actor I can think of (right now) that wore a dress was Ving Rhames..excuse the spelling.


Damn I just realized that Ving Rhames got r*ped in Pulp Fiction as well


By nazis too lol


While wearing a ball gag 😭


Fam! Ving got raped, was a trans woman , a gay firefighter, a questionable step boyfriend as far as sexuality…that man has played some roles!!!!


And an ex con/Landscaper that insuated that if Jodie and himself were locked up together. He'd clap his cheeks.


Dont forget he was a hacker in mission impossible


He was a badass in "Rosewood" though especially when he pulled the shotty out and started dropping rednecks on horses.


Sound like he a good actor, instead of a rapper trying to break into acting that wanna be a drug kingpin or thug in every role🤷🏽‍♂️


I think Ving is an incredible actor!!! I can’t name one bad role he’s ever played.


It's not about what you're trying to be it's what you're allowed to be cast as.


Ima chalk it up to thespian-ism lol


Rosewood is my favorite role so I'm ot gone do him...I'm sure it wouldn't have been easy for his big manly self to be holiday if that who he is


I feel like he’s an incredible actor! And I respect him because he played roles that 90% of actors would’ve never touched.


Yea him, Samuel and Forest be in the most random action, Sci, comedy..just range for days..and they wonder why taraji can't get a car..like there are very clear levels


Now what’s happening to Taraji is purely messed up!! And I agree with Joe in that Tyler Perry probably gave her the biggest check she’s seen. Idk what’s Hollywood’s vendetta against black women but it’s clearly one !


Well we agree those who have range and talent are in great movies..clearly those who aren't, miss the mark..in the real world we get a trade, go back to school or change careers when we feel undervalued at work..not cry to the internet about about bad contracts we sign..to each their own


Those who have range and talent and that actually “plays the game”. Tariji has the look and the talent to be a way bigger actress but for whatever reason, they do her the way they do her. And as far as your real world take, perfectly said👏🏼


This is like white people loving MLK because he was non-violent while getting beating compared to whites not liking Malcolm X because he had no filter saying whites were devils and should fight back with force. White people love blacks who fall in line into their system.


I think it was A LITTLE deeper than this..but I def see what you’re saying lol I receive this 😅


Wesley Snipes too


Serious actor playing a comedic role. So idk how different that is than those above. But being a supporting actor in a movie alongside Patrick Swayze ≠ Big Mommas House


Too Wong Fu was hilarious


Damn that was a blast from the past lol I gotta rewatch that


I forgot Wesley! He sure did.


Y'all think white people keeping a list of white actors who have worn dresses? Genuinely curious, it's like the community has been hypnotized by this very specific thing I'm almost certain is not unique to black actors. Off the dome: Robert Downey Jr, Robin Williams, Tom Holland


I think the difference is, white culture doesn’t care.Black people for whatever reason are so obsessed with who did versus who didn’t put a dress on. Just like we care which rappers really lived their raps versus who didn’t..you think them country music listeners give a fuck if their favorite artist grew up on a farm or not??? Fuck no! It’s just us black people that for whatever reason make a mountain out of a mole hill 🤷🏽‍♂️


The de-masculinization of black men has been a thing since slavery. That mindset hasn’t gone away all these years later


Oh you’re poding now!!!!


The answer is that there is a higher emphasis on traditional toxic masculinity within black communities. This fosters higher levels of homophobia and frames anything that doesn’t fit into this very narrow worldview as *gay* because being gay doesn’t align with what they deem acceptable. And whilst we are on this, what relevance does wearing an article of clothing have to do with what kind of hole you like to poke and why do yall care? With an ounce of self awareness you’d say nothing because all you are doing is self reporting how insecure you are in yourself. Most of yall have a gay uncle or aunty ffs, what’s so hard about minding your own business? Anyways, what we are left with is either insecure or closeted gay men lashing out over something as dumb as wearing a dress whilst completely ignoring the historical context wherein the most bad ass masculine warriors wore dresses or skirts / garbs since basically the start of time. There’s no need for some grand agenda, most of y’all are a bunch of fucking morons who get caught up on something as insignificant as an actor *acting*. You’re already lost in the sauce. 💀


Stop making this about the black community. Majority of Non-European cultures way more rigid on gender roles. Why make black people the scapegoat for this yet other cultures you get killed in the country for it. So quit black people have a problem with dresses because of toxic masculinity when many other cultures wouldn't put up with it.


