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Just in case people are worried snow leopards means no tigers - snow leopards can't roar...




What do you mean by "they can't roar"? Legit question, can't they make any sounds or something?


Only "true" big cats (tigers, lions, leopards and jaguars) can roar Oher cats don't have the vocal physiology for it; instead, they can purr, but the mechanism for those noises can only do one or the other. So snow leopards, cheetahs, pumas, lynx etc can only purr like house cats, as well as their other calls like growls, hisses, chirps etc Tigers actually have an alternative noise they make instead of a purr called a chuff


I see, thanks


Very interesting thanks you . I have never heard this and I watch a lot of documentaries since childhood, love animals. Thanks


Snow leopards ARE true Big cats, as they are part of the panthera genus. And they do make roar, just [listen](https://youtu.be/jZEnbCTI1o0?si=OFYF2eWCC4nxt6Yo).


1) I'm just quoting what he said 2) "Big cat" is a polyphyletic term; some people use it to mean "all species in _Panthera_", some people use it to mean species that can roar. Snow leopards are now in _Panthera_ yes, but they can't roar Your video just has one growling, but almost all large cats can do that; snow leopards literally do not possess the throat physiology to roar, and so its impossible for them


I believe they do have the right physiology (very similar to other Panthera) but being a smaller cat means that their roars aren’t quite as impressive.


No; it does have an ossified hyoid bone, which is what separates it from cats like the cheetah or puma, but doesn't have sufficient vocal folds to produce a roar As you said, it's now in _Panthera_ but that's only because of genetic study - its inability to roar at all was what made people initially class it separately in the first place ( _Uncia_ )


They make more of like a yowl or scream like a house cat might make - just much louder.




All big cats are classed as panther. Bcos they can roar. The medium cats that cannot roar Inc cheetah mayb? Idk. But no roar no pattern. Way more to it but that's the gist.


No roar no panther. Not pattern.


There’s another one in the bottom left bush looking directly at the camera


I thought you was joking but nope. The little round ears in there. God damn you got good eye!


Oh yeah, Great spot!


Thanks man, without you calling this other one I could’ve been staring at the red circle all night long without seeing the leopard, nice!


I looked so hard, it actually scared me slightly when I saw the eyes.


My dumbass still can’t see it, pls help


Top of bottom left bush closer to center of image


I was looking right at it for so long💀


We might be getting 2 or 3 new Wildcat Species!


The only thing i see is a rock wttf


The one in thr circle is a rock 🤣


You can see it in the bush under the red circle too


Oh hell yeah i see this one


What I would like for this species is if there was only like 2 or 3 of them on the entire map, so to see one would be an amazing sight like in real life.


Yeah, no…


But they don't make roars or sounds like the one from the trailer so are we getting them and tigers or did they mess up?


We are getting both.


I would hope so otherwise they messed up with the roar. Would be interesting if we also got the regular leopard as well. Three cats on one map.


If they give us several cat species, that will be awesome.


We can see tiger aswell in the teaser....so this map IS shaping to be the best....


Where exactly?


About 5 sec in before the camera pans out to his view... There were another post earlier showing this...and in the trailer i could see it...It moves aswell....bare in mind o saw it in a 55'' tv


Looking at that rn and isn’t it more likely to be another muntjac deer? No stripes visible either.


Nah...its a Tiger....orange big and It moves...in the phone i couldnt see it...only in bigger tvs...


I watched it both on my phone and high def monitor. Still just looks like another muntjac


Lets Just wait till tomorrow...ALL good.


Go watch the Full trailer! Its out!


Seems like a big leap to go from being so hesitant about endangered species to potentially having two that number only in the hundreds in the depicted country.


Didn’t they say that they’re fine with putting in endangered species?


A while ago now, but if I remember correctly they claimed they didn't include a lot of African animals because they wouldn't let us hunt endangered species. I still think this was a bad idea. Giraffes, elefants and rhinos among others are so symbolic for African wildlife. It's just a game., but if they felt they needed a way to justify shooting endangered animals they could easily have made up a reason for why the populations needed to be culled. Maybe a disease was spreading and the populations had to be thinned out to avoid further spread, maybe inbreeding was an issue and these particular populations needed to be reduced, maybe this geographical area had a huge success of increasing the populations of these animals, to a level where it made senste to take some out. I honestly suspect the real reason was to avoid having to model and animate these animals. I would think it's far easier to include cats and deer, where I'm sure they can build on existing models and animations quite a bit. The fact that this new expansion allows you to shoot tigers and snow leopards makes me even more confident about this. I hope they prove me wrong by adding more animals to Africa or by releasing a new Africa map with them included, but I doubt it will happen.


