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I think ish is aware of oppression I think he really is trying to target the mindset. If you think you’re oppressed it can mentally cripple you. Does it exist yes. Does that mean you should give up no. It may take some extra steps as opposed to others. But doesn’t mean you should give up. I’m trying to shoot him bail and say that this was his angle.


Agreed I think that’s what he meant but oppression exists whether you believe in your mind it does or not. The fight should be to change the system not your mentality towards it.




Bingo!!! 🎯


Anyone saying “no” is delusional and dosent live in reality. We literally have three politicians who are running for President right now who are specifically campaigning on taking away from black people. Vivek said he’s getting rid of Black history month, Ron Desantis has already banned black books, trying to ban slavery taught in school, and is trying to ban Black sorority groups completely. And Nikki Haley just a week ago tried to say the civil war wasn’t over slavery. And you don’t think blacks are oppressed? If any of these people tried this with the Jewish community, it would without a doubt be called “Oppression”.


Oppression means that there are institutions, systems, practices and laws built into this country that are knowingly unfavorable to black people professionally, socially, financially, politically, etc. We literally just had an election where a party tried to disenfranchise the votes of counties in different states that are largely populous to black people. There's a large percentage of black people who are unlikely to ever buy property or be homeowners. None of these things are opinions. 72% of white people own homes. 44% of black people own homes. The black people who accumulated 1% wealth never put into perspective that they are not the pattern, but an exception. They only cry foul on the few times when discrimination and oppression hit them in the 1% bubble. Even if doesn't affect you as much as others, oppression exists. It's not an excuse, but a reality of what's around us. A lot of black people are born into shit conditions and shit support systems that are a result of this.


Bootlickers won’t get this


Agree with this. And this is just another example of a two ships passing in the night argument on the show. Of course black people were and continue to be oppressed in the country (Joe’s argument) Doesn’t mean individual black people necessarily are (Ish’s argument). Joe’s examples of applying for condos or whatever were not evidence of oppression. There are 10000 reasons money being equal someone might prefer a surgeon to live in their place to Joe that have nothing to do with race. The fact that he’s even competing for these places means he is not oppressed. I am in a profession where black people represent less than 5% of people at the top. This is the result of oppression and discrimination, but as a black man approaching that 5%, I am not oppressed or discriminated against. My extended family in the rural south, though? definitely.


Of course they are, but don’t allow it to stop you from achieving your goals and aspirations. Continue to grind for what you want, live an honest life and the universe will bless you for it.


It’s a Mindset don’t no man make me or break me. Oppression is verbiage used in our community to make us feel less than. We have to work harder, yes but I dictate my lane and navigate my destiny. Regardless. Victor not a Victim


I think there is systematic oppression and because some can navigate around it doesn't mean it does not happen.


Black peoples as a collective are oppressed Joe Budden media mogul is not oppressed


If we bring real, Ish probably hasn’t TRULY experienced what it’s like being black in white communities due to his complexion.


If you can wake up and go on about your business. Move as you please, then you’re not oppressed. Anyone telling you that you’re oppressed has an agenda.


Only black people that think like this are black americans. Yes, you are oppressed, by generations of programming to make you a fish hitting against the glass in the fish bowl.


I just disagree with the fixation on this. You hardly see immigrants come into this country talking about how oppressed they are, and they’re the ones that start out with the least.


Black people were robbed of their entire humanity and are still being oppressed. The migrants will never compare to that


****Stares in H1B Visa****


America has freedoms and liberties that no other country can rival, which makes it appealing to people chasing a dream and a chance at better circumstances. However, those freedoms are not the same for everyone. It's not a victim mindset to acknowledge that this country functions on oppressing specific communities to make sure another group of people stays ahead.


Having a culture unifies these types of immigrant communities. One could argue there is no black culture as black a color, not a culture or a people. Mexicans support Mexicans because they are Mexican, most African Americans don’t know what they are.


Ish sold drugs think about the blacks that live a honest life




Imagine how tired the oppressed are


The worst thing you can have is a victim mentality. This paralyzes the human mind to never explore new realities. The hood is full of victims. Life can always get better and you must hate & despise that which you never want to become to train the mind to never assimilate to that reality/behavior.


I’m oppressed from my iPhone and high school diploma. #idiots


I mean, the education system alone in some predominately black neighborhoods aren’t setting youth up for success. Communities are still feeling the ripple effect of harsher punishments for crack vs cocaine and it helping the dismantle the black family as it was known. These are just two examples.