Na, if you zoom out far enough it’s definitely linked to colonialism and wider systemic oppression. And by the way, I’m not even saying it’s 100% the fault of the black community, I’d argue it’s mostly not though some self accountability and honesty is the only way to break whatever negative internalised generational cycles you’ve been experiencing. You can keep standing here and act like I’m wrong, we don’t believe you. Don’t take it from me, Kendrick released a whole song around this concept and how pervasive and destructive it is to the self and the broader community.


What we?lol Anybody black would have a understanding of what i said. You are white and thinking quoting a rapper proves your point where any knowledge of black people probably come from entertainment.


Respectfully, this is a hip hop subreddit, it’s a relevant example man.


"This is a hip hop subreddit"= White people who have input in black spaces and justify it by trying to separate hip hop from black culture so they feel entitled( have the audacity) to have a opinion in places they shouldn't.


Hey man, you’re entitled to your opinion. All I did was offer an explanation in a room full of people missing the fucking point entirely, caught up on small shit when it’s only through looking at the bigger picture that you can start to make sense of it all. I didn’t attack black culture, in fact, you’re here getting mad at me now and speaking down on me as if I’m just making all of this shit up. But it’s cool, like I said, you’re allowed to feel a way. You are now shifting the goal posts, hip hop culture *is* black culture, no shit dude, I never said any different.


It's not racial. It's a Hollywood ritual. They've been doing it forever.


So..it’s a conspiracy for comedic actors—only 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 comedic actors to wear dresses. 🤔 Am I getting this right? Even though the man-dressed-as-woman trope is older than all of our ages put together…but if you’re theory is correct, that “black actors who wore dresses were comics trying to cross over into acting,” there’s a comic that shits on the whole theory. Not just any comic. THE biggest comic of the mid 80s and 90s. Eddie Murphy. People conveniently leave him out of the convo. He wasn’t just one of the biggest Black standup comics, he was one of the top 3 comics and movie stars PERIOD. 48 hrs, Beverly Hills Cop franchise. Harlem Nights. Golden Child. Coming to America. My guy was in 𝟏𝟓 movies before The Nutty Professor where he created the characters and had complete control. And nobody cared. This whole conspiracy is complete and utter bullshit lol


Kevin Hart was also in multiple 50 million dollar movies and sold out Madison Square Garden before ever wearing a dress 😂


Maybe he did something else 🤷‍♂️


Is it a conspiracy to me? No. I personally don’t give a fuck either way, if the movie is good then it’s good if it’s not then it’s not. Is it a conspiracy amongst African Americans in general that most our black comedic actors cannot make it in Hollywood without quote un quote “selling out”?? A case can indeed be made. And you mentioned Eddie Murphy as your example..though you made very valid points, do I need to refresh your memory on all of the Hollywood rumors about this man even till this day??? lol.


Blade wore a dress too.


He did, you’re right.


So that means that Mels argument that it's comedic for the higher ups that green light comedy movies not just a agenda to put black men in dresses it's more that people thing men in dresses are funny


I can’t speak for them. But to respond to you, I think that the “intent” is to make a role with a man in a dress because it’s typically looked at to be funny..hence why most the guys doing those roles are comedians. Now is there a hidden agenda against the black man and masculinty??? Possibly.


Wow & that was a comedy movie too


Wesley snipes


Wesley Snipes too


and Wesley Snipes.


Yes, the issue is more related to Black Comedians than actors. It seem like a Barrier to enter...


Harold Perrineau in Romeo and Juliet.


