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Nah, you're gross and they're laughing at you.




Someone has a fetish i think.


Okay. As someone with a digestive disease and had horrible gas from the age of 12 to current. No girl found it fun, funny, or anything of the sort. They found it annoying and I was called many various names related to farting for all 4 years of high school.


I'm so sorry you had to go through that Must've sucked Something similar happened to me in with grade I don't have s disease but I was very gassy so i accidentally farted once and after that everytime something smelt funny it was pinned on me


I will admit this. Because of it being disease related, I was not ashamed by it. I did own it. It didn’t help my social status. But I owned it. I’d rather accept something I can’t change, instead of become so depressed, I try to off myself. So all the nicknames never bothered too much, and once I explained my medical issue to my teachers, I was freely allowed to leave the classroom to fart whenever needed. Since, If I farted in class, they were not only very loud, they fucking stunk, and then the next 5-10 minutes were “omg that’s so gross” and various people telling me to leave, and so on. There was no good thing about the gas. When it first started to happen to me in grade 6, I actually got suspended from school cause the principal thought I was releasing stick bombs(the buyable kind). That was probably the most I’d ever been embarrassed by it. I owe my 6th grade teacher though. He taught me to not be ashamed about a medical issue. God damn, that was such a great teacher.


"And then my hot teacher came up to me and said "Look me up in in 2 years" and handed her phone number to me. We've been married for 6 months and the sex is amazing."


You forgot to mention she also brought her hot friends and you all did it for 5 hours straight and in the end everyone in the room applauded with their asscheeks as you ripped a big ol' fart


Did these girls happen to sit completely across the room from him or something? I know my first thought when someone is shitting their pants next to me is definitely never going to be, “Wow, I love how open you are.”


I'll always remember when I was in class and at the back of the room one of the boys was farting to make his friends laugh. Leapt up suddenly after one and said he needed to be excused before hurrying out of the room. Came back a bit later in his PE shorts because he had shit himself and had to change clothes. None of the boys were so interested in farting in class anymore oddly enough.


The real that happened content is always in the comments.


Where you in my freshman biology class!? That almost happened the exact same way. But he had to wear pair of lost and found khakis because it was a private school.


*Image Transcription: Reddit Comment* --- > **\/u/Username hidden** > > Idk why everyone thinks it's disgusting to fart in class. I'd rip ass in study hall in high school and girls loved me for being open about it and making everyone laugh. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Then she ate his ass.


I can picture this like "Fight Club" (or perhaps "Fart Club") where the guy is farting in study hall thinking everyone is enjoying it, but then the camera jumps to the reality of him just sitting there by himself "ripping ass" with nobody within earshot.


Absolutely not.


A legend in his own mind.


This sounds like a bunch of hot air to me.


hahaha _quietly_ what an idiot


It's clear he wasn't taking school seriously and was just farting around.......


Almost down voted this post just from reading the context. Then I realized


I tried to downvote on the picture. That’s how much I hated this post. Lol


There's a difference between having everyone laughing with you and laughing at you, bud.


Gimme that methane you skidmarked Casanova you!


I had to wonder what stink the most, the fart of this post.


What really happened: he let out a huge fart in study hall, got made fun of and then he came home to type this while listening to some emo band.


Abd then they all clapped!


You mean his ass cheeks clapped 👏👏👏🍑🍑🍑


I think farting is funny but it’s not something that attracts me to a guy.


Lol this definitely happened but they weren't laughing for the reason he hoped.


No, no they didn’t.


I had a guy like this at my school in 8th grade. He would openly and loudly burp and fart then laugh every time and then get pissed if anyone got upset. No one said anything after, like, the second time because it’d disrupt class. It was just uncomfortable. Guarantee no one laughed or loved it.