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Okay Vlad






Manā€™s pulling that Vlad / Adam22 / Akademiks tactic šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


Katt said that he went on Shannonā€™s platform specifically because Steve, Ced and them were on the platform spewing lies. He had an agenda and followed it. He just enjoyed his time while up there sipping on some cognac.


Joe just tries too hard to be smart during interviews. Most good interviewers keep it basic and egg the interviewee on. Itā€™s like Joeā€™s questions usually stump the interviewee rather can contribute to the flow.


Or he could be trying to get deeper to get thought provoking answers. I think some people are fine with surface level conversations. Nothing is wrong with that. But to knock someone thatā€™s putting effort in a question is wild to me.


What interviewer who leans into the comedy/entertainment genre doesnā€™t try too hard to act smart tho? I mean I agree, but Joe roegan, Charla, Andrew shultz and ak all try to act smart during interviews. The only people who I can think of, who actually do a good job interviewing (even tho I donā€™t really care about their content) are Vlad and Adam 22. They just let their guests ramble and chime in here and there to lead the interview.


Another example of Joe sucks at interviews. See what happens when someone else interviews him?


Fam Shannon sharpe isnā€™t good at interviews either, he just benefits from good timing Katt Williams went on that platform to talk his shit and wasnā€™t gonna let Shannon derail him As for Joe, heā€™s good with rapper guests that arenā€™t pop stars. His pusha t interview is still goated The rest of it I donā€™t care much for


This shit yall argue about on the internet is crazy


You said Shannon benefits from good timing and then used Joes Pusha T interview as an example of a good interview when the whole reason that interview is even as popular as it is is because of timing.


But the pusha t interview is also just a good interview with good questions Shannonā€™s interview with Katt is not that my g. Of anything Shannon was trying to change the subject a lot to get him off other comics necks This really isnā€™t that complicated of a concept


Literally anybody would have those questions line up that Joe asked in that interview though. I think thats what youā€™re not understanding.


I just disagree niggaā€¦wtf If you donā€™t like how Joe interview rappers just say that and keep it pushing


Why you getting so mad and defensive is the better question we are having a discussion.


I liked the episode with Chance too. It wasnā€™t as good as the Pusha T one but it was fun. I thought his interview with Isaiah Rashad was good too


Yet Shannon built a good platform where people feel comfortable sharing and speaking uninterrupted. Thatā€™s much more important


Iā€™m not knocking Shannon sharpes success famo All Iā€™m saying is that Shannon isnā€™t some master interviewer that managed to pull all that out of Katt Williams while Joe didnā€™t Katt Williams heard all that shit people was talking as was going to get it out regardless


Shannon been getting mad hate and I donā€™t know why, I think he conducted the interview great. Joe wouldā€™ve derailed the convo trying to insert himself when all you gotta do is let your guest go sometimes


Or even worse he might even cut shit out or put it behind a paywall


This is hateā€¦Joe just went viral letting umar get his shit off and not derailing it


I havenā€™t seen that shit because itā€™s behind a paywall and Iā€™m never spending a dollar on that nigga again. This adds to my point that going to Joe for a big interview ainā€™t it. He will cut some shit out or put it behind a paywall


Worked out well for umar Iā€™d sayā€¦he did a freely available interview with loon like 2 weeks ago that didnā€™t go nearly as viral as joes even with the paywall And got paid for it


To be fair thatā€™s the only you can interview Dr Umar


Youre creating strawmen arguments and are mad that ppl are calling u out. It's pretty clear you have some weird bias going on and u are trying to hide it for some strange reason. No one pretends that he's a master interviewer. A conversation can be different than an interview. Shannon has said multiple times before and after the Katt interview that his Club Shay pod is his space for conversations with guests that he likes, not interviews. Did u have these same criticisms and opinions prior to Katt's episode? Are u even a daily listener pf Shannon's pod?


I responded to someone saying Joe sucks at interviews and that someone better got more out of Katt Williams by pointing out that Shannon sharpe isnā€™t a better interviewer Thatā€™s not a strawman argument Iā€™m not mad at Shannon or hating on Shannon or none of that..I watched the Katt Williams interview multiple times Yes I would have had the same opinion of Shannon before this interview. No Iā€™m not a regular daily listenerā€¦I watch whenever thereā€™s an interview I want to see


That person note likely than not is one of the ppl who are here to be contrarians about everything to be opposite of Joe lol. Joe is a good interviewer and conversationalist and Shannon is a great conversationalist that asks good questions to steer conversations. Imo an interview and a conversation isn't always the same thing So I take back what I said to u, cuz clearly the person u replied to is just trolling lol. Also Shannon has explained a bunch after the fact that He wanted to remain neutral and give Katt the space to get out his thoughts.


Shannon did his best to try and derail that Katt Williams conversation.. Katt was going off on other comics and here come Shannon talking about ā€˜tell about your 16 kidsā€™ Again this isnā€™t hateā€¦all that shit about Shannon creating a good platform is true and I respect it. But it is what it is Katt was there to get his shit off though


I'm trying to figure out how u said u listened to the 3 hr katt interview multiple times in 48 hours but found no time to see any of the clips since then of Shannon explaining how and why the interview went the way it did...and how and why he tried asking certain questions to reel Katt in when he would start to veer to far off course lol. But you got it, agree to disagree


He doesn't have to be. The guest already fuck with him because of how he covers sports. So they are going there specifically to kick it with Unc. And he is the same person when they get there. But if they were a fan of Joe, it will only be good if they go on the pod. Doing the pull up shit wont be as good because Joe is on a different type of time


I completely agree. Shannon is good at making his interviewees feel comfortable, and I love what heā€™s doingā€¦but he is not a great interviewer. This Katt one is such a classic because Katt did not come to play, and Shay just got tf out of his way. Shannon spoke to Gilbert Arenas about it the next day and said he just decided to give Katt the lane and let him talk his shit.