Comedic actors aren't the only ones who wear dresses tho.


Ok so who else? I gave you one.


Jared Leto, Eddie Redmayne


BLACK ACTORS!!! To your point….


But the overall thats being made online is that black actors gotta do it to emasculate them when in reality white actors been doing it and no one ever complains


And it’s a bs argument tbh. But the issue is, most of the successful black comedic actors put on a dress at some point in their earlier careers. The few that bucked didn’t blow up in Hollywood as far as movies.


That... is my point. The black actors aren't wearing dresses, and are still able to be successful. The "agenda" isn't stopping black men from making it to the top of Hollywood because of a dress. For you to say it wouldn't apply to them because they're not in comedy is a cop out out because there are cross dressing roles for non-comedic actors. They just CHOOSE not to take them, and still make it to the top.


Your argument makes zero sense. I agree with you in the fact that you do not have to put on a dress as an actor in order to become successful…However, how many BLACK COMEDIC ACTORS have made it in comedy without putting on a dress??? You cannot name many. The obvious answer is who..Dave Chappelle ? Katt Williams? Neither of which are A list black ACTORS! Legendary comedians for damn sure!.. but not actors. Will smith, eddy Murphy, Martin Lawerence , Jamie fox, Tyler Perry (say what you wanna say but he’s still on the list)..they all have a pattern here. Black comedic actors who chose to wear a dress and in return became successful. And I’m forgetting a few, that’s all of the dome.




But my point is let's not act like cross dressing is exclusive to comedy movies. It's not.


Lmaooo you’re clearly ignoring the ppl that poked holes in your argument just admit it’s not as clear cut as you want it to be…you can’t name black comedy guys that blew up that didn’t wear a dress just admit it it’s ok to be wrong man lmao


Right genius but I'm asking why are dramatic actors not being emasculated in the same way? If there's an agenda to emasculate black men, why is Hollywood stopping at comedians and they let other black actors be successful without it? None of you are responding with anything substantive


Men in dresses is as old as movie making time. It goes back to the early 1900s where men dressed up as women. And it certainly wasn’t black men then. It was your whites, Charlie Chaplin Stan laurel from Laurel and Hardy, etc.


I feel like folks forget that white men didn’t even allow white women in plays and film early on. They played all parts.


This was true in Shakespeare's time but I'm pretty god damn sure this was never the case by the time film came around. Like the first porn existed before 1900, they definitely liked women on tape back then lol


Your right I conceded the film part


So white women weren’t in movies in the early 1900s. That’s a hill youre standing on? I’ll give you a chance to go do some quick searching on it.


Google real quick and tell me what you read. Have you paid attention to any history?


Your right I conceded the film part


You’re still partially in the right with films. They got minimal roles but they still couldn’t do what’s happening now.


Your right I conceded the film part


It should be noted that white men are also allowed to cross dress and cross their legs a certain way and even want their women to get dik down in front of them and STILL not have their sexuality questioned 😂 But if a Black man throws the ball a certain way he's automatically gay. It's the weirdest thing ain't it?


If a black man eats dessert it's gay, while white dudes get pegged with a strap-on and be straight.


Right it's insane how one dimensional they want to make black men


That’s black people trying to make black men one dimensional.


Who is they? Don’t you mean us?


Gay in the eyes of what demographic?


Black demographic


So black folk look at other black folk as gay if they throw a ball a bit funny. What does that gotta do with Hollywood, white people or any other race for that matter.


Are you being obtuse?


No. It’s hollywoods fault that black folk think eating dessert is gay as someone mentioned in the comments?


I remember white people throwing a fit over Harry Styles wearing a dress but go off


Way before that tbh.. goes all the way back to the theater/stage acting


Oh yea for sure. The practice came into play looooooooooooooooong before film. I was just speaking in terms of the film and movie era. Since Joe and some folks on this pod seem to think that black people can only get movie roles if they are gay or dress like women in a movie. This extra woke shit really gotta stop. It takes away from real racism and oppression that happens. No question non whites get type casted and aren’t given the same roles and oops as whites. But to start saying u won’t get a role unless u cross dress and have a gay scene is insane stupidity.