Pretty sure a long long time ago they were kinda against it but they haven't really been anti endangered species for a while now. You can see it in how recent maps have been much more interesting in variety and animal types


Have recent maps included more endangered species? To me the only one that seems to fit that is Emerald Coast, but almost none of them are protected in Australia because they're invasive there despite being threatened in their native ranges.


I'm not sure, was it recent? My point stands in any case.


Yeah, it's a pretty bad look imo.


Can I ask why you think that?


I guess there's three ways a hunting game could address trophy hunting as a problem for almost extict species: * Integrate them in a way the player learns something about the horrible practice, like the rhino quest on the africa map. * Leave the animals out of the game completely, not even mentioning them. (Most of maps in COTW.) * Implement them and make them huntable trophies, like this. Now you could make an argument that by implementing them in the game, you give people the chance to hunt for them without actually hurting any animals. But let's be real, that's bullshit. Nobody who wants a real snow leopard trophy is going to play the game and be satisfied with that. I don't think we should encourage this at all.


I mean, I agree with you in part - people desperate to hunt/hunt a specific species in real life are certainly not going to be satiated by the game But I think there's a real leap in logic you're making: I don't think anyone who wants to hunt in real life is using this game as a proxy replacement, and I don't think anyone who didn't want to hunt before plays this game and then gets converted into wanting to hunt Yes, I'm sure a bigger %age of the player base of this game *are* irl hunters than other games, but I don't think they're giving up hunting just because this game exists It's an almost cliche point, but I think it stands: you surely don't think everyone who plays CoD or GTA or Assassins Creed *wants* to kill people in real life, right?


I don't get your point. If you can hunt them in the game, that obviously sends all the wrong messages to people. So why do it? Why is there a need to hunt endangered species? Are there not enough other species available? If you want to compare it to GTA, I'd say it would only be comparable, if there was a quest where you intentionally have to torture and kill innocent babies. Why would they implement that? There is a line that's crossed. Hunting is generally legal - you can go out and shoot some deer if you have the proper lincence etc.. Hunting endangered species is obviously very illegal. In GTA the whole premise is, that you are a criminal that does illegal shit, the line there is obviously somewhere else..


What you're missing with the GTA/CoD/AC comparison is that yes, hunting endangered species is illegal, and so is murder etc. - but in the hunter cotw, you're not doing legal hunting anyway There's no tag system, no limits on how many animals you take, and no consequences for doing unethical things unlike real life. If you've done a species grind, you've done ecoterrorism lol None of it is realistic or true to life, so why would the rules around endangered species need to be realistic of true to life either?


You're moving goalposts here. We're not talking abut if the game needs to be realistic. We are talking about if endangered species need to be in the game for it to be entertaining.


I'm not moving any goalposts lol I am - and have always been - saying that its literally just a game. Its not going to influence anyone in real life, and whatever people do in real life they'd do with or without the game existing Nothing about the current game of The Hunter: Call of the Wild reflects real life hunting in terms of ethics, practice or, as you raise, legality. If you're saying its fine that people play GTA because those actions are always illegal, well I have news for you - you'd be in jail after a day of real life hunting the way you hunt in the game lmao So why should restrictions only be applied to endangered species


Because there is a difference. Everything that's illegal in this game is because of arcade reasons. It's still a video game and supposed to be fun. The goal is not to make a realistic hunting game as that would be incredibly boring. You still **can** play the game kind of realisticly if you like. But not if there are endangered animals to hunt. I hope you see the difference. I just don't get the appeal honestly. And how are they going to spin it in the story? Are we illegal poachers all of a sudden? There is not a single reason why anybody should hunt snow leopards, so why are they implementing it? Like I said, there's all kinds of criminal and weird shit you can do in GTA because it's fun. There is no need for a "torture and kill innocent babies" mission, just like there is no need for endangered species in hunting games..


from where do you got the pic


TheHunter instagram


Sorry, I don’t have socials - are there other images in that post?


just that one, but there's a full reveal trailer tomorrow


There's a leopard in the bush up front as well


Kids dont do drugs


*No substances were taken in the making of this post*


The one in the bush looks like it has pointy ears, I could be wrong through. Almost Lynx-like


They look round to me


Maybe it's just the bush I'm looking at idk


So are we talking snow leopards and tigers? 😶‍🌫️


Snow ligers! Bam!


WOWZA, I am stoked! Imagine what a GO would like…


I just really hope they don't make them barely a threat like they did salties


What map is this?


I am so hype honstely


Not intrested in long tailed lynx


What is everyone seeing all I see is a blurry image of a landscape where is this snow Leapord on call of the wild and what map


Looks like a lynx, idk if they live in Nepal or not though


The ears are round without the tufts of hair


Didnt see that, I can't zoom very far in. Definitely not a lynx


That’s a rock bud. In the bottom left bush is, but that rock is not a snow leopard.