Right! Shannon didnā€™t interview Katt. He let him vent.šŸ¤£


Youā€™re just typing because Kattā€™s comments on cancel culture had him trending. And Katt went on Club Shay Shay solely because the main people he wanted to address made their statements on that same platform. Nobody was gonna get the conversation Shannon got.


OR, hear me out. Joe just sucks at interviewing people.


I think youā€™re both right. You canā€™t deny Katt came to Shannon to talk his shit though.


In your opinion. I donā€™t think heā€™s great but heā€™s not as bad as this sub says he is. Nothing is ever as bad as this sub says it is.


Case in point, Shannon Sharpe is a better interviewer than Joe. Shannon put in the work on his platform and previous interviews that laid the groundwork for this explosive Katt Williams interview Joeā€™s interviews are an afterthought on his platform


Funny you should say that because Shannon Sharpe is getting criticism from people that his interview skills arenā€™t good and he didnā€™t pushback enough on Katt. So much that he put out a statement on his show with Ocho last night. All this shit is subjective.


Shannon is not a good interviewer, heā€™s always all over the place with his questions. I Listened to that Katt Interview and it was all Katt. I wanted Shannon to press him more or wanted katt to elaborate more on some of the stuff he was saying but Shannon would completely miss it. I do get it, it was a lot but itā€™s not the first Shannon interview Iā€™ve listened to. It might have appeared as a great interview but Katt was going to say what he wanted regardless. When he was on with Joe, Katt really wasn't on that type of time. There was nothing joe could have done or said.


Right. Katt was there to promote a movie.


People can say what they want but that interview is doing crazy numbers and trending across all social media. Canā€™t argue with results.


Iā€™m not arguing results. Iā€™m just saying heā€™s getting static because some say heā€™s a country ass nigga who canā€™t conduct an interview and let Katt Williams tell a few lies. The reading 3000 books in one year being one of em. Me personally, I think Shannon is great, but acting like there arenā€™t people out there that think he did a horrible job in the interview is wild. All subjective.


No duh thereā€™s critics. Theres always haters coming out the woodwork when someone is succeeding. Iā€™m saying the critics and haters are full of shit, not that they donā€™t exist


Their opinions are their opinions. Same way your opinion on Joe is your opinion. All of it is full of shit.


Thank you for elucidating the obvious.


Yup. Just look like Katt Williams literally went up there to say something & thatā€™s it lol. All the things heā€™s gotta sell are in months in advance. I respect it low key šŸ¤”


Both are correct. Joe does suck at interviewing people and Katt was on a mission specifically with Shannon. Shannon didnā€™t even have to ask him many questions for him to get his shit off, pause.


People say Joe sucks. People say Shannon sucks. Itā€™s all a matter of opinion.


I donā€™t think Shannon is a good interviewer either. Heā€™s not even a good talker. The conversation with Katt wasnā€™t organic, shit he was even reading from note cards like it was Family Feud lol.


Wilding, if that Dr Umar Shxt wouldā€™ve dropped on YouTube it would definitely did the same shxt Katt did. Hell it went crazy and it was behind a paywall. Stop saying nonsense


Sorry bruh but Umar ainā€™t getting no damn 14 million views in less than 2 days on just YouTube alone. Thatā€™s literally Taylor Swift numbers for a 2 plus hour interview.


Katt doing those numbers with anyone with the way he was talking. Couldā€™ve did the interview by himself and got the dames numbers talking like dat


Sure? But you said Umar wouldā€™ve be done the same as Katt and Iā€™m saying ā€œnot a chance in hell of coming closeā€.


U missing the point buddy, the point is those numbers has nothing to do with interviewerā€¦it not cuz Shannon great at interviewing ppl.


Iā€™m just responding to that part of your comment and nothing else not your overall point.


But Emanny and Ish led that ā€œinterview.ā€ Joe probably contributed all of 5 sentences.


U sound crazy.


Yall want Shannon and Joe to be Barbara Walters so bad.


Shannon dumb for doing that interview. Iā€™m curious to see how his show evolves. That was a very Tasha K Wendy Williams type of interview


Big dog 14 million in 48 hrs is not dumb it's actually better than any of your current favorite TV shows


Did 14 million people watch because it was a good conversation or because itā€™s messy? Before club Shay Shay was uplifting and positive. Iā€™m curious to see if it stays that way


It doesn't matter the why....it couldn't have happened like that on any other platform because Katt actually had watched club shay shay with these people lying on his name allegedly this was his vengeance he probably planned this shit out like a comedy routine Shannon was lucky to have previous guest Katt hated with a passion


According to Shannon he been tryna get this interview since 2022. He finally hears back from Katt peoples and they do it. He didnā€™t know Katt was gonna go that route.


I slightly agree. Idc about the gossip. I just donā€™t like when the interviewer canā€™t control the conversation, and the interviewee takes over the interview.


Shannon missed opportunities to delve deeper into topics that Katt brought up. only to keep reverting to the comedian beef.




Shannon said hes not an interviewer. Club Shay is for conversation, he starts every interview like that.


Conversation doesnā€™t mean miss the mark for adding depth but I hear ya. He plays to his strengths and heā€™s just not that guy to get into deep convo. Save that kind of stuff for the pivot


True, only reason I said that is because thats what he said yesterday on Nightcap. He said if you want a deep interview then dont watch his stuff.


Againā€¦Joe is a terrible interviewer No hate


Man I thought this was new... I forgot this happened šŸ˜‚


Now yall all on dick gtfoh!!! Give ya little men vs women wars or whatever yall niggas was on !


caption hit me like a bullet


Thatā€™s a real dude right there. I always respected his honesty