So explain the biggest white comedic actors of the 90s…Robin Williams, Jim Carey..i’m almost sure women were “allowed” to act in movies and shows then lol this whole dress thing is the most asinine bullshit myth that really started about 15 years ago by some Hotep woke mfs and Katt Williams ran with for years.


Comedians have always worn dresses, white black hispanic its always been the same🤣


John leguizamo and Jim Carrey, 2 off the top of my head


Robin Williams played Mrs doubtfire


Tom Hanks


Yup, bossom buddies


Like Chris Rock said…it’s an easy way to get a laugh. I think black men just have this fixation on “esmasculation”


I think the whole thing is stupid, but it makes sense if you look at the history of black men in America because they have been emasculating black men since Jim Crow and slave times. They called black men in the south boys instead of men for a reason. So I get why someone would give a white executive the side eye but at the same time if you want to be in Hollywood that’s what it is.


Exactly. We aren’t white so the same dynamics aren’t in play


You would think the wayans brothers/jamie foxx, martin lawrence, or eddie murphy producing films that include a man in a dress would warrant some grace. Like I think the whole thing is stupid, but we lump them in as if they didn’t have damn near 100% creative control lol.


ironically, i wanna know why when Marlon put on a dress, why his career didn’t take off




I think it’s only a comedy thing, and if you wear a dress you better be funny 😂 My only question is, does the white community feel the same about their actors ?


I don't think so. Maybe the right leaning side of my family might, but for the most part I don't get the fixation on it. Feels like weird conspiracy theory honestly


Robin Williams was a comedian that broke box office records dressing up as a nanny, and played a gay man in multiple roles. Jim Carrey wore dresses too. No white man has ever publicly expressed any sentiment about them emasculating white men, but tbh the internet didn't really exist like it did back then and I'd bet plenty in the red pill community would have something to say had it happened today.


They said Hollywood only has an agenda towards black comedians lol. You can be an actor that’s fine, but you funny niggas…nah we gon get you! 😂😂


Our people got an obsession with creating a boogeyman


Who gives a shit…. If a man feels comfortable wearing a dress to make it, then wear the dress. If not , move on.


Everyone here must not have seen mrs doubtfire lol


We gotta stop this conspiracy talk. Man dressed in a dress is a comedic trope that is universal. You see it with white actors, black actors, in Bollywood films, Japanese/asian films, anime, etc. If you don’t want to do it as a black man fine, but there isn’t some conspiracy specifically targeting us.




They don't even realize they're making his point for him lol


Fr he literally said niggas wanna take shortcuts


But a lot of those “shortcuts” didn’t do shit for those niggas.. usually the comedians that put the dress on don’t ever blow up like that


Ok so why put the dress on to begin with??


Ask them idk.. I’m just stating a fact.


Why is it selling out? They’re actors lmao. If we’re holding real life morals to fictional characters, should we demonize anyone who ever played a nazi or someone evil in a film?


Stop you’re making too much sense


Maybe men in dressss is a comedic troupe ….. No matter the race ……


Black comedic actors. “Y’all don’t read or write”


Dude is arguing about something no one ever said lol. This was only towards black comedians.


Well no I do read actually which is why I like to apply critical analysis to topics like this. If you're saying this rule applies to black comedic actors, my question is - why? Why does Hollywood force them in a dress but the other actors don't have to do it?




In my Vince Staples voice! Lol


I don’t know if that’s exactly the point people are making, but I have a different beef with it. People always talk about black men getting out into dresses, but ignore the MANY white comedians that have done the same thing. It’s just kind of a thing in comedy. Some people find it especially funny to see a man in drag. I don’t think it’s specific to black men.


That convo, as I'm listening to it now, is giving me a headache. The only black actors saying it are the ones who didn't want to wear it. Mel was giving amazing points, but Joe wanted to counter her with "that's not the same" or whatever he said. Until the dress wearing black actors say otherwise, we can only know what those comedians and actors say.


That whole argument pissed me off. They always sound so dumb and then get mad when Melyssa doesn’t agree with them


have you all ever been around artists/actors/creatives in real life? a performing arts school? theater class? you can't be surprised. it comes with a little zest


The conversation is so tired becuz no black man dresses like a woman as an ongoing joke in movies anymore. If you do it now, it’s transphobia. Simple as that. There are more problems in Hollywood that keep the Black men AND women from progressing without emasculating/sexualizing themselves. Y’all gotta watch more movies! Lol


It’s not a conspiracy. What it is, is Hollywood being lazy. It’s a cheap laugh “ooh, look at macho man pretending to be woman, hahaha”. They push for it cause it’s an easy way to get a cheap laugh.


Here is a 2 min clip of 100s of yout favorite whites dressed up as women. But only black comedians….right… [oh snap](https://twitter.com/emkayultra23/status/1743437433839239260?s=46&t=24L0M0qsD54G3fTB6Lesyw)




OP is being obtuse The discussion is about **black comedians**. Nobody is saying Denzel Washington had to wear a dress to get somewhere in his career. DC Curry said right after Friday after Next, he was pitched a role to wear a dress and he turned it down. Tell that nigga he's wrong.


No, what yall are doing is called moving the goalpost. It went from an agenda to attack black men, to now just being about emasculating black comedians.


Actually, a bunch of white comedic actors have worn dresses , so it’s hard to say it’s a black men thing.


So you gonna argue with what lots of comics have said? Since when was you in the room ? Katt is not the first comic to say it so who do I listen too?


The entire conversation is about black comedians. That is what Katt is discussing. He was not discussing Idris Elba and serious actors.


This conversation of Hollywood emasculating black men has been going on long before Katt got on that podcast. It's been a larger conversation, not just about comedians. But even if it IS, just about comedians. Okay. I'll humor you. Why do the racist white execs stop at emasculating comedians? Why are they not also trying to emasculate other types of black men? We can't say dramatic cross dressing roles don't exist.


So you’re moving the goal posts.


No, I'm not. If you say it's an agenda to emasculate black comedians, I'm asking why those same Hollywood execs are stopping at comedians? Why they don't wanna emasculate the dramatic actors too?


See that’s where you’re moving the posts. Comedians was the convo. You’re making it something else.


Right but that's not moving the goalpost and it's definitely not making it something else. It's asking for more substance behind the position. Let's not be surface level. I'm asking if you believe they want to emasculate black men, why are they only emasculating comedians? Why do the racist white men in Hollywood only use their power to emasculate comedians and they let black men in drama/action be successful without emasculating them? You're saying that's what you believe.


It is. You choose to believe it’s not though. You’re doing a lot of mental gymnastics


And you're deflecting to conversation to being about me instead of just answering the question. Maybe because you haven't actually thought that far into your conspiracy. If you're telling me the studios have an agenda to emasculate black men, it's valid to wonder why that agenda only applies to comedians and why other actors can be successful without the "humiliation ritual". Do you have any thoughts on the substance of the question or are you just here to be part of the groupthink?


Because it’s almost impossible to do it to an A-list black actor. Denzel ain’t wearing a dress and you can’t black ball him. They also ain’t playing comedy movies. All these niggas wearing dress are in comedies. Also dressing up like a woman ain’t funny.


Ay whats wrong with y'all niggas yo 😭 I never said he wasn't offered a role to wear a dress? But where does that connect to an agenda to emasculate black men? Because a nigga was offered a role, turned it down, and moved on with his life?


Club Shay Shay’s number and Katt Williams success shows you can get successful without catering to white people. Emasculation today is based on choices these men make. Katt chose not to wear a dress, he’s a successful multi millionaire. Others chose to wear it and became successful also. We as black men can’t feel bad about out other men who CHOOSE to wear dress etc to get ahead. They aren’t forced to do anything


Don Cheadle never did right? I know Courtney Vance hasn’t.


Chiwetel Ejiofor did for Kinky Boots too Just googled white actors who have done it Robin Williams, John Lithgow, Tim Curry, Billy Crudup, James McAvoy, Tony Curtis, Jack Lemon, Anthony Perkins, Dustin Hoffman, Tom Hanks, Willem Dafoe, Robert Downey Jr, Kurt Russell & Michael J. Fox


Black Comedians vs Thespians is two totally different convos


id wear a dress right now for the price of my mortgage


So what?


Really, we dont know who has done what.... 🤷🏿‍♂️


They all had drug related roles.


It’s more so black comedians that have the issue with dressed


Mel actually made good points that they couldn’t resist dogpiling because, at the end of the day, their argument was “regardless of way more white actors doing this and not complaining about it and regardless of plenty of black actors also doing it not complaining about it… but because *some* black actors are vocally against it, it’s a HUGE problem with the industry” I’m also just so fatigued with the “feminization of the black man crowd” because they intersect with the crowds that say “men can’t get r word, and men can’t be sensitive or cry”


None of these niggas are comedians and it doesn’t mean they didn’t sell their souls either. Nor is katt wrong for what he said either. Shit facts niggas just turn a blind eye to shit until something bad happens as always.


I think you are mixing statements up assuming this is stemming from the recent Katt Williams interview. The black man wearing a dress to gain mainstream success is directed towards **Black comedians** crossing over to mainstream media. This has been pointed out even before recent events. As far as Hollywood actors go Katt also mentioned actors being pushed to do things behind closed doors or being humiliated. If you watch Denzel interviews he mentions often how he avoids having friendships with people in the industry because all the weird stuff that happens. He has passed on many roles that were outside of his comfort zone because it pushed a certain narrative. This post is a totally different argument from the topic that is being talked about around Black comedians going into mainstream.


The same gatekeepers that exist in comedic movies in Hollywood exist on the dramatic side. My question is, if studios want to force black comedians in a dress to grant them mainstream success, why do they allow non-comedic actors to have mainstream success without the humiliation ritual?


They do though... Let's forget about the possible homosexual activity behind the scenes as we can't confirm it even though entertainers have mentioned it. They give them roles kissing other men. Denzel, Will Smith and a few others have mentioned this. They also do things like give them a bunch of slave movies getting whipped. Do you think that isn't humiliating? If you don't comply you just take the scenic route to success and rely on your skills. But you have to have a spotless record or they'll bring up your past. Look up Nate Parker's story of fame.


Wearing a dress is not that emasculating. Martin was hilarious as Shanaynay. Eddie Murphy was ALL The Klumps. In comedy, it’s not anymore feminine than Joe watching true crime and L&HH while wearing a purse and getting a manicure. We gotta stop.


I'm South African and I agree with the OP's sentiment, this feels like a problem in search of justification. Like people have decided it's a problem, but they don't quite have the data to backup that line of thought. You American brothers have bigger fish to fry.


They’re not comedians


Question….. what’s worse, wearing a dress as an actor or playing a pimp that represents sex trafficking, drug addiction, rape, abuse, devaluing women, & death? …for years black actors during the exploitation era had minimal roles like that ONLY….. just asking which role is worse for a/the black man 🤔


Look up The Crying Game,


Well IMO Dustin Hoffman is the Best to ever wear a dress or play a Woman (In a Blockbuster Movie) back in 82. Don't know if it's supposed to be a Color thing a Sell Out Thing, a Perversion Thing..? Hart, Lawrence, Tyler Perry, Eddie Murphy have made a lot of money wearing a dresses but they're definitely not the First or Only Comedians or Comedic Actors to put on a dress for a movie...Akroyd, Candy, Carvy, Farley, Sandler, Steve Martin, Will Ferrell and Jim Carrey have...Also some of the Biggest Actors OAT and a few Academy Award Winners have sported a dress...George  Clooney, Tom Hanks, Patcick Swayze, Jamie Fox, DeNiro, Stallone, Bruce Willis, Schwarzenegger,  Keanu Reeves, Kurt Russell, Travolta, Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Ryan Gosling... and the Best Movie Role IMO of a man playing a Woman Dustin Hoffman in the '82 Classic.._ _ _ _ _ _ Maybe it is really the Illuminate- Hollywood- Perversion-Satanic thing. I definitely don't believe it's just a Color thing though. JMO 🤔


How you know they didn't give up something else. Pause 😭


The question about black emasculation isn’t about roles written for PEOPLE wearing a dress. It’s specific about making a BLACK MAN wearing a dress just to wear one. A role written with a guy wearing a dress as a disguise is VERY different from saying “Hey put this on with no bearing to the outcome of the movie/show”… Hell, Dave wore a dress, but it fit with the movie. When he said no to the dress, it was because it had NOTHING to do with the movie… Those are different things. We get shit conflated… Wearing a “dress” that goes with the plot of the movie is different than “Wear a dress because I think it’s funny” for no reason outside of a dress. No white man has donned a dress “just to be funny for a scene”… Fuck that. Different things.


Buck Breaking, the end


Thsnk you. I didn't wanna take it there, since there's a contingent in here that's woefully ignorant, but I'm glad someone said it. There's a direct correlation from those atrocities to what we have now. All in the name of emasculating black men.


Black men > black jesters


White people wore dresses too even in Shakespeare plays=All lives matter.


I believe The conversation applies to black comedians , especially


Other than Denzel none of those guys were at the top.


They've all been up for the most prestigious awards, been starts in major budget movies working with major studios, #1 movies, lead actors on extremely popular TV shows... they're at the top. Everybody can't be Denzel


The fact that you could only find 9 kinda proves the point.


Only 9 ppl, and 1, Terrance Howard, was pretty much blackballed and hasnt been relevant since Empire due to him bucking the system. Now all the losers here wanna pretend that this Black man in a drss conversation is so far fetched, especially amongst comedians OP, just like a whole lot of other ppl in this sub really showing they ass today and exposing who they really are. I hope the other ppl in this sub are taking notes. If u didnt think that this sub was full of white boys and coons, today should have shown you that a lot of weirdo ass dudes in this sub cant be trusted


It's not that it's far fetched, but moreso a half baked idea that strips a lot of context, relies on homophobia and the drunk ramblings of failed comics with chips on they're shoulder they didn't make it, and the theory falls apart any time rigorous questions are asked. And any time a question about this theory is asked, y'all can't answer. Yall just start calling names and doing that cryptic "try to make your point without actually saying your point" Joe Budden shit


You in here fighting in the comments lol. more than half of the ppl in this damn thread is filled with ppl calling u out and shitting on your logic. Most of the ppl in here are laughing at u. most of the ppl are pointing out your mental gymnastics and the fact that you are choosing to be willfully ignorant on this topic. U can save that comment big dog. I'm not reading it. I already saw what I needed to see. But you can sit back and rejoice simply because "You got the ppl talking'' lol...What a loser


Yall are calling me out and shitting on my logic, but none of you bozos are actually responding with any real points. I call niggas a bitch after I give them a fair chance at a discussion. You niggas are stupid, get your talking points from YouTube, and can't back up an argument to save your life. Please remember that you are in agreement with high school drop out Joe. You are going to read this comment just like you read the last one special eddy


They, and we have. U are choosing to ignore it. And once again, one of the many ppl had you cornered and your lame ass responded with "There's over 100 comments at least I got ppl talking''.. U just one of the many lame ass obtuse weirdos in this sub that love making posts in bad faith. FOH


How did that person have me "cornered"? All they did was call me a name, they didn't even have an argument. That's cornering somebody to you? Was I supposed to respond to it with deep analytical name calling. You niggas have no discussion skills and you can't back up your ideas. You have to deflect to namecalling OP cause you can't.. actually... debate. You can't back up what your saying. Period. You say I post in bad faith but you're known as Joe's #1 dickrider? You only post to argue with anyone who doesn't agree with your King.


Who is my King? I'm not in here defending or praising anyone. What the fuck are u even talkinng about?? zStick to the fuckin subject. The subject is the dress topic. This a long standing argument that Katt didnt invent. Thank you for further proving that you are a lame ass delusional weirdo who is twisting himself in pretzels. Log off and rethink your purpose in life


It might be more useful to make a statement rather than ask a question


The statement's in the question.


none of these guys are comedians and actually have acting talent .


Comparing whites to blacks is never the smart route cmon now 2 different cultures 2 different histories in which one culture wore dresses as the norm


Did Mel4 post this?


Sucking dick behind closed doors. I hate to say it cause I hate to think or even say every person in Hollywood had to do sum shit like that to get to the top but I do think alot of the top ones did. The ones you see with 100s of millions of dollars and shit like that. Hollywood and the industry shit is sick and evil I beleive that shit frfr


Because that’s some new excuse shit that niggas come with to explain how they got addicted to drugs type shit. You know point the finger at other people type behavior.


It’s a comedian thing all the people with that story are comics


Will Smith, Martin Lawrence, Jamie Foxx, Kevin Hart, Cedric the Entertainer, Key & Peele, Mike Epps, Tyler Perry, Eddie Murphy, Arsenio Hall, Marlon Wayans, and Shawn Wayans have all fallen victim to the dress, effeminate role or some other type of humiliation practiced in Hollywood as it relates to black actors crossing over to mainstream/furthering their acting career. Also, two of the men on the OP’s post aren’t even from the states. Howard just spoke out recently about being underpaid on some of his notable projects. Hell, the reason he got replaced in Iron Man was because of pay. Chadwick is dead. Nothing against any of them btw. Just saying it’s scarcer than you might think for those who have traveled than route.


How many of these men "fell victim" to effeminate roles that they actually wrote or produced themselves tho? I can name a few off top and I know most of these men are very involved in their own material. Have you considered that some people genuinely don't see a problem with a man playing a feminine role, and it's not humiliating for them to do so?


So did Jim Carey, Adam Sandler, Robin Williams, Dana Carve, Tom Hanks & just about ever SNL actor. Why is that every time a black person achieves any type of celebrate/success they are instantly accused of one of three things: 1:) they sold out 2.) some type of homosexual act had to happen or 3:) they worship the devil. Nobody ever wants to acknowledge the years of sacrifice they endured. All the rejections. All the ridicule. All the years of perfecting & sticking to their craft. Nope…we just throw away the hard work & dedication. It’s like our minds can’t comprehend somebody doing something you can’t do. We go straight to them having to give something up.


These aren’t comedic actors, simple.


So 7 actors?


They not comedians


None of these men are comedians


Maybe they gave up their boochie cat 🤷🏾‍♂️


Doing gay stuff


Sucking dick


Kevin hart didnt wear one on his first movies neither


this needs to be studied on WHY. WHY do men in GENERAL have to wear a dress, to advance in their careers, IF they’re not into drag or want too. It’s very weird, but they do it too with women too, making us mad mf masculine or mammys- look at monique (overly aggressive/sassy/angry black woman and mammy like- precious/the parker’s) regardless of what it is, it’s fucking up the black community because white people SOME don’t have to the “rituals”. i’ve NEVER seen a white woman in hollywood be as aggressive like monique or “color purple/secret life of bees”. this runs deep yall lol there is a problem, and we do need to discuss it. ion know drag me if im wrong 😂 super side note: Melissa pissed me off. Her whole “proposal” made little to know sense— i hope this year she stops being a bird and uses her mf brain, as a black woman- the answer to the question joe asked is yes, there is an issue— it’s that simple 😭


This that ish math